explizit information . verzion 3.O
--------: explizit members :--------
----: STAFF :----
.------: Ch:ilm Phoncie :------.
----: COMPOSERS :----
.------: Phoncie Jay KoMAH Batjo :------.
----: CODERZ :----
.------: LightWing Paranoid Man :------. .
: ----: GRAPHiCiANS :---- :
: .------: Paranoid Man Dirt Bag :------. :
. World Hq SL1210 Ch:ilm +31-43-3638 243 .
+31-43-3631 724 .
. Dutch Hq Babylon Zoo Slackjaw +31-77-3826 906 .
+31-77-3823 290 .
. Swizz Hq The Underworld Synoptic +41-22-776 9331 .
. Texas Hq WarpSpeed Alex Gen +1-708-776 2395 .
. CanadaHq The Turrahan Relm Jason Suwala +1-604-47-70639 .
. Italy Hq Revenge Of Shadow Skyjump +39-464-42-1890 .
. BrazilHq AltConn *fox +55-11-816-2031 .
. Uk Hq DejaVu Ganja Man +44-181-5043867 .
. NorwayHq Spacebar Hybris +47-64-93-34-99 .
+47-64-93-70-34 .
. Holland Cyclone Cyclone +31-79-331-5963 .
. Germany Prototype Blackknight +49-6074-35-292 .
. Germany Spirit World Larry +49-89-320-4302 .
. Helvetia Ravebase Maverick +41-22-348-5521 .
. +31 site Boiling Grave Pope-X +31-180-664-627 .
. +31 site Lunapark The Chemist +31-181-415-746 .
. +41 site The Neutral Zone Wave Locutus +41-32-41-88-51 .
. +41 site Insekts In Spaze Jobe +41-62-82-44561 .
. +44 site Unknown Enemy Niavasha +44-1981-240840 .
. +44 site Purple Haze Bios +44-16-28580150 .
. Www Hq http://huizen.dds.nl/explizit .
. Ftp Hq ftp://tillbm.stu.rpi.edu/explizit/ .
. Euro Hq ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/groups/EXPLIZIT/ .
. Check ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/.14/demos/incoming/music/ .
: .-- Explizit files are distributed worldwide by: --.
.--: SUNSET professional art couriers :--.
.----- WORDS FROM THE STAFF -----.
We really need more distros! Distros must pick up the files themselves,
whereas Hqs receive them automatically via upload or e-mail.
But being an explizit distro-site yourll receive more calls, become
more famous, and maybe even more respected! Apply now at any Hq or
at the explizit main internet adress.
Explizit has its own column in the worlds largest music scene news-
letter TraxWeekly. You can receive this pc-music newsletter by sending
an email message to listserver@unseen.aztec.co.za with the keywords
subscribe trax-weekly followed by your name.
To receive the explizit modules via internet e-mail send an email
message with keyword subscribe to the general explizit e-mail adress:
- explizit@dds.nl -
Couriers needed. We need two Dutch couriers for the Dutch boards. No
Long Distance calling needed. Youll receive a special level on one
of the Dutch sites and a very royal access on SL1210, the Whq.
- end of file -