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Hungarian ASCII Compo 16.End --------------- ------| 1.Editorial |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- So here comes new issue, really poor than previous issues, but it's all your fault!!! So then, support Psychic maybe you like him more than me, anyway i did this release, little delayed but who cares:), i hope you enjoy this newsletter!!! Ah! Psychic comes back with the next issue, and probably you won't ever see me again here:P wet kissess to all my friends! Szum/Cryogen -------------- ------| 2.Demonews |----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Szum: Cryogen: We are still looking for 3d object makers (3DSR4 or MAX) Cooming very soon Sayonara 64kb intro, and so stuffz.. Johnko took 5th place at Demobit'98 with his tune Princess of Persia. Dragon: Aborygen left scene. Kenji takeovered the group, and it seems that Dragon#5 will be released in two months, i'm very happy of that :) Demojournal bug: Bartesek haven't done the longest module, cause Basehead done 27 minutes module!!! But it seems that Bartesek done the longest Polish module;P -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Adok^Hugi TUHBzine #5 (English/Dutch diskmag) was released on November 22nd, 1998. Get it from http://www.tuhb.org. MELCOM left all his groups in order to work with Typhoon Software. He will be back to the scene as a solo artist. Melcom released the tune "Hell to Hell" written for the game Hell to Hell (c) 1998 Team X. He is working on The Dark Trooper Online-Book, which will be released in March '99 together with the Dark Trooper Symphony 4 soundtrack. In March '99 he will start another project with four people from the USA. They want to make music for games. On Sunday, November 22nd, he was interviewed by the German games-magazine Power Play. You will find the interview on the Power Play website (http://www.powerplay.de) in the next weeks. His homepage is located at http://www.melcom.cjb.net (new URL!). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Muzs: Szum is taking over Demojournal, and he is certainly the lamer;), that's why this issue is lack of english faults, has less of bytes, and so ... Pamela Anderson is in pragmat! Psychic were kicked by Symphony from Demojournal editoring. Brothom States changed name to Setats Mohtorb. Atom has exploded! After Jurassic Park Spielberg is going to make film called The X Park. that's all;) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- From Aries/Black Rainbow: n e w s group: Castrum Doloris - a new group founded by Leaderc and Morhith for madness. It called Castrum Doloris. Current members are: Morhith (music), Leaderc (music), Aries (ansi+swap), The Doominator (trace+code), Pe3 (trace) and Gullotine (trace). We are looking for gifted graphician and coder! You can write us: cmds@abacus.scene-hu.com [aries of black rainbow+castrum doloris] group: none - y0 dude! My very best pal Thomas Jutasi (Dj Jutasi) made his own Label in the Dance scene, calls LevelUp Records. This Label is want to support young and gifted Hungarian artists. In this Record company im the marketing manager. With this object i think take aim at you with this. Unfortunately not all artfrorm are supported, coz the main facade is the artforms of techno (from Acid Jazz to Trance). Seek the site: www.leveluprecords.com for more information, or write a mail to james@datanet.hu. [james baud, added to adverts by aries/br^cmds] group: black rainbow - a new Black Rainbow demo forthcoming under the name e- (Electron). It will be a 3D feeling stuff. [aries/br^cmds] - Parrot/Black Rainbow is coding a 4K intro. It will contain fractal terrain, bilinear filtering and so on. [aries/br^cmds] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ByteWay ByteWay borntro is done! ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/byteway/borntro.rar And also : - Alpha's ascii collection called 'Rubbish' - New Hyde's multichannel modules : "Feel like flying" "Neuromania" "Star odyssey" "Drug superhighway" "Rising from the deep" "N.R.G." "Deep ocean" "End of summer" Don't miss these productions! Current memberstatus : Alpha ascii-maker, coder Arson musician (*new*) Azure 2d graphician Banshik coder, graphician Behemot main-organizer, net-swapper Doctor_Q mail-swapper Fugaz coder, musician Hyde musician Khamoon coder (*new*) Mash coder Nytrik 2d graphician (*new*) Rastan coder, designer Tremens raytracer Upcoming productions : - Multichannel module called 'Mystic Ganja' composed by Arson - Photo report from Rush Hours'98 (code-Fugaz; gfx-Azure; photos-Behemot; msx-Falcon/PLS,Decibel/Stones) - Fugaz's music disk (code-Fugaz; gfx-Azure; msx-Fugaz) - Intro 64 kB (Astrosyn'99) (code-Mash & Khamoon, gfx-Azure & Nytrik, msx-Hyde, ascii/ansii-Alpha) - Intro 4 kB (Astrosyn'99) (code-Alpha) - Intro 4 kB (Astrosyn'99) (code-Mash) - Picture drew by Azure (Astrosyn'99) - Picture drew by Nytrik (Astrosyn'99) - Trace rendered by Tremens (Astrosyn'99) - Multichannel module composed by Hyde (Astrosyn'99) - Multichannel module composed by Arson (Astrosyn'99) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Misha: TotalDisaster #Black was moved from: ftp.scene.org/incoming to: ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/td/ files: td_black.arj & td_black.a01 - enjoy! ------------------------- ------| 3.Thought of the week |------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- "God is your DJ" Faithless --------------- ------| 4.Party on! |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Starts: Ends: Country: Name: Contact: Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten '98 http://kg.portveien.to/ Nov 20 - Nov 22, 1998 Slovakia Demobit '98 http://demobit.sk (X) <-- You are here! Dec 1998 Israel Movement '98 Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Poland Freeside'98 http://freeside.dr.pl Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Mar 1999 Italy Trip 99 www.nigma.it/trip99 Mar 1999 Poland Astrosyn'99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest'99 --------------------------- ------| 5.Interview of the week |---------------------------------------------- --------------------------- It is not a tradition to put in here TWO interviews, so here comes only one:) Oooppszs! Sorry i have no time to correct this interview, sorry Garfield, sorry guys!!! Anyway polish english;) suxx, and i'm sure you know that!;) Yesterday was a little libation, so i even don't remember how do i look, who am i, and what am i doing in here(?). Big excuses! 1. Howdy Garfield! Please introduce yourself to the giant Demo Journal auditory! - YoP! It's great honour to me, to write sumthin for a giant Demo Journal auditory! My name is Marcin Antas aka Garfield/Pengo^IPC. Young male from one of Poland's small cites, i live^learn here, of course i'm male involved in scene. I work with ansi drawing and textwriteing for pleasure, swapp and maineditoring as hardwork. Well.. i have to less talent or skills to do sumthing really impressive like drawing pictures, or coding - so i'm just trying to be as active as i can. 2. So you are Measure main editor, how are you hanging all this mess around the mag, is this a hard work, or Atom and so kewl guys helps you very much? - no... frankly speaking it's not a work - i just write texts - coder and my friends do the rest. I just have to urge them via e-mail. So if anyone would like to be popular! Found Your own diskmag - it's the easiest way... no work - great results. 3. Once a time i heard you gonna try massive swapping, is this still possible to swap with hundreds of guys around the whole world, or not? What has happened after you released that mega massive Garflied's advertisement? :) Have you got much sendings or not, and are you still swapping with all these guys? - Well.. as You mentioned - i just wanted to try it. When i was starting my scene live, i get contact with Cortez/Omc - then he was very popular person, and when we exchange few letters i realize that You just need time^money and in half a year You can be on the top of world swapper charts. It was about 2, 2,5 year ago - and i didn't wanted to be involved in snail swapp. Now the situation is definitely different - the snail swapp (like about 2 years ago) doesn't exist anymore. Simply those houndreds of guys around the world disappeared - there are only few in poland and maybe in countries from "east-block"... and i write my announcement-advertisement (that i'm a massive swapper, and i'm looking for new contacts) to let the snail swapping to live few months longer. I know - snail is nothing when we consider great power of internet, and all disadventages of snail, but i just love those white envelopes, stapms, disks, and so on. I Decided that while i'm still on the scene - snail mail should be also "on board" with me ;). I know that i'm 2 years dealayed with idea of mass swapping but... Ah... You asked about sendings - i get only few snails - and of course i'm still swapping with everyone who wrote to me. 4. You are one of the best ansii makers in Poland, tell us something about ansimaking. I always thought that making ansi, or ascii is like making a demo, or good picture, but in some other, more simple, but sometimes really wonderfull way. What can you say about design in ansiiart? btw. what can you say about title logo of Demo Journal, was this a hard work to do this piece of art? - I don't fell authorized to answet this question - ansi for me is just a hobby - You should ask someone who is really deeply involved in world art scene - i'm just watching and admireing those what others make. Something bout ansimakeing? It's great relaxation, it's great fun - but mostly results of my work don't satisfy my... mayby those my ansis aren't so bad, but when i estimate it with works from e.g members of Black Maiden (German ansi group) or other artscene elite i just want to cry.. or comit to suicide ;). Ahhh. it's definately not like making a demo rather like picture... or mayby i just dont fell it this way? As i mention above i don't want to say anything about it - just try to get any work from ICE or ACiD or other old elite crew - You'll find them design, art and so on... Logo of Demo Journal for me is piece of shit, bout five minuts of work, but Psychic Symphony liked it, so... ;) 5. What is going on with Measure design? Once it is coded like a normal magazine with panels etc., once textonly, and the last issue was coded in ansi. How will look another issue? And why do you change Measure desing so rarely? - About a year ago i have a dream to make a diskmag to whole scene, with great amount of english articles and so on, and so on (every editor dream bout it ;)) then situation was very clear - only Restless was realaseing, then - so i could try to do it... i find coder, i find gfx and music artists and alltogether we realeased #4th issue of measure... it was a hard work, and the most difficult was to find any english text or writers... time flows, sitution changes, Hugi was released, i was to lazy to compeet with others, so i resign from conquereing the world scene... i concentrate on polishscene, and on makeing just a polish magazine for polish sceners. Reaction of them (i mean readers - polish sceners) was very nice - they like measure, and this mobilize me for further work. Issue #4 and #5 was in code coz friends help me and i get enought pictures/panels/modules to realize it in this way... now as i mentioned i'm too lazy and imploreing for picture (and waiting for this work till last moment) it's to nervousto me, so i decided to make panels by myself (in ansi) and i find nice coder which i like to cooperate... and this (ansi outlook) measure is the last and constan version for today. 6. What can you say about Diskmag scene? Do you know such projects as TEN, and so? Probably you read my article about magazines in Demo Journal#14, any reactions? - I can say nothing... is this now any special Diskmag scene? Well.. i'm under impression of Hugi diskmagazine, i also like Cream, Dragon, MAK, Hope, im very impatiently wait for new Fleur and Shine - that's all - as everybody i like reading good diskmags. TEN project? Nope i didn't heard bout it... i heard about great World Charts - is it the same? Well the idea of world charts build up from the best world magazines nowadays (Hugi, Imphobia, Total Disaster, and so on) looks very interesting, and i must admit that i have already fill the votescheet for it. Yes, yes, i read Your article, and i'm supprised so high measure note. Szum lied to You ;) - now the parts between next issues of measure is about 3-4 months, and the charts aren't so fresh, but... thanks for so "high" note. I must also admit that we have here sum other diskmags like Pijama (new'n'poor but mayby it'll achive something in future) and Impure - music oriented diskmag - very nice release. Well.. when we talk bout diskmags - few weeks ago i thought about makeing polish "Demo Journal", polish newsletter, but i decided to stay with measure... althought mayby someone will realize my idea? 7. What can you say about Garfield, the tittle cat from lovely cartoon called exactly "Garfield" ?:) Were you inspirated by this cartoon while you were choosing your nickname? - I was choosing my nickname more than 3 years ago, and then only one of my friend know what garfield really is! - He has got sattelite TV and watch Garfield every day, he likes this cartoon, so he said - "be a Garfield!" and i agreed. Few months ago - when polish TV started to show this cartoon i realized how i really look like, and how handsom i really am. I watch the cartoon and i realized also how similar i'am to this little rusty cat. 8. For the end say something stupid to your auditory!:) I always wanted to have sex with Bill Gates, and You? Anyway - do You realized polish scene world domination? Szum take over the Demo Journal, then DJ change profil... articles about polish diskmags appeared, inteviews with polish lamers appeared, watch out for Szum's next step ;).. Nah... fell free to write: garfield@friko.onet.pl 9. Thanx for an interview! - no prob. ---------------------- ------| 6.Demo of the week |--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Dear Editors! I hope u will not review old demos (and cut'n'paste the infofiles in :)) in the future again! Or i'll review 2nd Reality, no one knows it. :) I think this mag should write about new masterpieces. Now i'll review the second placed demo from Dialogos '98: "Grillfest" by Kolor. Raytraza and Noize done their job again, the demo isn't a big deal, but i enjoy it. The stuff brings nothing new in effects, but the design and the feeling rocks! The colors are nice and shocking, and this "oversmoothing" bluring is good too. For a two men fast work is this one amazing. And at least it is working on my old rusty p100 with 16Mb ram... You can download it from demo.dyn.ml.org's NEW directory. And my dear Trajic, (funki, frakk whatever) i know that my english suck, don't mention this every time when we meet on IRC. Why don't YOU write if i suck? d-lee/exceed [editio: of course i wont ever do that:] ----------------------- ------| 7.Intro of the week |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ByteWay Borntro. Hmm. What the hell is this ? Releasing of borntros has been popular since the beginning of the scene. Everybody wants to show off how good his group is. And it is usually the first group production, but this time it's otherwise... The history of our group is a little strange. First of all group was called ByteLanD, and it existed on the polish scene since 1994. We had had a little argue inside this group, before we decided to form a new one. Some of its members were such inactive that I have no words to express it. One time, I sent an e-mail to all ByteLanDs' members and that was beginning of the war. Fugaz (who was the main-organizer in that time) decided to dissolve our group. But I can't live without group (probably as all, a man is a society being) so I had to form a new one. In the meantime I persuded Doctor_Q and Mash into joining a new group. Doctor_Q made up its name and from that time it's called ByteWay. Later some of the old members of ByteLanD joined ByteWay. But enough history, it's too boring, isn't it ? ;) Now, why am I busying place in the 'intro of the week' corner ? Ehhm, I've invented that the borntro is a kind of intro so I decided to describe it. Of course, I could wait and see if someone else write the similar article, but it could take a lot of time, if take place at all... Borntro was done by six persons, truly by nine... And here they are : code : Mash gfx : Azure,Banshik msx : Lsd/Hpz idea : Behemot design : Doctor_Q some additional art-work : Tremens, Tomkeen, Garfield What does it include ? When you enter it, you see some strange inscriptions in Polish (don't even try to understand it if you aren't Polish dude, 'coz they were imagined by Doctor_Q ;) Then your sound card will be automatically properly set depends to your sound card. If you want to set it manually you should execute borntro.exe with -s option. Simply...If all come off there will be shown a picture drawn by Tomkeen. Once upon a time I wrote a letter to him and asked for some gfx for ByteWay. He had made one picture and we used it as you see. You're wonder what this stupid credits for idea and design mean ? Truly, I don't know myself ;) Then the picture is eaten by some little worms ;) It looks like strange blur. To stress the changing of group's name there are two logos of ByteLanD and ByteWay. In the background some nice water effect is being made. ByteLanD - all is greenish, a short flesh and you see the world in reddish colors with ByteWay name. That's the idea and design, hehe ;) Worth laughing... There were also used many kinds of tunnels, but I feel I'm not an expert in this matter [if am I in any other matter? It's another problem ;) ] Anyway, if I'm not competent person I won't write about it. The music. You can hear some nice msx composed by Lsd/Hypnotize. I'm not keen on this style of music, but anyway some dudes enjoy it very much (for example Mash). At the end I would like to greet some guys. At first Mash, who made a really good job, Banshik for the fonts (superb!) and Garfield for his nice ansii. For everybody who had something to do with borntro BIG THANX! You have NOT let me down. Behemot/ByteWay [editio: quite a bunch of text... shouldn't Behemot abuse this corner?;] --------------------- ------| 8.MOD of the week |---------------------------------------------------- --------------------- azlak.xm / milk0026.zip file taken from http://milk.sgic.fi "azlak" by illusion/Ex-Doomsday^DCS "You are so cool." - this is a nice woman's voice in this music, and i think this too: This song is really cool. Btw. this is a guest release, u can read the interview with illusion in Fleur#2. But back to the track, i like the effect samples in it, the main break beat, everything - you can really relax if you play this one. Hmmmm, if this is the Milky Way, i'll download all Milk releases. d-lee/exceed ----------------------- ------| 9.Commercial break! |-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- .sssssss .ssssssssssssssss. s$$$$$$$$ .ssssssssssssssssss. .$$$$------------$ $$$$$$ --- --- --------- $. $$$$/ ____/ _/_ $$$$$$$ _/ / / _/_/ _ _/$$$ $$$/ __--'$ |$$$$$$$| /_/ ._\ \$$$$ $$/__/$$$$$/_____/ $$$$$ |_____________|$$\___|$$$ `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ý$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' `$$$$' `ýýýýýýý `$áïç' Fleur - da new flower of international diskmagscene is waiting for your support!!! english articles are really needed!!! contact: ezah@scene-hu.com, szum@amber.bti.pl haven't you seen Fleur#1 yet? check it out: ftp://d-eyes.jpte.hu/pub/scene/diskmags/fleur/fleur#1.zip ÜÜÜ ßß ßß ßßßßÛ ÜÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÛßß ßÛÛÜ Ü ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛß ÛÛÛß þ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÜÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ Ü ßß ÛÛÛÝ ßß ß ÛÛÛ ßßßßÛ ÞÛÛÝß ßÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÜÛÝ Û ÛÛÛÝþ ÞÛÛ Ü ßÛß ß ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÝ ßÜÜÜßßßÞÜÜ ß ÜÛÜ °°° °ÜÜßßßÜ Û²²ÝÛ²ÛÝ° Û²²Ý° ²²ÛÝÞ²²Û ° °° ÞÛ²Û °° Ü²Ü Û²²ßßþÞ²²Ý °°° ÛÛÝ Ü þÞÛÛÛÞÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÝþßßßÛÜÜßÛÛÜ ÜÞÛÛÝÞÛÛÝ ßÛß ÛÛÛ Û ÞÛÛÛ ßßÛ ßßÛ ßßÛÞÛÛ Ü ÞÛÛÝßßßßß ßÛßÞÛÛÝ Û ÛÛÛ ßß ÞÛÛÛ Û ^grf ÛÛÛ Ü ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßßß ßß ßßß ß ßÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÝ ÜÜÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßßß ßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛß ÞÛÛÝ ftp://amber.bti.pl ßßß Ûßß DeMoSùInTrOsùMaGsùMuSicùGrApHiCsùPaRtIeS StUffùDiStRoSùAnd OtHeRz.. ùNo PoRnOùNo illeGAl WaReZùNo GaMezùNo UnkNowN LogiNzùNo CraP UploaDzù úúúùùùùSite Admin Radi/InterroR radi@irc.plùùùúúú ÄØÄ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÜÜÜÜ À¿ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ ³ Û ßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛ Û Û²ÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ßßßß Û ßßßß Û ÛÛÛÛ ³ Ä Û ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Û ßßßßßß ß ßßßßßßÛ Û ÄÄ ÛÛ²Û Û ßßßßßÜ Û ßßßßßßß Û ÄÄ ÛÛÛÛ ÄÙ ³ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ßÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛ²Û ³ À¿ ß ÛÜÛ²Ûß ßÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÜ ÛÛ²Û ßÜ ÛÛÛÛ ³ ÀÄ¿ sK!/cAZ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄÙ we are always looking for our destiny, if you think that you are good enough to join cryogen, then mail us! da onanizator of cryogen crew - szum/cryogen reach me at: szum@amber.bti.pl or szum@kki.net.pl also: jerzy szumski, na ost. groszu 106/25, 54-207 wroclaw, poland we are looking for good object makers in 3ds r4, interested? contact us!!! $S@g·, g@S$$$ $$$$$$+-ù ú. `@g, .ú- -+g@ ½üýø^_ +-Ä- - $$$$$$-- -Ä-$b,`$-- --- y '-- Ä- -$$ g@S$$$-Ä- ---+ «¬¬«¬ $$$$$$ ¬¬«« $$l $ ¬¬«¬« $ «¬«¬¬«¬ $$ $$$$$$ «¬«¬¬« ¬¬«¬« $$$$$$ ¬«¬¬ $$$ l «¬«¬« $ ¬«¬¬«¬« $$ $(dt)$ ¬«¬¬«¬ +-- Ä -l$$ü$$-Ä-- -$$$ $Ä- --- $`+,._ _,$l $$$$$$-- Ä- -+ $$$y$$ Sü',$ ü $$,øý½SQ$ ½üýø^~ ,g@$$ ,g@S@, $$$l dentoe/sdi `ýÓ*S,_ _`*S$$b._ ,SSü' HUGI #13 wants YOUR articles! Support this great zine and contact Adok at: hugi@netway.at For more information, check out http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Estimated RELEASEDATE of HUGI #13: November or December 1998 The exact releasedate depends on how many articles we will get within a short time, so if you want Hugi to come out soon, you know what to do! ° ÜÜÜܲÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ° ° ܲÛÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßß²ÛÛ² ° ÞÛÛß ßÛÛ ÜܲÛÛÛÜ ²ÛÝÞÛ² ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ For pure demoswapping ²ÛÜ ° ²Ûß ßÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ ÛÛÝ ²Û ²ßßÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛ²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛ²ß ²ÛÝ °ÞÛÛ ÞÛÝ Û ÞÛÝ For joining Cryogen ßßßßßßß²ÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛß ÜÜÛßÞÛÛ ÜÜÛÛÝ ÛÛ Û² ° ° ßÛÛ² ßÛÛÛ²ßß ßÛÛÛ²ßß ÞÛÝ°ÞÛÝ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÞÛÛÝÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ Ü For Fleur da beauty ÜÛÛßß [alpha] ²ÛÝ flower of international ÞÛÛÝ ° ÛÛÛ ° Szum/Cryogen diskmags support. ²ÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛß Jerzy Szumski ßÛÛÛÛÛÜÜܲÛÛÛÛ²ß Na Ostatnim Groszu 106/25 Write to me. ° ßß²ÛÛÛÛÛßß ° 54-207 Wroclaw ° email: szum@amber.bti.pl PþOþLþAþNþD ( always good for ..... ) a laugh!! _ : o_o : ( n_______n (_| = / ___ \ = = ---- |________ }_____ ( (_u_) ) ((O) \\. / \_______/ \ =(_O) | / \ sT(_O)|___ [ P A i N ] . da swiss diskmag is looking for your articles ! . send everything to : pain@space.ch . check it out on the www ! . http://www.space.ch/scene/pain ÜÜÄÜÜ ÜÄÄÜÜ ÜÄÄ¿ÜÜ ÜÄÄ¿ÜÜ Ü ÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Tommy/Cryogen ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ Tomasz Czurak ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ³ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ul.Saturna 28a ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ßßÄÛÛ 15-680 Bialystok ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛ dg ÛÛ Poland ßß ßßÄßß ßß ßß ßß ßß ßßÄßß The new issue of Wrotki is coming up. Great . New . Fresh . Oryginally With . New . Ideas W.R.O.T.K.I #7 Be sure you have filled the voting form. It's the last chance in this magazine. And don't hesitate to contact us and send any kind of support. The new issue will be released as soon as you send enough quanity of text. The main editors: Behemot/BTW, Doctor_Q/BTW ---------------- ------| 10.Homepages |--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byteway...............ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/byteway/ Byterapers....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org/ DC-1.....................................demo.dyn.ml.org/scene Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed HP..................................http://www.klte.hu/~hamzap Hugi.......................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom/ Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mono211..............................http://www.scene.org/mono Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Quad.....................................http://www.quad98.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Szoke........................http://kempelen.iit.bme.hu/~szoke The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org ------------------------ ------| 11.Quote of the week |------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ "Life is cool, even if e-mail suxx!" Garfield/Pengo^IPC ------------- ------| 12.Charts |------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Please vote on reply to the mailing list newsletter release! Just send back something like pulse/shad/paper/unreal/falcon/made. Group: Pulse.................................. (23) = CNCD................................... (8) = Exceed................................. (6) U Doomsday............................... (6) U Purple................................. (4) D Blasphemy.............................. (3) = The Black Lotus........................ (3) = Orange................................. (2) = Fudge.................................. (2) = Hellcore............................... (2) = Komplex................................ (2) U Halcyon................................ (1) D Quad................................... (1) = ACME................................... (1) = Exmortis............................... (1) = Norferin............................... (1) = Rhyme.................................. (1) = Cryogen................................ (1) N Bomb................................... (1) N Demo: Shad....................Cocoon^Syndrome (7) = 73ms..............................Pulse (7) U The Fulcrum......................Matrix (7) U Dis.............................Mandula (6) = Rip Rap..........................Exceed (5) D Off............................Doomsday (4) U Hyperventilation.............Byterapers (3) D Tribes............................Pulse (3) D 303................................ACME (2) D Automaton Flavour..............Hellcore (2) D Louis Lane....................Blasphemy (2) D Rebel? (as perceived)...........Komplex (2) U Sexadelic....................Byterapers (1) D Stigma.........................Doomsday (1) D Boost: vivid part 2............Doomsday (1) D Second Reality..............Future Crew (1) D Stars: Wonders of the world.......NoooN (1) D Sunflower.........................Pulse (1) D Tour..............................Pulse (1) D Captured Dreams........................ (1) D Unclean........................Exmortis (1) D Caero.........................EMF^Plant (1) D Killer................................. (1) D Rain................................... (1) D Electronics....................Doomsday (1) N Kosut Dijas Paraszt................Firg (1) N Mirror Children........................ (1) N Inside................................. (1) N Intro: Paper........................statix+vic (15) = Mesha.............................Rhyme (10) U Pager 11..........................Fudge (6) D Stash...................The Black Lotus (5) D Clone meets clone..................ACME (5) U Birdcage.........................Jamm R (5) U Deesbab..........................Orange (4) D Kill the clone....................Fudge (3) U Sin(x)...........................Dawn 3 (2) D Huge Crowd.......................Orange (2) D Front Page......................Suspend (2) U Sink..............................Pulse (2) U Spark...........................Cryogen (2) U transmogrification II.............Blocc (1) D 24/7........................Pulse^Sonik (1) D Daze................................... (1) D Code: Unreal.............................CNCD (14) = Statix.........................Lionhead (9) U Virne..............................COMA (8) U Rod.............................Mandula (7) U Mr.Sex.......................Byterapers (6) D Mrock..........................Hellcore (5) D Echo..............................Fudge (4) D Picard............................Rhyme (4) D Barti.............................NoooN (3) D Plash.....................Nothing^Azure (2) D Buckshag...................Superstition (1) D Dune.............................Orange (1) D Hellfire........................Haujobb (1) D Galvados.........................Orange (1) D Nix.....................The Black Lotus (1) D Whizzter........................Woorlic (1) D Jace....................The Black Lotus (2) D Camel........................ (1) D Zsacul.........................Norferin (1) D MRI.................................... (1) N Mango.................................. (1) N Music: Falcon.......................Tokyo Dawn (14) = Dune (BrothomStates).............Orange (10) = Muffler.............................DCS (5) = Scorpik...........................Pulse (5) = Necros...................Five Musicians (4) U RevisQ............................Monar (3) D Shad..............................Pulse (3) D Groo...............................CNCD (3) D Mindwalker.....................Suburban (2) D Croaker...................TPOLM^Halcyon (2) D Steffo.........................Cryonics (2) D Smash...........................Nothing (2) D Radix............................Groove (2) U CareBear...............Orange & Komplex (1) D Stereoman.........................Noise (1) D Zodiak..........................Cascada (1) D Hunz.....................Five Musicians (1) D Vim!...............................Mono (1) D Echo..........................Diffusion (1) D Jam............................Korozone (1) D Yolk................................... (1) D Illusion............................... (1) N Manka.................................. (1) N Graphics: Vizualize..................Pulse^Jamm R (14) = Lazur........................ (13) U Made...............................Bomb (12) D Ra................................NoooN (9) D Louie...................The Black Lotus (4) D Sunday..........................Nothing (3) D Cereal........................Ooze labs (2) D Beast.........................Astroidea (2) D Hellfire........................Haujobb (2) D Kobold.........................Metaphor (2) D Jugi............................Komplex (2) U Rappid..........................Suspend (1) D Haplo.............................Pulse (1) D Danny.............................Eidos (1) D Destop................................. (1) D Acryl.................................. (1) D Iron Maze.............................. (1) N --------------- ------| 13.Messages |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Aries/BR Gratulalok hogy maris egy nagy, eredeti, altalad ki/feltalalt mondassal gaz- dagitottad a demojournal-t, miszerint a scene a baratsagrol szol. Mar akkor is lejart lemez volt mikor en elkezdtem, na de te csak nyugodtan talald fel meg parszor a spanyolviaszt. Remelem a Castrum Doloris is lesz ilyen eredeti. From: D-Lee/Exceed To: Trajic/Rhyme Elkuldom neked ellenorzesre az angol szovegeimet, akkor boldogga teszlek? :) From: Szum/Cryogen To: Behemot/Byteway Yo Abuser!:] Hmm, fortunately your adverts .. hmm there was something wrong with them, because i got something like "DC=DB=blablabla..." :), send them again as an attach to Psychic! from: Psychic Symphony to: all mail subscribe-demojournal@egroups.com now! or you wont get further issues!!! from: Psychic Symphony to: szum ai ai ai... u suck on design! check spaces and overall look! bah! who cares? its the content that matters! :) from: Psychic Symphony to: melwyn where u at? from: Psychic Symphony to: dlee is it snowing already? To: All From: Behemot/ByteWay Check it out : ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/byteway/ To: All From: Behemot/ByteWay If there is around any good 3d objects maker, please contact me as soon as possible. Get me at : behemot@priv.sos.com.pl, sometimes #pixel or #polishscene. To: Doctor_Q/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay Have you got my snail-mail letter ? I hope some new ideas about our demo were born in your mind. Make something up! To: Hyde/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay What about module for Hugi ? To: Fugaz/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay I hope we will be able to meet ourselves on 28th November 1998... Anyway, stop splitting hairs and let's start talking about something really important ;) To: Arson/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay Still want to be a ByteWay member ? Make up your mind ;) To: Azure/ByteWay^Dillema From: Behemot/ByteWay What about corrected gfx ? To: Banshik/ByteWay^Apatia From: Behemot/ByteWay as usually nothing... I smell a rat ;) hic niger est, hunc tu, Romane, caveto! To: Khamoon/ByteWay^Tube27 From: Behemot/ByteWay I've received your new 256b intro and I have to admit it's superb! (like all others). To: Mash/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay I've just recorded a cd for you ;) I wish you wouldn't have hdd crash any more... To: Nytrik/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay I'm looking forward to getting an answer from you. To: Tremens/ByteWay From: Behemot/ByteWay I'm wonder if you can read it... To: Psychic Symphony From: Behemot/ByteWay Why have you written that I had sent 100 kB to you if there had been only 9 kilos ? Never cheat me, guy... ;) From: Adok/Hugi To: D-Lee/Exceed Hugi #13 wird in 2-3 Wochen erscheinen. Es dauert nicht mehr lange! (And for all: Hugi #13 will be released in 2-3 weeks. Soon there will be an end to the long waiting!) ----------------- ------| 14.Demoscener |-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is supposed to be a list of all currently active demosceners! Warn if there is something wrong or missing! PLEASE! Don't hesitate for one second to send me listings of people who are active and not in here... This list is far from complete! Let's get one thing straight: I don't want to be told to go to some url and get all names!!! I want ppl to send me small listings of friends who aren't here. Got it? Good! Name: Country: What: Group: 216..............fi...........Code...............MFX Aap..............nl...........Gfx................ACME Abyss............fi..............................Future Crew Access...........be..............................Pulpe Acryl............de...........Gfx^Music..........Scoopex Action........................Code...............Virtual Visions Adok.............at...........Editor.............Hugi Adiktor..........de..............................Expulsion aGi..............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Alex.............fr...........Gfx................Melon Alpha............pl...........Ascii^Coder........ByteWay Andr0meda........be...........Code^Music.........Green Andromeda........sw...........Music..............Noice Angel............pl...........Gfx................Tatanka Antony...........fr...........Gfx................Pulse Apatia...........fi...........Gfx................COMA Aquafresh........uk...........Music..............Dolphin Aragorn..........it...........Code...............Chalice Archee...........hu...........Code...............Contract Aries............hu...........Swapper^Ascii......Black Rainbow^Castrum Doloris Arn..............hu...........Gfx................Area51 Aron.............hu...........Code...............Contract A'rpi............hu...........Code...............Astral^ESP team Arson............pl...........Music..............ByteWay^Cryogen^Anxiety Artjohn..........pl...........Music..............Cryogen Asphyx...........fr...........Gfx................Vision Assassin.........fi...........Swapper............Trauma Assign...........de...........Music..............Ethos9^Tokyo Dawn Astute...........fi...........Code...............Flo^Radio Atex.............hu...........Music..............CLS Atom.............pl...........Swapper............Platoon Atx..............hu...........Music..............Chrome^LabelZero Aurelius.........de...........Code...............Matrix Avalanche........nl...........Music..............Emotive^Trinity Azure............sl...........Gfx................Dilemma^ByteWay Axl..............sw...........Code...............TPOLM^DC5^TEA A-Move...........de...........Music..............Amable^Tokyo Dawn Bakedfred........fi...........Music..............Orange Baloo............sw...........Gfx................Blocc Balrog...........sw...........Music..............KFMF^TPOLM Banshik..........pl...........Code^Gfx...........Apatia^ByteWay Barbatron........sw...........Code...............Syntax Terror Barbecue.........dk...........Code...............Purple Barog............uk...........Music..............Nothing Bartesek.........pl...........Music.............. Bartol...........pl...........Code...............Enenezi Baste............ru...........Gfx................Exceed Baxter...........be...........Editor^Code^Music..Green Beast............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Beatmaster.......hu...........Music..............CLS Behemot..........pl...........Organizer..........ByteWay Bejrutt..........sw...........Gfx^Music..........Syntax Terror Belfegor.........hu...........Music^Swapper......Profuse Big Bear.........ch...........Music..............Fake That Bigyo............pl...........Music..............Tatanka Binar............pl...........Swapper^Ascii......Korozone^Chloride^VP Bitcoder.........pt...........Code...............Radioactive Design Bivanbi..........hu...........Web................ABC Blade............sp..............................The Utopians^Los Centoros Bonnie...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Borlot...........pl...........Code...............Majorca Team Brainpower.......pt...........Code...............Dawn 3 Brainsaw.........nl..............................SuccesS Brix.............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Byter............dn...........3D^Gfx.............Blasphemy Carebear.........fi...........Music..............Orange^Komplex Carlos...........hu...........Music..............Breeze^Mandula Caveman..........fi..............................Coma Case.............pl...........Swapper............Revelation^Fuse Cheetah..........sw...........Gfx................Ephidrena Chronos..........hu...........Gfx................Dinasty Clef.............au...........Music.............. Cliffhanger...................Code............... Clifford M.......pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Codeorgo.........hu...........Code...............Black Rainbow Compman..........hu...........Code^Music.........CLS Coolphone........pl...........Swapper............Defect Core-nick........pl...........Music..............Tatanka Corona...........be...........Code...............Green Corpse...........hu...........Gfx................Dinasty Cortez...........pl...........Swapper............Omnicolour CpC..............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Cranx............hu...........Code...............Rhyme Cremax...........pt...........Code...............Nothing Croaker..........fi...........Code^Music^Gfx.....Halcyon^TPOLM Crossbone........de...........Code...............Suburban Creations CuBie............hu...........Code...............Contract !Cube............fi...........Music^Gfx^Code.....Trauma Cyberfish........no...........Code...............The Lost Souls Cyclone..........de...........Gfx................Abyss Cyclops..........be...........Gfx................Fuel^Quad Cyg..............fr...........Code...............BlaBla Da C.C.Songwrita.de...........Music^Gfx..........CoPro Dake.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Dagoon...........pl...........Music..............Cryogen Damaq............fi...........Gfx................Doomsday Damien...........be..............................Imphobia Danube...........fr...........Gfx................HCL Darkflare........pt...........Gfx................ActiveFuel Darkness.........be...........Editor.............Imphobia Dave.............sp...........Code...............Phymosys Dave.............pl...........Music..............Haujobb DC-1.............hu...........Swapper............ Deansdale........hu...........Music..............Exceed Delirium.........pt...........Music..............ActiveFuel Der Piipo........fi...........Gfx................Orange Der Punkt........si...........Gfx................Dolphin Deyi.............be...........Code...............Itsari Dfj..............hu...........Music^Editor.......Dinasty Dharma...........fi...........Music..............Mono211 Diablo...........pl...........3D.................Defect Diabolo..........fr...........Code...............HCL Digisnap.........de...........Code...............Matrix Digital pain.....hu...........Music..............Dinasty Dildo............hu...........Code............... Distance.........fi...........Music..............TPOLM^monotonik^lackluster Dixan............it...........Music..............Chalice Dizzy............ch...........Music.............. Djamm............fr...........Music..............Nomad^Bomb^Ribbon D-lee............hu...........Editor.............Exceed Doctor_Q.........pl...........Swapper............ByteWay^DRB^TPB Dominei..........no...........Music..............Dolphin^INF DreamDancer......de...........Gfx^Swapper........Nwo Wolfpack^Role Dreamer..........fi...........Music..............Sublogic Dreyer...........dk...........Music..............Blasphemy Droid............fi...........Code...............Haujobb Duet.............fi...........Code...............Embassy Duncan...........fi..............................Damones Dune.............fi...........Music..............Orange Edo..............hu...........Gfx................Astral Echo.............dk...........Code...............Fudge Echo.............pl...........Music..............Diffusion^Level-D Eclipse..........fr...........Code^Editor........Knights^Lichty's Concept EFT..............hu...........Code...............Kangooroo Eggbird..........nl..............................Green Ellyn............pl...........Gfx................ExMortis^MFX Enok.............hu...........Gfx................Chrome Euphoria.........au...........Gfx................f00d Excel............fi...........Gfx................Trauma Ez...............it...........Music..............Deathstar Ezah.............hu...........Gfx^Editor.........Dilemma Falcon...........pl...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Fatality.........fi...........Music..............Flo Fear.............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus^Dolphin Feather..........fi...........Gfx................TPOLM Fil..............pl...........Code...............Enenzi Filozof..........pl...........Ascii..............Konzept Fitzroy..........pl...........Ascii..............Enenzi^The Loop Flan.............fr...........Gfx................ Flashy...........hu...........Code...............PoisonMixers Flex.............sw...........Code...............Blocc Fndr.............sw...........Gfx^Code........... Frame............sw...........Gfx................C-lous Fred.............ch...........Gfx................Calodox Fred.............pl...........Gfx................INTerror Fred.............pl...........Swapper............Exodus^Samar Fremen...........pl...........Coder..............Pengo^Hypnotize Fugaz............pl...........Coder^Music........ByteWay Fustic...........pl...........Coder..............Platoon Gandalf..........fr...........SysOp..............Pulse Ganja Man........uk...........Music..............LoK Gardner..........pl...........Swapper............Flow Garfield.........pl...........Editor.............Pengo^IPC^LO 2+7 Garfield.........pt...........Music^Code.........Radioactive Design Garvin...........fi...........Code...............COMA G-day............nl...........Music..............Quad Gekko............hu...........Code...............CLS Generic..........hu...........Music..............Exact Genesis..........hu...........Code...............Astroidea Goblin...........au...........Code...............Xtatic Gongo............be...........Code...............Green Goofy............sw...........Editor.............Replay Gooroo...........ca...........Code...............KFMF Graff............pl...........Music..............Tatanka Greenpix7........ru...........Gfx................Universe Gtg..............pl...........Code...............Tatanka Guille...........fr...........Code...............Cocoon Gurdan...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Gyr..............au...........Code...............f00d Hager............hu...........Code^Swapper.......Profuse Hanx.............hu...........Music..............LabelZero Harlequin........nl...........Gfx^Music..........SuccesS Hate.............pl...........Swapper^Editor.....Prism^Core^Scream HeY..............pl...........Code^Editor........Tatanka Hoplite..........fi...........Code...............Orange HP...............hu...........Music..............MicroPyle^PHB^Zsir Htom.............hu..............................Dinasty Hunz.............au...........Music..............Five Musicians Hyde.............pl...........Music..............ByteWay Hyp-X............hu...........Code...............Mandula Idiotboy.........us...........Code...............Evolve Illegal..........hu...........Music..............Contract Illusion.........fi...........Music..............Doomsday^DCS Incubus..........pl...........Code...............Prism Inferno..........hu...........Gfx................CLS^Astral^Quad Infinite Reboot..be...........Code...............Fuel Insane...........pl...........Gfx................Metaphor Immortal.........pl...........Music..............Platoon Immortal Rat.....hu...........Gfx................Profuse^Black Rainbow^Astral Imode............hawaii.......Music..............Exceed^Sound Devotion Impexus..........pl...........Code...............Diffusion Inopia........................Code...............Quad Ionic............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Ior..............us..............................TPOLM Jabberwock.......hu...........Music^3D...........Dinasty Jace.............nl...........Code...............The Black Lotus J.Coburn v B.Lee.fi...........Code...............TPOLM Jam..............................................Therapy Jate.............fi...........Gfx................Orange^Byterapers Java.............sw...........Gfx................Cryonics Jaws.............no...........Code...............Proxima^TPOLM Jax..............pl...........Music..............Korozone Jefar............pl...........Swapper............Diffusion^Flu Jim Goer.........pl...........Code...............Grinders Jlt..............pl...........Code...............Omnicolour Jmagic...........fi...........Code...............Complex Johnko...........pl...........Music..............Cryogen^Mist Judge Brad.......hu...........Music..............Black Rainbow Jugi.............fi...........Music^Gfx..........Complex K................sw...........Music..............TPOLM Kakka............fi..............................Damones Kal..............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Kal-Min-Do.......fr...........Music..............HCL Kat..............pl...........Swapper............Metaphor Kci..............hu...........3D.................Chrome Keith303.........de...........Music..............Radical Rhythms^Tokyo Dawn KeyG.............pl...........Music..............Calodox Khamoon..........pl...........Code...............ByteWay^Tube27 Kidlove..........fi...........Gfx................Haujobb Kneebitter.......us...........Code...............Threesome Knowtow..........fi...........Gfx................Orange Knuddel..........ch...........Music.............. Koan.............pl...........Code...............Giraffe Kobold...........pl...........Gfx................Metaphor Kombat...........il...........Code...............Immortals Kravitz..........fi...........Code...............Sublogic Kurt.............be...........Code...............Green Kvazar...........hu...........Music..............Euthanasia Laban............fi...........Code...............The Black Lotus Lando............pl...........Swapper............Konzept Laud.............hu...........Code...............Area51^Contract Lazur............pl...........Gfx................ LeaderC..........hu...........Music..............Castrum Doloris Lebeau/Legend....fi...........Music..............CNCD Leembo...........hu...........Web................CLS Leffinen.........hu...........Music^Gfx..........Profuse Legend...........au...........Music..............The Vault Lemming..........fi...........Editor.............Orange Leo..............hu...........3D.................Euthanasia Leto.............ch...........Code...............Calodox Lett.............pl...........Code...............Fortress^69 Lexus............pl...........Editor.............Enenzi Liam The Lemming.uk...........Music..............KFMF Loke.............fi...........Music..............Radio Loonie...........sw...........Music..............Analogue Louie............sw...........Gfx................The Black Lotus Lucky............pl...........Gfx................ Ludwig...........hu...........Gfx................Dinasty Luk..............pl...........Music..............Procreation Lunat............hu..............................Supreme Made.............fr...........Gfx................Bomb Maelcom..........us...........Music..............KFMF Magnesium........au...........Code^Music.........LaTeX Mancer...........pl...........Code...............Cryogen Mandrixx.........fr...........Code............... Manka............hu...........Music..............Pathos^Autopsy Mantra...........fi...........3D^Ascii...........Flow Marq..........................Code...............FiT Marquis..........de...........Music^Swapper......Platoon Marvel...........fi...........Gfx................Future Crew Mash.............pl...........Code...............ByteWay Masterboy........il...........Code...............Lynx^Wij Max..............pl...........Gfx................Defect^Cryogen McGurk...........fi..............................COMA Melan............hu...........Organiser..........Astroidea Melcom...........de...........Music^Code......... MD...............be^fi........Music..............TPOLM^Five Musicians Melwyn...........fi...........Music..............Acid Rain Mentz............nl...........Music..............LoK^Tokyo Dawn Mercure..........fr...........Music.............. Micron...........fi..............................Byterapers Mike.............fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mindwalker.......pt...........Music..............Suburban Creations MirekCz..........pl...........Code...............Platoon Misha............pl...........Gfx^Editor.........Tatanka^Defect^Nothing Miss Saigon......us^fi........Music..............Threesome Mistral..........fi...........Gfx................Byterapers Mordicus.........fi...........Music..............Jamm R. Morgan...........hu...........Code...............Contract Morhith..........hu...........Music..............Castrum Doloris Mosh.............fi...........Music..............Forsaken Motzel...........pl...........Code...............Cryogen Mov..............fi...........Code...............Radio MRI..............fi...........Code...............Doomsday Mr.Sex...........fi...........Code...............Byterapers Mrz..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Muffler..........fi...........Music..............DCS Murphy...........hu...........Code...............Exact Myrel............hu...........Gfx^3D.............Astroidea Mystical.........de...........Music..............Purple MZ...............au...........Code............... n0thingman.......hu...........Music..............Astral NamNam...........sw...........Gfx................Blocc Nap..............hu...........Code...............Dilemma Nasty............de...........Music..............Contract Neek.............gr...........Code...............Demaniacs Nemesis1......................Music.............. Nemesulku........fi...........Gfx................Acid Rain Nephoo...........pl...........Code...............Samar PC^Evolve Nero.............de...........Gfx................Matrix Net..............hu...........Coder..............Chrome Nik..............be...........Gfx................Green Nitro............fi...........Music..............Trauma Nix...........................Code...............The Black Lotus Nns..............hu...........Code...............Exceed Nobbie...........pl...........Music..............Defect Nobody...........fi...........Music..............Wild Light Nucleon..........................................Pyo Nytrik...........fr...........Gfx................ByteWay^Fuel^Cocoon O-Man............hu...........3D.................Astroidea Oc...............hu...........3D.................Profuse Onyx.............us...........Code...............Dolphin Optic............no...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn^TRSI^TPOLM Orome............no...........Gfx................Astroidea Paavi............fi..............................iSO Paco.............hu...........Music..............Dinasty Pahladin.........no...........Gfx................TPOLM^Sublogic Pancho...........pl...........Gfx................Platoon^IPC Paniq............de...........Music..............Tokyo Dawn Paradoks.........us...........Music..............Blueprint Parrot...........hu...........Code...............Black Rainbow Particle......................Gfx................ Patapom..........fr...........Code...............Bomb Pazur............pl...........Gfx................Metaphor Pe3..............hu...........3D.................Castrum Doloris Peachy...........de...........Gfx................Haujobb Pearl Hunter.....................................The Utopians Phobia...........fi...........Ascii..............Puma Picard...........hu...........Code...............Rhyme Pinias...........pl...........3D.................Platoon Pigiel...........pl...........Music..............Samar Pitbull..........de...........Code...............Imphobia Pixel............fi...........Gfx................Future Crew PL...............be...........Gfx................Imphobia Plash.........................Code...............Nothing^Azure Poskgubbe........fi...........Ascii..............Puma Primon...........fi..............................Radio Pro..............hu...........Code...............Urinate Prob.............fi...........Music..............Mono211 Probe............sw...........Music..............The Black Lotus^VD Programmed.......pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Programmer.......ru...........Code^Editor........Universe Psychic Symphony.pt...........Code...............Evolve^The Utopians^ActiveFuel Pukmaxi..........dn...........3D^Music...........Blasphemy Pyshtoff.........pl...........Code...............Tatanka Quartz/Wally.....it...........Code...............Chalice Quasar...........be...........Code...............Green Quaz.............fi...........Music..............Flo^pWp Quicksilver......................................Image!^Insight Raiden...........pl...........Music..............Aural Planet Radi.............pl...........Music^FTP..........INTerror Radix............sw...........Music..............Groove^TPOLM^Pulse Rascy............hu...........3D.................Dilemma Rastan...........pl...........Code...............ByteWay Razorback........fi...........Gfx................Doomsday^Byterapers React............hu...........Code...............Exceed Rents............pt...........Gfx................Dawn 3 Repanse..........fi...........Music..............Flow Reptile..........hu...........Music..............Astroidea Reptile..........pl...........Gfx................Logrus^Diffusion Rian.............hu...........Music..............Contract Rimo.............hu...........Code...............Euthanasia Riven............pl...........Ascii..............IPC RoBSoN...........hu...........Code^Music.........Astral Rod..............hu...........Code...............Mandula Rodex............fi...........Code............... Rodney...........sw...........Gfx................The Black Lotus Rommel...........no...........Swapper............Revelation Rzuck............pl...........3D.................Metaphor Saffron..........fi...........Gfx................The Black Lotus^Dolphin Sagacity.........nl...........Code...............Quad Salami...........de...........Code...............Nothing SamSam...........no..............................Quad Sandworm.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sarix............nl..............................Quad Scorpio..........pt...........Code............... Scorpik..........pl...........Music.............. Screamager.......lu^uk........Music..............KFMF Scyzoryk.........pl...........Gfx................Cryogen Sed..............hu...........Music..............Dilemma Shaman...........hu...........Music^Ascii........Exceed^Astral Shameless........dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Sharon...........de...........Code...............Matrix Sharra...........hu...........Muse...............CLS Shiva............de...........Code...............Kolor Shock............au...........Code...............Xtatic^Dimension^Ramjam^Evolve Shodan...........fr...........Music..............Skytech Crew^Arf!Studios Shr..............hu..............................Mnemonic Skal.............fr...........Code...............Bomb Sketch...........pl...........Gfx................ Skin.............................................Quad Skrig............dk...........Gfx................Prone Sky..............de...........Gfx................Dolphin^Ethos9 Skyphos..........de...........Music..............Matrix Sidha............hu...........Gfx................Dinasty^Exact Simon King!......pl...........Ascii..............Procreation^Fuse Sivu.............fi...........Code...............Byterapers Sleve............pl...........Code...............Metaphor Sly Spy..........hu...........Music..............United Force^Capan¤a Slyde............dk...........Code...............Blasphemy Snowman..........us..............................Hornet Smash............uk...........Music..............Nothing Sol..............fi...........Code...............Trauma SolarC...........fi...........Music..............Refinition Soulless.........pl...........Gfx................Norferin Spansh...........uk.............................. Spector..........fi...........Code...............Trauma Spectre..........tu...........Code...............Flare Spk..............pl...........Gfx^3D.............Omnicolour Sprite...........hu...........3D.................Astral Spy..............pl...........Code...............Poison Stallion.........de...........Gfx................Absence^Dolphin Steffo...........sw...........Music..............Cryonics Stein............us..............................Night 55 Strepto..........hu...........Code...............Astral Sub-Seru.........pl...........Code...............Giraffe Sulphurik........pt...........Code...............ActiveFuel Sulphur..........fi...........Music..............Orange Sunday...........sw...........Gfx................Proxima^TPOLM Sumaleth.........au...........Gfx................ Swan.............pl...........Music..............Platoon Swan.............hu...........Code...............PoisonMixers Szoke............hu...........Code...............Atomik Sztahoo..........pl...........Code...............Diffusion Szum.............pl...........Editor.............Cryogen Tapeworm.........fi...........Code...............Acid Rain Tbf..............fr...........Swapper............HCL Tees.............pl...........Music..............Palsecam Teque............fi...........Music..............Trauma The Update.......de...........Code...............CoPro Thor.............sw...........Gfx................TPOLM^Dolphin Thorax...........be...........Music..............Cryogenic Thorin...........fr..............................Melon Dezign Thorsten.........dk...........Gfx^Music..........Purple Tiyo.............pl...........Music^Ascii........Flow TJ...............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Tmk..............nw^jp........Gfx^Code...........INF^Dolphin Tonic............fi...........Gfx^Code...........Trauma Tomac............de...........3D.................Suburban Tomika...........hu...........Code...............Dinasty TR...............hu...........Sysop..............Contract Trajic...........hu...........Music..............Rhyme Traymuss.........pl...........Music..............Giraffe Tremens..........pl...........3D.................ByteWay Tremor...........fi...........Code...............Trauma Tristan..........il...........Music.............. Trixter..........us...........Code...............Hornet Trueman..........hu...........Code...............Exact Ts...............hawaii.......Gfx^Ascii..........Exceed TSC..............hu...........Code...............Astroidea Tommy............pl...........Swapper............Cryogen TowerX...........hu...........Music..............Astral Tudor............sw...........Gfx................The Black Lotus TuO..............fr...........Code...............Skytech Team Ubbe.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Ultra Brain......be...........Code...............Green Unreal...........pl...........Code...............CNCD Vain.............sw...........Code...............Cryonics Vampire..........dk..............................Blasphemy Vastator.........us...........Code...............NetGeneration Vector...........us...........Code...............Vertigo Vic..............nl...........Music..............ACME Vim!.............uk...........Music..............Mono211 Vipa.............dk...........Code...............Purple Virne............fi...........Code...............COMA^Jamm R. Visual...........pl...........Gfx................Omnicolour Vito.............pl...........Code...............Defect Viznut...........fi...........Code^Music^Gfx.....pWp Visualize........fi...........Gfx................Pulse^Jamm R. Void.............fi...........Code...............Trauma WAD..............hu...........3D.................Black Rainbow^CLS Ward.............hu...........Gfx................Astroidea Warpig...........hu...........Gfx^3D.............Exceed Wave.............nl...........Music..............Maniacs of Noise Wawa.............pt...........Code^Gfx...........Nothing Weed.............fi...........Code...............Dolphin^Coral Whizzter.........sw...........Code...............Woorlic Willbe...........fr...........Music^Gfx..........Theralite Wizard...........be...........Code...............Imphobia Workbench........ch...........Music..............Calodox^Level-D Wox..............sw...........Code...............The Black Lotus Xerxes...........no...........Music..............Night 55 Xhyp.............fi...........Music..............Omnicolour Xorbit...........be...........Code...............Green Xtro.............hu...........Gfx................Rhyme Y................be...........Gfx^Code...........Green Yacca............pl...........Gfx................Cryogen Yez..............pl...........Music..............Omnicolour Yoghurt..........pl...........Code...............Poison Yolque...........fi...........Music..............CNCD Yuda.............pl...........Code...............Antidothum Z................fr...........Code...............Nomad Zalt.............sw...........Sysop..............ACME Zeb..............fr...........Gfx................Orange^Pulse Zenial...........pl...........Swapper^Music......Hypnotize^Palsecam Zeno.............be...........3D.................Green Zinn.............fi...........Code...............Flow Zippy............no...........Code^Editor........Utopia Zodiak...........sw...........Music..............Cascada Zoltar...........pt...........Code............... Zooo.............hu...........3D.................CLS Zooley...........hu...........Music..............Contract Zorlim...........fi...........Code...............NetGeneration Zpider...........ch...........Code...............Calodox Zsacul...........pl...........Code...............Norferin Zyad.............fi...........Music..............Monotonik Thanx for updates to: Aries, Behemot, D-lee, Echo, Misha, Robson, Muzs;) ,g$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$$g, ::::::',g$$$$$$$$$$$«$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, ,g$$$$$g, $$P" `$' "q$$ :::::: $$P" `$' "Q$$ $$ country ! #/% $$ :::::' $$ random scener of the week ! `$$ $$""""""""""".""""""""$$ ::' ,d$$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""."""""""$$ $$ australia 10/01 $$ _,gU""d$ name Cranx $$ $$ austria 1/00 $$.d""P'. $P nationality Hungary $$ 3$ belgium 21/04 $$' d' : $: function(s) Code $$ $$ canada 1/00 $$ ,g' :: $b group(s) Rhyme $$ $$ denmark 9/01 $$b" .::',$$, ,$$ $3 finland 87/16 $$'.:::: d`$$$ggggggggggggggggggm, .ggg, ,ggggf$$' $$ france 26/05 $$ ::::' P "$"""""q$$$P"""$"""""s, ,d"""""$"""""" . $$ germany 27/05 $$ ::' .d' :: ! ... $$$' ...!..... "b, ,$' ....!......::: $$ greece 2/00 `$,__,d" .::' P ::',$$$ ::::.' ,dg d' . ' $3 hawaii 2/00 $$P"" .::' _d' :: $$$' ' :',g$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g$$$$$$$g, #$ hungary 101/19 '$$ '::' ,d" .::' $$$,s"g, .$$P" "q$$ $$ israel 3/00 ,$$$, ,d_,.,_ ' $$$' ,P"b.$$ demosceners starting `$$ $$ italy 4/00 ,$P$$$,s$f'"""`b,,$$$_,g' .`$$$ with letter 'l' $$ $$ japan 1/00 $$'`$$$P ..... "$$$P"" .::. $P""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ luxemburg 1/00 $$ `$$$, ::::: ,$$$ ..:::' d$$, 22 ,$$ #P netherlands 12/02 $$ : `$$$, :::: $$$'.:::' ,$$"$$$gggggm, ,gggggggg$$' $: norway 10/01 $$ ::.`$$$, ::',$$$ ::' ,$$' . """"""""! ,,d"""""""""" . $b poland 106/20 $$ :::.`$$$, ,$$$g, ,$$' .:::...... ,; ,d"...........:: $$ portugal 14/02 $$ ::::.`$$$g$"" ""$g$$'.::::::::::',$ ,d':::::::::::::: $$ russia 3/00 $$ ::::' `$" `b, ::::' _,g" $b, ' $$ spain 2/00 $$ ::' _d$' demoscener `! ' ,g$$$$$" `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$g, $# sweden 30/05 $$m,_,d" $ ----\%\----- $$m, $$P" "q$$ $$ switzerland 8/01 $$ ""7 . $, statistics ,$$$$$$$ largest group top-3 $$ $$ turk 1/00 $$ . b _,%$, ,$' ""Q$"""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ $$ uk. 8/01 $$ :."d" ,$$g,_ _,g$' .::.`b 1st TPOLM (15) $$ $$ u.s.a. 12/02 $$ :: `b $$$'"$""$$$, ::::: $: 2nd ByteWay (13) $$ $$ outer space 18/03 $P ::: l ,$$$ .!.. `$$$,'::: $b 3rd Green (12) $$ $$____________________$: :::.`.$$$'.:::::.`$$$, ': $$, ,$$ $$ total 517 $b :::: ,$$$ ::.:::' $`$$$ `.`$$$gggggggggggm, ,ggg$$$' $$, ,$$ :::' $$$' :::::',d' $$$, . """""""""""""`b ,$"""" . `$$$ggggggm,_ ,gg$$$'.::' ;$$$ ::' _,g' :. "$$$ ............. ,$ $'....::: """"""""""$g, g"""" ,dP"$b, ,,g$"" .::'' `$$$, `' ,$" d, ' "b, "bg$$$$$$$$' `$$$$$$$g,`:: ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$g,,g$$$$' "$$$$$$g, `$ "q$$ :: $$P" "" "q$$ acid rain $b function #/% $$ $$ status #/% $$ production $$""""""""""""""""""""""`$b,,d$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$$ 1 9 9 8 $$ coders 177/34 "" in many groups 102/19 $$ $$ musicians 141/27 ,g, ,gg, in one group 397/76 $$ code....mw $$ graphics 100/19 $b"g$'$$ in no group/unknown 17/03 $$ ascii...n( $$ swappers 21/04 $$ $$, ,$$ $$ misc 88/17 $$ :: `$$$ggg, ,ggggggggggg$$$' -we ruin $$ lazy 30/05 $$ :::. """""$,_ ,dP" ,g$""" . umbrellas. $$, ,$$ :::::::.... `'bgggg$" .:'_,d" ...::: `$$ggggggggg$ggggggggg$$$'.:::::::::::::.. """b,__,d" .:::::::: """""""""""""""""""" ..;:::::::::::::::::.. """ .::::::::::: --------------- ------| 15.Articles |---------------------------------------------------------- --------------- °° ÜÜÜ þ °° þ Ü þÜÜÜÜÜÜ þÞÛÛÛ²ß ß þÜÜÜÜÜ²Ü þ Ü ° Ü²Ü ß²ß ÞÛÛÛÛ±° ÛÛܲ ± °ÞÛÛ²ß ÛßÛ °°ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°°Ü²Üþ ß °° þÜ#lz°°ÛÛÛÛÝÜ ÜÛÛÛÛ þ °°ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÝ°ÜÛÛÛß ßÛÛßÜþatx% °° Þ²Ü Ü ÞÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²Ý° ÜÛÛÛß ßÛÛßÜÛÛÛÝ °° Þ±ÜÜÜ²Ü þ ÜÞÛÝÞÛß ÛÛÛÛÝßßßßÛÛÛÝÞÛÛÛÝ °° ÞÛÛ²ßÛÛ²Ü ÜÛÛÛß² ßß²Û±ÛÛÝ ÛÛ² ÜÜÞÛÛÛÛ Û²± ±ÛÛ°þßÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÜ Ü ßßßß²ß Ü ²ÛÛß²ÛÛÛ þ ÜßÛÜ Þ²ÛÛÛ² ÛÛßÞ²ÛÛÛÝ Ü ßßßß²ß ß ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÜÜÛÜÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÝßßßßßßÞÛÛÝßßßßßß ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜÜÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßßß²Û°ÛÛÛ²ÛßÛÛ² ßßßÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßÜ þ Ü²Ü ß ß þ ° þ the first official Hungarian°ansi/asciißcompo at #demoscene ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß .:[RuleS & InfofilE]:. ßÛß ß þ ù I think that the IRC is based on characters and there are many compos held here and not one has to do anything with IRC ;)). So I thought, if I have enough compo attendants, I could hold an ANSI/ASCII compo for YOU! I don't want to be flamed from others because I've called this compo "Hungarian ANSIcompo". That's a simple name, but I think it is a reasonable one... I'm also waiting for compostuffz from other countries .... There are not too many rules but please read & accept these: You can contribute with standard ANSI files, and handdrawn ASCII are also accepted, so this is a crosstyle compo, like most of the compos nowadays. Please do not contribute with converted shit, because those files will be nuked and disqualified. The compo has a deadline also... þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ .:[How to enter compO]:. ÞÛÛ ßÛß ß þ ù *** Upload your picture to ftp://demo.dyn.ml.org/incoming/hac *** I can accept the competition stuffz only on FTP or DCC get(e-mail.excluded!!!) You can ask me if you have any questions. þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ .:[VotinG]:. ßÛß ß þ ù You can vote only by email,FTP and DCC, write to: Excellents@scene-hu.com L0velY@freemail.c3.hu Or upload to: FTP://demo.dyn.ml.org/incoming/hac þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ .:[DateS]:. ßÛß ß þ ù Deadline aT: 1998.12.06. 00:00h ReleasinG stuffz aT: 1998 12.07 22:00h LasT VotinG aT : 1998 12.15 00:00h ResultS aT: 1998 12.16 22:00h þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ .:[ClosinG WordS]:. ÞÛÛ ßÛß ß þ ù I hope you like this compo, and u create quality productions !!! ...If i have enough attendants then see ya at HAC#2 !!! ;)) Signed by: L0velY & Atx 1998 .ftpsupportbyDC-1 .textandideabyl0veatx .englishcorrectionbyhenks .moralsupportbyjenny;) ---------- ------| 16.END |--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Blabla blabla bla.., that's all! Cya in hell! ;) Szum/Cryogen (szum@amber.bti.pl) All stuff for the next Demojournal send to demojournal@hotmail.com or directly to Psychic Symphony!!! ps- yeah yeah... ur seeing double! lovely asked me 2 resend demo15 couz of bloody ascii infofile beeing diferent! so... i got new mail... so if ya wanna send stuff 2 me psychic@esoterica.pt Psychic symphony