Teklordz (teklordz)

first/last release: 1994/07 - 1997/01
years active: 1994 (3), 1995 (19), 1996 (9), 1997 (1)
(sub)packs released: 32
smallest/largest pack: tl199407/tl199503
lifetime artworks: 1223
lifetime lines: 40 207

average # of lines per artwork: 44
average # of artworks per pack: 38
longest serving member(s): ts (1994/07-1997/01)
most productive member: ts (211)
extensions: ANS (528), EXE (12), ZIP (17), TFL (1), DIZ (2), ASC (66), MEM (1), GIF (50), S3M (12), RIP (31), LGO (2), LIT (69), MOD (1), JPG (58), BAK (1), 0 (3), TXT (1), XB (1), IT (1)


notable art

TS-ST.ANS (ts)
TS-USA!.ANS (ts)
TS-BX.ANS (ts)
SR-DEVO.ANS (shroom)
YTH-CDI!.ANS (youthanasia)
CN-VIT.ANS (caine)

most productive

ts (211)
smooth (127)
extreme (72)
tyme (64)
tosh10 (61)
amp (44)
slave (30)
knight time (30)
o-tron (27)
cidica (26)


Jul 1994 - tl199407

entries: 8
contributors: hoax, smooth, ts

Sep 1994 - tl199409

entries: 11
contributors: hoax, jade creed, smooth, ts

memberlist infofile

Nov 1994 - tl199411

entries: 16
contributors: jade creed, smooth, ts

memberlist infofile


Jan 1995 - tl-0195

entries: 15
contributors: smooth, ts


Jan 1995 - tl199501

entries: 18
contributors: smooth, ts


Feb 1995 - tl-0295

entries: 29
contributors: amp, celestian, dimer, guide, kxmode, qyv, smooth, teklordz, ts


Feb 1995 - tl199502

entries: 28
contributors: amp, celestian, dimer, guide, halaster, kxmode, qyv, smooth, teklordz, ts


Jul 1995 - tl-0795

entries: 36
contributors: amp, anselmo, cidica, ill communikation, obsidian, rimgale, smooth, tosh10, ts

Jul 1995 - tl199507

entries: 37
contributors: amp, anselmo, cidica, ill communikation, obsidian, rimgale, smooth, tosh10, ts


Aug 1995 - tl-0895

entries: 22
contributors: caine, extreme, knight time, mojo, seize, tosh10, ts


Aug 1995 - tl199508

entries: 26
contributors: caine, extreme, knight time, mojo, seize, smooth, tosh10, ts


Sep 1995 - tl-0995

entries: 26
contributors: caine, defective mind, mojo, o-tron, seize, shroom, ts, youthanasia


Oct 1995 - exiniq01

entries: 14
contributors: extreme


Nov 1995 - tl-1195

entries: 17
contributors: extreme, mojo, o-tron, smooth, ts

memberlist infofile

Nov 1995 - tl199511

entries: 17
contributors: extreme, mojo, o-tron, smooth, ts

memberlist infofile


Mar 1996 - tl199603

entries: 51
contributors: amnesia, extreme, hex, hoax, hydrocephalus, lysene, magnetic m, o-tron, phazeone, shadow image, smooth, ts

Apr 1996 - tl199604

entries: 24
contributors: amnesia, anselmo, extreme, hex, lightning hacker, o-tron, smooth, stone the crow, tosh10, ts

Aug 1996 - tl199608

entries: 30
contributors: extreme, holocaust, phazeone, sneakers, tempo, ts

memberlist infofile

Nov 1996 - tl199611

entries: 18
contributors: exodus, marko, scope, sneakers, tempo, todd masui, ts

memberlist infofile


Jan 1997 - tl1997_1

entries: 34
contributors: extreme, flux, groove, kyosuke, made, mordecai, scope, sneakers, tempo, the extremist, todd masui, ts