?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] #16 [:=========================================:] o5 dec 1998 [:======= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - editorial demonews party on! weekly interview - Yeah babe! demo - intro - Psychic Symphony mod - quote - back on business! commercial break Get hold of your panties! homepages messages articles Demojournal compo #2 results - Textmode democompo 3 revisited - Total Disaster Competition - Hungarian ascii/ansi compo - end subscribers round 130 - ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] editorial [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This newsletter is public property, BLABLABLA... zzzzzzzzzzzz It's our scene! let's make things happen... [ed: i love this one!] Fucking hei! I missed you all bunch of critters! I LOVE YOU GUYS! (and 1 girl!) :) I'm back with a bang! I need to see all your small little asses working and contributing so chop-chop... Send in those messages, new subscriptions, news, party invitations or reports! As for the journal... It's neater! Courtesy of nemesulku of ACiD RAiN - we ruin umbrelas (tm). big up to you nemie! Charts are chopped! Demoscener list is chopped! Addies are chopped! No more lame compos organized by myself! No more long lists! Pure information! Fucking hei! 269 and rising! :) Psychic Symphony ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] demonews [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Damn biggest and best scene ftp you have ever seen. All sorted and waiting for your download! Now in cat flavour! moved into Fleur2 released! Go get! ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Diskmags/Fleur/Fleur2.zip Movement98 in 2 weeks! ----------------------------------------------------------- Cybervisitor@Movement'98 Movement'98 and NETWORK - the place to be scene - bring you this years life-event: Cybervisitor@Movement'98. For the very first time internet users get connected to the party-network. Virtual guests will be able to submit compo-productions, compete with others in competitions, vote, win, party, chat, talk, spend time, hang around, talk with other, view life-cams, and much more. Go and sign in before 15/dec/98. http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html ----------------------------------------------------------- You still reading this? Go to the damn url and sign in!!! Hugi#13 in 1 week! AoG#5 beggining of 1999! TMDC#3 deadline boosted till end of year! Read article for more details! BTW: For those who didn't quite understood the joke on demoj#13: Sol didn't cancel all entries and kept the prizes to himself! IT WAS A JOKE! No more stupid scene rumours so these kind of situations don't ever resurface!!! Psychic Symphony kicked out of The Utopians! You'll have to ask Zippy why is that! I don't really wanna write about it! Psychic Symphony out of ActiveFuel! No particular reason! All is the same... Hope the guys still release demo soon! 1st Portuguese gathering organized by The New Millenium Group! Way to go guys! You RULE!!! Don't back down or i'll come for ya with a blow-torch and a pair of pliers! (Too much Pulp Fiction!) Pshysh(kabab) [ed: thats me!] and Kom(butt) [ed: thats him!] are looking for any good pictures from wired98 especially if they or any compo are in it. [ed: we really are! so if you have send!] Psychic Symphony ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] party on! [:=========================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - starts !=! ends !===! location !===! name !=========! contact !================ Oct 02 - Oct 05, 1998 Norway The Convention 1998 www.convention.com Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Hungary CaCHe II '98 www.datanet.hu/cache98 Oct 09 - Oct 11, 1998 Sweden evroparti '98 http://come.to/evroparti Oct 28 - Oct 31, 1998 Sweden Compusphere X http://www.compusphere.org Oct 29 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden DreamHack '98 http://www.dreamhack.org Oct 30 - Nov 01, 1998 Sweden ACG-Hack X http://hack.amiga-cg.se Nov 07 - Nov 08, 1998 Poland Satellite '98 madbart@jormas.com Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Germany Dialogos '98 http://www.kassablanca.de/dialogos98 Nov 13 - Nov 15, 1998 Norway Kindergarten '98 http://kg.portveien.to/ =========! present time !====================================================== Dec 12 - Dec 13, 1998 Slovenia Abort '98 http://gw2.s-gimb.lj.edus.si/~abort98/ Dec 15 - Dec 17, 1998 Israel Movement '98 http://scene-central.com/partyspecial/mov98/info.html Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Hungary JuMPer '98 http://scene-hu.com/~jumper Dec 18 - Dec 20, 1998 Poland Freeside'98 http://freeside.dr.pl Dec 19 - Dec 20, 1998 Romania Dracula '98 Dec 25 - Dec 27, 1998 Argentina The Flash '98 theflashparty.home.ml.org Dec 27 - Dec 29, 1998 Denmark The Party 1998 http://www.theparty.dk Jan 29 - Jan 31, 1999 Hungary Contest '99 Feb 19 - Feb 21, 1999 France Volcanic '99 Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Italy Trip '99 Mar ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Poland Astrosyn '99 Mar 31 - Apr 04, 1999 Norway The Gathering '99 Apr 02 - Apr 05, 1999 Germany Mekka & Symp. 2k-1 http://ms.demo.org May 29 - May 30, 1999 Germany Komso/Neithernor'99 http://neithernor.demo.org Jun 17 - Jun 20, 1999 Sweden Remedy '99 http://www.remedy.nu Jul 09 - Jul 11, 1999 Belgium Inscene '99 www.analogica.com/inscene ??? ?? - ??? ??, 1999 Hungary Rage-Scenest'99 ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] weekly [:============================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - This week! I have been mostly eating... DISTANCE! =====! interview !============================================================= hello distance! can u please answer the normal 1st interview question... what is your name? helou! my name is esa ruoho. lots of people have trouble believing it though and date-of-birth i was born 26th of october 1978. that makes me 20 why do ppl dont believe it? because ruoho means weed or grass or hash or pot in finnish or grass that can be lawnmowed ah! that means your mother needed some pain killers to give birth to you then no? no, but the doctors told her that it'd be better to abort me because she was too old in their opinion to have another child she didn't agree with them so i'm here i don't know about painkillers i also don't know what possessed my distant relative to change to the surname ruoho humm muhmu. why do you always name your tunes like that? like... muhmu mostly they're temp names. when i save a song i'm working on it has to be called something.. sometimes a name springs up. sometimes i use an anagram of lackluster.. about 90% of the time it's totally random. there are times when a suitable songname springs up out of nowhere but .. i couldn't care less what they're named like. see md/fm/tpolm's Appelsap for instance.. none of the songs have any names. yes! you trying to compete against md? is that what you are trying to say? ;) and somehow i've gotten enough of these "the ultimate sadness reality of rain love dragon secret porno" i don't compete against anyway. if i start comparing my stuff to anybody elses, i lose. always. md is far far far ahead of me. come to think of it, every composer in tpolm is. tell me about your first party! demoparty that is. not birthday! :) assembly93.. you dont think too much of yourself... but... back to party... tell us about the enviroment in there it was.. interesting. i went there with 2 schoolmates and just sat around watching people and machines. it was an overwhelming sensation. everyone was so big and i was so little did they beat you up and made you track? was that how u became involved in things? i think i was about 13 or so. there were classrooms where groups had been established .. and people walking around. nobody beat me up, but when i was sitting somewhere some guy threw a pornomag at my lap. i missed the democompo at asm93 cos i was too tired. i listened to most of the musiccompos tho.. and the introcompos. i didn't really walk around the large hall -- and i did see the dance nation "live" (dance nation consisted of captain and some other persons) dance nation? yeah.. dance nation produced a few singles and at least 1 album and a musicvideo which was played at asm94. there was also "the mighty rubberboots" live at asm93 which was sort of fun the mighty rubberboots? yeah, the mighty rubberboots.. i actually found a vinyl by them last year.. all i remember about it was that it was fun and they looped the sample from monty python "there was much rejoicing" a lot [editor: hehe! and there was much rejoicing! :)] about tracking, no, they didn't make me track. i remember i tried to do a logo for my board (then it was called the lucid dragon sbbs) but it was horrible work lucid dragon? how did you came up with that? i don't know, first i had a board called hectolyzer hectobbs which concentrated on .. shudder .. different versions of packingprograms.. i wanted all pkzips and pkunzips around.. how did you enter computer world? what was your first computer? when i was about 2 my father had built a machine from instructions.. it was called telmac. he also had a telmac 600 or something.. i remember i used to play a spidergame with it. i somehow liked the asm93 introcompos because every intro seemed to have a dragonball in it and everybody was getting a laugh out of that.. plagiarism on both the pc and the amiga front! i think i also saw some guy from virtual dreams doing 242, because he had at least 50 disks full of animations that he was crunching. 242? 242.. an amiga demo .. i guess it was one of the first with a *shitload* of crunched animations it had papa smurf's music.. smurfs! smurfs are good! :P u can never have too little smurfs! :) telmac? What's a telmac? telmac -- i guess nobody knows it anymore :) what is it? im not good with old computers. all i know is the speccie! :) then came atari 800xl, atari 600xl atari 320xe.. salora fellow.. c64->c128->c128d .. amiga.. more atari's... i don't think you'll find any information about telmac at all anywhere.. :) i don't think it was a popular machine. atari800xl had some nice demos tho... i guess not :) anyways... fastforward... you are finnish tracker now... what have you been doing lately? i'm working at a computerworkshop learning networking and tcp/ip crap.. err.. not really learning cos i can't understand anything about subnetmasks and how to count how many machines go behind a server or something so that means you may be a net-god on an upcoming party? :) i very much doubt it.. but perhaps i am useful if all you need to do is have a guy running around with cable on his hands LOL! how did u start with tracking again? i remember i heard this track at a 20 minute mac advertisement which was a jarre song i had heard before at a friends, i tried to track the melody as best as i could on a500 and i played it to my friend (who had the cd it was from) via the phone.. he couldn't remember anything like it (it was totally the same) and so i guess i got a bit annoyed and left it at that.. then i went to ibm ps2/10mhz and used fast tracker 1.. couldn't understand anything and tried some commands and i did like total noise, totally absurd tempochanges and mainly just lamersongs with haahaafunny craptexts and shit.. whenever i tried to do a song i ended up with virtually no rhythm.. i couldn't be bothered to count the rows at all.. it was too timeconsuming! so my rhythms had no rhythm.. and .. well.. they're horrible :) .. i moved to ft2 in 94 or something, still couldn't do anything with it but now i had envelopes and was happy for a while until i understood it was still total crap because i didn't really track songs! unfortunatly u never changed! lol ;) sorry... couldnt help it... go on... [editor: just a joke! :D] i moved to screamtracker3 and i did a silly gabbersong with it and i was really having fun with the interface cos it was so fun and simple and easy.. i really loved it. and after i had vented my frustration into that song i did a song that became my first real song it had a sinewave and it sounds like a silly childrenlullaby. i even used tone portamento in it and it was .. just too cute to be believed. and i was happy with that and continued to try out things in st3.. until... at one time in 95 i had given a lot of my songs to dune and i was at his place and he loaded one song up and then tracked a lot on it and the melody turned out to be a masterpiece i looked at it and learned arpeggio and vibrato and stuff like that -- and i guess i wanted to try and be a bit more patient with tracking.. so i guess i started to try and do songs in 96 or something.. and that tune was... the song was never released of course. it was just some 0 pattern thing which dune upgraded :( ok... by masterpiece i mean that my silly melody actually fitted into the stuff he did (drums + bass + arpeggio) lol in 95 i was having a ball doing songs in 2-3 minutes.. i loaded up a chiptune and just did a drumpattern like this: asdiofajoi4ejr5o235josd .. then the melody: ajeiworjaosifgjio and then the effects: ejafioasiojafadfoij1309401394014 etc.. they're still pretty damn strange and wicked songs.. :) even tho they're out of tune and nobody wants to hear them lol! thats what experts call: inovation! :P i put about 8 of those songs into my chipcompetition i held in my board c.o.s. (another namechange) then mirror/symptom and human/a-men came and judged all of the chiptunes and they were like "we're going to beat up the guy who did this crap.. shit he is fucked and annoying.. why does he do this?" .. later i told mirror that i had done them and he was aghast at himself and said sorry! i was just mostly having fun.. i think... bahahahha i got onto the internet in 95 when i started studying in helsinki business polytechnic.. it was fun. (the net not the studying).. i dropped the studying and started ircing all the time lets speed up the history oh there's lots more where that came from i know! thats why i wanna speed up! :P i tracked and tracked and tracked and tracked then i released "m" m? _m_.zip ? i guess nobody liked it.. but it was used in cheese diskmag i dont have it! i did i guess 3 songs for cheese diskmag (i guess you haven't heard of cheese either have you? :) i heard about it... never seen it! it was done by a friend called multiplex.. i can email you all the releases if you want to. or grab them from scene.org it was not very serious! it was released like every 2 weeks. i guess all of the interfaces it used bugged really nicely dont loose the point! m got released and... anyway i got a lot of feedback in 95-96 from people on irc and i was tracking all the time m got released and nobody said anything.. after a few months i released 'n' and fumbling and stuff like that.. but they all sucked. then i put together uda talks to me before assembly96 yes... uda talks to me anyway, a lot of things changed after asm96! i started smoking pot, which probably is the reason why uda is my only real fast song. i started using IT in the beginning of 97 or something i guess and later on h0l/monotonik put out a guestrelease called infinite ep. i was happy since mono was such a great group. anyway 97 was where it all started i guess... i met brainpower and there was this demo for tp7 and just me tracking a lot, stoning a lot and then of course visiting tp7. in 1998 i joined tpolm and got a directory in scene.org and started having trouble tracking in summer or something. now i'm here and i haven't really done anything who is brainpower? brainpower is a guy who wrote an article to traxweekly when it was still released about dune and i replied to him about it and met him at asm97 and gave him a lot of dune's stuff because he had reviewed only a small part of his stuff. brainpower is a coder... in portugal... in dawn3. [editor: i knew that! :P] which was founded before or at tp7. at i think. well. it was interesting hearing my music in the democompo pretty interesting and some people liked the song so i was happy. but the trip to tp7 was really really tiring and i was depressed the whole time or something. yah! beatles rule!! but i met unreal, thor, scorpik and other nice nice nice guys and of course tpolm! about tg98... were u there aswell? no.. i would've loved to see sin(x) on the bigscreen and hear thor's magic bathtub! we had some hassle with the prizes too (nobody picked them up) so we got the prizes 3 months later which was nice. i was going to buy a synth then but it failed because i bought pot instead. [ed: DOH!] lol! was it good pot atleast? (hint hint didn't get that much money anyway) sure. there's no sense in buying not so good pot thor's magic bathtub RULES!!!!!!!!!!1 thor's magic bathtub has been released three times or something.. thru monotonik, in sin(x) and in emissions#4 and so, what next? where is lackluster? lackluster started in beginning of 97 tell us about it i was so ashamed of my modules .. i had previously written distance/orange into them.. i had to figure out a group i could put in there without ruining it's "quality23! i found a word in a discworld novel. lackluster. i checked what it meant and i understood it was totally in tune with my music and i thought -- if i ever travel beyond tracking i'll do it named as lackluster because then people won't have too high hopes on my stuff. what does it mean? i can type the dictionary explanation if you want to lack lus ter (lak'lus'ter). adj. 1. lacking brilliance, radiance, liveliness, etc.: dull or vapid: a lackluster existence; a lackluster stare; lackluster eyes; a lackluster color. -n. 2. a lack of brilliance or vitality. also, esp, brit., lack'lus'tre ah! lackluster as in unpolished! i nerver looked at it in that way. lacklustre was too autechre so i went for lackluster lacklustre:adj dull; uninspiring; lifeless: lack-lustre eyes . they gave a lack-lustre performance yes! i chose it because i feel my songs are never polished enough. they're just thrown together. i press a key and hope it hits something in the darkness ah! well! i have become wiser! :) tell us what has been happening with lackluster then? well.. i did a few mp3s.. 1 of them is released.. another has been waiting for release for at least 2 months :) the third is simply too incredibly stupid to be released. when you listen to my songs you see the point... hehehe. i think gobbalad was good! yeah. i think it'll be released sometime. but it's too boring --i would change it somehow but i don't have the original version of it.. so i have to leave it like it is enough about this... tell me in a few words what do you think about: (think fast) marylin manson shocking cdcovers. haven't heard the music .. made-to-be-shocking that is croaker called him after asm94 and asked to become a site for halcyon .. we met at juhla95 and he gave me biscuits. the highlight of the trip to juhla95 actually. he has always been 20 steps ahead of me. multitalented. i would call him a good friend. he might disagree 3dfx discussion is that on csipd? haven't read it.. if people do good demos and innovative things with 3dfx, it's perfectly ok with me. i want to see good stuff. if people do stuff like those silly windows95 demos in asm98 which had totally simplistic 3dscenes which ran SLOWLY on 3dfx.. no no no that is not the way. one thing they could do is make mpegs out of them so i could watch them at home too :) lol actually i'd like to see bleam by statix again bstates and his music he has structure, i don't. one of the few people who are innovative on the scene. multitalented. incredibly touching songs. beginning from nobody dreaming. touching? explain songs that made me shiver all over when i heard them. you know what i mean... [ed: yes i do! =)] stuff like carnaq and dekc! songs with deep feelings. or songs that evoke deep feeling some ppl say its just bleeps and stracks. what do you say to those ppl? the music they listen to probably means less than that to me. ahh.. that is too harshly said. all music is not for everyone! not all music is for everyone! can u draw a line between diferent kinds of music? i mean... is it impossible for those ppl to ever understand about what is amazing with bstates music? i don't draw lines. i listen to music - if it's good and i like it, it's good and i like it.. if it doesn't affect me at all, it doesn't mean anything to me if they ever get total kicks out of a song of the style they like - they can relate to other people getting kicks from some other type of style.. but i don't think musical tastes should be discussed at all. everyone will end up disagreeing with everyone. your right! ppl should just go with the flow... :) there's lots of music to be enjoyed for everyone i think this is enough for this interview! u wanna say something? no, i don't want to but u should... say hi to friends and such i think i bored everyone to tears already! hello to wojtek podgorski. i sincerely hope you'll get a smile on your face some time. in the very near future. ppl always say they wont greet no one so they wont forget about ppl! your breaking good interview rules! :) if i start greeting people it'll be longer than the whole interview and who wants that? :) i can greet a few friends but well... its unreal! ill let it pass! :) but then you will forget about others and they will be mad! do it at your own risk! :) wojtek nisse jesse jaakko lassi jaakko mikko antti antti eliot. antti. aru im seeing too many ss's and kk's and jj's [ed: sea sick!] ok! anyone else? adam. dennisc and rez and mista dollarz. here we go... ill just go get some cookies and a coke while you keep writing! :) ah, well thanks to zden for making such a nice demo im back! u finished already? i'm ready to close the door! i think people who do stuff in the scene should be interviewed instead of hangarounds like me ok! :) why? they are the guys who have things to say - real opinions nah nah! all have opinions! only other sceners prefer reading big-shot guy's opinions to hangarounder's which sucks... but... :D ahh i think i'm making sense or perhaps i'm not maybe you are... [editor: here we go! interview with great distance is over! :)] =====! demo !================================================================== Dear reader d-lee! We do whatever we feel like! :D - minimal - by took part on demobit98 (www.demobit.sk), 4th place in demo compo it could be much better, but organization of the party took SO much time tri-d objects support from _nelo_ music brought by _distance_ ugly conversion from .it -> .xm by :moshe: zden@message.sk nelo@message.sk esaruoho@dlc.fi www.message.sk/zden check out www.message.sk/demos for all slovak demos seeU@tp8 with something brand new! done in 1 week Psychic Symphony =====! intro !================================================================= 'Sin(x)' by Dawn 3 Code: Brainpower Synths: Distance Sketches: Ruptuh 3rd at The Gathering 98 in Norway (i think!) Just rules! Go get! Note: All major soundcards within 64k!!! Psychic Symphony =====! mod !=================================================================== Dear reader d-lee! We do whatever we feel like! :D doused. originally a microphone-experiment.. then i got bored and added some rhythms + melodies into it, and it turned into this. dirty samples? sue me. everything (except 3 samples) was created with my crappy microphone.. all of the non-percussive(?) ones came to life when i thrust my microphone into the speakers and sampled the high squeak that emerged. try it :) thanks to sulphur + deck who unwittingly helped me with their 2 samples. uses NNA's and the Global Volume Slide -command.. so, no cubic player. contact the creator via distance@mindless.com distance/lackluster -- 15.09.97.. Psychic Symphony =====! quote !================================================================= Dear reader d-lee! We do whatever we feel like! :D Psychic Symphony ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] commercial break! [:=================================================== :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - $S@g·, g@S$$$ $$$$$$+-ù ú. `@g, .ú- -+g@ ½üýø^_ +-Ä- - $$$$$$-- -Ä-$b,`$-- --- y '-- Ä- -$$ g@S$$$-Ä- ---+ «¬¬«¬ $$$$$$ ¬¬«« $$l $ ¬¬«¬« $ «¬«¬¬«¬ $$ $$$$$$ «¬«¬¬« ¬¬«¬« $$$$$$ ¬«¬¬ $$$ l «¬«¬« $ ¬«¬¬«¬« $$ $(dt)$ ¬«¬¬«¬ +-- Ä -l$$ü$$-Ä-- -$$$ $Ä- --- $`+,._ _,$l $$$$$$-- Ä- -+ $$$y$$ Sü',$ ü $$,øý½SQ$ ½üýø^~ ,g@$$ ,g@S@, $$$l dentoe/sdi `ýÓ*S,_ _`*S$$b._ ,SSü' HUGI #13 wants YOUR articles! Support this great zine and contact Adok at: hugi@netway.at For more information, check out http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Estimated RELEASEDATE of HUGI #13: November or December 1998 The exact releasedate depends on how many articles we will get within a short time, so if you want Hugi to come out soon, you know what to do! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( always good for ..... ) a laugh!! _ : o_o : ( n_______n (_| = / ___ \ = = ---- |________ }_____ ( (_u_) ) ((O) \\. / \_______/ \ =(_O) | / \ sT(_O)|___ [ P A i N ] . da swiss diskmag is looking for your articles ! . send everything to : pain@space.ch . check it out on the www ! . http://www.space.ch/scene/pain =====! homepages !============================================================= Astral..............................http://astral.scene-hu.com Astroidea........................http://astroidea.scene-hu.com Blasphemy..............................http://www.blasphemy.dk Byteway...............ftp://amber.bti.pl/scene/distro/byteway/ Byterapers....................http://www.byterapers.scene.org/ Dreams2............................http://nl.scene.org/dreams2 Echo................................http://www.kki.net.pl/echo Exceed...........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~exceed HP..................................http://www.klte.hu/~hamzap Hugi.......................http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ Milk.......................................http://milk.sgic.fi Mandula.........................http://www.inf.bme.hu/~mandula Melcom....................http://www.center-nebula.com/melcom/ Melcom (mirror)......................http://www.melcom.cjb.net Mono211..............................http://www.scene.org/mono Nico....................................http://geecs.org/~nico Pain............................http://www.space.ch/scene/pain Quad.....................................http://www.quad98.net Rhyme................................http://rhyme.scene-hu.com Szoke........................http://kempelen.iit.bme.hu/~szoke The Black Lotus.............................http://www.tbl.org Tokyo Dawn Records........................http://tdr.scene.org Total Disaster...................http://www.totaldisaster.w.pl TPOLM...............................http://www.tpolm.scene.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DC-1.................................ftp://demo.cat.hu scene.org........................................ftp.scene.org Amber.......................................ftp://amber.bti.pl [editor: yeah! FTP's! scene.org is always down so fuckit!] ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] messages [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - to..Psychic Symphony from..Radi content..Longer module is "Our Forty" by Lsd & Grass/Hypnotize. Pure 40 minutes of minimal :). to..Radi from..Psychic Symphony content..Really? I though it was basehead's 27 minutes tune! Oh well! You win! :) I owe you a lollypop! ;) to..all from..Psychic Symphony content..Yeah Yeah! So egroups fucked up! I'll work on it next time! Stick with demojournal@hotmail.com in the meantime! to..Szum from..Psychic Symphony content..Thx for taking care of my little baby for a while! Hands off now! ;) It's mine! :) to..D-Lee from..Psychic Symphony content..Where are you? Not seen you on irc lately! to..Manka from..Psychic Symphony content..I haven't seen you too! Where are you all hungarians hiding? to..Rod from..Psychic Symphony content..The 5th wave is coming!!! We must hurry! I'll take care of Portugal, you protect the rest of the world ok? Seems fair to me! :P to..Lovely from..Psychic Symphony content..Tum te ti tum! How's the compo? to..Ezah and Dfj from..Psychic Symphony content..Your fleur kicks more butt than a starved ogre trying to get a hot pizza! to..Misha from..Psychic Symphony content..You bastard! I hit my screen several times when i saw that wolf barking at me!!! Stop doing such real pictures! You might kill somone of an heart-attack! G... ;) to..Angel from..Psychic Symphony content..What the hell is it with TTK? Do they give free pixeling lessons when one enters the group? U rule babe! to..Magnesium from..Psychic Symphony content..HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MAGNIE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN! :D to..Dfj from..Psychic Symphony content..You got my mail about demojournal or what? ;) to..Cyg from..Psychic Symphony content..Last exam 19th! :( I wish i could go! :( There is always LTP! :) to..Lea from..Psychic Symphony content..lea lea lea :D to..Melwyn from..Psychic Symphony content..Are you dead? to..Adok from..Psychic Symphony content..Me wants hugi#13!!! to..Behemot from..Psychic Symphony content..Liar! 100k! I counted!!! to..DC-1 from..Psychic Symphony content..Your ftp fucking rules! Why do all these guys still go try and find stuff in scene.org? Don't they know demo.cat.hu is the best scener ftp server of all times? to..all from..Psychic Symphony content..I'm back like phoenix from the ashes. BTW: Phoenix: happy? to..ByteWay from..D-Lee content..Hahaha, very funny to review your OWN intro? (dj#15) Please stop flood in the message corner too, i think you can reach your pals via e- or snail mail too. to..D-Lee from..Psychic Symphony content..Leave the polish guy alone! See if the mates answer! :) To see if i can stop posting 20 messages per issue! ;) to..Psyhic Symphoniette ;) [ed: that's me! :)] from..D-Lee content..Welcome back on board Capitain! ;) No, *real* snow in Hungary yet, just 'fake'. to..D-Lee from..Psychic Symphony content..Is good to be back buckanear!! Har Har! :( Next winter i go to hungary to see snow if party is held ok? Like in... say, December 1st! ;) to..Random Scener of the Week edition 15 from..D-Lee content..Hey Cranx, what the hell you done in the Hospital? ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] articles [:============================================================ :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Demojournal #2 compo results No entries! So i just kept this nice Ferrari convertable so myself! Oh well... The price of beeing an organizer! ;) Psychic Symphony - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Textmode Democompo 3 It's quite hard to get some idea into people's heads after they have chosen to be against it. 'you can't do anything decent in textmode' turns into 'it's just another gfx mode' after seeing a decent demo in textmode. Thus I don't see any point (anymore) to try to change people's heads. Keep your eyes closed, see if I care.. =) My view about textmode is that it's - really - just another mode, but one that hasn't been used to its full extent. And this with the tweaking limits I've set in TMDC. TMDC has - and has always had - perhaps too good prizes compared to the level and number of demos attending. TMDC3 will probably be the last tmdc if nothing special pops up (like java or win NT console ideas). In TMDC1 you had to throw your entries by email; TMDC2 had a ftp site (that almost worked), TMDC3 has a web site and ftp site (with _much_ more bandwidth). (the web upload does not work as I write this but we're looking into it). So, in short; deadline 31.12.98 web site http://sauna.net/tmdc3/ ftp site ftp://ftp.fishpool.com/ email solar@compart.fi prizes SHITloads of scene cds, tshirts and other stuff sponsored by Imphobia, A.C.E, The Gathering and Trakked Records. webspace sponsored by Fishpool Creations. Demo limits in short (please read the rules for complete specs) - must run in textmode (80x50 max) - no tweaking over blink attribute disabling - 1.4 megs in a zip - gus & sb support required - win95/98 dos box compatibility required (without 'suggest ms-dos mode when neccessary' option checked) - must run on a Pentium 150 with 16 megs of RAM (compo machine will probably be a pII300 tho) Sol/Trauma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Become famous! Win TotalDisaster Competition! Categories: * 10000 pixels 2d gfx - resolution: 100x100 (others'll be rejected) - format: png, tif, gif, lbm, pcx, tga, bmp - you can use any technique: pixeling, rendering or anything else, excluding scanning - one artist - up to 3 piccys * 100kB msx - max size: 100 kB (bigger'll be rejected) - any module playable using CubicPlayer/Pascal - one musician - up to 3 mods * 256 bytes intro - size: up to 256 bytes - runable under MSDOS or W95 - one coder - up to 3 intros * 4kB intro - size: up to 4096 bytes - runable under MSDOS or W95 - one coder - up to 3 intros Some basic rules: - competing works could not be presented at any other competition - authors must agree to present their works within TotalDisaster - no members of Tatanka will take part in this competition (we are the jury) How to send your work: - files up to 0.3MB can be send to Misha via e-mail st1524@orange.meil.pw.edu.pl - bigger files must go by snail (to Misha of coz) Michal Sokolski (Misha) ul. Gubinowska 51 02-956 Warszawa POLAND - disks will not be returned (sorry, no time for this) - the jury: TotalDisaster team (we'll try to be fair) Get #Black issue of TotalDisaster NOW! Available at: ftp.scene.org/pub/mags/td/ amber.bti.pl/scene/mags/ files: td_black.arj & td_black.a01 ...and remember to support us! [editor: also in DC-1 awesome ftp! location: ftp://demo.cat.hu/scene/Diskmags/TotalDisaste/td_black.zip] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - °° ÜÜÜ þ °° þ Ü þÜÜÜÜÜÜ þÞÛÛÛ²ß ß þÜÜÜÜÜ²Ü þ Ü ° Ü²Ü ß²ß ÞÛÛÛÛ±° ÛÛܲ ± °ÞÛÛ²ß ÛßÛ °°ÜÜÜÜÜÜ°°°Ü²Üþ ß °° þÜ#lz°°ÛÛÛÛÝÜ ÜÛÛÛÛ þ °°ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÝ°ÜÛÛÛß ßÛÛßÜþatx% °° Þ²Ü Ü ÞÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²Ý° ÜÛÛÛß ßÛÛßÜÛÛÛÝ °° Þ±ÜÜÜ²Ü þ ÜÞÛÝÞÛß ÛÛÛÛÝßßßßÛÛÛÝÞÛÛÛÝ °° ÞÛÛ²ßÛÛ²Ü ÜÛÛÛß² ßß²Û±ÛÛÝ ÛÛ² ÜÜÞÛÛÛÛ Û²± ±ÛÛ°þßÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÜ Ü ßßßß²ß Ü ²ÛÛß²ÛÛÛ þ ÜßÛÜ Þ²ÛÛÛ² ÛÛßÞ²ÛÛÛÝ Ü ßßßß²ß ß ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÜÜÛÜÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÝßßßßßßÞÛÛÝßßßßßß ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜÜÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßßß²Û°ÛÛÛ²ÛßÛÛ² ßßßÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛ²ßßßßßßßßßßÜ þ Ü²Ü ß ß þ ° þ the first official Hungarian°ansi/asciißcompo at #demoscene ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß .:[RuleS & InfofilE]:. ßÛß ß þ ù I think that the IRC is based on characters and there are many compos held here and not one has to do anything with IRC ;)). So I thought, if I have enough compo attendants, I could hold an ANSI/ASCII compo for YOU! I don't want to be flamed from others because I've called this compo "Hungarian ANSIcompo". That's a simple name, but I think it is a reasonable one... I'm also waiting for compostuffz from other countries .... There are not too many rules but please read & accept these: You can contribute with standard ANSI files, and handdrawn ASCII are also accepted, so this is a crosstyle compo, like most of the compos nowadays. Please do not contribute with converted shit, because those files will be nuked and disqualified. The compo has a deadline also... þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ .:[How to enter compO]:. ÞÛÛ ßÛß ß þ ù *** Upload your picture to ftp://demo.cat.hu/incoming/hac *** I can accept the competition stuffz only on FTP or DCC get(e-mail.excluded!!!) You can ask me if you have any questions. þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ .:[VotinG]:. ßÛß ß þ ù You can vote only by email,FTP and DCC, write to: Excellents@scene-hu.com L0velY@freemail.c3.hu Or upload to: FTP://demo.cat.hu/incoming/hac þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛ .:[DateS]:. ßÛß ß þ ù Deadline aT: 1998.12.06. 00:00h ReleasinG stuffz aT: 1998 12.07 22:00h LasT VotinG aT : 1998 12.15 00:00h ResultS aT: 1998 12.16 22:00h þ° Þ²ÜÜ þÜÛÛ²ß ²ÛÛÝ .:[ClosinG WordS]:. ÞÛÛ ßÛß ß þ ù I hope you like this compo, and u create quality productions !!! ...If i have enough attendants then see ya at HAC#2 !!! ;)) Signed by: L0velY & Atx 1998 .ftpsupportbyDC-1 .textandideabyl0veatx .englishcorrectionbyhenks .moralsupportbyjenny;) [editor: **NOTICE** demo.dyn.ml.org CHANGED TO demo.cat.hu!!!] ?------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - !====:] end [:================================================================= :---------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - Chopped down a lot of shit! Who cares? I was thinking of demanding articles for each new edition of demojournal but i soon realized that people wouldn't send stuff and i would be left without releasing my little baby to you all out there! My message is: Support diskmags! Write to them! You wanna see another issue? You write like there is no tomorrow! Not to me!!! To the mag you like!!! If you don't know to what mag to send, ask me! I know all of them (or at least i think i do!) and i'll let you know which one is beeing released sooner! BUT WRITE DAMN IT! I'm off! It was nice to impose my will on you all once again! :) People with suicidal tendencies [ed: my friends and contacts that is...] mail Demojournal contributors mail Psychic Symphony