Share And Enjoy (sae)

first/last release: 2000/08 - 2001/03
years active: 2000 (5), 2001 (4)
(sub)packs released: 9
smallest/largest pack: sae-1bl/sae-007
lifetime artworks: 272
lifetime lines: 20 422

average # of lines per artwork: 169
average # of artworks per pack: 30
longest serving member(s): sae (2000/08-2001/03), orcus (2000/08-2001/03), eboy (2000/08-2001/03), m0dium (2000/08-2001/03)
most productive member: eboy (79)
extensions: DIZ (8), NFO (31), JPG (28), GIF (2), ANS (55), ASC (124), TXT (2), TTE (2), APP (3), ZIP (1)



Aug 2000 - sae-1a

entries: 33
contributors: f0st, icebox, orcus, protect, rav3n, s-two, sae, the saint, zaca

memberlist infofile

Aug 2000 - sae-1al

entries: 25
contributors: dalton, datachild, eboy, m0dium, sae, xzip


Sep 2000 - sae-1bl

entries: 19
contributors: eboy, m0dium, sae, tripone, trippah, xzip

Oct 2000 - sae-1cl

entries: 29
contributors: eboy, ellus, m0dium, mrks, sae, xmx

memberlist infofile

Nov 2000 - sae-2al

entries: 19
contributors: eboy, ellus, m0dium, sae



Jan 2001 - sae005

entries: 35
contributors: cd_, eboy, m0dium, sae


Mar 2001 - sae-006

entries: 30
contributors: cd_, eboy, flimbo, m0dium, orcus, sae


Mar 2001 - sae-007

entries: 50
contributors: cd_, eboy, flimbo, m0dium, noth1ng, sae, tross, wkz

Mar 2001 - sae-008

entries: 32
contributors: cd_, doblon, eboy, flimbo, leandro, m0dium, noth1ng, sae, tross