this image contains text
P SS.S P s.s.ssssSs.s sssss
- -- information protocol 4.80 -- -
A great variety of tracked music groups have Web pages. The most
famous of these groups is probably Kosmic,
whose tunes featured on the Cover-CD a couple of months ago and who
are universally lauded. Other favorites include German-based trance group
Radical Rhythms and
Dutch dance divas Explizit, both of
which produce the kind of electronic music you have to pay money for to
own on music cd. - PCFormat Aug 96.
explizit memberz
,:i organising staff Ch:ilm Phoncie i:,
,:i, ,i:,
:i composers Phoncie Jay KoMAH Batjo i:
:i, Mad Max Thunderbass Kaotix Armadon Sturm ,i:
:ia, ,ai:
a a
a support LightWing Dirt Bag a
a a
ld traders modem cosmo
i i
- explizit boards -
Foreign boards always welcome. Email for more info
- -- world -- -
world headquarter sl1210 ch:ilm
+31-43-3638243 +31-43-3631724
from Sept. 16, 1996: +31-43-4083796
- -- holland -- -
member jiehaaaaa phoncie +31-413-474630 fr/sa/su 22/07
member overdrive mad max +31-78-681-9320 fr/sa 18/07
frontline cyclone cyclone +31-79-331-5963
site boiling grave pope-x +31-180-664-627
site x-connection hardattack +31-252-217474
site sound garden spinoza +31-30-2441479 +31-30-244-1237
site braindead brain +31-50-5418168
site madnez maui +31-297-265359
site distortion sfinx +31-521-321-608
- -- europe! -- -
belgium hq astralasia weezer +32-3-744-08-83
belgium site poussin poussin +32-2-646-86-57
finland hq hard disk cafe patrician
+358-60-316456 +358-60-346555 +358-60-366115
germany hq x-press sinus
+49-30-40632377 +49-30-40632378 +49-30-40-1354
frontline spiritworld larry +49-89-32928640
german site rave line nr one modem +49-3381-703478
german site nightsky swapper +49-6104-923299 +49-6104-929977
hungaryhq dune2 bat +36-76-49-2351
ireland hq powerstation madmax +353-41-32568
isrealhq dark hell dark angel +972-7-9972448
italyhq revenge of shadow skyjump +39-464-421890
kroatian hq mater pound mater +385-1-215-132
norwayhq spacebar hybris +47-64-93-3499 +47-64-93-7034
norway site neural network megantereon +47-611-93998
portugal hq escape tiago dias +351-1-2746171
russia hq komis station bbs vadim
+7-8422-320410 +7-8422-320412 +7-8422-320413
slovakian hq digital land cosmo +42-7-788094
swizzhq the underworld synoptic
+41-22-9600621 +41-22-9600622 +41-22-9600623
swizz frontline ravebase maverick +41-22-3485521
swiss site the neutral zone wavenlocutus +41-32-418851
swiss site insekts in spaze jobe +41-62-824-4561
ukhq ganja man isdn soon!
uksite unknown enemy niavasha +44-1981-240-840
uksite purple haze bios +44-16-285-80150
- -- northernamerica -- -
california industrial evil bigod-20 +1-714-7794116
florida the nether world distorted silence/psychoholic/liquid insanity
+1-813-942-4147 +1-813-943-0777
florida the toy box buzz lightyear +1-904-733-5852
texas warp speed alex gen +1-708-776-2395
virginia edge of insanity insane +1-804-5832565
tennessee raves nitemare rave n madd +1-615-9040079
canadahq the turrahan relm jason suwala +1-604-477-0639
canada site impact impact +1-604-477-7023
canada site 808 state tricky +1-604-248-3690
canada site myriad synergy cyre +1-418-285-4838
- -- rest of the world -- -
australia hq warhammer legend +61-2-9879-6261
ozziesite the garage nitro +61-73888-5949
brazilhq altconn *fox +55-11-816-2031
brazilsite graint shot dark vender +55-21-5364942
internet and couriering
world hq
usa hq
euro ftp
italy ftp
explizit files are distributed worldwide by:
- -- sunset professional art couriers -- -
- -- the outer limit zone 8 -- -
- -- myztic-net zone 12 -- -
wordz from tha staff
: explizit has its own column in the worlds largest music :
i scene letter traxweekly. you can receive this pcmusic news- i
letter by sending an email message to listserver@
a a with the keywords subscribe a a
a trax-weekly followed by your name. a
:ia, please write us if you want to pour your heart out, ,ai:
:i, eat your cat, kill your mother in law, anything: ,i:
:i i:
,:i, - -- -- - ,i:,
,:i i:,
:: if you are tight, female, blond and horny by all means, ::
. .: feel free to send me your address so i can check you :. .
. out personally : .
:: - -- distro-list -- - ::
,:i You can receive all new explizit files thru internet i:,
,:i, e-mail! Send a message to with ,i:,
:i subscribe listname in the message body. Lists i:
:i, available are: ,i:
:ia, ,ai:
a explizit.binary MIME files a
a explizit.announce text, release-info a
a a
i i
You dont have any friends, Beavis. Everybody hates you.
I have a little special friend ... huh huh ... boioioioionggg
Nah, he probably hates you too.
- -- information protocol 4.80 -- -
A great variety of tracked music groups have Web pages. The most
famous of these groups is probably Kosmic,
whose tunes featured on the Cover-CD a couple of months ago and who
are universally lauded. Other favorites include German-based trance group
Radical Rhythms and
Dutch dance divas Explizit, both of
which produce the kind of electronic music you have to pay money for to
own on music cd. - PCFormat Aug 96.
explizit memberz
,:i organising staff Ch:ilm Phoncie i:,
,:i, ,i:,
:i composers Phoncie Jay KoMAH Batjo i:
:i, Mad Max Thunderbass Kaotix Armadon Sturm ,i:
:ia, ,ai:
a a
a support LightWing Dirt Bag a
a a
ld traders modem cosmo
i i
- explizit boards -
Foreign boards always welcome. Email for more info
- -- world -- -
world headquarter sl1210 ch:ilm
+31-43-3638243 +31-43-3631724
from Sept. 16, 1996: +31-43-4083796
- -- holland -- -
member jiehaaaaa phoncie +31-413-474630 fr/sa/su 22/07
member overdrive mad max +31-78-681-9320 fr/sa 18/07
frontline cyclone cyclone +31-79-331-5963
site boiling grave pope-x +31-180-664-627
site x-connection hardattack +31-252-217474
site sound garden spinoza +31-30-2441479 +31-30-244-1237
site braindead brain +31-50-5418168
site madnez maui +31-297-265359
site distortion sfinx +31-521-321-608
- -- europe! -- -
belgium hq astralasia weezer +32-3-744-08-83
belgium site poussin poussin +32-2-646-86-57
finland hq hard disk cafe patrician
+358-60-316456 +358-60-346555 +358-60-366115
germany hq x-press sinus
+49-30-40632377 +49-30-40632378 +49-30-40-1354
frontline spiritworld larry +49-89-32928640
german site rave line nr one modem +49-3381-703478
german site nightsky swapper +49-6104-923299 +49-6104-929977
hungaryhq dune2 bat +36-76-49-2351
ireland hq powerstation madmax +353-41-32568
isrealhq dark hell dark angel +972-7-9972448
italyhq revenge of shadow skyjump +39-464-421890
kroatian hq mater pound mater +385-1-215-132
norwayhq spacebar hybris +47-64-93-3499 +47-64-93-7034
norway site neural network megantereon +47-611-93998
portugal hq escape tiago dias +351-1-2746171
russia hq komis station bbs vadim
+7-8422-320410 +7-8422-320412 +7-8422-320413
slovakian hq digital land cosmo +42-7-788094
swizzhq the underworld synoptic
+41-22-9600621 +41-22-9600622 +41-22-9600623
swizz frontline ravebase maverick +41-22-3485521
swiss site the neutral zone wavenlocutus +41-32-418851
swiss site insekts in spaze jobe +41-62-824-4561
ukhq ganja man isdn soon!
uksite unknown enemy niavasha +44-1981-240-840
uksite purple haze bios +44-16-285-80150
- -- northernamerica -- -
california industrial evil bigod-20 +1-714-7794116
florida the nether world distorted silence/psychoholic/liquid insanity
+1-813-942-4147 +1-813-943-0777
florida the toy box buzz lightyear +1-904-733-5852
texas warp speed alex gen +1-708-776-2395
virginia edge of insanity insane +1-804-5832565
tennessee raves nitemare rave n madd +1-615-9040079
canadahq the turrahan relm jason suwala +1-604-477-0639
canada site impact impact +1-604-477-7023
canada site 808 state tricky +1-604-248-3690
canada site myriad synergy cyre +1-418-285-4838
- -- rest of the world -- -
australia hq warhammer legend +61-2-9879-6261
ozziesite the garage nitro +61-73888-5949
brazilhq altconn *fox +55-11-816-2031
brazilsite graint shot dark vender +55-21-5364942
internet and couriering
world hq
usa hq
euro ftp
italy ftp
explizit files are distributed worldwide by:
- -- sunset professional art couriers -- -
- -- the outer limit zone 8 -- -
- -- myztic-net zone 12 -- -
wordz from tha staff
: explizit has its own column in the worlds largest music :
i scene letter traxweekly. you can receive this pcmusic news- i
letter by sending an email message to listserver@
a a with the keywords subscribe a a
a trax-weekly followed by your name. a
:ia, please write us if you want to pour your heart out, ,ai:
:i, eat your cat, kill your mother in law, anything: ,i:
:i i:
,:i, - -- -- - ,i:,
,:i i:,
:: if you are tight, female, blond and horny by all means, ::
. .: feel free to send me your address so i can check you :. .
. out personally : .
:: - -- distro-list -- - ::
,:i You can receive all new explizit files thru internet i:,
,:i, e-mail! Send a message to with ,i:,
:i subscribe listname in the message body. Lists i:
:i, available are: ,i:
:ia, ,ai:
a explizit.binary MIME files a
a explizit.announce text, release-info a
a a
i i
You dont have any friends, Beavis. Everybody hates you.
I have a little special friend ... huh huh ... boioioioionggg
Nah, he probably hates you too.
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