r e a l i t y c h e c k n e t w o r k ! Introduction Voting Booth Editorials Reader Survey Interviews Secret Articles Articles Space Invaders Game Reviews Group NFOs [Couriers] Dear Road Rebel, Group NFOs [Releases] Warez Lists RCN Information "Warez-IQ" Warez Quiz! E-Mail by Amnesia Couriers Defacto Booboo!!! E-Mail by Zorlac ATA and IMP Merger E-Mail by Crystaline Death Suspicious Image and Trite E-Mail by Wild Storm COPS Suck... E-Mail by Defender Zeta Flying Egos in the Scene Fan-Mail Thank You!!! Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #14! RCMP, April 2, 1996 RCMP Raid!!! Tsunami *BUSTED* Hacking the U.S. *WHAT*??? PWA+CORP=PWA David & Goliath, and Park Central? Lester Amnesia vs. Digital - *MY* Side! Silent Mobius Digital vs. Amnesia - *MY* Side! Everclear RiSC, Razor 1911, and SCUM Rapid Motion A Hostile Comeback! Perfect Form Perfect Form, Ousted... Again. Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #14! *COVER* Charges Laid 9 Charges Relating to Anarchist *COVER* Tom James Tom James Makes His Visit Amnesia vs. Digital Amnesia WOOPing on Digital? Revenge on Piracy Alefantes, aka Captain Blood Chris Carter Ordinance of RTS, BN of Rapier "passwd" path=/etc/security/passwd "Me.. a Narq?" Trite, What Are You Up To? $60 for this? $12 for Piracy? Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #14! Group Reviews : Games #1 Group Reviews : Utils #1 Group Reviews : Games #2 Group Reviews : Utils #2 Group Reviews : Games #3 Group Reviews : Utils #3 Group Reviews : Games #4 Group Reviews : Utils #4 Group Totals : Games Group Totals : Utils Go Back to Main Menu The Seven Listing #1 [04/18/96] --> [04/24/96] The Seven Listing #2 [04/25/96] --> [05/01/96] The Seven Listing #3 [05/02/96] --> [05/08/96] The Seven Listing #4 [05/09/96] --> [05/15/96] Global Warez Search Search All Warez Lists!! Return to Main Menu Check Out Other Parts of RCN #14! r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Subject : RCMP, April 2, 1996 Affiliation : RCN : When and how were you busted and for what? UND : On April 2nd, 1996 the RCMP "Royal Canadian Mounted Police" raided my house and confiscated over $25,000 worth of computer equipment. The warrant said "Copyright Infringment". Their plan is to completely eradicate software piracy off of the Internet by the year 1997; and they are well equiped to do just that. I know for a fact that many members of the different groups over the past year are in fact Microsoft agents working on this investigation. They will definitely take out anyone they want. I mean, who are we kidding here... RCN : Sice September of last year, Microsoft, IBM, Lotus, Core, Autodes, and a few other companies have worked together in an "Internet Anti-Piracy Campaign". They have been working undercover in the warez scene collecting information about the various groups and their respective members. They would seek out information such as who supplies and who couriers, etc. In your opinion, is the warez scene not to be as trusted as before, and that even you or I could be an undercover federal agent? UND : Absolutely. How can you even think of trusting someone you will never in your life met. I mean, a handle could be anyone; it could even be Bill Gates you're trading the newest build of Windows NT with. How can you know for sure who you're talking to. It is just not worth it. I could be looking at up too $25,000 in fines and/or 8 months in jail for every offense! That's every ware! That's insane! And all these lamers on IRC who say "Oh, the feds don't care about courier groups, it's all bullshit! Distributing copyrighted software is just as bad if not worse than the person who supplied it in the first place. The supplier gives it to one person. The couriers give it to thousands of people! How would you know if I am a federal agent or not, and how would I know if you're not. It's simple, the Internet is an imaginary world, where people can be whatever they want. The federal agents who are working with Microsoft are taking advantage of that. There's no such thing as entrapment on the Internet. They don't have to tell you jack. In fact, about 99% of all narqs are not federal agents. They are usually just students or Microsoft employees. The federal agents are just the guys who take the information these people hand them and then go kick in your door. They just pick up the scraps when Microsoft has enough information on you. RCN : How long have you being in the scene? And in your opinion, do you see the scene dying out as many veterans are starting to leave the scene? UND : I've been a major part of the scene ever since the C64 days. And as far as I am concerned, the scene is all but dead now. I mean, there are a lot of great people left, but how can you possibly hide from these huge companies? If you have half a brain, you'd get out of the scene before these companies get you. It's just not worth it. I would that couriers are in EVEN bigger shit than suppliers. From my observations, they apparently don't really care about the games scene. It's the utils they are after in a big way by companies such as Microsoft, IBM, etc. All the big time elite dudes I used to know have either retired, or have been busted by now. With all these new people coming in, I would say that 2 out of every 10 work in some way with Microsoft, the SPA, or some other government agency. It's just not fair, we can't win... RCN : What happened on the day you of your bust? Did they let you go? Did they confiscate anything? UND : I was out of town on business. They came to my house, kicked in the door and confiscated everything that had anything to do with computers, all my systems, monitors, cables, books, notepads, scribble pads, scraps of paper, etc. If you walked in right after they left. You would have no clue that I had anything to do with computers. RCN : Did they charge you with a crime? Did they take you to jail? UND : I was not arrested. And I still have not been charged with anything. They are going through my systems with a fine toothed comb as we speak... RCN : Did you have a lot of pirated software on your system? UND : Well I am not really in a position to say. Who knows who will be reading this. I will say that I considered myself untouchable for the longest time. I mean, I always heard of people getting busted and I was always said, "Oh shit, that guy's screwed." But it was never supposed to happen to me. It's like something you watch on television. But I'll tell you this. I was one of the most careful people out there and they got me. That means they can get anyone, anytime, anywhere. No questions asked. Whenever I see people saying, "Oh they'll never get me, or I'm not worried. I think they're idiots, PERIOD. It's simple, Microsoft's gang is bigger than the scene, more well equipped and more experienced. The scene is outmatched. RCN : Do you have any idea or any information of the person that narqed on you? Is there someone you suspect (I remind you that your handle will not be mentioned in this interview)? UND : I know for a fact that someone narqued on me. I thought I knew who it was. But after talking with this person, I realized that it could have been any one of about 8 different people in that area. When I hit court, I will find out for sure. When I do, EVERYONE will know who the narq was. Mark my words on that one... RCN : And you will personally inform RCN who this person is? UND : Of course, RCN is the most widely read E-Zine. I have no problem with that. I go by the code of the scene which is to never NARQ on anyone under any circumstances. The person who narqued on me is a fucking low-life piece of shit. I will find out who he is, and when I do, EVERYONE in the scene will know. I promise you that. RCN : I have known you for a very long time and you basically set me up with most of the groups I am in today. What do you suggest for people out in scene in how we can protect ourselves? Don't federal agents need a warrant to break into a house? UND : Yes, they need a warrant. However, the Microsoft anti-piracy team is very respected and can easily get a warrant from the government. I suggest that if you belong to a group. No matter how big or how small, that you absolutely make sure that you do not have a single piece of copyrighted file on your system. Don't even keep a record of anything regarding the scene. If you need to get on IRC, use a shell account, preferably a hacked one. Buy all your software, from the store! If you belong to a group, make your system 100% legitimate. Because when they come, and they will, the slightest little scrap of information that tie you to a group, or to the scene in anyway could make the difference you walking away or getting convicted! RCN : Do you think groups such as Razor 1911, which have been around for about 25+ years would be able to survive in the scene? UND : No groups have been around for 25 years. There are no groups that are immune to this. Anyone in the scene is fair game to these guys. They are probably not interested in groups like Razor since it's a games group. They are more interested in groups that specialize in utils, like DOD and PWA. But when it comes right down to it. I think they just want to clean us all right off the face of the Internet. I would say it's a fair bet that every single group in the scene at this point in time has at least 1 or 2 members that are a part of Microsoft's anti-piracy team, as members of these groups, I would bet my life on that. I don't trust anyone anymore. As I have said, it could be anyone you are talking to. RCN : That is true, but what about users who are in Africa? I'll be moving to Africa in 2 weeks. There are no piracy laws there, and they're not going to bust anyone there. UND : Well I wouldn't know about the laws in Africa, but I do know that in Canada and the U.S., you're screwed if they catch you. In Canada, the maximum penalties by law for copyright infringment is $25,000 in fine and/or 8 months in jail, per offense. In the U.S., it's up to a million in fines, and up to 5 years in jail!!! And that information is right out of my lawyer's mouth. It's no joke, this is very serious shit. All I have to say is this, I hope people listen. I am not some punk. I have been around for many years now, and what I'm seeing now is not good for the scene. The federal agents are definitely coming in full force. People are dropping like flies and they are not going to stop untio they get the results they want. This scares me. However, the few people in the scene whom I actually consider personal friends "outside the scene" have listened to me, and have gotten out, I hope. I will always be around, I have just stopped the downloading and spreading. It's not worth it. My friends know who I am, and they will always be my friends. RCN : I really appreciate this interview, and on the behalf of RCN, we would like to thank you for letting us conduct it. We know how hard it is and it is very scary to get busted, especially since you are married and have 4 kids, and have to go to jail for copyright infringement. I hope everything works out for you. UND : Thanks man, I will keep RCN informed on what's going on... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Tsunami Subject : Tsunami *BUSTED* Affiliation : Ex-fATE Courier RCN : You recently left the warez scene for a few months, you seemed to have just disappeared, was there a reason why? TSU : I got busted. Actually for all the warez I was pirating, I got busted for something I didn't do. I was using a "shared" account at Sydney University. Unbeknownst to me, there were a lot of other people using the same account, and a few of those people decided to hack a U.S. missile base, and they were actually quite successful at their little venture. RCN : They hacked into the U.S. MISSILE BASE??? What the hell were they trying to do, launch some nukes and start World War III?.. TSU : I know, they were pathetically stupid, I mean that's ASKING to be caught, but, they are in a LOT of trouble now (tee hee). This wasn't some sort of mini warez thing, so the U.S. government decided to ring our Australian federal agents and then they called AusCERT (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team) and they traced calls to and from the Sydney University accounts. That's where I was stuffed, I found all my Sydney University accounts cancelled and they took me in for an "interview". Argh, they taped in TRIPLICATE... RCN : What's a triplicate? TSU : The AusCERT taped the interview onto three tapes simultaneously. RCN : Yikes, so the AusCert found you by tracing your phoneline? TSU : Yes, looks like it, that could have been the only way. RCN : Do you remember what kind of questions they asked you in the "interview"? What were they trying to find out? TSU : They were asking me if I knew how to create shell script programs, why I was using the account, who gave me the account, and why the account was used for hacking the U.S. missile base. RCN : Hacking into a U.S. missile base is a little more eye-catching than carding a fake account. After you were interviewed, did you immediately come back into the warez scene? If not, how long was it before you decided to come back to the scene? TSU : Immediately? Shit no, I haven't been online since they took away computer, and I no longer have Internet access, but I hope to have my computer back soon.. a few weeks at most, MAYBE... RCN : They took away your computer? How are you chatting with me right now? You're not chatting with me on an AusCERT computer terminal, are you? If they didn't charge you with anything like hacking, how could they have confiscated your computer? Don't they need to have "just cause" and "due process" before they have the right to confiscate private property? TSU : Well, they COULD charge me with unlawful access and a bunch of shit, so I really didn't want to argue with them when they came and took it. I'm currently using a friends account at New Castle University, 2 hours north of Sydney. RCN : Do you think it's SAFE for you to come back to the scene? Since your interview with the AusCERT, do you feel that it might have an adverse effect on the groups you were affiliated with? For example, it is well known that you are a great courier for a great courier group, fATE (Fast Action Trade Exchange), did the AusCERT dig deep into your warez habits, or did they skip over anything related to warez? In other words, did they care that you were pirating, or were they only interested in the hackers? TSU : A stroke of luck for me was that they were only interested in the hackers, and since I'm not into hacking, warez was never part of the big picture. I'm trying to lay low for a while (Woops, granting an interview to the most read E-Mag in the scene is not a good way to lay low *slap* do'h). RCN : Do you have any names/handles of those who were actually hacking the U.S. missile base? TSU : Sorry, I don't want to get them into anymore trouble than what they are already in. I decline to answer. RCN : Were you the only warez person using that account, or were there other more warez people using it? HOW did you get accesss to that account in the first place? Who gave you the account? You obviously didn't pay for it. TSU : How? It was given to me by another "Netter" (Aren't they all?). I was the main warez person using the account since it was a dream account, unlimited quota.. woo wee... RCN : The "Netter" who gave you the account, did he get interviewed by the Auscert as well? TSU : Yes, he was one of the hackers. RCN : Ouch, guess he got a little more than just an interview. TSU : He was stupid for doing it though, ruined me for a couple of months. RCN : What kind of computer did you have? What did they confiscate? TSU : They confiscated my Pentium 120 MHz, 2 MEG Matrox Millenium, 24 MEG RAM, 2 GIG HD, 15" monitor, SB16, 6x CD-ROM, and my Rhino 6 motherboard :( RCN : OUCHH... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : David & Goliath Subject : PWA+CORP=PWA Affiliation : PWA Senior Member RCN : The Corporation was capable of showing the scene that it was a very powerful release group even though the group was essentially very young. The Corporation released quality utils on a regular basis, and as a result, the group became very well respected, and most considered The Corporation to be one of the top 3 utils groups comparable to PWA and DOD. However, The Corporation recently merged into PWA, was this move an attempt to merge together the competiton? The Corporation was good, but couldn't beat PWA, so The Corporation decides to join PWA? D&G : The merge was basically put into effect because The Corporation was running into problems. I became very busy, and the rest of the leaders/seniors did not have the time to run the group. So we all looked at the different possibilities on what to do, and one thing that we all agreed on was that PWA was the #1 utils group; and that a merger with them would be beneficial to both groups. I then contacted Snake about the merger and discovered that PWA was looking into something similar as well. RCN : I agree with you, PWA is definitely the #1 utils group. What will happen to the leaders/seniors of The Corporation? After the merge, will they too become leaders/seniors of PWA, or will they be taken in as regular members? How many The Corporation members were there at the time of the merge, and how many of those The Corporation members will make it into PWA? D&G : Cyberjack and I have been made PWA Senior Members. However, The Punisher left for Siege. Vengeance is on vacation and has a member position, and Ustasa is also a member. I don't have the exact figures of how many people from The Corporation made it into PWA, but a lot of inactive people were dropped, and only the best moved with us. RCN : The Punisher went to Siege, a rival utils group? Was The Punisher an important factor to The Corporation's release capabilities? D&G : The Punisher is a great courier, and some consider him the best in the world. His main duty in The Corporation was to organize the boards and couriers; and he did a great job at it when he had the time. I believe that Siege will also be a major powerhouse since they have some great guys like Hemp Hoodlum, and Speed Master. And with time, they will become one of the top utils groups in the scene. RCN : Not only was The Corporation one of the top 3 utils groups, but it also had THE best board in the world. The Corporation had Park Central as its WHQ, will Park Central become PWA's new WHQ? D&G : Park Central will not be making the move. Crackpot was very patient with us. He took us in when we hadn't really proved ourselves, and helped us in many ways. 2 days before The Corporation merged with PWA, we had decided to take a break or something, that is until we could break the dry spell, and that's when Crackpot had decided to call it quits. So Park Central will now be without a utils group, because that's the way he chooses to run his board. Park Central will remain affiliated with RiSC and Dynamix. RCN : WOO... Park Central is now open for a utils group, DOD perhaps? Anyways, I remember reading some messages on Park Central, and I could recall that Roland from DOD and you did NOT get along. He posted messages about how lame this and that was, and how he was all this and that plus more. Do you believe that perhaps now that The Corporation has merged into PWA, that Roland from DOD and or other members from DOD might show more resentment towards PWA, their #1 rival and competitor? When the #1 (PWA) and #3 (Corp) utils groups merge, the number #2 (DOD) utils group, must show a little concern? D&G : I doubt Park Central will be taking in any utils groups, but I can't say that for sure. As for Roland, he and I shared our differences, but he is now no longer in the scene. As far as DOD is concerned, I have not seen any resentment from them. They have a great relationship with PWA, and ever since I have been there, I have seen no problems concerning the merge. RCN : The DOD and PWA relationship is very admirable, and the smaller groups should learn to follow their example. There's been a trend lately in which smaller groups merge into a bigger groups, ONLY to find out that a few months later, they merge back out. For example, Scum merged into PWA when their leader, Liquidator, left the scene, however, once Liquidator came back to the scene, many of the old Scum members immediately left PWA and went straight back to Scum. Do you feel that their might be a chance in the future in which The Corporation merges back out of PWA, or does it seem to be a PERMANENT merge (so far)? D&G : I don't know the details about the whole Scum merge with PWA, but as far as I am concerned. I want the PWA and The Corporation merge to be a permanent deal, and I hope in every regards that it will be. But it is hard to say what will really happen, but I will try 100% to make permanent. RCN : BTW, Here's a personal question, I have a friend who's handle is Mike and Dave - and they happen to be two brothers, your handle is David and Goliath, are you one person or two people? D&G : 2 people, and it's David & Goliath :) RCN : Are you two brothers or simply homosexual faggots? D&G : Neither, we were 2 couriers from the same area code, and we are also very good friends, so we decided to merge handles. RCN : Merge handles??? Merge groups, merge handles... what will people think of next :) D&G : I would just like to send out some greets to people I worked closely with while in The Corporation - Cyberjack : Wow man, you impressed the hell outta me! Hemp Hoodlum : Thanks for everything. The Punisher : people are doubting that you are #1 man! Uncle John : Thanks for all the help! Crackpot : Thanks for the patience! All The Rest : Vengeance, Ustasa, Retaliator, Tinox, Dogfriend, and Shatter Star... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Lester Subject : Amnesia Affiliation : Amnesia Leader RCN : What is your current postion in the group Amnesia? LES : I'm in a leader of Amnesia. RCN : How did Amnesia came about? LES : Amnesia came about when a few of us decided to leave the courier group MALiCE, because of personal and miscellaneous conflicts along with some other problems. We decided to start our own group. The name was just thrown in there. RCN : When Amnesia started, did you guys face any serious problems? LES : We ran into a few problems, one was with Captain Blood. He was one of the few people that we started the group with originally. He caused a lot of problems and split off to form his own group. RCN : Is Captian Blood's group still messing with Amnesia, or his group pretty much dead? LES : Captain Blood's group is still alive, but he was kicked out of it. They are cool with us and don't fuck with us anymore. RCN : What was the name of the Captain Blood's courier group? LES : The name was, and still is Rapier. RCN : I noticed that Amnesia and Digital held a friendly competition, what was that all about? LES : It was suggested by a courier in Amnesia to compete against Digital. Eventually, I agreed to it and 6 Amnesia couriers competed with 15 Digital couriers on a site for a week. The competition ended on May 2, 1996, about an hour ago. RCN : What was the result of the competition? LES : Amnesia won by about 30 megs or so. It was fairly close toward the end, but there was alot of crap uploaded by both sides, so it wasn't really that fun. RCN : Is Amnesia better in Internet couriering or BBS couriering? LES : Amnesia is equally good in both aspects of couriering. RCN : What does one have to do to become an Amnesia member? LES : The Internet division is closed, but the BBS division requires that you trade long distance and that you do about 200 megs a week. RCN : Is Amnesia "official couriers" for any release groups? LES : We have a few "unofficial" officials, but I have not agreed to officially courier for any release group as of yet. RCN : Is the summer of 1996 going to have a major impact on Amnesia? Most SiteOps are in college and take leave during the summer, and as result, many FTP sites go down. LES : I don't think it will have a big effect on Amnesia. RCN : How old is Amnesia, and what are Amnesia's future plans? LES : We have been around for 2 months now. Our future plans are to just to have more fun by moving some files, etc. RCN : What makes Amnesia different from any other group? LES : We just try to have fun and we try not get too involved in the politics of it all, at least I try not to. RCN : What is your general feeling toward the scene? LES : I feel that the scene is going down the tubes. There is too much back stabbing and ego trips. It's gotten way out of hand. It's supposed to be a fun hobby, an escape from reality,people take it way too seriously though. They ought to just lighten up and have some fun. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Silent Mobius Subject : Digital Affiliation : Digital Leader RCN : What is your current position in Digital? SMO : I am the founder and one of the leaders. RCN : When did Digital come into being? SMO : I'd have to say last year, probably around September. RCN : As Digital came into being did it had any problem or conflicts with other groups? SMO : No, at least I don't think so. I always avoided trouble. We might have had some trouble with MindCrash. RCN : Can you give us some background information on Digital? SMO : Devast and I both used to be in MindCrash, when The Wicked One and Avoozl ran it. When I first joined, I didn't know much political things about it. All I knew is that it was a plain old couriering group, and I became a senior, then what happened was, I found out that The Wicked One didn't like Devast too much. Devast said that he would courier whenever he wanted to. He'd courier nothing and then sometimes he does 150 megs. The Wicked One said that he was going to kick Devast out of MindCrash but Devast decided to quit before he'd get kicked out. So be it, and I found out about it, but didn't care at first. Then The Wicked One and Avoozl got a job together, and were busy; I tried to take care of MindCrash, but none of the couriers respected me like a senior. I got pissed and left. Then I met Devast, and he decided to start a couriering group with me. At first, it was going to be Devast, Creed, Desolation Angel and me, but then Desolation Angel dropped out. Devast and I were debating on a name, and came up with Digital and that's how it all started... RCN : Which other courier groups are currently competing with Digital? SMO : We're not really in competition; we were just challenged into a competition with Amnesia, and Devast decided to go for it, but I wouldn't call it an actual competition. RCN : Will you call this a friendly competition, or something that just keeps the group on their toes? SMO : I'd consider it kind of both. We have a great bunch of guys in Digital; no egos, nothing. We're out just to have fun and to courier, but I wouldn't call it a rivalry between the two groups. RCN : Is the summer of 1996 going to have a major impact on Digital? Most SiteOps are in college and take leave during the summer, and as result, many FTP sites go down. SMO : Not too sure, I dont' really know. Actually it all depends on the couriers and SiteOps themselves. I mean, we are a serious group, but at same time, a lot of us have fun at it... RCN : So Digital is not worried about the summer time blues? Because summer is when several groups come up and many go out because like I said several group members go out of town and sites go down. Digital is not worried about that all? SMO : Well, we are worried, but eventually, summer will end, so things will go back to normal I guess, but it's all so unpredictable. There's nothing I can do about it even if I'm worried. RCN : How does the competition between Amnesia and Digital work? SMO : You see, we upload to see who gets more within the week. I'm not really into it. Devast organized it and all on BBX, and it's going out pretty fun. I don't really care who wins or loses actually, the whole point is just to upload. RCN : Do you have any last few comments towards the scene? SMO : For one thing, I am starting to see what Cyber Angel meant when he said "It's pointless to move other peoples' files." Releasing groups are the big time winners easily. But towards Digital, well, we've made quite a bit of improvement with some merges, and we don't have no egos flying, so it's going out pretty good, and we're keeping the competition between Amnesia really tight, even though they have a couple of great couriers. RCN : Uploading other peoples file is hard work. There's only a certain amount of uploading each group can do. No group can call every BBS in the world to upload all their new releases, and Digital as a group is putting alot of effort moving the warez, and that is suffice to say that courier groups are needed in order for the scene to thrive. SMO : Thanks, we're just doing our share for the scene. As for calling every BBS, it's just the speed of it that you get it on. And believe me, it is hard work. RCN : Is Digital better in Internet couriering or BBS couriering? SMO : Digital is better off in Internet courieriering. Several of our BBS coordinators left the scene or have lost their Internet accounts (What a coincidence...), but now, we are going to rebuild the BBS division once more. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Hitex Interviewee : Everclear Subject : RiSC/RZR/SCUM Affiliation : RiSC/RZR/SCUM RCN : You've 3 main affiliations, RiSC (Rise in Superior Couriering), Razor 1911, and Scum. What made you choose those groups? EVR : Well, RiSC and Razor 1911 are the best, and I'm friends with Third Son so I decided to joined Scum. RCN : What is your position in each one of the groups? EVR : I'm a bulletin board courier in all three. RCN : What do you think puts RiSC on top and has kept it there for so long? EVR : RiSC has the finest traders, bulletin boards, and FTP sites around. We dominate both the Internet and the boards. Everyone works their assess off, and we have quality leaders. RCN : Razor 1911 has also been around for a long time, but lately it has been getting a lot of competition from such groups as Dynamix, Hybrid, and Napalm. Do you think that Razor 1911 is still #1 in the games scene? EVR : Yes, of course. Not to group bash, but we release quality, WORKING releases. The best games are always released by Razor 1911. We also have the best trading team of any games group. RCN : Well I don't doubt that it worked, but a couple of days ago Razor 1911 released Tyrian. Was that a real release? EVR : Yes, that was newer version of Tyrian. If people would have looked closely they would have noticed that, it wasn't a dupe. RCN : Yeah, I didn't think it was because it didn't get nuked anywhere. Well, that's cool, in that case, I'll go download it, I heard it's an awesome game. What do you think of Napalm? I've seen them beat out Razor 1911 in release numbers, what do you think this means? EVR : I think that while Razor 1911 is busy making their releases WORK, Napalm is releasing the game, then releasing a crack 10 days later. From now on, Razor 1911 will still release a game even if Napalm has already released it. RCN : That sounds like a plan. What do you think about RiSC's policy to support only "top 10" boards? EVR : I think it makes sense. Why bother with other boards? They're too easy! RiSC members need to go where the competition is :) RCN : Don't you think that the small multinode boards deserve some support, though? EVR : If they are RiSC, then I am sure they get support, but more effort goes into the bigger boards, RiSC is more net based then BBS based anyhow. RCN : Are you referring to IRC on the Internet or FTP sites? EVR : FTP sites, RiSC is #1 on every site, guaranteed. RCN : What are the requirements to become a courier for RiSC? EVR : There are no set requirements, anyone that can do the job can get in. RiSC is the hardest courier group to get into though. RCN : How many hours per week do you spend couriering for RiSC? What is the job description of being a RiSC member? EVR : I'll tell you this, I spend a LOT of time couriering. It's a lot of work. RCN : About Scum, what is your feeling towards the general consensus that Scum came back only to reiterate its past glories and that it is failing pathetically compared to its old potential as one of the scene's leading utils groups? EVR : If that's what people think, well, Scum will get better, it's really just based on a bunch of friends hanging out. If we aren't the #1 in utils, no big deal. RCN : That's an awesome attitude, it is only through calmness and trust in time that a group gets better. What do you have to say to the wealth that left Scum for PWA (Pirates with Attitudes)? EVR : Well, PWA is #1 right now, so it makes sense that good suppliers go with the best utils group. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Rapid Motion Subject : Hostile Affiliation : Hostile Leader RCN : What is your current position in Hostile? RAP : I am the founder and leader of Hostile. RCN : How old is Hostile, and what type of group is it? RAP : Hostile was formed in late January early February of 96. We currently release utils and PPEs (PCBoard Programming Executable). We used to release both games and utils, but we no longer release both. RCN : Why don't you release both games and utils anymore? RAP : We used to release both games and utils but we have narrowed it down to just utils and PPEs because we have a sister group called Lensmen which is our games division. We give Lensmen our games and in turn, they give us their utils. RCN : When Hositle was first created, did it come upon any problems such as splits or break ups? RAP : Not at first, but then we started coming upon an onslaught of problems when I made Perfect Form a leader in Hostile. He took advantage of the position I gave him and he tried to split up my group. I then kicked him and that drove Hostile into a low point in the scene. After kicking him from the group, there were some members that were uncertain what direction the group was taking. RCN : When you kicked Perfect Form out of Hostile, did it backfire? Did your group suffer significantly? Most group members like to follow their leader, and since you and Perfect Form were leader, did they have a hard time picking between who to follow? RAP : No, Perfect Form was a leader ranked below me. I had a few members that followed me. Most of the great members stuck with Hostile and did not follow Perfect Form because he was doing some very lame things. In the end, Perfect Form's expulsion strengthened Hostile and we got BETTER suppliers. All my old active suppliers came back to the group, and the group is still under construction somewhat but it is now doing better and is stronger than it has been. RCN : What are your future plans for Hostile? RAP : I will like to strengthen the group more and get Hostile more noticed in the utils scene. I am strenghtening Hostile by making it a more stable group, and to do that, we're working on brining more quality releases to the scene. RCN : How does one become a member of Hostile? Are there any positions available in Hostile? RAP : Hostile has an application WHQ (Tower of Sorcery) that is still under construction. We also have special application PPEs on Shroom's board, and we also offer our applications on IRC. RCN : Is Hostile in the scene to become #1 by ruining the competition or is it just here for fun? RAP : We have places in the group for those who are productive suppliers. We also have room for FAST traders and for those who wish to code PPEs, etc. Anyone who has something to offer is welcome to the group. We are here for personal satisfaction, and that's what it's all about. RCN : So bascially, Hostile is not here for the competition and is not actively looking for competition? Is my assumption correct? RAP : In a sense, yes, we would like to compete but we're not planning to lose any sleep if we cannot compete with DOD or PWA. RCN : When Hostile does start to compete, which other utils groups will be it's major competiton? RAP : Hostile is currently competing with COPS, Pinnacle, Scum, and X-Force. I don't think we are ready to compete with DOD or PWA yet. Hostile is here to stay, and we hope to gain the same respect we give to other groups. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Perfect Form Subject : Perfect Form Affiliation : Ex-Hostile Leader RCN : A few months ago, you were kicked out of Demolition despite the fact that you were a senior in that group. You were accused of stealing suppliers for a rival group. However, that accusation was proved to be false since you were not trying to steal suppliers, but you were trying to steal artists. But that is ancient history. In the recent weeks, you were again kicked out of a group you were supposedly a "leader/senior" of. You were kicked out of Hostile because you were again attempting to steal members, breaking up the group, and causing havoc. What do you have to say about your recent "kicked in the ass by your own group?" PER : Well, I was in Hostile. RCN : I know that. PER : I did everyting for that group and I put in 100% effort. It was a good group when I was in it, when I was running the show. However, Rapid Motion knows DICK SHIT. I have not tried to break up the group in any way whatsoever. Rapid Motion is making up bullshit again. RCN : You admit that you gave 100% for the group, what exactly did you do for the group? You also said that you RAN the group? Didn't Rapid Motion outrank you? Were there conflicts between you two, a power struggle perhaps? PER : Yes, I gave Hostile 100%. There was a power struggle, *YOU* can ask anyone what Hostile was when I was running it. I had good members in it, that were doing everything to make it even better. I admit that I brought in some lamers too, and suppliers that duped, but I had it all fixed. Ever since I left, it's become just another lame ass group run by a guy who just wants to be the leader of a group. RCN : So you played such a major role in Hostile, that when you left, it could not survive without you? ONE person killed the group? *YOU* basically killed the WHOLE group, and you didn't even take anyone with you? I could believe if 75% of the group left Hostile, and then it culdn't function, but how could 1 person leaving devastate the group so much? PER : I put in 100% effort to making sure that Hostile would survive when I was in it. Why did it die? Well, because I had brought everyone in it and I knew how to run a group and it released almost everyday and every member worked their asses off. When I left, nearly all the suppliers and couriers left for other groups. RCN : The fact that you brought in a lot of members that didn't do anything for the group is what caused so much trouble for Hostile. You brought in too many lamers who didn't know what they were doing or did nothing, and the suppliers that you did help bring into the group only supplied dupes, and that in your 100% effort to make it a good group, you essentially killed it. Then I must ask, what group you did join after you left Hostile, and where did "nearly all the suppliers and couriers" leave for (which other group)? Why did they join other groups? Why did not follow you around since you were their true leader? Or perhaps, you overrated your own leadership and importance, and the rest of Hostile saw that, and that can be why they did not follow you either. PER : Yes, I have to admit I brought in a couple of lamers, and suppliers that supplied dupes, but most of the supplies did supply unreleased utils. I have no idea where "nearly all the suppliers and couriers" went to after Hostile split up. RCN : Okay, now that we have it clear that *YOU* ran Hostile, then what did the Rapid Motion (the other leader) do? Did he just sit on his ass watching you give 100% for HIS group? What's the deal with him? PER : Rapid Motion just sat there watching me do everything, proclaiming himself leader when he did nothing. All he would do is, logon and see how everything was going, and then he'd log right back off. ALL I have to say is, ask anyone what Hostile was like when I was running it. Ever since i left, it's become a crappy utils group. RCN : Did you do most of the packaging of the releases? Who packaged more releases? You or Rapid Motion? PER : I did. RCN : How many releases did you package, and how many releases did he package? PER : Rapid Motion didn't even package a single thing since the suppliers didn't even know who he was. I packaged most of the stuff, along with my friend Weed. RCN : Who packaged more releases? You or Weed? PER : I packaged a few more than he did. RCN : So you packaged more, did either of you do any dupe checking? Cause Hostile sure did release a lot of dupes, I don't need to name any, because it would just be more embarrassing, but anyways, those dupes were obviously not Rapid Motion's fault, since he didn't package anything. Then the packager of those dupes must have either been you or Weed. Who did package all the dupes? You or weed, or did both of you package all the dupes? PER : Neither of us packaged any dupes. The suppliers, packaged the dupes when I specifically told them not to. RCN : Wow, great way to shift the blame. So you never actually packaged any dupes? PER : No, I have not packaged any dupes. RCN : The way I take it is, if you are the lamer and loser everyone calls you, then you would only have enemies. Do you have any friends (on IRC)? PER : Yes, I have a couple of friends. RCN : Name a few? We'd all like to know. PER : Dragon Hunter, Misha, Lost Soul, Grudge, Corvette, Captain Blood, LoLo, Shatter Star, CP, and Prozac are my friends. r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, I would like to point out that in Defacto E-Zine, it was stated that Digital beat Amnesia in the FTP uploading contest. This is wrong. Amnesia won the 1 week contest. Digital did a good job and kept us on our toes. The contest was a competition between 6 Amnesia couriers and 16 Digital couriers. Amnesia would like to congradulate Digital for doing a good job and for making us work so hard. Now that the contest is over, both groups respect each other more. The contest was fair and with no cheating. Both sides cranked the BBX FTP Site and did a good job. Amnesia would like to applaud the Digital team and we hope to have more friendly competitions in the future. Signed, Amnesia Couriers Dear Amnesia Couriers, Thanks for the clarification, I'm sure it was just a mistake on the part of the Defacto E-Zine. RCN is proud to continue to give you the most correct information, and you can find further statistics on this competition in the "Amnesia vs. Digital" article in this issue. Note that we also have interviews (found in the Interviews menu) with leaders from both sides of the competition. Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, I would like to inform RCN about the ATA (Above The Absolute), and the IMP (Imperial) merge. But first I would like to go into detail about both groups. IMP was founded in early March by myself. IMP got some talented people from the start and grew fast. One week after it was founded we started releasing and decided that we would specialize in utils. IMP was offered many merges, some which involved merges INTO big groups, and others which involved merges WITH small groups. IMP turned down some and took up a merge offer by ERA. After two days, it failed. IMP failed two other merges. After the two failers, IMP became more organized and released more often. Approximately 2 months after the ERA failure, ATA offered IMP a merge deal. TSA and Jecksom founded ATA was founded about one month after IMP first grouped. They got great people from the start and only accepted the best. ATA was originally formed for fun, but they quickly turned into a serious group. They had everything except releasing power. ATA could release, but not often. IMP had the releasing power so ATA offered IMP a merge. Both groups worked on the merge for 3 days. Everything was worked out except for the new name for a combined group. IMP wanted to either keep IMP as our name or go under a neutral name. ATA wanted to keep their name, but after one day they convinced me to take the name ATA. Its a cool name anyway! On the fourth day, the merge was final and a success. After about one week after the merge, ATA started to kick ass, they released 15+ quality releases a month, not like the lame ass COPS releases. Here are a few pointers for leaders if they ever in a merge position. REMEMBER that MOST merges are usually a failure. Make sure you know exactly what you are doing. Make sure you have all your information collected by the first day. Don't get big egoed when a bigger group asks you to merge into them. It won't get you anywhere, and chances are that they will change their mind if you do agree to merge. Merges must happen fast or they will fail. Guarenteed... Keep merges a secret until they are final. If word gets out, it will just cause major problems. Trust me, it has happened to me before. Signed, Zorlac *PS* If you follow all of them, it will DEFINETLY help out your merge process. But I cannot guarantee that it will work out. It is impossible to predict if a merge will work out. Odds are that your first merge will be a failure. [VEk'96] ... Above the Absolute '96 Proudly Present ... 3D Atlas for Windows v1.1 (c) Creative Wonders [xx/55] Released at [23:30] on [13/05/96] [Supplier : H. Penguin....] [Operating System : Windows.] [Packager : TSA...........] [Video : Yes.....] [Cracker : None needed...] [Audio : Yes.....] [Protection : None..........] [Number of Disks : 55......] [Type : 3D Atlas......] [Rating : [O8/1O].] All slaves globes where ripped... that means the only globe that's still there is the enviromental globe. All sound were ripped, except for the funky background music. All the country attractions were ripped out, that means you cant double click on a particuliar area on the globe, or on the specified country flag. And of course, 600 megs of movie files were left out :) Zorlac, I'm sure ATA has a future, I believe in giving all groups a chance. But I don't feel that you're in any position to diss on COPS when you can manage to release an Atlas in 55 disks that, as far as I can deduce from your NFO (above), has not much more than a spinning globe. What use is it to have a 55 disk globe that you can't click on and find out about? Your tips to the hopefuls of the scene are good. Let me just give you a small tip, though. Ripping is very good. Without skilled rippers, the scene wouldn't be around. However, quality of a release is measured by its usability, and usefulness, and this seems like no more than oversized decoration. In the future, if you rip something and you notice that you can't take it down to an appropriate size and still leave the entire usefulness of the program intact, give up on that release. Maybe COPS will find a way to do it. Giving tips is very good, but before you can put yourself in a position to do so, your status needs to be much higher than what it currently is. Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, I would like to share my story with you. Who here has ever been kicked or banned from a channel because some asshole thinks he has all the power in the virtual world? I know I sure have, and it's not right. Damned egos. On Monday, May 13th, 1996, at around 2:50 PM, I got home and logged on to the Internet. I went into IRC and joined #ATA, #Siva, #Pascal (I code), and of course, #RCN. For the next 2 or 3 minutes, nothing happened. Everybody was being quiet, not giving any signs of life. I was just about to leave to find something else to do, when all of a sudden, Ventrue exclaimed "Anyone alive?" I replied "Yeah, I'm here." We ended up talking about some BBS demo I was supposed to code for him, but never got around to. Anyways, a few more minutes passed and TQR (The Quiet Riot), the President of NFS (Need for Speed) got kicked out of #ATA. I went around asking why, but no one answered. Apparently, Suspicious Image, a self-centered egoistical fucking loud mouth kicked TQR out. For a few minutes, I listened to TQR's story. He told me that Suspicious Image was one of those people that belongs to groups like DOD, Hybrid, RiSC, etc., and that he was hot shit. A few moments later, Suspicious Imaged messaged me saying "You will obey TSA and Zorlac for ban-kicking a senior." Whatever the fuck that meant, I didn't really care by then. He sounded like he was in charge and was ordering me around. This directly backed up TQR's perspective of Suspicious Image and his damned ego. This goes double for Trite. He thinks he's a damned hot shot too. Trite was the one to kick me out for kicking Suspicious Image out. Actually, I'm not sure if it's because of Suspicious Image. I think it's more of a personal vendetta that we have. Anyways, ATA has a cool president, but some seniors (such as Trite) should be weeded out for being so lame. Kicking out members because they feel like it is not right. Why did I write this? I want the world to know how much of an ass-monger Suspicious Image and Trite are. I mean, if they were a fucking bit nicer, they wouldn't see me all pissed. Lastly, Hybernate ticks me off sometimes. This guy is all around cool, but he thinks I stole his shell. It was my actually my shell and I didn't ask anyone to steal it back. I'm not shifting blame away from me, but have a bit more faith. He is the only one here with a normal mental capacity, except when he's pissed. Then he becomes blind to the truth. Signed, Crystaline Death Dear Crystaline Death, I don't doubt that some of the actions of Suspicious Image and Trite could be referred to as completely lame. I don't know Suspicious Image personally so it would be unfair of me to make a judgement call about him without getting to know him for myself. I will speak of Trite, though. He actually did some warez reviews for RCN a few issues back, and he seemed like a very reliable person that seemed very intelligent to me. He made his arguments well for the groups that he favored, and I appreciate that in him. He was also very nice to me on IRC. However, people change, and again, I haven't spoken to him recently, so it would not be in my best regard to make a judgement call upon him right now. I would, however, have to stick to his side in a toss-up due to prior experience with him. As for Hybernate, we all have problems getting along with people sometimes. Why not put that aside and see if you can befriend him once more. We can't all be perfect all the time. I have a hard time being perfect some of the time. Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, I'm going to talk about COPS, they are a pathetic and lame group. They do have some good members that came over from the AOf merge. However, their releases are small, lame, and usually freeware. It's an ongoing joke among FTP traders that one of COPS' releases might one day actually break a meg. Most of their releases are less than 600k. Their utils are usually useless crap. Occasionally they do some freeware NetScape stuff. I remember how they released "Blake Stone : Aliens of Gold", didn't they know that it used the same engine as "Wolfenstein 3D"? This group has potential but their leader, Endeavour is a lame 13-year-old. I suppose he hasn't realized that his group is having problems when its own WHQ (Malevolence) doesn't even acknowledge that it is the COPS WHQ and asks the group NOT put the board name in the NFO file because it's too embarrassing to be associated with. COPS needs to get its shit in order, purge its lameass members who clog the channel doing nothing, and get their suppliers in order. They have the talent to be a good release group. The reason COPS sucks is purely because of their lack of good leaders. Get your group in order and use your suppliers. Endeavour's a lazy bastard who sits in real groups' channels and begs to get opped. My personal opinion is that COPS supliers should get into a real group such as ATA, Fierce, or Hostile. If you don't agree, then that's rough. I don't have any affiliations so I can only talk about COPS because I'm one of the few independent traders out there. So to wrap this letter up, I'd like to say to the COPS, "Get your shit in order, enough said." Signed, Wild Storm Dear Wild Storm, I have to agree with you, COPS shows possibility, but when most small groups start with completely useless crap and advance to not so useless crap, COPS has stayed with completely useless crap. I blame the leadership, but then get confused about whether or not the suppliers are even capable of producing anything better. Maybe your letter will spark something. Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken r c n e d i t o r i a l ! Dear RCN, The scene seems to be rampant with traders with big egos and attitudes. Some veteran traders just smile and express that the scene would be dead if it weren't for the ego that drives traders and groups to do their best. I think it's time to put this to debate and place it in its proper terms. There are some traders who brag and act like they are 'the shit' 101% of the time. These poor souls usually end up getting in trouble and getting kicked out of groups when they shoot their mouths off. Other traders who are experienced know they are among the best. Traders who say they are the best and can back it up on a consistently shouldn't be called egotistic if they keep bragging to an acceptable level. Some traders are good and they brag to excess. These people usually have problems eventually when they cross another trader who can waste them on a site or board. Those who seem to make a big deal about having some pride need to chill. Everyone who sacrifices 5-14 hours a day in the scene deserves some recognition when they do a good job. If they act like assholes by taking their boasts to extremes just laugh and know that they will fuck themselves over eventually. They are their own worst enemy. They will get theirs in the end. The scene is driven by ego to some extent, since no sane person would invest the time and effort we all do just to get a few games and utils that actually work and are worth downloading. If someone starts to act like an asshole in a channel then just tell him to fuck off and get a girlfriend. Don't make a big deal out of their huge ego. Other people will notice and will hurt the trader eventually. If they are just idly bragging in the channel how they cranked a board and they aren't talking like they are the only good trader in the channel, jut say 'good job.' Don't get all uptight when someone discusses his accomplishments. Just go with it and don't whine. I'm kinda sick of people whining that this trader or that trader is an egotistical bastard. We all are to some degree. Don't condemn a bit of bragging because we all do it. If the trader acts like an asshole then just sit back and lugh while he is making himself look like a fool. Signed, Defender Zeta Dear Defender Zeta, I, too, am sick of egos flying. However, I would easily extend the spectrum to just regular members of groups. I would like to comment on one thing, though. If a person spends 14 hours a day in the scene trading, he needs help. Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken r c n e d i t o r i a l ! The following are several heartwarming e-mails I got after we announced the death of RCN in Issue #13, three months ago. It is messages like these that made us decide to come back. If we would have gotten more of these before our death, we may never have died. Thanks to all the people that e-mailed me after our death with all the nice words. Dear RCN, Your magazine was really awesome, I'm sad to see it go. I hope you guys reconsider, and maybe someday you'll be back around. Dear RCN, When you started you had the competition of Inquisition and Naked Truth Magazine, when you finished, there was competition no more. Great work. Dear RCN, I'm sorry I never got to talk to you guys when you were still publishing. I proudly couriered your magazine around the Internet, and will miss doing that. Thanks for the time you spent for us. Then came my favorite E-Mail of them all... Dear RCN, Hi! I just downloaded your magazine from "The Shareware Resort," and it's really cool! It's very well written and has some awesome programming work done on it! Where can I get more of these? Oh, and when you reply, could you please tell me a bit about what exactly 'warez' are? I guess I'm a beginner. Oh, and how do I join groups? Thanks. Hahaha, that one just killed me. Apparently our E-Zine made it to more places than I had previously anticipated! Well I guess RCN isn't really pirated software, so it's perfectly legal on the shareware boards! It made it there a bit late, this reader was resonding to issue 10 about a month after it was released, but amusing nonetheless! Again, I would like to thank all the people that sent in comments that for your kind words. We are proudly making a return here and we hope you will continue to send in your opinions of the magazine and any ideas you may have for its improvement. Signed, Hitex/Rebel Chicken r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Subject : RCMP, April 2, 1996 Affiliation : RCN : When and how were you busted and for what? UND : On April 2nd, 1996 the RCMP "Royal Canadian Mounted Police" raided my house and confiscated over $25,000 worth of computer equipment. The warrant said "Copyright Infringment". Their plan is to completely eradicate software piracy off of the Internet by the year 1997; and they are well equiped to do just that. I know for a fact that many members of the different groups over the past year are in fact Microsoft agents working on this investigation. They will definitely take out anyone they want. I mean, who are we kidding here... RCN : Sice September of last year, Microsoft, IBM, Lotus, Core, Autodes, and a few other companies have worked together in an "Internet Anti-Piracy Campaign". They have been working undercover in the warez scene collecting information about the various groups and their respective members. They would seek out information such as who supplies and who couriers, etc. In your opinion, is the warez scene not to be as trusted as before, and that even you or I could be an undercover federal agent? UND : Absolutely. How can you even think of trusting someone you will never in your life met. I mean, a handle could be anyone; it could even be Bill Gates you're trading the newest build of Windows NT with. How can you know for sure who you're talking to. It is just not worth it. I could be looking at up too $25,000 in fines and/or 8 months in jail for every offense! That's every ware! That's insane! And all these lamers on IRC who say "Oh, the feds don't care about courier groups, it's all bullshit! Distributing copyrighted software is just as bad if not worse than the person who supplied it in the first place. The supplier gives it to one person. The couriers give it to thousands of people! How would you know if I am a federal agent or not, and how would I know if you're not. It's simple, the Internet is an imaginary world, where people can be whatever they want. The federal agents who are working with Microsoft are taking advantage of that. There's no such thing as entrapment on the Internet. They don't have to tell you jack. In fact, about 99% of all narqs are not federal agents. They are usually just students or Microsoft employees. The federal agents are just the guys who take the information these people hand them and then go kick in your door. They just pick up the scraps when Microsoft has enough information on you. RCN : How long have you being in the scene? And in your opinion, do you see the scene dying out as many veterans are starting to leave the scene? UND : I've been a major part of the scene ever since the C64 days. And as far as I am concerned, the scene is all but dead now. I mean, there are a lot of great people left, but how can you possibly hide from these huge companies? If you have half a brain, you'd get out of the scene before these companies get you. It's just not worth it. I would that couriers are in EVEN bigger shit than suppliers. From my observations, they apparently don't really care about the games scene. It's the utils they are after in a big way by companies such as Microsoft, IBM, etc. All the big time elite dudes I used to know have either retired, or have been busted by now. With all these new people coming in, I would say that 2 out of every 10 work in some way with Microsoft, the SPA, or some other government agency. It's just not fair, we can't win... RCN : What happened on the day you of your bust? Did they let you go? Did they confiscate anything? UND : I was out of town on business. They came to my house, kicked in the door and confiscated everything that had anything to do with computers, all my systems, monitors, cables, books, notepads, scribble pads, scraps of paper, etc. If you walked in right after they left. You would have no clue that I had anything to do with computers. RCN : Did they charge you with a crime? Did they take you to jail? UND : I was not arrested. And I still have not been charged with anything. They are going through my systems with a fine toothed comb as we speak... RCN : Did you have a lot of pirated software on your system? UND : Well I am not really in a position to say. Who knows who will be reading this. I will say that I considered myself untouchable for the longest time. I mean, I always heard of people getting busted and I was always said, "Oh shit, that guy's screwed." But it was never supposed to happen to me. It's like something you watch on television. But I'll tell you this. I was one of the most careful people out there and they got me. That means they can get anyone, anytime, anywhere. No questions asked. Whenever I see people saying, "Oh they'll never get me, or I'm not worried. I think they're idiots, PERIOD. It's simple, Microsoft's gang is bigger than the scene, more well equipped and more experienced. The scene is outmatched. RCN : Do you have any idea or any information of the person that narqed on you? Is there someone you suspect (I remind you that your handle will not be mentioned in this interview)? UND : I know for a fact that someone narqued on me. I thought I knew who it was. But after talking with this person, I realized that it could have been any one of about 8 different people in that area. When I hit court, I will find out for sure. When I do, EVERYONE will know who the narq was. Mark my words on that one... RCN : And you will personally inform RCN who this person is? UND : Of course, RCN is the most widely read E-Zine. I have no problem with that. I go by the code of the scene which is to never NARQ on anyone under any circumstances. The person who narqued on me is a fucking low-life piece of shit. I will find out who he is, and when I do, EVERYONE in the scene will know. I promise you that. RCN : I have known you for a very long time and you basically set me up with most of the groups I am in today. What do you suggest for people out in scene in how we can protect ourselves? Don't federal agents need a warrant to break into a house? UND : Yes, they need a warrant. However, the Microsoft anti-piracy team is very respected and can easily get a warrant from the government. I suggest that if you belong to a group. No matter how big or how small, that you absolutely make sure that you do not have a single piece of copyrighted file on your system. Don't even keep a record of anything regarding the scene. If you need to get on IRC, use a shell account, preferably a hacked one. Buy all your software, from the store! If you belong to a group, make your system 100% legitimate. Because when they come, and they will, the slightest little scrap of information that tie you to a group, or to the scene in anyway could make the difference you walking away or getting convicted! RCN : Do you think groups such as Razor 1911, which have been around for about 25+ years would be able to survive in the scene? UND : No groups have been around for 25 years. There are no groups that are immune to this. Anyone in the scene is fair game to these guys. They are probably not interested in groups like Razor since it's a games group. They are more interested in groups that specialize in utils, like DOD and PWA. But when it comes right down to it. I think they just want to clean us all right off the face of the Internet. I would say it's a fair bet that every single group in the scene at this point in time has at least 1 or 2 members that are a part of Microsoft's anti-piracy team, as members of these groups, I would bet my life on that. I don't trust anyone anymore. As I have said, it could be anyone you are talking to. RCN : That is true, but what about users who are in Africa? I'll be moving to Africa in 2 weeks. There are no piracy laws there, and they're not going to bust anyone there. UND : Well I wouldn't know about the laws in Africa, but I do know that in Canada and the U.S., you're screwed if they catch you. In Canada, the maximum penalties by law for copyright infringment is $25,000 in fine and/or 8 months in jail, per offense. In the U.S., it's up to a million in fines, and up to 5 years in jail!!! And that information is right out of my lawyer's mouth. It's no joke, this is very serious shit. All I have to say is this, I hope people listen. I am not some punk. I have been around for many years now, and what I'm seeing now is not good for the scene. The federal agents are definitely coming in full force. People are dropping like flies and they are not going to stop untio they get the results they want. This scares me. However, the few people in the scene whom I actually consider personal friends "outside the scene" have listened to me, and have gotten out, I hope. I will always be around, I have just stopped the downloading and spreading. It's not worth it. My friends know who I am, and they will always be my friends. RCN : I really appreciate this interview, and on the behalf of RCN, we would like to thank you for letting us conduct it. We know how hard it is and it is very scary to get busted, especially since you are married and have 4 kids, and have to go to jail for copyright infringement. I hope everything works out for you. UND : Thanks man, I will keep RCN informed on what's going on... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Tsunami Subject : Tsunami *BUSTED* Affiliation : Ex-fATE Courier RCN : You recently left the warez scene for a few months, you seemed to have just disappeared, was there a reason why? TSU : I got busted. Actually for all the warez I was pirating, I got busted for something I didn't do. I was using a "shared" account at Sydney University. Unbeknownst to me, there were a lot of other people using the same account, and a few of those people decided to hack a U.S. missile base, and they were actually quite successful at their little venture. RCN : They hacked into the U.S. MISSILE BASE??? What the hell were they trying to do, launch some nukes and start World War III?.. TSU : I know, they were pathetically stupid, I mean that's ASKING to be caught, but, they are in a LOT of trouble now (tee hee). This wasn't some sort of mini warez thing, so the U.S. government decided to ring our Australian federal agents and then they called AusCERT (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team) and they traced calls to and from the Sydney University accounts. That's where I was stuffed, I found all my Sydney University accounts cancelled and they took me in for an "interview". Argh, they taped in TRIPLICATE... RCN : What's a triplicate? TSU : The AusCERT taped the interview onto three tapes simultaneously. RCN : Yikes, so the AusCert found you by tracing your phoneline? TSU : Yes, looks like it, that could have been the only way. RCN : Do you remember what kind of questions they asked you in the "interview"? What were they trying to find out? TSU : They were asking me if I knew how to create shell script programs, why I was using the account, who gave me the account, and why the account was used for hacking the U.S. missile base. RCN : Hacking into a U.S. missile base is a little more eye-catching than carding a fake account. After you were interviewed, did you immediately come back into the warez scene? If not, how long was it before you decided to come back to the scene? TSU : Immediately? Shit no, I haven't been online since they took away computer, and I no longer have Internet access, but I hope to have my computer back soon.. a few weeks at most, MAYBE... RCN : They took away your computer? How are you chatting with me right now? You're not chatting with me on an AusCERT computer terminal, are you? If they didn't charge you with anything like hacking, how could they have confiscated your computer? Don't they need to have "just cause" and "due process" before they have the right to confiscate private property? TSU : Well, they COULD charge me with unlawful access and a bunch of shit, so I really didn't want to argue with them when they came and took it. I'm currently using a friends account at New Castle University, 2 hours north of Sydney. RCN : Do you think it's SAFE for you to come back to the scene? Since your interview with the AusCERT, do you feel that it might have an adverse effect on the groups you were affiliated with? For example, it is well known that you are a great courier for a great courier group, fATE (Fast Action Trade Exchange), did the AusCERT dig deep into your warez habits, or did they skip over anything related to warez? In other words, did they care that you were pirating, or were they only interested in the hackers? TSU : A stroke of luck for me was that they were only interested in the hackers, and since I'm not into hacking, warez was never part of the big picture. I'm trying to lay low for a while (Woops, granting an interview to the most read E-Mag in the scene is not a good way to lay low *slap* do'h). RCN : Do you have any names/handles of those who were actually hacking the U.S. missile base? TSU : Sorry, I don't want to get them into anymore trouble than what they are already in. I decline to answer. RCN : Were you the only warez person using that account, or were there other more warez people using it? HOW did you get accesss to that account in the first place? Who gave you the account? You obviously didn't pay for it. TSU : How? It was given to me by another "Netter" (Aren't they all?). I was the main warez person using the account since it was a dream account, unlimited quota.. woo wee... RCN : The "Netter" who gave you the account, did he get interviewed by the Auscert as well? TSU : Yes, he was one of the hackers. RCN : Ouch, guess he got a little more than just an interview. TSU : He was stupid for doing it though, ruined me for a couple of months. RCN : What kind of computer did you have? What did they confiscate? TSU : They confiscated my Pentium 120 MHz, 2 MEG Matrox Millenium, 24 MEG RAM, 2 GIG HD, 15" monitor, SB16, 6x CD-ROM, and my Rhino 6 motherboard :( RCN : OUCHH... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : David & Goliath Subject : PWA+CORP=PWA Affiliation : PWA Senior Member RCN : The Corporation was capable of showing the scene that it was a very powerful release group even though the group was essentially very young. The Corporation released quality utils on a regular basis, and as a result, the group became very well respected, and most considered The Corporation to be one of the top 3 utils groups comparable to PWA and DOD. However, The Corporation recently merged into PWA, was this move an attempt to merge together the competiton? The Corporation was good, but couldn't beat PWA, so The Corporation decides to join PWA? D&G : The merge was basically put into effect because The Corporation was running into problems. I became very busy, and the rest of the leaders/seniors did not have the time to run the group. So we all looked at the different possibilities on what to do, and one thing that we all agreed on was that PWA was the #1 utils group; and that a merger with them would be beneficial to both groups. I then contacted Snake about the merger and discovered that PWA was looking into something similar as well. RCN : I agree with you, PWA is definitely the #1 utils group. What will happen to the leaders/seniors of The Corporation? After the merge, will they too become leaders/seniors of PWA, or will they be taken in as regular members? How many The Corporation members were there at the time of the merge, and how many of those The Corporation members will make it into PWA? D&G : Cyberjack and I have been made PWA Senior Members. However, The Punisher left for Siege. Vengeance is on vacation and has a member position, and Ustasa is also a member. I don't have the exact figures of how many people from The Corporation made it into PWA, but a lot of inactive people were dropped, and only the best moved with us. RCN : The Punisher went to Siege, a rival utils group? Was The Punisher an important factor to The Corporation's release capabilities? D&G : The Punisher is a great courier, and some consider him the best in the world. His main duty in The Corporation was to organize the boards and couriers; and he did a great job at it when he had the time. I believe that Siege will also be a major powerhouse since they have some great guys like Hemp Hoodlum, and Speed Master. And with time, they will become one of the top utils groups in the scene. RCN : Not only was The Corporation one of the top 3 utils groups, but it also had THE best board in the world. The Corporation had Park Central as its WHQ, will Park Central become PWA's new WHQ? D&G : Park Central will not be making the move. Crackpot was very patient with us. He took us in when we hadn't really proved ourselves, and helped us in many ways. 2 days before The Corporation merged with PWA, we had decided to take a break or something, that is until we could break the dry spell, and that's when Crackpot had decided to call it quits. So Park Central will now be without a utils group, because that's the way he chooses to run his board. Park Central will remain affiliated with RiSC and Dynamix. RCN : WOO... Park Central is now open for a utils group, DOD perhaps? Anyways, I remember reading some messages on Park Central, and I could recall that Roland from DOD and you did NOT get along. He posted messages about how lame this and that was, and how he was all this and that plus more. Do you believe that perhaps now that The Corporation has merged into PWA, that Roland from DOD and or other members from DOD might show more resentment towards PWA, their #1 rival and competitor? When the #1 (PWA) and #3 (Corp) utils groups merge, the number #2 (DOD) utils group, must show a little concern? D&G : I doubt Park Central will be taking in any utils groups, but I can't say that for sure. As for Roland, he and I shared our differences, but he is now no longer in the scene. As far as DOD is concerned, I have not seen any resentment from them. They have a great relationship with PWA, and ever since I have been there, I have seen no problems concerning the merge. RCN : The DOD and PWA relationship is very admirable, and the smaller groups should learn to follow their example. There's been a trend lately in which smaller groups merge into a bigger groups, ONLY to find out that a few months later, they merge back out. For example, Scum merged into PWA when their leader, Liquidator, left the scene, however, once Liquidator came back to the scene, many of the old Scum members immediately left PWA and went straight back to Scum. Do you feel that their might be a chance in the future in which The Corporation merges back out of PWA, or does it seem to be a PERMANENT merge (so far)? D&G : I don't know the details about the whole Scum merge with PWA, but as far as I am concerned. I want the PWA and The Corporation merge to be a permanent deal, and I hope in every regards that it will be. But it is hard to say what will really happen, but I will try 100% to make permanent. RCN : BTW, Here's a personal question, I have a friend who's handle is Mike and Dave - and they happen to be two brothers, your handle is David and Goliath, are you one person or two people? D&G : 2 people, and it's David & Goliath :) RCN : Are you two brothers or simply homosexual faggots? D&G : Neither, we were 2 couriers from the same area code, and we are also very good friends, so we decided to merge handles. RCN : Merge handles??? Merge groups, merge handles... what will people think of next :) D&G : I would just like to send out some greets to people I worked closely with while in The Corporation - Cyberjack : Wow man, you impressed the hell outta me! Hemp Hoodlum : Thanks for everything. The Punisher : people are doubting that you are #1 man! Uncle John : Thanks for all the help! Crackpot : Thanks for the patience! All The Rest : Vengeance, Ustasa, Retaliator, Tinox, Dogfriend, and Shatter Star... r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Lester Subject : Amnesia Affiliation : Amnesia Leader RCN : What is your current postion in the group Amnesia? LES : I'm in a leader of Amnesia. RCN : How did Amnesia came about? LES : Amnesia came about when a few of us decided to leave the courier group MALiCE, because of personal and miscellaneous conflicts along with some other problems. We decided to start our own group. The name was just thrown in there. RCN : When Amnesia started, did you guys face any serious problems? LES : We ran into a few problems, one was with Captain Blood. He was one of the few people that we started the group with originally. He caused a lot of problems and split off to form his own group. RCN : Is Captian Blood's group still messing with Amnesia, or his group pretty much dead? LES : Captain Blood's group is still alive, but he was kicked out of it. They are cool with us and don't fuck with us anymore. RCN : What was the name of the Captain Blood's courier group? LES : The name was, and still is Rapier. RCN : I noticed that Amnesia and Digital held a friendly competition, what was that all about? LES : It was suggested by a courier in Amnesia to compete against Digital. Eventually, I agreed to it and 6 Amnesia couriers competed with 15 Digital couriers on a site for a week. The competition ended on May 2, 1996, about an hour ago. RCN : What was the result of the competition? LES : Amnesia won by about 30 megs or so. It was fairly close toward the end, but there was alot of crap uploaded by both sides, so it wasn't really that fun. RCN : Is Amnesia better in Internet couriering or BBS couriering? LES : Amnesia is equally good in both aspects of couriering. RCN : What does one have to do to become an Amnesia member? LES : The Internet division is closed, but the BBS division requires that you trade long distance and that you do about 200 megs a week. RCN : Is Amnesia "official couriers" for any release groups? LES : We have a few "unofficial" officials, but I have not agreed to officially courier for any release group as of yet. RCN : Is the summer of 1996 going to have a major impact on Amnesia? Most SiteOps are in college and take leave during the summer, and as result, many FTP sites go down. LES : I don't think it will have a big effect on Amnesia. RCN : How old is Amnesia, and what are Amnesia's future plans? LES : We have been around for 2 months now. Our future plans are to just to have more fun by moving some files, etc. RCN : What makes Amnesia different from any other group? LES : We just try to have fun and we try not get too involved in the politics of it all, at least I try not to. RCN : What is your general feeling toward the scene? LES : I feel that the scene is going down the tubes. There is too much back stabbing and ego trips. It's gotten way out of hand. It's supposed to be a fun hobby, an escape from reality,people take it way too seriously though. They ought to just lighten up and have some fun. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Silent Mobius Subject : Digital Affiliation : Digital Leader RCN : What is your current position in Digital? SMO : I am the founder and one of the leaders. RCN : When did Digital come into being? SMO : I'd have to say last year, probably around September. RCN : As Digital came into being did it had any problem or conflicts with other groups? SMO : No, at least I don't think so. I always avoided trouble. We might have had some trouble with MindCrash. RCN : Can you give us some background information on Digital? SMO : Devast and I both used to be in MindCrash, when The Wicked One and Avoozl ran it. When I first joined, I didn't know much political things about it. All I knew is that it was a plain old couriering group, and I became a senior, then what happened was, I found out that The Wicked One didn't like Devast too much. Devast said that he would courier whenever he wanted to. He'd courier nothing and then sometimes he does 150 megs. The Wicked One said that he was going to kick Devast out of MindCrash but Devast decided to quit before he'd get kicked out. So be it, and I found out about it, but didn't care at first. Then The Wicked One and Avoozl got a job together, and were busy; I tried to take care of MindCrash, but none of the couriers respected me like a senior. I got pissed and left. Then I met Devast, and he decided to start a couriering group with me. At first, it was going to be Devast, Creed, Desolation Angel and me, but then Desolation Angel dropped out. Devast and I were debating on a name, and came up with Digital and that's how it all started... RCN : Which other courier groups are currently competing with Digital? SMO : We're not really in competition; we were just challenged into a competition with Amnesia, and Devast decided to go for it, but I wouldn't call it an actual competition. RCN : Will you call this a friendly competition, or something that just keeps the group on their toes? SMO : I'd consider it kind of both. We have a great bunch of guys in Digital; no egos, nothing. We're out just to have fun and to courier, but I wouldn't call it a rivalry between the two groups. RCN : Is the summer of 1996 going to have a major impact on Digital? Most SiteOps are in college and take leave during the summer, and as result, many FTP sites go down. SMO : Not too sure, I dont' really know. Actually it all depends on the couriers and SiteOps themselves. I mean, we are a serious group, but at same time, a lot of us have fun at it... RCN : So Digital is not worried about the summer time blues? Because summer is when several groups come up and many go out because like I said several group members go out of town and sites go down. Digital is not worried about that all? SMO : Well, we are worried, but eventually, summer will end, so things will go back to normal I guess, but it's all so unpredictable. There's nothing I can do about it even if I'm worried. RCN : How does the competition between Amnesia and Digital work? SMO : You see, we upload to see who gets more within the week. I'm not really into it. Devast organized it and all on BBX, and it's going out pretty fun. I don't really care who wins or loses actually, the whole point is just to upload. RCN : Do you have any last few comments towards the scene? SMO : For one thing, I am starting to see what Cyber Angel meant when he said "It's pointless to move other peoples' files." Releasing groups are the big time winners easily. But towards Digital, well, we've made quite a bit of improvement with some merges, and we don't have no egos flying, so it's going out pretty good, and we're keeping the competition between Amnesia really tight, even though they have a couple of great couriers. RCN : Uploading other peoples file is hard work. There's only a certain amount of uploading each group can do. No group can call every BBS in the world to upload all their new releases, and Digital as a group is putting alot of effort moving the warez, and that is suffice to say that courier groups are needed in order for the scene to thrive. SMO : Thanks, we're just doing our share for the scene. As for calling every BBS, it's just the speed of it that you get it on. And believe me, it is hard work. RCN : Is Digital better in Internet couriering or BBS couriering? SMO : Digital is better off in Internet courieriering. Several of our BBS coordinators left the scene or have lost their Internet accounts (What a coincidence...), but now, we are going to rebuild the BBS division once more. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Hitex Interviewee : Everclear Subject : RiSC/RZR/SCUM Affiliation : RiSC/RZR/SCUM RCN : You've 3 main affiliations, RiSC (Rise in Superior Couriering), Razor 1911, and Scum. What made you choose those groups? EVR : Well, RiSC and Razor 1911 are the best, and I'm friends with Third Son so I decided to joined Scum. RCN : What is your position in each one of the groups? EVR : I'm a bulletin board courier in all three. RCN : What do you think puts RiSC on top and has kept it there for so long? EVR : RiSC has the finest traders, bulletin boards, and FTP sites around. We dominate both the Internet and the boards. Everyone works their assess off, and we have quality leaders. RCN : Razor 1911 has also been around for a long time, but lately it has been getting a lot of competition from such groups as Dynamix, Hybrid, and Napalm. Do you think that Razor 1911 is still #1 in the games scene? EVR : Yes, of course. Not to group bash, but we release quality, WORKING releases. The best games are always released by Razor 1911. We also have the best trading team of any games group. RCN : Well I don't doubt that it worked, but a couple of days ago Razor 1911 released Tyrian. Was that a real release? EVR : Yes, that was newer version of Tyrian. If people would have looked closely they would have noticed that, it wasn't a dupe. RCN : Yeah, I didn't think it was because it didn't get nuked anywhere. Well, that's cool, in that case, I'll go download it, I heard it's an awesome game. What do you think of Napalm? I've seen them beat out Razor 1911 in release numbers, what do you think this means? EVR : I think that while Razor 1911 is busy making their releases WORK, Napalm is releasing the game, then releasing a crack 10 days later. From now on, Razor 1911 will still release a game even if Napalm has already released it. RCN : That sounds like a plan. What do you think about RiSC's policy to support only "top 10" boards? EVR : I think it makes sense. Why bother with other boards? They're too easy! RiSC members need to go where the competition is :) RCN : Don't you think that the small multinode boards deserve some support, though? EVR : If they are RiSC, then I am sure they get support, but more effort goes into the bigger boards, RiSC is more net based then BBS based anyhow. RCN : Are you referring to IRC on the Internet or FTP sites? EVR : FTP sites, RiSC is #1 on every site, guaranteed. RCN : What are the requirements to become a courier for RiSC? EVR : There are no set requirements, anyone that can do the job can get in. RiSC is the hardest courier group to get into though. RCN : How many hours per week do you spend couriering for RiSC? What is the job description of being a RiSC member? EVR : I'll tell you this, I spend a LOT of time couriering. It's a lot of work. RCN : About Scum, what is your feeling towards the general consensus that Scum came back only to reiterate its past glories and that it is failing pathetically compared to its old potential as one of the scene's leading utils groups? EVR : If that's what people think, well, Scum will get better, it's really just based on a bunch of friends hanging out. If we aren't the #1 in utils, no big deal. RCN : That's an awesome attitude, it is only through calmness and trust in time that a group gets better. What do you have to say to the wealth that left Scum for PWA (Pirates with Attitudes)? EVR : Well, PWA is #1 right now, so it makes sense that good suppliers go with the best utils group. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Super Hacker Interviewee : Rapid Motion Subject : Hostile Affiliation : Hostile Leader RCN : What is your current position in Hostile? RAP : I am the founder and leader of Hostile. RCN : How old is Hostile, and what type of group is it? RAP : Hostile was formed in late January early February of 96. We currently release utils and PPEs (PCBoard Programming Executable). We used to release both games and utils, but we no longer release both. RCN : Why don't you release both games and utils anymore? RAP : We used to release both games and utils but we have narrowed it down to just utils and PPEs because we have a sister group called Lensmen which is our games division. We give Lensmen our games and in turn, they give us their utils. RCN : When Hositle was first created, did it come upon any problems such as splits or break ups? RAP : Not at first, but then we started coming upon an onslaught of problems when I made Perfect Form a leader in Hostile. He took advantage of the position I gave him and he tried to split up my group. I then kicked him and that drove Hostile into a low point in the scene. After kicking him from the group, there were some members that were uncertain what direction the group was taking. RCN : When you kicked Perfect Form out of Hostile, did it backfire? Did your group suffer significantly? Most group members like to follow their leader, and since you and Perfect Form were leader, did they have a hard time picking between who to follow? RAP : No, Perfect Form was a leader ranked below me. I had a few members that followed me. Most of the great members stuck with Hostile and did not follow Perfect Form because he was doing some very lame things. In the end, Perfect Form's expulsion strengthened Hostile and we got BETTER suppliers. All my old active suppliers came back to the group, and the group is still under construction somewhat but it is now doing better and is stronger than it has been. RCN : What are your future plans for Hostile? RAP : I will like to strengthen the group more and get Hostile more noticed in the utils scene. I am strenghtening Hostile by making it a more stable group, and to do that, we're working on brining more quality releases to the scene. RCN : How does one become a member of Hostile? Are there any positions available in Hostile? RAP : Hostile has an application WHQ (Tower of Sorcery) that is still under construction. We also have special application PPEs on Shroom's board, and we also offer our applications on IRC. RCN : Is Hostile in the scene to become #1 by ruining the competition or is it just here for fun? RAP : We have places in the group for those who are productive suppliers. We also have room for FAST traders and for those who wish to code PPEs, etc. Anyone who has something to offer is welcome to the group. We are here for personal satisfaction, and that's what it's all about. RCN : So bascially, Hostile is not here for the competition and is not actively looking for competition? Is my assumption correct? RAP : In a sense, yes, we would like to compete but we're not planning to lose any sleep if we cannot compete with DOD or PWA. RCN : When Hostile does start to compete, which other utils groups will be it's major competiton? RAP : Hostile is currently competing with COPS, Pinnacle, Scum, and X-Force. I don't think we are ready to compete with DOD or PWA yet. Hostile is here to stay, and we hope to gain the same respect we give to other groups. r c n i n t e r v i e w s ! Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Perfect Form Subject : Perfect Form Affiliation : Ex-Hostile Leader RCN : A few months ago, you were kicked out of Demolition despite the fact that you were a senior in that group. You were accused of stealing suppliers for a rival group. However, that accusation was proved to be false since you were not trying to steal suppliers, but you were trying to steal artists. But that is ancient history. In the recent weeks, you were again kicked out of a group you were supposedly a "leader/senior" of. You were kicked out of Hostile because you were again attempting to steal members, breaking up the group, and causing havoc. What do you have to say about your recent "kicked in the ass by your own group?" PER : Well, I was in Hostile. RCN : I know that. PER : I did everyting for that group and I put in 100% effort. It was a good group when I was in it, when I was running the show. However, Rapid Motion knows DICK SHIT. I have not tried to break up the group in any way whatsoever. Rapid Motion is making up bullshit again. RCN : You admit that you gave 100% for the group, what exactly did you do for the group? You also said that you RAN the group? Didn't Rapid Motion outrank you? Were there conflicts between you two, a power struggle perhaps? PER : Yes, I gave Hostile 100%. There was a power struggle, *YOU* can ask anyone what Hostile was when I was running it. I had good members in it, that were doing everything to make it even better. I admit that I brought in some lamers too, and suppliers that duped, but I had it all fixed. Ever since I left, it's become just another lame ass group run by a guy who just wants to be the leader of a group. RCN : So you played such a major role in Hostile, that when you left, it could not survive without you? ONE person killed the group? *YOU* basically killed the WHOLE group, and you didn't even take anyone with you? I could believe if 75% of the group left Hostile, and then it culdn't function, but how could 1 person leaving devastate the group so much? PER : I put in 100% effort to making sure that Hostile would survive when I was in it. Why did it die? Well, because I had brought everyone in it and I knew how to run a group and it released almost everyday and every member worked their asses off. When I left, nearly all the suppliers and couriers left for other groups. RCN : The fact that you brought in a lot of members that didn't do anything for the group is what caused so much trouble for Hostile. You brought in too many lamers who didn't know what they were doing or did nothing, and the suppliers that you did help bring into the group only supplied dupes, and that in your 100% effort to make it a good group, you essentially killed it. Then I must ask, what group you did join after you left Hostile, and where did "nearly all the suppliers and couriers" leave for (which other group)? Why did they join other groups? Why did not follow you around since you were their true leader? Or perhaps, you overrated your own leadership and importance, and the rest of Hostile saw that, and that can be why they did not follow you either. PER : Yes, I have to admit I brought in a couple of lamers, and suppliers that supplied dupes, but most of the supplies did supply unreleased utils. I have no idea where "nearly all the suppliers and couriers" went to after Hostile split up. RCN : Okay, now that we have it clear that *YOU* ran Hostile, then what did the Rapid Motion (the other leader) do? Did he just sit on his ass watching you give 100% for HIS group? What's the deal with him? PER : Rapid Motion just sat there watching me do everything, proclaiming himself leader when he did nothing. All he would do is, logon and see how everything was going, and then he'd log right back off. ALL I have to say is, ask anyone what Hostile was like when I was running it. Ever since i left, it's become a crappy utils group. RCN : Did you do most of the packaging of the releases? Who packaged more releases? You or Rapid Motion? PER : I did. RCN : How many releases did you package, and how many releases did he package? PER : Rapid Motion didn't even package a single thing since the suppliers didn't even know who he was. I packaged most of the stuff, along with my friend Weed. RCN : Who packaged more releases? You or Weed? PER : I packaged a few more than he did. RCN : So you packaged more, did either of you do any dupe checking? Cause Hostile sure did release a lot of dupes, I don't need to name any, because it would just be more embarrassing, but anyways, those dupes were obviously not Rapid Motion's fault, since he didn't package anything. Then the packager of those dupes must have either been you or Weed. Who did package all the dupes? You or weed, or did both of you package all the dupes? PER : Neither of us packaged any dupes. The suppliers, packaged the dupes when I specifically told them not to. RCN : Wow, great way to shift the blame. So you never actually packaged any dupes? PER : No, I have not packaged any dupes. RCN : The way I take it is, if you are the lamer and loser everyone calls you, then you would only have enemies. Do you have any friends (on IRC)? PER : Yes, I have a couple of friends. RCN : Name a few? We'd all like to know. PER : Dragon Hunter, Misha, Lost Soul, Grudge, Corvette, Captain Blood, LoLo, Shatter Star, CP, and Prozac are my friends. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Lucifers Fear Subject : Charges Laid The following articles are based on information obtained from "The Chronicle-Journal" Saturday, April 20, 1996. A city man, known as "The Anarchist" on IRC, will be appearing in the Ontario Court's provincial division May 7 facing nine charges relating to child pornography and pirated software. Geza Tibor Arnoth, 18, of 417 Brown St. faces seven Criminal Code and two copywright charges in connection with the operation of a computer bulletin board which was seized in January. Police allege that Arnoth was running an electronic bulletin board that offered child pornography and pirated software to anyone who had a mdoem and computer to download the material. A modem is a device that turns data from your computer into a signal that can be transmitted over a telephone line. The computer at the other end of the telephone connection also requires a modem. Arnoth was charged with the following offenses : * Possession of obscene material for the purpose of distribution. * Distribution of obscene material. * Possession of crime comics for the purpose of distribution. * Distribution of crime comics. * Possession of child pornography. * Possession of child pornography for the purpose of distribution. * Distribution of child pornography. * Offering, by way of trade, copywright protected software. * Distribution of copyright protected software. RCMP Const. Tom James and Thunder Bay Police Det. Brian Peltonen had been sifting through thousands of graphic and text files over the past three months since they seized two computers in Westfort on Jan. 23. Although this was the first case in Thunder Bay, police say child pornography via the Internet and electronic bulletin boards are the most common forms of distribtution. James said earlier some of the messages they had found on the bulletin board "scary but not surprising." Police had been gathering evidence since January and chose to execute search warrants over a few days in March to try to surprise people operating bulletin boards. James said if suspects knew ahead of time they would be investigated, they could just pull the plug, delete files or copy them onto disks and hide them. Cyberspace is like a lot of other places. Go looking for trouble and you're likely find it. When it comes to the Internet, there are resources for people who would deny the Holocaust, for those looking for detailed instructions on making pipe bombs, and, as Thunder Bay recently learned, for those interested in the distribution of child pornography. Thunder Bay RCMP charged 18-year-old Geza Tibor Arnoth Friday with seven criminal charges. Arnoth is charged with running an electronic bulletin board accessible via the Internet that offered child pornography and pirated software to anyone who had a modem and computer to download the material. At present there's little to prevent people in Northwestern Ontario from acquiring child pornography - if they are determined enough to search for it on the Internet. That's because the material Arnoth is charged with distributing is just like a drop in a very large bucket. Using widely-available Internet search tools such as Alta Vista and Yahoo, anyone with an Internet account can find dozens of Internet newsgroups, web pages and other electronic resources catering to child pornographers and pedophilla. Some of those recources are nothing more than a lot of dirty words; other recources enable an Internet surfer to access graphic decipitions of sexual acts involving minors. Representitaves of the North American Man/Boy Love Association, for instance, show up in newsgroups arguing in favour of consensual sex between adults and 10-year-old boys. While he topic of their discussion may not be for everyone, the language they use seems to be no worse than that found in a newspaper editorial. It's difficult to gauge the extent of pornography on the Internet. It's even more difficult in many cases for police to track down the perpetrators. A Thunder Bay resident, for instance, could distribute pornography from a computer located in the Philippines. While police try to sort out international jurisdictional and legal issues, a pornographer could be switching the computer distribution point to Poland or any number of countries. Cracking Internet pornography rings requires police with sophisticated new tools. It also requires applying what are in many cases arcane laws to very modern circumstances. Internet groups estimate there may be as many as 20 to 60 million Internet users around the world, the vast majority of whom, as Internet advocates will say, use the global network of computers for largely legtimate purposes. Still, one Finnish researcher tried to get a handle on child pornography in a survey last year. Researcher Mats Wiklund monitored four Internet newsgroups that deal with pornographic pictures for one week in late 1995. Newsgroups are part of the Internet in which users can exchange electronic messages. Among the images he saw were eight pictures of children Wiklund estimated to be between eight and 13 years old. He reported that none of the pictures show intercourse or other explicit sexual activity, although five of the pictures had text on them offering more pictures of nude children through electronic bulletin boards and electronic mail. But as many Internet authorities have pointed out since then, it's difficult to take Wiklund's survey as representative because the quality and quantity of Internet information can change radically from day to day. Despite the difficulty of tracking down pornographers, many governments are trying to pass new laws to make Internet distribution of pornography illegal. The U.S. recently passed the controversial Communications Decency Act which its critics say is too broad and restricts free speech. The Canadian government has not yet passed any such laws, although it is under pressure to do so. At this point, then, it is up to individual Internet users to act as their own censor. Parents of Internet users can purchase software products that prevent access to certain parts of the Internet. Beyond that, groups of Internet users can petition their Internet provider to make certain Internet services unavailable. Still, because much sexually explicit material is available through private electronic bullents boards, such as the one Arnoth is accused of operating, pornography is still going to be there for those determined to get it. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Lucifers Fear Subject : Tom James Makes His Visit In the last few months, Tom James who is known as a famous local RCMP officer in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada who busted "The Shadow Lands" which was ran by The Anarchist who was a member of Demolition and Legacy, recently visited local high schools to give warnings around. He made a stop at almost every school to do a 2 hour presentation on piracy, pornography and hacking. The main articles that were pointed out during his boring presentation were stories on pornography, stories on hacking, and of course, stories on piracy. Being so lucky, he picked me as the one to answer every law and punishment concerning piracy. Answering his questions, possession and distribution of piracy in Canada could result with a 10 years or up to life in prison, and/or fines up to a million dollars along with a civil suit. After his presentation, I had a talk with him myself. He informed me that I was still under investigation and liable for prosecution because The Anarchist has pointed his finger at me for all the blame. What a fucker, he has no evidence on me. I questioned him about the procedure of busting bulletin boards in Canada, he said you have to get on, be able to download warez without vilolating any crimes, then put the file(s) on diskette and test them out. Also, since I was bored I asked him on the use of disclaimers on bulletin boards since they are used so often on many U.S. bulletin boards. He laughed and said to me, "So what, I'm a cop. Does that mean I can't get on a bulletin board?" Obviously he has no clue about anything because that would mean he is violating his own ass, considering that the dumbass goes on local bulletin boards asking questions on oneliners such as "Anyone know where I can get some cool pirated software? I'm bored." Furthermore, this goes to show that Tom James is another example of the one we all love, Chris Carter. So if you want to speak with this damn crawfish shrimp-smellin' cunt dirty whore cunt fucking biatch!, call his office at (807) 623-2791 and ask for Tom James. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Frost Subject : Amnesia vs. Digital Between the dates of 04/26/96 and 05/03/96, two trading groups, Amnesia and Digital, set out to compete in an upload contest. This competition was the result of some childish bickering over which group was better. This ultimately ended in a competition, which, after all, is what courier groups are for! The guidelines for the competition were that Amnesia be allowed 6 traders and Digital 15. For the record, Digital did not require all 15, but Amnesia insisted we take 15 traders. The site to which we were to compete on was BBX. To give you a little background information on who is who, I will talk about my opinions as a Digital trader. Digital is a courier group that was formed by Devast and Silent Mobius. Digital is, in my opinion, one of the better couriering groups in the scene today. It is limited only by its organization and resources. Although our organization is very good, we lack the ability to cater to the widely diverse traders. Our group does not depend on a single dictator or council, but individuals that make decisions for themselves. Digital has a thoroughly different style of couriering when it comes to competition. I think our competing style is many times better, but at the same time our board and other sections are completely neglected. I think this is a pretty good assessment of Digital. Our only major problem is a lack of traders on the top sites. As for my opinion of Amnesia, as a group, I think they are one of the best at doing what they do. I really know very little about their group as a whole and how they run their ship, so I won't comment there. Suffice it to say that this group shows much promise. Now that you've heard about the groups, let's talk about the competition. This competition was not what I would have expected. There were many severe problems that confused both groups in this ordeal. First off, the decision of the site to which we were to courier to lead to many problems. BBX is a fast site in terms of new warez, but when all the Digital and Amnesia couriers raced to BBX, there weren't enough user slots to support them. When the SiteOp graciously added more slots, the speed of transfers and the overall performance of the board dropped. In his words it was a lose/lose situation. The more slots he added, the poorer the performance. Many release disks were lost on Digital's side, and I'd imagine the same was true for Amnesia. Secondly, the Amnesia traders had nuke access on BBX, and there was foul play to say the least. I will not dwell on the topic because I would not want to embarass anyone. Also, many of my resources were sabotaged during and before the competition. I allowed Pericles to use my account and therefore gain access to his sites. There was much debate, and in the end, I must say that I should have respected the SiteOp's rules, and am sorry for using their sites without permision. Many people say that I was using the accounts unjustly and I was not a good trader without those sites. I must concur, because any trader without his resourecs is nothing, you can only be as fast as your resources allow you to be. I feel bad for losing the sites, but not as bad as I feel for those of you that got them taken away from me. Thirdly, and worst of all, there was intense competition and group pride. Name calling and bickering were rampant. There was a bit of bitterness in the whole area, brought upon by big egos clashing. I am sorry for any bickering I may have participated in, in general, I'm sure we all look at the arguments as petty and childish. I think it is safe to say both groups are severely competitive when threatened. This competition was started when Digital felt that it was being discredited by Amnesia. When an Amnesia courier stepped over the line, it was all a chain reaction from there, egos and group pride led to a competition. It is my opinion that this competition has brought out the worst in both groups. I'm sure all our egos got the bet of us at one point. However, it is all necessary to prove our "worth." The final score of the competition was 702 Digital and 729 Amnesia. This was based on a week-long competition held at BBX; Amnesia's U.S. Headquarters (nice site BTW). 15 Digital traders and 6 Amnesia traders went at it (Although I think no more than 7 Digital traders actually uploaded). It was a battle to say the least. I must say Dark Eclipse from Digital stole the show by uploading 347 or so megs holding the top uploader out of both groups. At the very beginning of the competition, I think Digital started strong, however after a nuke on a massive release, Digital fell behind. By the end of day 1, Digital reaffirmed its grasp with a small lead. Digital led for the majority of the contest until Wednesday where in one leap, Amnesia managed to upload some 250 megs taking the leady by approximtely 200 megs. On Thursday (the last day) Digital began uploading massively and began narrowing down the margin. Then we got news that a release that Amnesia had uploaded was nuked (100 megs). With a massive 55 disk release in hand, Digital was ready to take first place, however complications with BBX's user limit and idling traders made it impossible to do so. Many people helped Digital along the way, and I'd like to take the time to thank them. RiSC, thanks for all the support! fATE, thanks for the emotional support! According to Trite, RiSC is #1, MALiCe is #2, Amnesia is #3, Digital is #4, and Everlast is #5. I don't think he is in the position to judge, however, because he knows so little about both Digital and Amnesia. Some of the information in his "Review" was completely false, and I do believe that Amnesia has the #2 position to say the least. MALiCE is good, but Amnesia is sporting some of the best Internet traders in the scene (Prozac, Davan, etc.). I think all groups have their ups and downs, so we shall see. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Super Hacker Subject : Revenge on Piracy The following article is based on information obtained from newspapers and magazines. The Business Software Alliance estimates that software piracy steals more than $15 billion a year from the coffers of software publishers and it is for that reason that Congress is preparing to shore up the laws dealing with using the Internet for piracy purposes. In early November 1995 the first hearings were held before a joint session of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Subcommittee to begin taking testimony on the new NII Copyright Protection Act (H.R.2441 and S. 1284). The National Information Infrastructure or NII is what the Internet is referred to by the government. The Copyright Protection Act is designed to ensure that copyrighted works are fully protected on the Internet and other telecommunications networks. This move to shore-up the copyright laws comes on the heels of some high-profile criminal cases. Thomas Nick Alefantes of Los Angeles was arrested in November after the L.A district Attorney's Office and antipiracy investigators raided his home following allegations that he operated a software piracy operation. Lawmen seized $1 million worth of illegally copied software. Alefantes, known on-line as Captain Blood, sold and rented pirated software after advertising in trade magazines. Autodesk Inc, CEO Carl Bartz was quoted in Wall Street Journal as saying she was grateful for Alefantes's arrest because, "...our losses over the past five years from this man's alleged activities add to millions of dollars..." Alefantes was charged with two felony counts of fraud and trademark violations with bail set at a quarter million dollars. All this attention to the pirating of very expensive productivity programs will surely cast a spotlight on the widespread pirating of computer games. Most of this pirating is more like two, three, or four friends buying one copy of a game and then copying it for distribution among themselves. But even this has software publishers up in arms. Software developers AND publishers are seriously concerned about the unauthorized copying and trafficking of software. The Internet's future as a commercial distribution channel is big, says Jay Willbur of Id Software. "My company's software is routinely pirated on the Internet, even before it's released." Wilbur was joined in supporting the Copyright Protection Act by the Software Publishers Association. SPA counsel Mark Traphagen says the new act is targeted toward criminal intentions, but what about teenagers who feel pirating games like copying their favorite music CD, is okay? "In general" Traphagen says, "the legislation will not change the attitudes of those children who think that copyright infringement is okay. What will change those attitudes is education and both the SPA and the U.S. government have made a commitment in educating the next generation of computer software users about how important it is to respect copyrights, both on and off the Internet." For nearly a year, the SPA and other concerned groups and companies have pooled their resources to convince software users not to pirate software. Part of this effort is the "Don't Copy That Floppy Campaign". Traphagen says there are no plans to hunt down teen pirates, but this act is the beginning of legislation that will ensure that there are safeguards in place in order that they can do business on the Internet without losing their financial shirts because of piracy. "It's going to help promote the commercial development of some parts of the Internet," he says, "In several ways. First of all it's going to clarify what we believe is existing law, which is the transmissions of copyrighted works, including software, are fully protected by copyright law." Traphagen says the act would remove any doubt that software copyright infringements can and will be dealt with as in the Alefantes case. One of the new provisions of the act would prohibit the manufacture, sale or use of so called "Black boxes," which are devices or services, including software theater used to circumvent encryption or copy protection. Taphagen says this is already part of the law dealing with encrypted satellite television broadcasts and the SPA wants to see this extended to the Internet and on-line transmissions as well. As the supporting lobbying groups begin to voice their wants the act could include more provisions such as making copyright infringements a crime even if there is no private financial gain. That strikes very close to home for gamers. More testimony is expected in the first quarter of 1996 before both committees and the new NII Copyright Protections Act is expected to become law late in 1996. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Subject : Chris Carter Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 01:02:01 -0500 (CDT) From: Chris Carter To: x@x.x.x Cc: postmaster@x.x, piracy1@SPA.ORG, software@BSA.ORG Subject: Software Piracy from x@x.x.x Dear John Doe: I have found a user in your Internet domain who plays a large role in the distribution of copyrighted software on the Internet. This user uses the nickname "Ordinance," and uses the account "x@x.x.x.". He/she is a member of an underground group called "RTS." This group is dedicated to the transfer of illegal commercial software to a large audience of users on the Internet. They use the most efficient and fastest methods possible. The user was seen on IRC at exactly: Sun Apr 28 02:04:41 1996 EDT. In an effort to stop software piracy on the Internet, I have been monitoring various groups of users on the Internet Relay Chat network. This medium of communication has become very popular with "warez" pirates who exchange commercial software illegally. On the IRC network, groups of people come together to use sophisticated methods to distribute commercial software to literally thousands of users. With such large scale distribution methods, the software industry is losing millions of dollars. I have no direct evidence to show you that this user is participating in illegal activities. But I can direct you to where evidence can be found. If you are permitted to do so, I suggest that you take a brief scan of the user's home-directory and check for any suspicious files. If you cannot do this, I recommend that you keep a close eye on this user and watch for any unusual activities. Please take whatever action is appropriate in dealing with these matters as stated in your organization's Internet Policy Agreement or Network Etiquette Policy. Thank you for taking the time to read through this message. And thank you for any assistance you can give to help resolve this matter. Your time and help is greatly appreciated and I give you my full gratitude. Thanks again, Chris Carter International Internet Association chrisc@free.org From jeppe Tue Apr 9 14:03:06 1996 Subject: Software Piracy from x@x.x.fi (fwd) To: x (Mr. X) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 1996 14:03:05 +0000 (EET DST) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Status: RO X-Status: I have found a user in your Internet domain who plays a large role in the distribution of copyrighted software on the Internet. This user uses the nickname "BN" and uses the account "x@x.x.fi.". He/she is a member of an underground group called "Rapier." This group is dedicated to the transfer of illegal commerical software to a large audience of users on the Internet. They use the most efficient and fastest methods possible. Thanks again, Chris Carter International Internet Association chrisc@free.org I believe this user, Chris Carter, is violating numerous laws, to include guidelines set forth by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). His means of monitoring are clearly illegal in the United States. He is known to use hacked accounts, send false mail, hide his address, monitor channels in "IRC" through stealth modes - his presence not visible to users of the channels. He is also making great accusations with no evidence causing undue harassment and libel. Undue conflict between user and administrator and possibly resulting in the loss of accounts, if not involvement by state/local/federal authorities. Chris Carter's tactics seem to be strategic and premeditative in nature, a direct attack on the reputation of whomever he chooses to harass. It is encouraged that the unethical and unlawful behavior of Chris Carter be stopped, to protect privacy, freedom of speech, reputations of the innocent and prevent him from abusing any other computer systems through subversive and/or illegal "hacking" methods. Chris Carter certainly gets around. Upon mention of his name, many people have spoken out in outrage at his actions and methods. This e-mail is a collective result of concerned citizens in both the United States and abroad. To my knowledge, there are seven other instances of such accusations sent via e-mail with no support. Upon contact, a system administrator from the first provider has stated that they have checked the files of the user in question, permissible by a written legal form signed by the account purchaser, and have not found a single thing of illegal nature. Why is this violation of privacy necessary due to the likes of Mr. Carter, who does not seem to respect the rights of innocent people? One must wonder whether Carter's basis for these accusing messages has anything to do with the reason of "software piracy" as Carter states. If so, his observations are error-prone. The second provider involved has not commented. Thank you for your time and, hopefully, support. Chris Carter is a criminal by any standards and must be dealt with by legal means before spreading more harm among the Internet community. r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Krypto Subject : "passwd" At times many of us are without Internet shell account, therefore inhibiting our ablility to spread warez. Many of us seek to remedy the situation by cracking a few Internet shell accounts, and then using them to suit our needs. The following are a few techniques expert crackers use when they are in the process of cracking UNIX accounts. Most Internet shells are UNIX based and therefore store the password of all their users in a file called "passwd". This is usually located at the path /etc/passwd. The "passwd" file contains lines looking like this : bgates:VKa0XuF8KB4sc:5604:12:William Gates:/home/bgates:/bin/bash Essentially, the line is broken down into these parts : Username: bgates Encrypted Password: VKa0XuF8KB4sc User number: 5604 Group Number: 12 Real Name (usually): William Gates Home Directory: /home/bgates Type of Shell: /bin/bash Your main concern is to "crack" each encrypted password for every user. Because the encryption function is only unidirectional, you cannot decrypt the encrypted password. You must run a "cracking" program which encrypts words and then compares the encrypted word with the password. If they match, you have now "cracked" the password. Because cracking relies on words that are encrypted, you MUST have a wordlist. For beginners a basic wordlist can be found as a dictionary file supplied as a part of UNIX. The more comprehensive the wordlist is, the better your chances of successfully cracking passwords. Next you'll need a "passwd" cracker, which can be found in versions made for UNIX & DOS. The best DOS cracker is currently CrackerJack and the best UNIX cracker is currently Crack. Next, run the "cracking" program and feed it your wordlist and passwd file, and watch as it "cracks" the passwords. Sometimes you'll discover that the "passwd" file is incomplete or looks something like this : bgates:*:5604:12:William Gates:/home/bgates:/bin/bash The * is called the token and means that the passwd file has been shadowed. Password shadowing is a security system where the encrypted password field of /etc/passwd is replaced with a special token and the encrypted password is stored in a separate file which is not readable by normal system users. In order to defeat this, you'll need to write a C program and compile it similar to this : -------Sample UnShadow Program------------------------------------------ #include main() { struct passwd *p; while(p=getpwent()) printf("%s:%s:%d:%d:%s:%s:%s\n", p->pw_name, p->pw_passwd, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid, p->pw_gecos, p->pw_dir, p->pw_shell); } -------End of Sample Program-------------------------------------------- The "passwd" file is located in the following pathes for each system. To determine your UNIX system type, enter the following during the UNIX prompt : uname -a UNIX Paths (Courtesy of 2600) UNIX Path Token ----------------------------------------------------------------- AIX 3 /etc/security/passwd ! or /tcb/auth/files// A/UX 3.0s /tcb/files/auth/?/* BSD4.3-Reno /etc/master.passwd * ConvexOS 10 /etc/shadpw * ConvexOS 11 /etc/shadow * DG/UX /etc/tcb/aa/user/ * EP/IX /etc/shadow x HP-UX /.secure/etc/passwd * IRIX 5 /etc/shadow x Linux 1.1 /etc/shadow * OSF/1 /etc/passwd[.dir|.pag] * SCO Unix #.2.x /tcb/auth/files// SunOS4.1+c2 /etc/security/passwd.adjunct ##username SunOS 5.0 /etc/shadow System V Release 4.0 /etc/shadow x System V Release 4.2 /etc/security/* database Ultrix 4 /etc/auth[.dir|.pag] * UNICOS /etc/udb * (This TEXT is for informational purposes only) r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Crystaline Death Subject : "Me... a Narq?" We all know about the groups that release cool warez and all that good shit. But did you know there are like a lot of groups popping up all over the fucking place? I am not saying that this isn't good or anything, but why? It seems that most of the groups that start out (and survive) merge. And after a while, the merged group merges with another group. Eventually, that group merges with a group like DOD or something. It always ends up with big groups and on the way there, during merging, people have to be cut! I was in groups such as Imperial and Siva, where one day, they would merge, and then the next day, it would have been like the whole thing never happened. Being a mere coder, I just can't keep up with the 0 hour shit, but I try as hard as I can. Anyways, I was afraid I was going to be cut (I don't know why, Zorlac is a cool dude.). But anyways, when Imperial merged, they didn't cut many people. However, a few days before they merged, 2 people came up to me (Trite and MGD) and informed me that Imperial was most likely going to merge and everyone in Imperial would get screwed except Trite, Zorlac and the suppliers of Imperial. This got me a bit worried, so I asked everyone that would possibly get cut to write a text file with their information in it. (email address, handle, and position in Imperial), so I left it at that. The next day, I come into #Imperial to say my daily greets to people I know. In a matter of seconds, Zorlac started to curse me off because I had been accused of trying to steal Imperial members into joining Siva. I was then kicked and banned. My response was "What the hell is going on?" So I chatted around to find out what happened. Apparently, someone was out to get me bad. I was informed by Hybernate that someone using my handle went into #Imperial and told everyone to join Siva and to fuck Imperial. I personally didn't know at the time who it was, but I could only think that Trite or MGD might have done it. When I told Zorlac (after he calmed down thanks to Forseer) that Trite and MGD told me about the merge, he went to Trite and asked him about this. Trite told zorlac that he didn't say shit to me (he was lying). So, the only logical thing was that Trite was the one trying to fuck me over. Eventually, with the help of personality witnesses (I am usually a joker, or quite senile) they got me back into Imperial, but it was really Forseer who bailed me out. He told me that he got me out of hot water with Zorlac and that I would be considered innocent until they checked out the bot logs. A few days later, the whole thing blew down. No one accused me of anything, for which I am quite pleased. Personal Greets Go Out To : Forseer : Dude, thanks a lot for bailing me out! If it wasn't for you, who knows what would have happened. If you need anything at all, you know where to find me, #Imperial, #Siva, #FDM, and #RCN. Zorlac : Yeah, I was pissed at you for the shortest of times Zorlac, but I knew I could convince you that I didn't do it. Thanks a lot for listening and always being there. Zorlac, you are one of the few Presidents I know that care. Hectic : Thanks a lot for the t3 Netcom shell and for hooking me up with the warez! X-Factor, Infinite, and Hybernate : Thanks for sticking up for me and being personality witnesses. See you all on IRC! Yeah yeah, this article might have cost you 5 minutes of your precious time, but someday, you will all thank me! r c n a r t i c l e s ! Author : Tuxedo Mask Subject : $60 for this? Every game player has lived through this scenario in one form or another : shell out $60 for a game, then after 15 minutes of playing it at home, you realize that it stinks. As you stare at the piece of plastic software nestled in your system, you ask, "Why did I have to pay $60 for this? At this price, am I getting a fair shake here? After all, older games sell for as low as $10, but aren't much different from the $60 games." These concerns are shared by many, especially in today's era of CD games that don't differ materially from music CDs but cost four times as much. What are people paying for when they decide to shell out their dough for games? An exact answer remains elusive, as every game takes shape under different development and marketing budgets. Plus, companies try to keep such data out of public realm for business reasons. After talking to a few PC Game developers (I keep in touch with a few local programmers, industry officials, and market analysts), I've pieced together a general picture of what gamers pay to play, as shown on the charts at the bottom of the article. In theory, only two things matter to gamers : someone to program the game and the parts needed to build it. On average, only $7 to $10 of a game's worth goes toward the actual programming and debugging. Add to that the cost to "build" one game - about $5 for a CD - and the sum comprises merely $12-$15 of a game's price tag. So why pay more? In reality, the pricing breakdown for a specific game has more variables than any algebra test. Some factors weigh more heavily than others. Between 10 and 15 percent of your cash goes back to the company that created the operating system which your game will be running on. Think of it as a "tax" that publishers must pay for the right to sell games which require DOS, Win95, OS/2, etc. That "tax" is directly tacked onto the cost of the game. However, individual publishers almost always craft deals to reduce these fees. Does the game have ties to a hit movie, or sports license from both the players and the league or is sanctioned by a superstar? If so, it'll jack up the cost of a game. According to my sources, the costs of acquiring such rights can account for up to 20 percent or more of a game's price tag. There's one fee of 15 percent for a player's license and another separate fee for a league license. In all sports except the NBA, the licenses have to be negotiated separately. In most cases, costs range from $3-5 for movie ties and $8-10 for one sports license and double that for baseball and football titles. Remember the TV ad that prompted you to get that fighting game? Well, you helped pay for the ad when you bought the game. Also, roughly 20 percent of a game's price comes from retail markup. However, none of this really matters since anyone reading this probably pirates a large percent of the games they play. Again, according to my sources, game companies also have to account for what they COULD have made if PC games were not so widely pirated. What does that mean? Well, companies jack up the prices of their products by up to 20 percent in order to account for their losses caused by pirates. So the next time you're downloading a game, whether it's off of a BBS or a FTP site, remember, somebody's paying for your piracy... This rivalry could very well have a lot to do with Intel FINALLY making dramatic price cuts on the Pentium prices. Naturally, they screwed us as long as they could, but now that Cyrix has begun MASS production of their TESTED (unlike Intel) CPUs, Intel has good reason to worry that the millions of LAMERS might notice the severe price difference of products. The Cyrix 6x86-100 Mhz CPU cost $450/ea in stocks of 1,000, while the rival Intel Pentium 133 Mhz CPU is a much higher $520/ea in stocks of 1,000. Cyrix has pushed their efforts to create a superior CPU ahead of the Pentium age. I believe they have succeeded. It's time that people rely more on their own research when they purchase products such as CPUs and other computer related products. It's important to know how your computer functions, but more important to know it functions at its highest capabilities for your hard earned dollar. Developer $15 Piracy $12 Publisher $21 Retailer $12 A $60 CD : Where the Money Goes' [$15] Developer : $5 developer profit $2 computers/operating costs $8 programmer salaries/royalties [$12] Piracy : $8 compensation to companies $4 prevention costs [$21] Publisher : $2 publisher profit per game $4 advertising and promotions $2 packaging and instruction booklet $3 operating system licensing fee $5 other licensing fees (if the game has movie or sports league ties such as the NBA, NFL, or NHL) $5 to manufacture CD [$12] Retailer : $12 general store markup r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 04/18/96 -> 04/24/96 Filename : -- Fix name : -- Filedate : -- Filedate : -- _____ /\._____ |\_. _ ____ /\___.__.___ Previous Total : 0 \.__.\/ | _ \| | /.\\__ \/ _:__: | / Release Score : 0 | | \__. | : |/ | \| \ / | |\ / Running Total : 0 | : \ | | \ | _ \ \/ | |/ : \ |_____/ : :__|\__| |__/__||__|__/ |__RD +-------\___/------\___|- Presents -\__|----+ +-------------------------------------------+ Filename : SSD96-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- Super Star Dust '96 Previous Total : 0 (c) GameTek - [1/5] Release Score : 4 ___ Running Total : 4 ______ / /_______________________ /___ // / \___ \____ \______ \ \_/ _ \__ / _ __// _ __/ \/ / /\ / / / / / / \ / / \/ / / / / /__/ /____/_____//__/ /__/_____/ / \_/__/\____\\____\\_/__/\__\_____\/ -----\__\/-------------\__\/(-hoson-)----- Filename : NPMVC-1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-18-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 0 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 3 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 3 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . VIRTUAL CHESS FOR WIN95 (c) TiTUS [1/8] Filename : NPMWH201.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-18-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 3 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 5 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 8 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . WITCH HAVEN II (c) CAPSTONE [01/13] Filename : NPMCNW01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 8 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 4 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 12 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . Conq. Of The New World (c) Interplay [01/16] Filename : NPMJD-1.ZIP Fix name : JDFIX.ZIP Filedate : 4-25-96 Filedate : 4-26-96 /\. Previous Total : 12 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 4 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 16 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . JUDGE DREDD (c) ACCLAIM [1/5] Filename : AIRLINE1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- Airlines (c) InterActivision [01/03] Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 3 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 3 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : RORHCBG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- HOYLE CLASSIC BOARD GAMES [1/2] Previous Total : 0 (c) SIERRA ORIGINALS Release Score : 3 _____________________________________________ Running Total : 3 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ (=======|______/===================|______/=] (=[04/23/96]================================] Filename : RORSKNY1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- SKUNNY *MULTI-LANGUAGE* (c) MAGIC TOUCH [1/7] Previous Total : 3 ** EXCLUSIVE WIN95 COMPATIBLE VERSION ** Release Score : 3 _____________________________________________ Running Total : 6 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ (=======|______/===================|______/=] (=[04/23/96]================================] Score Chart : Games DNX 0 HBD 4 NPM 16 RZR 3 ROR 6 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Hybrid - [4.0] Napalm - [4.0] Razor 1911 - [3.0] Release on Rampage [3.0] Dynamix [0.0] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 04/25/96 -> 05/01/96 Filename : -- Fix name : -- Filedate : -- Filedate : -- _____ /\._____ |\_. _ ____ /\___.__.___ Previous Total : 0 \.__.\/ | _ \| | /.\\__ \/ _:__: | / Release Score : 0 | | \__. | : |/ | \| \ / | |\ / Running Total : 0 | : \ | | \ | _ \ \/ | |/ : \ |_____/ : :__|\__| |__/__||__|__/ |__RD +-------\___/------\___|- Presents -\__|----+ +-------------------------------------------+ Filename : CNWCRACK.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-29-96 Filedate : -- Conquest of the New World CRACK Previous Total : 0 (If you don't have a CD-Rom or if you Release Score : 1 don't wanna load your CD-Rom drivers) Running Total : 1 ___ ______ / /_______________________ /___ // / \___ \____ \______ \ \_/ _ \__ / _ __// _ __/ \/ / /\ / / / / / / \ / / \/ / / / / /__/ /____/_____//__/ /__/_____/ / \_/__/\____\\____\\_/__/\__\_____\/ -----\__\/-------------\__\/(-hoson-)----- Filename : NPMVRSC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-30-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 0 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 3 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 3 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . VR Soccer '96 (c) Interplay [1/8] Filename : -- Fix name : -- Filedate : -- Filedate : -- Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 0 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 0 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : -- Fix name : -- Filedate : -- Filedate : -- Previous Total : 0 _____________________________________________ Release Score : 0 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ Running Total : 0 __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] [================================[ / /96]=] Score Chart : Games DNX 0 HBD 1 NPM 3 RZR 0 ROR 0 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Napalm - [3.0] Hybrid - [1.0] Dynamix [0.0] Razor 1911 - [0.0] Release on Rampage [0.0] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 05/02/96 -> 05/08/96 Filename : DUKE3D01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- _____ /\._____ |\_. _ ____ /\___.__.___ Previous Total : 0 \.__.\/ | _ \| | /.\\__ \/ _:__: | / Release Score : 5 | | \__. | : |/ | \| \ / | |\ / Running Total : 5 | : \ | | \ | _ \ \/ | |/ : \ |_____/ : :__|\__| |__/__||__|__/ |__RD +-------\___/------\___|- Presents -\__|----+ DUKE NUKEM 3D * 3D REALMS [01/11] +-------------------------------------------+ Filename : SHAKII01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-08-96 Filedate : -- _____ /\._____ |\_. _ ____ /\___.__.___ Previous Total : 5 \.__.\/ | _ \| | /.\\__ \/ _:__: | / Release Score : 4 | | \__. | : |/ | \| \ / | |\ / Running Total : 9 | : \ | | \ | _ \ \/ | |/ : \ |_____/ : :__|\__| |__/__||__|__/ |__RD +-------\___/------\___|- Presents -\__|----+ SHAKII THE WOLF (c) MICROFORUM [1/5] +-------------------------------------------+ Filename : PAINTB-1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- Lemmings Paintball for Windows 95 Previous Total : 0 (c) Psygnosis - [1/3] Release Score : -3 ___ Running Total : -3 ______ / /_______________________ /___ // / \___ \____ \______ \ \_/ _ \__ / _ __// _ __/ \/ / /\ / / / / / / \ / / \/ / / / / /__/ /____/_____//__/ /__/_____/ / \_/__/\____\\____\\_/__/\__\_____\/ -----\__\/-------------\__\/(-hoson-)----- Filename : LBALLCRK.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 0 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 3 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 3 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . Lemmings Paintball For Win95 CRACK Filename : NPMCHAO1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-08-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 3 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 4 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 7 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . CHAOS OVERLORDS FOR WINDOWS '95 (c) NEW WORLD COMPUTING [1/5] Filename : -- Fix name : -- Filedate : -- Filedate : -- Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 0 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 0 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : RORCCW21.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-02-96 Filedate : -- COMMAND & CONQUER/WARCRAFT 2 TOOLKIT [1/7] Previous Total : 0 (c) WALNUT CREEK Release Score : 2 _____________________________________________ Running Total : 2 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] [================================[05/02/96]=] Filename : RORPTG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-05-96 Filedate : -- POWER: THE GAME (c) IBM [1/6] Previous Total : 2 _____________________________________________ Release Score : 3 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ Running Total : 5 __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] [================================[05/05/96]=] Filename : RORCY201.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-05-96 Filedate : -- CYBERIA 2: RESURRECTION (c) VIRGIN [01/33] Previous Total : 5 _____________________________________________ Release Score : -3 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ Running Total : 2 __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] [================================[05/05/96]=] Score Chart : Games DNX 9 HBD -3 NPM 7 RZR 0 ROR 2 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Dynamix [4.5] Napalm - [3.5] Release on Rampage [0.7] Hybrid - [0.0] Razor 1911 - [0.0] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best games release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The game was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Games Reviewed : 05/09/96 -> 05/15/96 Filename : SMRTG01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-09-96 Filedate : -- _____ /\._____ |\_. _ ____ /\___.__.___ Previous Total : 0 \.__.\/ | _ \| | /.\\__ \/ _:__: | / Release Score : 3 | | \__. | : |/ | \| \ / | |\ / Running Total : 3 | : \ | | \ | _ \ \/ | |/ : \ |_____/ : :__|\__| |__/__||__|__/ |__RD +-------\___/------\___|- Presents -\__|----+ [ Smart Games Windows (c) RandomSoft [01/06] +-------------------------------------------+ Filename : DEADL-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- _____ /\._____ |\_. _ ____ /\___.__.___ Previous Total : 3 \.__.\/ | _ \| | /.\\__ \/ _:__: | / Release Score : 4 | | \__. | : |/ | \| \ / | |\ / Running Total : 7 | : \ | | \ | _ \ \/ | |/ : \ |_____/ : :__|\__| |__/__||__|__/ |__RD +-------\___/------\___|- Presents -\__|----+ DEADLINE (c) NOVA SPRING [01/16] +-------------------------------------------+ Filename : POY-1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Player of the Year (c) Krisalis - [1/4] Previous Total : 0 ___ Release Score : 3 ______ / /_______________________ Running Total : 3 /___ // / \___ \____ \______ \ \_/ _ \__ / _ __// _ __/ \/ / /\ / / / / / / \ / / \/ / / / / /__/ /____/_____//__/ /__/_____/ / \_/__/\____\\____\\_/__/\__\_____\/ -----\__\/-------------\__\/(-hoson-)----- Filename : NPMT9601.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 0 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 2 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 2 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . TONY LA RUSSA BASEBALL 3: 1996 EDITION (c) STORMFRONT STUDIOS [01/35] Filename : NPMTSP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-13-96 Filedate : -- /\. Previous Total : 2 . ____ / >______. . _____.____ ____:. Release Score : 2 .: \ \ /_\___. \__::> /:\ Y /'96:. Running Total : 4 :: / . / \| __/ \:/ /__/ \ .: ./ \__/ " \ > " <______> \_/___>: `< /:<___\___>/___\___>. <_____>:. :. \/ .:. |/:. .:.mr! .:. .:: . TONY LA RUSSA BASEBALL 3: 1996 EDITION *OPTIONAL SPEECH PACK* [01/44] Filename : BI222W01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-09-96 Filedate : -- Battle Isle 2220 (c) BlueByte [01/30] Previous Total : 0 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 4 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : WC2EXP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-10-96 Filedate : -- Warcraft II: Beyond The Dark Portal [01/14] Previous Total : 4 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 5 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 9 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : TYRIAN1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Tyrian (c) EPIC Mega Games [01/04] Previous Total : 9 _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 3 \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 12 dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ =======\___/=== 1911 DIVISION ======\___/ Filename : -- Fix name : -- Filedate : -- Filedate : -- Previous Total : 0 _____________________________________________ Release Score : 0 \__ - ________ ./__ - ________ Running Total : 0 __/ \\__/ - \\ / \\__/ \__ | \\__ \\__ | \\__ /_____| ./_____________./___| ./ [=======|______/===================|______/=] [================================[ / /96]=] Score Chart : Games DNX 7 HBD 3 NPM 4 RZR 12 ROR 0 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Razor 1911 - [4.0] Dynamix [3.5] Hybrid - [3.0] Napalm - [1.0] Release on Rampage [0.0] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Games The following is a chart combining the total points of the top 5 games groups within the past weeks : APR APR MAY MAY MAY Total DNX 0/0 0/0 9/2 7/2 / 15/4 3.5 -1.0 HBD 4/1 1/1 -3/1 3/1 / 5/4 0.0 +3.0 NPM 16/4 3/1 7/2 4/2 / 30/9 2.0 -1.5 RZR 3/1 0/0 0/0 12/3 / 15/4 4.0 +4.7 ROR 6/2 0/0 2/3 0/0 / 8/5 0.0 -7.0 # of Releases Current Yield # of Points Change in Yield Current Yield = # of Points / # of Releases Change in Yield = Current Week's Yield - Previous Week's Yield r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 04/18/96 -> 04/24/96 Filename : DODALIB1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- ALIBABA 2.0 WEB SERVER FOR WIN95/NT [01/04] Previous Total : 0 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 3 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 23-Apr-96 ] == Filename : MTY-CWK1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-20-96 Filedate : -- CyberWorks(c) Win3.1/WinNT/Win95 [01/02] Previous Total : 0 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 3 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / \ Running Total : 3 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __/ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____\ Released: [04-20-96] Mortality '96 Filename : MTY-TB95.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-21-96 Filedate : -- Turbo Browser for Win95 (c) Pacific Gold 1/1 Previous Total : 3 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 3 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / \ Running Total : 6 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __/ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____\ Released: [04-21-96] Mortality '96 Filename : MTY-ARC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-22-96 Filedate : -- Instant Architect 2.0 [01/04] Previous Total : 6 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 3 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / \ Running Total : 9 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __/ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____\ Released: [o4-22-96] Mortality '96 Filename : MTYCUBA1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- Cubase v2.8 for Windows/Windows 95 Previous Total : 9 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 10 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[04/23/96]==) -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- Filename : PWATBP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-18-96 Filedate : -- TEXTBRIDGE PRO - COMPLETE CD [01/27] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 3 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWAEDG01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-19-96 Filedate : -- Solid Edge version 01/87 Previous Total : 3 High end design software - cracked Release Score : 3 Running Total : 6 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWAWCCV5.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-20-96 Filedate : -- wcCODE for Wildcat 5 for Win95 [1/1] Previous Total : 6 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 9 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : RFXPWA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-21-96 Filedate : -- Reflection Suite for X v5.02 [01/38] Previous Total : 9 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 12 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : PWAIT01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-22-96 Filedate : -- Imagineer Technical v1.0 01/62 Previous Total : 12 Win95/NT Technical Drawing Software Release Score : 3 Running Total : 15 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWAXRAY1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- NetXRay v1.1.3 Packet Sniffer for Previous Total : 15 Win95/NT - Dongle Cracked 01/2 Release Score : 3 Running Total : 18 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWA-OLT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-24-96 Filedate : -- Onlive Traveler Utopia Gateway 1.0b7.3 1/1 Previous Total : 18 Onlive Beta 3D internet interactivity beta Release Score : 2 Running Total : 20 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAVAA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-24-96 Filedate : -- VBAssist v4.0a -Win95/NT/3.x- [01/03] Previous Total : 20 Release Score : 1 A Group Running Total : 21 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAVAB01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-24-96 Filedate : -- VBAssist v4.0b -Win95/NT/3.x- [01/04] Previous Total : 21 Release Score : 2 A Group Running Total : 23 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : RBS-BE01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-18-96 Filedate : -- Backup Exec 4 Netware Ent.Edition full CD Previous Total : 0 _____________________________ __[01/22] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 3 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-WP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-20-96 Filedate : -- Winport 5.0 -2 User server+ clients *CD* Previous Total : 3 _____________________________ __[01/34] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 6 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBSL3D01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-19-96 Filedate : -- Landscape Designer 3D for Windows 3.+ Previous Total : 6 ________________________________[01/24] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 9 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XF-CV321.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-18-96 Filedate : -- DEC 32-bit Intel to Alpha Converter Previous Total : 0 WNT(3.51 & 4.0) Limited Beta /04.17.96) Release Score : 2 [01/05] Running Total : 2 sikos Filename : XF-LSP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-18-96 Filedate : -- DEC Light & Sound Pack Windows NT v2.0 Beta Previous Total : 2 [01/06] Release Score : 2 Running Total : 4 sikos Filename : XFDAO21C.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-19-96 Filedate : -- DISC-AT-ONCE CDROM RECORDING UTILITIES Previous Total : 4 V 2.1C -- cracked -- Release Score : 3 [01/01] Running Total : 7 sikos Filename : XFONLIN1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-19-96 Filedate : -- Lexis-Nexis Online Connection Previous Total : 7 (C) Reed Elsevier , Inc Release Score : 2 [01/02] Running Total : 9 sikos Filename : XFPUT95.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-19-96 Filedate : -- 95 POWER UTILS V. 1.10.11 Previous Total : 9 (C) SILVERLOCK SOFTWARE Release Score : 3 [01/01] Running Total : 12 sikos Filename : XFRES1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-20-96 Filedate : -- Lexis-Nexis Research for Windows Previous Total : 12 (C) Reed Elsevier , Inc Release Score : 2 [01/03] Running Total : 14 sikos Filename : XFMKS-01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- MKS Toolkit v5.1 for NT/95(Win32) X86 Previous Total : 14 (c) Mortice Kern Systems Release Score : 1 [01/31] Running Total : 15 amachine -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- DUPE -/- Filename : XFBBC01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-24-96 Filedate : -- MS Blackbird Converters for Word Previous Total : 15 for W95 (c) Microsoft Release Score : 3 [01/03] Running Total : 18 sikos Filename : XFBBR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-24-96 Filedate : -- MS Blackbird Designer a.v. Previous Total : 18 for W95 (c) Microsoft Release Score : 3 [01/08] Running Total : 21 sikos Filename : XFMSV01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-24-96 Filedate : -- Microsoft Word Viewer 7.1 for Win95 / NT Previous Total : 21 (c) Microsoft Release Score : 3 [01/02] Running Total : 24 sikos Score Chart : Utils DOD 3 MTY 10 PWA 23 RBS 9 X-F 24 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Drink or Die - [3.0] Rebels - [3.0] Pirates with Attitudes - [2.6] Mortality - [2.5] X-Force - [2.4] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 04/25/96 -> 05/01/96 Filename : DODLWP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-28-96 Filedate : -- LAN WORKPLACE 5.1 DOS/WIN [01/15] Previous Total : 0 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 3 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 28-apr-96 ] == Filename : MTY-ATS1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-28-96 Filedate : -- AutoSketch r2.1 for Windows 3.1/Win95 Previous Total : 0 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 4 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 4 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/05]\_____\_______>[04/28/96]==) Filename : MTYDDR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-29-96 Filedate : -- Digital Dressing Room Pre-Beta 1.00 [1/3] Previous Total : 4 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 6 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/03]\_____\_______>[04/29/96]==) Filename : MTYFIRES.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-30-96 Filedate : -- FIRESOFT Q&A: OFFICER! [1/1] Previous Total : 6 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 8 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[04/30/96]==) Filename : PWAFTPG1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-26-96 Filedate : -- MS Frontpage v1.1 FINAL [1/6] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 4 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAOAG-1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-28-96 Filedate : -- Official Airline Guide Win [1/4] Previous Total : 4 Release Score : 2 A Group Running Total : 6 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN (May thur June 1996) Filename : PWAOP601.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-29-96 Filedate : -- Bay Networks Optivity 6.0 SNMP manager Previous Total : 6 Disk [1/30] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 9 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWASPW1..ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-27-96 Filedate : -- ASAP WORDPOWER for Windows 31/95/NT [01/03] Previous Total : 9 (SPC Software Publishing) Release Score : 3 Running Total : 12 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWAWTLK1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-26-96 Filedate : -- Talking Windows v3.0 Build 47 [01/03] Previous Total : 12 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 15 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : PWASPPSN.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-01-96 Filedate : -- Serif PagePlus Home/Office Edition Previous Total : 15 for Win95/NT CD-Rip Serial Number [o1/o1] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 18 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : RBSCO701.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-27-96 Filedate : -- Corel Office 7 BETA 3 Previous Total : 0 _____________________________ __[01/60] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 3 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XFBIRD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-28-96 Filedate : -- Microsoft Blackbird Viewer for Win95 Previous Total : 0 [01/03] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 3 sikos Score Chart : Utils DOD 3 MTY 8 PWA 18 RBS 3 X-F 3 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Drink or Die - [3.0] Rebels - [3.0] Pirates with Attitudes - [3.0] X-Force - [3.0] Mortality - [2.7] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 05/02/96 -> 05/08/96 Filename : DODALIB1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 4-23-96 Filedate : -- ALIBABA 2.0 WEB SERVER FOR WIN95/NT [01/04] Previous Total : 0 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 3 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 03-May-96 ] == Filename : DODQLAW1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- QUICKEN FAMILY LAWYER (c) QUICKEN [01/02] Previous Total : 5 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 10 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 03-May-96 ] == Filename : DODSPROM.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- SPEEDYROM v1.0 WIN'95 (c) QUARTERDECK [1/1] Previous Total : 10 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 15 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 03-May-96 ] == Filename : DOD16PI1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- PRIMASOFT I-NET ORGANIZER FOR WIN31 [01/03] Previous Total : 15 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 18 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 06-Mar-96 ] == Filename : DOD32PI1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- PRIMASOFT I-NET ORGANIZER FOR WIN95 [01/03] Previous Total : 18 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 21 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 06-Mar-96 ] == Filename : MTYMWA01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-02-96 Filedate : -- Toolworks Multimedia World Atlas Previous Total : 0 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 3 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/11]\_____\_______>[05/02/96]==) Filename : MTYPCSUN.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-02-96 Filedate : -- Perl-CCI for SunBSD 4.1.3 Previous Total : 3 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 6 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/02/96]==) Filename : MTYCRTB5.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-05-96 Filedate : -- CRT 1.1 Beta Release 5 Previous Total : 6 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 9 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/05/96]==) Filename : MTYNT289.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- NetTerm 2.8.9 Release 3 Previous Total : 9 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 11 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/04/96]==) Filename : MTYKCD1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- Key Calendar Designer For Windows [1/4] Previous Total : 11 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 14 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/04]\_____\_______>[05/06/96]==) Filename : MTYNT29A.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-07-96 Filedate : -- Net Term 2.9.0 16 Bit Previous Total : 14 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 16 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/07/96]==) Filename : MTYNT29B.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-07-96 Filedate : -- Net Term 2.9.0 32 Bit Previous Total : 16 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 2 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 18 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/07/96]==) Filename : PWAEMP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- Empower Ver. 1.4.16 Win 3.1 [1/8] Previous Total : 0 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 3 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWASOFTC.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- SoftCode For PowerBasic 3.2 [01/01] Previous Total : 3 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 6 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWASOFTD.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- SoftDemo For PowerBasic 3.2 [01/01] Previous Total : 6 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 9 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWASPSCR.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- SpeedScreen For PowerBasic 3.2 [01/01] Previous Total : 9 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 12 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWAFRCST.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-05-96 Filedate : -- FourCast v96.1 for Win3.1/Win95/WinNT Previous Total : 12 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 15 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : WFF3PWA1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-05-96 Filedate : -- WorkFlo Fax 3.0 Beta 1 [01/22] Previous Total : 15 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 18 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. DK -XeN Filename : PWADCS01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- Delrina CommSuite 95 7.0.2 [01/25] Previous Total : 18 Release Score : 5 A Group Running Total : 23 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAITF01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- Imagineer Technical v1.0 FINAL [01/73] Previous Total : 23 Win95/NT Technical Drawing Software Release Score : 4 Running Total : 27 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWAMW71D.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- MultiEdit v7.10d for Win/Win95 [1/1] Previous Total : 27 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 30 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. [DL] -XeN Filename : PWAWEBTR.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-08-96 Filedate : -- WebTrends 1.04 cracked for 3.1/95/NT Previous Total : 30 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 33 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : RBS-ADM.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-02-96 Filedate : -- IBM AntiVirus for OS/2 Admin. v2.5 b2 Previous Total : 0 _____________________________ __[1/1] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 2 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-AVB.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-02-96 Filedate : -- IBM Antivirus v2.5 beta 2 for OS/2 Warp Previous Total : 2 _____________________________ __[01/01] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 4 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-BS01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- MacroMedia Backstage Pre-Release FULL CD Previous Total : 4 ________________________________[01/55] Release Score : 5 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 9 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-TCP4.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- OS/2 TCP/IP Stack Version 4.0 Beta Previous Total : 9 _____________________________ __[01/01] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 12 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-ADNT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- IBM ANTIVIRUS 2.5 BETA 2 for Win NT Admin Previous Total : 12 _____________________________ __[01/01] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 14 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-AV95.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- IBM AntiVirus v2.5 beta 2 for Win95 Previous Total : 14 _____________________________ __[XX/01] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 16 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-AVNT.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- IBM AntiVirus v2.5 beta 2 for WinNT Previous Total : 16 _____________________________ __[XX/01] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 18 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-ADW1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-07-96 Filedate : -- IBM AntiVirus v2.5 b2 for DOS/Win 3.x Previous Total : 18 _____________________________ __[01/02] Release Score : 2 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 20 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-AV1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-07-96 Filedate : -- Dr Solomons AntiVirus 7.58 *WIN95* Previous Total : 20 _____________________________ __[01/03] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 23 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : RBS-SMT1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-08-96 Filedate : -- SmarTerm 470 V 4.0B (C) Persoft Previous Total : 23 _____________________________ __[01/04] Release Score : 3 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 26 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XF-LW50.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-03-96 Filedate : -- LIGHTWAVE 3D V5.0B FROM NEWTEK INC. Previous Total : 0 [01/01] Release Score : 5 Running Total : 5 sikos Filename : XF-FWB1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- DEC Altavista Firewall -Beta- Previous Total : 5 [01/21] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 8 sikos Filename : XF-INTER.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- Interchange 3D v3.0A - 3D OBJECT CONVERTER Previous Total : 8 [01/01] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 11 sikos Filename : XF-POSER.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-04-96 Filedate : -- Fractal Design Poser v1.03 Update [.EXE] Previous Total : 11 [01/01] Release Score : 1 Running Total : 12 sikos Filename : XF-CSCFC.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-06-96 Filedate : -- CSC FASTCACHE SCSI BACKUP V1.00 F/WIN95 Previous Total : 12 [01/01] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 15 sikos Filename : XF-QFX01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-07-96 Filedate : -- QFX v5.21 Digital Imaging Package [32-bit] Previous Total : 15 [01/03] Release Score : 4 Running Total : 19 sikos Score Chart : Utils DOD 21 MTY 18 PWA 33 RBS 26 X-F 19 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Drink or Die - [4.2] Pirates with Attitudes - [3.3] Mortality - [2.6] Rebels - [2.6] X-Force - [3.2] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! Here I will be reviewing the five best utils release groups in the scene. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let's review the criteria I'll be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring basis I'll be using : Points : -------- [-3] The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. [ 1] The util was a dupe or freeware, [ 2] Unsatisfactory, [ 3] Average, [ 4] Above Average, and [ 5] Excellent! A group may lose points the following week and have their releases labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amout of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a 3 day period, the util will be rated as if it worked in the first place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. Dates of Utils Reviewed : 05/09/96 -> 05/15/96 Filename : DODWMEE1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Watermark Enterprise Edition v2.1 [1/7] Previous Total : 0 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 3 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 11-May-96 ] == Filename : DODCORE1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-13-96 Filedate : -- COSESSION REMOTE v7.0 (c) INSYNC [o1/o3] Previous Total : 3 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 4 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 7 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 13-May-96 ] == Filename : DODQFPL1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-13-96 Filedate : -- QUICKEN FINANCIAL PLANNER v2.0 FOR WIN [1/5] Previous Total : 7 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 12 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 13-May-96 ] == Filename : DOD3MAX1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- 3D STUDIO MAX FINAL RELEASE [1/9] Previous Total : 12 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 17 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 15-MAY-96 ] == Filename : DODCWP01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-16-96 Filedate : -- COREL WORDPERFECT OFFICE SUITE 95 [01/29] Previous Total : 17 _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 5 \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 22 _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / \______ / / / /____ / /| ======\________/\__________/[ m]\________/== D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ===================== [ DOD * 15-May-96 ] == Filename : MTYTWK01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- ToonWorks (c) MicroForum [01/14] Previous Total : 0 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 3 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 3 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-11-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYWM3-1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- WebMedia Publisher Pro [1/3] Previous Total : 3 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 6 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/03]\_____\_______>[05/11/96]==) Filename : MTYWMUP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- WebMedia Publisher Pro 3.0 Release Update 1 Previous Total : 6 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 7 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/11/96]==) Filename : MTY-SD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-12-96 Filedate : -- SoftDesk S7 Super Productivity CD Previous Total : 7 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 10 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/45]\_____\_______>[05/12/96]==) Filename : MTYWE231.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Web Edit Pro 2.0 Beta 3 Previous Total : 10 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 3 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 13 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/02]\_____\_______>[05/11/96]==) Filename : MTY-SPB1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- Sax Basic Engine Professional [1/2] Previous Total : 13 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 15 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-14-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYSAXCM.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- Sax Comm Objects Professional [1/1] Previous Total : 15 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 17 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-14-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYSAXST.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- Sax Setup Wizard v2.0 [1/1] Previous Total : 17 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 19 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-14-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYWEB16.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- Sax Webster Control 16 Bit [1/1] Previous Total : 19 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 21 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-14-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYWEB32.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- Sax Webster Control 32 Bit [1/1] Previous Total : 21 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 23 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-14-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTY-CYBS.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- CyberSitter v2.01 [1/1] Previous Total : 23 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 3 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 26 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-15-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTY-TV16.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- TeleVox 1.0 beta for Win3.1 [1/1] Previous Total : 26 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 28 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-15-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTY-TV32.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- TeleVox 1.0 beta for Win95 [1/1] Previous Total : 28 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 30 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-15-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYGWEB.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- G Web (c) Virtual Presence [1/1] Previous Total : 30 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 32 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-15-96] Mortality 96! Filename : MTYGWIN.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- Genesis World Buildier (c) Virtual Prescene Previous Total : 32 ___________________________ _____________ Release Score : 2 \_ | _/ \ _ \____/ \ \ / \___ ___/ / Running Total : 34 / \ \ \ /_/\_ ` \ /_/ \_/ \_/ __ \_|_|_/\___/_|__/__/_|__/___/___/\___/\____ Released: [05-15-96] Mortality 96! Filename : GENLITE.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-16-96 Filedate : -- Genesis World Builder Lite Previous Total : 34 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 35 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/16/96]==) Filename : GWEBLTE.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-16-96 Filedate : -- GWeb Lite (c) Virtual Presence, Ltd. Previous Total : 35 ______.______._____._____._____ Release Score : 1 < > __/ \__ < \ Running Total : 36 __/ \__ __/__ ___> \______\____/ _/ \ _ \pn (==[01/01]\_____\_______>[05/16/96]==) Filename : PWAB2S01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-10-96 Filedate : -- Windows NT 4.0 Server [01/42] Previous Total : 0 Beta 2 Release Score : 3 Running Total : 3 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAB2W01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-10-96 Filedate : -- Windows NT 4.0 Workstation [01/40] Previous Total : 3 Beta 2 Release Score : 3 Running Total : 6 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAFOC01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Focal Point [01/13] Previous Total : 6 Release Score : 4 A Group Running Total : 10 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAINOC1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Inoculan Anti-Virus for WinNT [1/9] Previous Total : 10 version 1.01 Release Score : 5 Running Total : 15 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWASAL01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-11-96 Filedate : -- Salsa For The Desktop 1.02a [01/12] Previous Total : 15 Release Score : 5 A Group Running Total : 20 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : PWAMNG01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- Intel ManageWise 2.1 [01/26] Previous Total : 20 Release Score : 3 A Group Running Total : 23 That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : OL3DPWA.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-15-96 Filedate : -- OnLive 3D internet graphic adventure Previous Total : 23 for win95 1.0b12.1 1/1 Release Score : 2 Running Total : 25 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeNf Filename : PWABCR01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-17-96 Filedate : -- Borland C++ 5.0 Developer's Suite Previous Total : 25 Resource Kit [01/37] Release Score : 5 Running Total : 30 A Group That Gives Slightly Less Than A Fuck. -XeN Filename : RBSWMAP1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-16-96 Filedate : -- Windows Map v2.2 (c) Microsoft [1/8] Previous Total : 0 _____________ _____ _________ _______ Release Score : 5 \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ Running Total : 5 / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. Filename : XF-HBD01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-12-96 Filedate : -- HORIZON DIGITAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Previous Total : 0 [01/29] Release Score : 3 Running Total : 3 sikos Filename : XF-DLS1.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-14-96 Filedate : -- DOS LAN SERVICE CLIENT OS/2 Previous Total : 3 WARP SERVER ADVANCED (c) IBM Release Score : 5 -[1/4] Running Total : 8 sikos Filename : XFINFO01.ZIP Fix name : -- Filedate : 5-16-96 Filedate : -- CRYSTAL INFO V4.5 5 USER PILOT PAK Previous Total : 8 Windows 3.1 / 95 / NT -FULL CD- Release Score : 3 [01/38] Running Total : 11 sikos Score Chart : Utils DOD 22 MTY 36 PWA 30 RBS 5 X-F 11 Average Score Per Release : --------------------------- Rebels - [5.0] Drink or Die - [4.4] Pirates with Attitudes - [3.8] X-Force - [3.7] Mortality - [2.2] r c n r e v i e w s ! Author : Rebel Chicken Subject : Group Reviews : Utils The following is a chart combining the total points of the top 5 utils groups within the past weeks : APR APR MAY MAY MAY Total DOD 3/1 3/1 21/5 22/5 / 49/12 4.4 +0.2 MTY 10/4 8/3 18/7 36/17 / 72/28 2.2 -0.4 PWA 23/4 18/6 33/10 30/8 / 104/28 3.8 +0.5 RBS 9/3 3/1 26/10 5/1 / 43/15 5.0 +2.4 X-F 24/10 3/1 19/6 11/3 / 57/20 3.7 +0.5 # of Releases Current Yield # of Points Change in Yield Current Yield = # of Points / # of Releases Change in Yield = Current Week's Yield - Previous Week's Yield r c n d e a r r o a d r e b e l ! Welcome to Dear Road Rebel! This is going to be YOUR column that is a cross between Dear Abby and Dave Berry. The most important part of this is YOUR participation. If you have ever had a question about the scene or just a comment, here's the place! Have you ever wanted to know why some people do this or that? ASK! I would love to take it to the extreme for you and we will be happy to research it! I hope you have as much fun with this as I will! Remember, this is YOUR column! Topic For Next Week : The Internet and the BBS scene. The Internet was introduced to us just a few years ago. In reality, it is a relatively new resource for us all. Yet it has managed to take the scene by surprise and is now an indepensible resource that we could not manage without. Previous to the Internet, BBSs were the only method of warez transport. Couriers had to work hard to get a release from one board to all the rest, a feat that is rather amazing to me today when I look back. However, with the advent of the Internet, a file can make it around the world in under 5 minutes! Most files reach the top boards within 6 hours of their release! Still, though, BBSs do have clear advantages over the Internet. Some of these advantages are a searchable file base, easier access restriction, and most of all, a public message base, one that, on the Internet, could only be controlled through a fast listserv. Why haven't all these T1 FTP sites converted to telnet nodes for a PCBoard setup? What do you think the Internet has done to the BBS scene? What do you think the BBS scene will be like in a year or two? What do you think the Internet will be like then? How do you feel about this technological revolution? Please E-Mail all responses to an385786@anon.penet.fi. THURSDAY APRIL 18 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION CB44CLI6.ZIP 9 WIN 4th Dimension Client CB4DOC13.ZIP 13 WIN 4th Dimension Dox CB4PDESK.ZIP 1 W95 PowerDesk v1.1 FBI!EMC2.ZIP 2 WIN Email Connections FBIEMC2.ZIP 2 W95 Email Connections FBIMCFE.ZIP 1 WIN McAfee April Update L0DTK95C.ZIP 3 W95 Fast Track 95 NOVAOR3.ZIP 3 DOS Age of Rifles v0.48 PWA93W17.ZIP 46 WNT Windows NT v4.0 Workstation PWATBP24.ZIP 27 WIN TextBridge Pro SWIOPT02.ZIP 22 WIN Optivity v5.3 UCF-HWA.ZIP 1 WIN Help Writers Assistant UCF-PDSK.ZIP 1 WIN Power Desk v1.1 UCF-TP32.ZIP 1 W95 ThumbsPlus v3.0 WC2_12.ZIP 1 DOS Warcraft II Update v.1.12 FRIDAY APRIL 19 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION CB44SRV01ZIP 9 WIN 4th Dimension Server FBI!P105.ZIP 1 DOS PFed v1.05 ITTF01.ZIP 15 WIN Microsoft International TTF's OEMW9520.ZIP 20 W95 Microsoft OEM Service 2 Beta 95 OLTRVL03.ZIP 3 W95 OnLive! PWAEDG04.ZIP 87 WIN Solid Edge v01.00.03.11 RBSL3D01.ZIP 24 WIN Landscape Designer 3D XF-CV321.ZIP 5 W95 DEC Intel to Alpha Converter Limited Beta XF-LSP6.ZIP 1 W95 DEC Light & Sound Pack v2.0 Beta XFONLIN2.ZIP 2 WIN Lexis-Nexis Online Connection XFPUT95.ZIP 1 W95 95 POWER UTILS V. 1.10.11 XFRES1.ZIP 3 WIN Lexis-Nexis Research SATURDAY APRIL 20 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION ANON-DSO.ZIP 1 DOS Dark Sands : Crimson Sun FBI!KCD2.ZIP 2 WIN Kodak Photo CD Access FBI!SPD5.ZIP 5 DOS Speed Haste IMP-CPK7.ZIP 7 WIN Caere Pagekeeper v2.01 PSG-TOP3.ZIP 3 WIN Tacops PST-NER2.ZIP 2 WIN Neuro Router v2.0 PWAWCCV5.ZIP 1 W95 wcCODE RBS-BE22.ZIP 22 DOS Backup Exec 4 Netware RBS-WP07.ZIP 34 WIN Winport v5.0 RFXPWA38.ZIP 38 WIN Reflection Suite v5.02 RTN-NTM.ZIP 1 W95 NetTerm v2.8.9 SC72_41.ZIP 41 WIN Symantec C++ v7.2 SWIS3101.ZIP 37 WIN Siper Charts v3.0 TC-NNT04.ZIP 4 WNT Norton NT Tools v3.51 TC-QS.ZIP 1 WIN DeltaPoint QuickSite TC-WS03.ZIP 1 W95 WebSite v1.1 SUNDAY APRIL 21 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION COPSKP5.ZIP 5 WIN Kids Pack 2 DA-DM14.ZIP 1 WIN DirMan v1.40 DA-HS260.ZIP 1 W95 HyperSnap v2.60 DA-SK475.ZIP 1 WIN HyperDisk Speedkit v4.75 DBDGWA10.ZIP 17 WIN Beavis & Butthead Featuring GWAR MSQ95D23.ZIP 34 W95 Microsoft Windows 95 DDK MTY-CWK2.ZIP 2 WIN CyberWorks PNC-RT85.ZIP 5 WIN RoundTable v8.0A8B SDM_WPS.ZIP 1 OS2 Workplace Solution v1.0 UCFGCPFI.ZIP 1 WIN Gibbon Finger v1.0 UCFMR2IW.ZIP 1 OS2 MR/2 ICE v0.99w MONDAY APRIL 22 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION ARISCMT5.ZIP 7 DOS Compiling Tools COPSFY2.ZIP 2 WIN Family Information DRA4-01.ZIP 9 DOS Dragon Knight 4 FBI!NSH4.ZIP 4 DOS NetSheild v2.31 MTY-TB95.ZIP 1 W95 Turbo Browser PWAIT14.ZIP 62 WIN Imagineer Technical v1.0 TUESDAY APRIL 23 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION AIRLINE3.ZIP 3 WIN Airlines DOMDAG09.ZIP 9 W95 Dagesh MTY-ARC1.ZIP 4 WIN Instant Architect v2.0 PIE-CM11.ZIP 1 W95 CommandLine v1.1 PNC-A16.ZIP 1 WIN Agent v.99d PNC-A32.ZIP 1 W95 Agent v.99d PWAXRAY2.ZIP 1 WIN NetXRay v1.1.3 TC-NSG03.ZIP 3 W95 Netscape Navigator v2.01 GOLD UCF-T4KY.ZIP 1 DOS Terminate v4.0 WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION COPSPT2.ZIP 2 WIN Family Pets COPSWG10.ZIP 1 WIN WinGate v3.10 DODALIB4.ZIP 4 W95 Alibaba v2.0 Web Server E3DXTR01.ZIP 13 WIN Extreme 3D AddOns L0D-DM7.ZIP 1 DOS Ontrack v7.9 NRG-Z905.ZIP 26 W95 Labview v4.0 Development System PWA-OLT.ZIP 1 WIN Onlive Traveler Utopia Gateway v1.0b7.3 PWAVAA03.ZIP 3 W95 VBAssist v4.0a PWAVAB04.ZIP 4 W95 VBAssist v4.0b RORHCBG2.ZIP 2 WIN Hoyle Classic Board Games RORSKNY7.ZIP 7 WIN Skunny Multi-Language SDMLG5D7.ZIP 7 WIN Novell LAN WorkGroup v5.0 SWIS3506.ZIP 19 WIN Super Charts v3.0 TACWS213.ZIP 1 WIN WinSock2 Beta v1.3 TC-SWCRK.ZIP 1 WIN Superweb Web Server UCFPCS12.ZIP 1 DOS PC Security v1.2 UCFSMI95.ZIP 1 W95 SmilerShell v1.4 SATURDAY APRIL 25 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION CH463-8.ZIP 8 W95 Netmanage Chameleon v4.6.3 COPSVMS.ZIP 1 WIN Voice E-Mail v.3.0 DA-BP44P.ZIP 1 DOS Bitware Plus v4.04 Patch DA-CNV13.ZIP 1 W95 Riada Convert v1.3 DA-FG50.ZIP 1 WIN Formula Graphics v5.0 DFTFBSE3.ZIP 3 WIN FirstBase v3.12 DFTNLOAD.ZIP 1 WIN NetLoad v1.0k FTP Client NET2ADD5.ZIP 1 W95 Netscape v2.0 AddOns QNT-PI23.ZIP 23 WIN Private Investigator RBSCO727.ZIP 60 W95 Corel Office 7 BETA 3 STRIP28.ZIP 28 WIN Strip Poker Pro VIS4033.ZIP 33 W95 Visio 4.0 International STUDIO39.ZIP 1 WIN Gold Desk StudioM XFBBR08.ZIP 8 W95 MS Blackbird Designer v11.0.5.0206 XFBIRD03.ZIP 3 W95 Microsoft Blackbird Viewer SUNDAY APRIL 26 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION COPSALG.ZIP 1 WIN Algebra 1-4 v1.01 COPSCE10.ZIP 1 WIN Computer Ease v1.0 COPSMNE.ZIP 1 WIN The Money Controller DCS_QRD.ZIP 1 W95 QRead v2.0 File Viewer FBI!BS16.ZIP 18 WIN Bermuda Syndrome FBI!NSP2.ZIP 2 WIN Netscape Powerpack v2.0 HZN-FTPU.ZIP 1 WIN Reflection FTP Utilities L0D$LM16.ZIP 1 WIN LiveMarkup 16 PNCXREF2.ZIP 1 DOS XRef v2.0 STRIPD5.ZIP 6 DOS Strip Poker TC-WSK03.ZIP 3 W95 Web Starter Kit TRD-SD40.ZIP 40 DOS Super Stardust 96 Animations MONDAY APRIL 27 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION CAD-COM.ZIP 2 OS2 Control-Alt-Delete Commander CHIPCHT2.ZIP 2 OS2 ChipChat Wireless Communicator CNWCRACK.ZIP 1 DOS Conquest of the New World Crack COPSATZ.ZIP 1 WIN At The Zoo v3.1 COPYSHOP.ZIP 1 OS2 CopyShop/2 PWAFTPG6.ZIP 6 WIN MS Frontpage v1.1 PWASPW3.ZIP 3 W95 ASAP WordPower PWAWTLK3.ZIP 3 WIN Talking Windows v3.0 Build 47 SDMTM53.ZIP 3 DOS TASM v5.0 for Borland C++ 5.0 SSD96CRK.ZIP 1 DOS Super Star Dust 96 Crack TAC-AS69.ZIP 9 WNT ARCServeR v6.0 TACASD66.ZIP 6 W95 ARCServeR v6.0 UCF-CBAR.ZIP 1 DOS ClysBar UCF-TD43.ZIP 1 WIN TrayDay v4.3 UCFISY11.ZIP 1 WIN IniSpy v1.1 UCFMUSCP.ZIP 1 WIN Music Plus v3.4 UCFTIMEC.ZIP 1 WIN Time & Chaos v3.1b Pro TUESDAY APRIL 28 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION DFTEMLA2.ZIP 2 W95 E-Mail Assistant DOX-GMM.ZIP 1 W95 Gear Multimedia DOX-UPS7.ZIP 7 WIN LanSafe 3 and FailSafe 3 DOXGDOC5.ZIP 5 W95 Gear Mastering Manuals DSCG4512.ZIP 27 W95 Borland CodeGuard v4.0 HST-LMQW.ZIP 1 WIN Quarterdeck Location Manager HST-MV1E.ZIP 1 WIN Microsoft Video HSTMCAP3.ZIP 3 WIN Magic Cap MTY-ATS5.ZIP 5 W95 AutoSketch OS7-33.ZIP 33 DOS Oracle Server v7.2.2 PHX!BLP2.ZIP 2 WIN Businessware Legal Point PMPN250R.ZIP 1 OS2 PM PostNotes v2.50a PNC-IT1.ZIP 1 WIN Internet ToolPak v1.0 PNCAGENT.ZIP 1 DOS Agent v.99d AddOns PWAOAG-4.ZIP 4 WIN Official Airline Guide UCF-RASP.ZIP 1 DOS RAS Professional v0.41 UCF-WARJ.ZIP 1 W95 WinArj v2.20 UCFAWEBK.ZIP 1 DOS AWE32 Bank Manager v1.20 UCFHTMNP.ZIP 1 W95 HTML Noepad v1.19 WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION 4OS2_252.ZIP 1 OS2 4OS2 v2.52 BZR-WF13.ZIP 13 DOS Welcome to the Future DODLWP15.ZIP 15 D/W Lan Workplace v5.1 DSCG4527.ZIP 27 W95 Borland CodeGuard v4.5 EX_Q1644.ZIP 44 W95 Quick Expense v1.6 FBINSP2.ZIP 2 WIN Netscape Powerpack v2.0 FRC-FF1.ZIP 1 DOS Form Filler v4.0 GNX32FH2.ZIP 1 W95 FontHandler v2.0 KUDO22.ZIP 29 DOS Kudo CD Publisher MDC-BCS7.ZIP 7 DOS Betacam SX MSQS190.ZIP 1 WIN Shez v1.09 MTYDDR03.ZIP 3 WIN Digital Dressing Room Beta v1.00 NF-FW022.ZIP 22 DOS Fire Wind PWAOP608.ZIP 30 WIN Bay Networks Optivity v6.0 QINTS213.ZIP 3 WIN Quarterdeck Internet Suit v2.10 SCALER13.ZIP 1 DOS Scaler v1.30 SMS-OILC.ZIP 1 W95 OilCap v1.0 Pro SPUDA-20.ZIP 21 DOS Spud 1 T96TVD35.ZIP 36 W95 Trillium Visual Designer TC-DSKPR.ZIP 1 WNT Diskeeper THURSDAY APRIL 30 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION A95UN-09.ZIP 32 WIN Access 95 Unleashed BREND-25.ZIP 25 WIN BRender SDK v1.2 COPSB03.ZIP 3 WIN FutureTense Texture Editor BETA v9.0 DA-758S1.ZIP 3 W95 Dr. Solomon'S Anti-Virus v7.58 DA-BR21.ZIP 1 WIN MVP Bridge V2.1 DFTFTEXT.ZIP 1 WIN FlexText v2.2 DFTWEBS2.ZIP 2 WIN WebStor v1.01 DSG-CCMD.ZIP 9 DOS Command & Conquer Mission Pack 1 FRC-MC2.ZIP 2 DOS Micro Cookbook v4.0c FS-GP21.ZIP 37 DOS Genotropin Marketing Service Bank HPBMOM.ZIP 1 W95 Hewlett Packard Backup KALI12U.ZIP 1 DOS Kali v1.2u MADK-01.ZIP 65 W95 Microsoft Active-X Developer's Kit MTYFIRES.ZIP 1 DOS FireSoft Q&A : Officer! NFS-CM56.ZIP 69 DOS Chronomaster NPMVRSC8.ZIP 8 DOS VR Soccer 96 NUTSPHA3.ZIP 3 DOS Speed Haste PWAOP630.ZIP 30 WIN Bay Networks Optivity v6.0 SPUDA-21.ZIP 21 DOS Spud 1 THCS2B30.ZIP 30 W95 Microsoft OEM SR2 Beta 1 THCS2BCR.ZIP 1 W95 Microsoft OEM SR2 Beta 1 Crack THURSDAY MAY 1 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION 1KFNTS01.ZIP 52 WIN 1000 Fonts ATIVIDD1.ZIP 3 DOS ATI Video Basic BB-IEE01.ZIP 3 W95 International Extensions COPSWMR.ZIP 1 W95 WillMaker Legal Pro NFS-CA26.ZIP 26 DOS Chronomaster AddOns PWASPPSN.ZIP 1 DOS Serif PagePlus SYSVWWIN.ZIP 1 WIN SysView TRSINT02.ZIP 50 WIN Referance Interactive Studio TRSSMP07.ZIP 7 WIN SmartPics v1.0a UCF-ICCD.ZIP 1 W95 ICCD CD Player v3.1a UCFMANIA.ZIP 1 W95 Macro Mania v2.1 UCFNSMED.ZIP 1 DOS NSM Edit v2.5 UCFPRS27.ZIP 1 W95 Print Screen 95 v2.7 UCFQSOFT.ZIP 1 W95 Quick Soft 96 UCFTCTBX.ZIP 1 W95 TC's Toolbox v2.4 UCFWPC42.ZIP 1 WIN WPC v4.2 WCMD211.ZIP 1 W95 Windows Commander v2.11 WINZIP61.ZIP 1 W95 WinZip v6.1 FRIDAY MAY 2 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION AMM-FF21.ZIP 1 WIN FontFolder vv2.1 ATAAB3AW.ZIP 1 W95 Address Book v3.0a ATAFO41W.ZIP 1 WIN Family Origins v4.1 ATAPHJ1W.ZIP 1 WIN Personal Health Journal v1.0 BB-IPP05.ZIP 5 W95 Microsoft Internet Assistant CB495-9.ZIP 9 W95 Xoftware v4.0 CB4ARCH3.ZIP 3 WIN Archnid 95 Pre-Release v2.0 CB4CBP-2.ZIP 2 WIN CyberPilot v1.0 Pro CB4CML95.ZIP 1 W95 CMail Server Lite v1.3 CB4CMLNT.ZIP 1 WNT CMail Server Lite v1.3 CB4GRABS.ZIP 1 WIN Grab a Site v2.0.2 CB4NT-4.ZIP 9 WNT Xoftware v4.0 CIGARS.ZIP 1 W95 Cigar Cursors DA-SWD05.ZIP 1 DOS Sophos Sweep DA-SWW05.ZIP 1 W95 Sophos Sweep DFPV240.ZIP 1 W95 PolyView v2.4 DFTQLNK2.ZIP 2 WIN QuickLink Explorer v2.05 FLPRFB10.ZIP 1 DOS FoolProof Security Beta v1.0 LL-FW09.ZIP 9 WIN Fire Wind MADK-04.ZIP 65 WIN Microsoft Active-X Developer's Kit MTYMWA11.ZIP 11 WIN Toolworks Multimedia World Atlas MTYPCSUN.ZIP 1 SUN Perl-CCI for SunBSD v4.1.3 NETPK30.ZIP 46 W95 CServe Internet Pack NRG-SAT2.ZIP 2 W95 One on One with the SAT OD15-2.ZIP 2 OS2 Object Desktop v1.5 PSBLTYW2.ZIP 2 WIN Possibility RBS-ADM.ZIP 1 OS2 IBM AntiVirus v2.5 Beta 2 RBS-AVB.ZIP 1 DOS IBM Antivirus v2.5 Beta 2 RORCCW27.ZIP 7 DOS Command & Conquer/WarCraft 2 Toolkit SVA-ECW5.ZIP 5 W95 Enterprise Client SX-4GL.ZIP 1 XWN 4GL With ESQLC TRSIS20.ZIP 20 WIN Microsoft Internet Information Server SATURDAY MAY 3 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION 05NAV96.ZIP 1 W95 Norton Antivirus May Definitions CB4311-9.ZIP 9 WIN Xoftware v4.0 CB4NT-9.ZIP 9 WNT Xoftware v4.0 DFTAMTE6.ZIP 6 W95 AutoMate v2.34 DFTMADD1.ZIP 8 WIN Money Pro AddOns DFTVZPRO.ZIP 1 W95 VisualZip v1.5 Pro DODKHLA3.ZIP 3 W95 Home Legal Advisor DODQLAW2.ZIP 2 W95 Quicken Family Lawyer DODSPROM.ZIP 1 W95 SPEEDYROM v1.0 DUKE3D11.ZIP 11 DOS Duke Nukem 3D FRCMOO51.ZIP 57 W95 Moody's International Data 95 RBS-TCP4.ZIP 1 OS2 OS/2 TCP/IP Stack v4.0 Beta RSH-EX34.ZIP 4 W95 ExTrans v3.0 SX-MBED.ZIP 11 W95 MBed SX-SED32.ZIP 1 W95 Sizzler Editor SX-SIZ16.ZIP 1 WIN Sizzler SX-SIZ32.ZIP 1 W95 Sizzler SX-SS3D.ZIP 1 W95 Superscape 3D T96ITV09.ZIP 9 W95 Inside The Vatican UCF-NBEL.ZIP 1 WIN NewBel v1.01 UCFLADYB.ZIP 1 WIN LadyBird v1.8 UCFMEDIT.ZIP 1 W95 MapEdit 95/NT v2.23 UCFQV302.ZIP 1 W95 Quick View Plus v.3.0.2 UCFTABIT.ZIP 1 WIN TabIt v1.00 VELMUP11.ZIP 11 W95 Muppet Beginning to Read SUNDAY MAY 4 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION BB-AUT01.ZIP 4 W95 Microsoft Access 95 Upsizing COPSAL3.ZIP 3 DOS Blake Stone : Aliens of Gold COPSFBS.ZIP 1 DOS Forbes Thoughts on Business Life DFTDTACC.ZIP 1 WIN DataRamp Clear Client DNS-S211.ZIP 1 WIN Smooth Editor v2.11 FRC-PB13.ZIP 13 W95 PowerBuilder Desktop Edition v4.0.03 MGEUC237.ZIP 1 WIN UltraCompressor Beta v2.37 NOVASIST.ZIP 1 W95 Microsoft Support Assistant NOVMGR04.ZIP 4 W95 Microsoft Mini Manager v1.00.014 NRG-FHE5.ZIP 5 DOS MacroMedia Freehand v5.0 OS2TOOL.ZIP 1 OS2 OS/2 System Tools v4.1 PAINTB-3.ZIP 3 W95 Lemmings Paintball PWAEMP08.ZIP 8 WIN Empower v1.4.16 PWASOFTC.ZIP 1 W95 SoftCode v3.2 PWASOFTD.ZIP 1 W95 SoftDemo v3.2 PWASPSCR.ZIP 1 W95 SpeedScreen v3.2 RSH-FW01.ZIP 3 WIN File Works v1.2 S-WCOS2P.ZIP 25 OS2 Watcom C/C++ v10.6 SVA-EE1.ZIP 6 DOS Envelope Engine v.1.2.2 UCF-FKEY.ZIP 1 WIN FastKey v1.20 UCF-KALI.ZIP 1 W95 Kali 95 v0.9b UCFCTALK.ZIP 1 WIN Clock Talk 32 UCFGIFKT.ZIP 1 W95 GIF Construction Kit v1.0 UCFHSNPK.ZIP 1 W95 HyperSnap Keymaker UCFMANGL.ZIP 1 W95 MicroAngelo v2.0 UCFRASPK.ZIP 1 DOS RAS Pro UCFSHW17.ZIP 1 WIN ShellWizard v1.7 XF-FWB9.ZIP 21 W95 DEC Altavista Firewall BETA MONDAY MAY 5 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION AXSWRPY3.ZIP 3 WIN WirePlay CS-04.ZIP 27 WIN Comedy Store D3DLVEDT.ZIP 1 DOS Duke Nukem 3D Level Editor DSO_22.ZIP 22 WIN Dark Sun On-Line Beta Client DUKESCR.ZIP 1 W95 Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver FRC-HOJ6.ZIP 6 WIN Hooked on Java Developer's Kit MTYCRTB5.ZIP 1 WIN CRT v1.1 Beta Release 5 NRG-T106.ZIP 6 DOS Micro House v6.1.5 PDOX7-7.ZIP 7 W95 Paradox v7.0 PWAFRCST.ZIP 1 W95 FourCast v96.1 RBS-ADNT.ZIP 1 WNT IBM Antivirus v2.5 BETA 2 RORCY233.ZIP 33 DOS Cyberia 2 : Resurrection RORPTG6.ZIP 6 DOS Power : The Game S-WCDW53.ZIP 53 WIN Watcom C/C++ v10.6 S-WCNT56.ZIP 56 W95 Watcom C/C++ v10.6 SVA-KV4.ZIP 4 WIN Key View v5.0 WFF3PWAM.ZIP 22 W95 WorkFlo Fax v3.0 Beta 1 TUESDAY MAY 6 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION AMRHSTA5.ZIP 5 WIN American History Atlas v1.0c BTOMCY06.ZIP 11 DOS Motor City v1.2 COPSTCD.ZIP 1 WIN TC-Director v.2.1 DA-A114E.ZIP 1 DOS AGSI v1.1.4 DFG2-MCC.ZIP 1 WIN Drag and File Gold v2.03d DFTADPR2.ZIP 2 W95 Address Database Professional v4.0.10 DFTBPAC8.ZIP 8 W95 Business Suite Pack DFTPYRL2.ZIP 2 DOS Payroll Plus v1.3 DMN-FD34.ZIP 4 W95 First Aid 95 Deluxe 3 HTTPDW32.ZIP 1 WIN IBM Internet Connection Server IC-GM95B.ZIP 3 W95 Goldmine ICS.ZIP 1 OS2 IBM Internet Connection Server ICSNTB1.ZIP 1 WNT IBM Internet Connection Server JBZVRSS6.ZIP 6 DOS VR Soccer 96 Sound AddOns MSC-TMTR.ZIP 1 W95 TimeTree v1.0b MTYKCD4.ZIP 4 WIN Key Calendar Designer NFSDIET1.ZIP 1 W95 Health And Diet Pro NOVIOLE4.ZIP 4 W95 OLE 2 NRG-C117.ZIP 17 DOS Micro House v6.5.1.0K Controller Library NRG-D112.ZIP 12 DOS Micro House v6.5.1.0K Harddrive Library NRG-N104.ZIP 15 DOS Micro House v6.5.1.0K NetworkCard Library NRG-V127.ZIP 27 DOS Micro House v6.5.1.0K IO-Card Library PCA96-4.ZIP 4 WIN PC Anywhere 32 v2.0 Beta 1 PNC-MPP.ZIP 1 DOS Mind Path Presentation F/X v1.3 PTSTTMB2.ZIP 2 DOS TopicTeam v1.0 Beta PWADCS25.ZIP 25 WIN Delrina CommSuite 95 v7.0.2 PWAITF72.ZIP 73 DOS Imagineer Technical v1.0 PWAMW71D.ZIP 1 W95 MultiEdit v7.10d S-LLCRCK.ZIP 1 WIN Crack for LazaLabl v2.6 S-WCH39.ZIP 39 WIN Watcom C/C++ v10.6 Help Files UCF-NPOP.ZIP 1 WIN Net Popup 95 v2.11 UCFFFF52.ZIP 1 W95 FileFinder v5.2 UCFSTKMA.ZIP 1 WIN Stocktrack 32 v1.0 XF-CSCFC.ZIP 1 W95 CSC FastCache SCSI Backup v1.0 WEDNESDAY MAY 7 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION ATA-RIR2.ZIP 2 DOS Readiris ATAPGMN2.ZIP 2 DOS Presto! Page Manager v1.2 ATAPRST3.ZIP 3 WIN Presto! v1.43 DOD16PI3.ZIP 3 WIN PrimaSoft Internet Organizer KALI12UC.ZIP 1 DOS Kali 1.2u M8SGOLF2.ZIP 2 DOS Sensible Golf M8SURV-9.ZIP 9 DOS Survival MSQ-MV09.ZIP 9 W95 Microsoft Mediaview v1.4.1 MSQ-MVA7.ZIP 7 DOS Microsoft Mediaview Author v1.0 MTYNT29A.ZIP 1 WIN Net Term v2.9.0 MTYNT29B.ZIP 1 W95 Net Term v2.9.0 NRG-G3EO.ZIP 1 OS2 Gear MM v3.3 NRG-G40B.ZIP 2 W95 Gear MM v4.0 NRG-MHPC.ZIP 12 DOS Micro Home v3.0 Pro PWAITF-6.ZIP 73 DOS Imagineer Technical v1.0 QNT-DS7.ZIP 7 WIN Descent 2 3D-Edge RBS-ADW2.ZIP 2 DOS IBM AntiVirus v2.5 Beta 2 SVA-UI11.ZIP 13 WNT Unigraphics NT SWIOPNT4.ZIP 4 WNT OpenNT T96PWR03.ZIP 3 DOS Power Slave UCFHD32C.ZIP 1 W95 HotDog Webeditor XF-QFX03.ZIP 3 WIN QFX v5.21 Digital Imaging Package THURSDAY MAY 8 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION ADR_WSI1.ZIP 1 W95 Win-Secure-It v1.00 AOD-TS_4.ZIP 4 W95 Toy Story SS v2.1 BTE-IMAG.ZIP 1 W95 Image Folio Pro CB4RMP-2.ZIP 2 W95 Remotely Possible 32 v2.0e CSUP9510.ZIP 38 W95 Close Up 95 v7.0 DMN-QB.ZIP 1 W95 QuickButton v2.6 DMN-XFP.ZIP 1 WIN XFerPro v1.1 DRS-IB09.ZIP 43 DOS InfoBase Server Edition FBI!DB2.ZIP 2 W95 DashBoard IFTP-MCC.ZIP 1 WIN IFTP v3.0 M8-FWCRK.ZIP 1 DOS Fire Wind Crack MDC-ALE5.ZIP 5 W95 Arts & Letters Express v5.0 NPMCHAO5.ZIP 5 W95 Chaos Overlords PST-P26R.ZIP 1 DOS PVE v2.60 PST-SWM3.ZIP 3 DOS StarWars 3DS Meshes PST-TP1.ZIP 1 WIN Tiny Prot v1.0d PWAWEBTR.ZIP 1 WIN WebTrends v1.04 RBS-SMT4.ZIP 4 WIN SmarTerm 470 v4.0B SHAKII05.ZIP 5 DOS Shakii the Wolf STN-HRM2.ZIP 8 W95 Herman THCSR2BC.ZIP 1 W95 Microsoft OEM SR2 Beta 1 TO-CNA36.ZIP 47 W95 Connection Assistant v2.1a VGCWA11.ZIP 30 DOS Conquest of the New Worlds AddOns ZTB155R.ZIP 1 OS2 ZTreeBold v1.55 THURSDAY MAY 9 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION 3DLAND11.ZIP 19 W95 3D Landscape Books BI222W30.ZIP 30 DOS Battle Isle 2220 BTE-VS1.ZIP 2 W95 VistaScan Version v2.24 CB4-CB4.ZIP 4 DOS CBuilder v1.51 Build 4 DMN-CM4A.ZIP 10 W95 Chameleon 95 DNS-R200.ZIP 1 DOS RAR v2.00 FBI!FNTP.ZIP 1 W95 Font Pack Truetype FRC-PMU4.ZIP 4 W95 PageMaker v6.01 Upgrade HHGEXTC3.ZIP 1 W95 Extracad III HST-3D12.ZIP 12 W95 3D Deck Backyard Construction IMAGNT39.ZIP 39 WNT Imagitech Design Workshop OCT-IBM4.ZIP 4 WIN IBM LAN Client v2.0 Update PNC-PDQ2.ZIP 2 WIN PDQComm v3.1 PNCISC13.ZIP 13 DOS Inside Sports Swimsuit Calander PSG-EWJ5.ZIP 5 DOS Earth Worm Jim 2 PSG-ST27.ZIP 27 DOS Strife PST-WB2C.ZIP 3 WIN IVEX WinBoard v2.1 PST-WD2B.ZIP 2 WIN IVEX WinBoard v2.1 RBS-BS51.ZIP 55 DOS MacroMedia Backstage Pre-Release SMRTG02.ZIP 6 DOS Smart Games SVA-ED3.ZIP 3 DOS EDiary 96 TKSOLVER.ZIP 1 WIN TK Solver : Machine Design FRIDAY MAY 10 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION DEADL-16.ZIP 16 DOS Deadline DJWIN51B.ZIP 4 WIN Data Junction v5.1 DMNN3113.ZIP 13 WIN Lotus Notes v4.1 DMNN9515.ZIP 16 W95 Lotus Notes v4.1 DMNNO223.ZIP 23 OS2 Lotus Notes v4.1( DWNGRD3.ZIP 3 W95 Garden Architect DWNMVD2.ZIP 2 W95 Microsoft Video v1.1 Update EVR-E61I.ZIP 10 W95 EXTRA! Personal Client v6.1 EVR-I32F.ZIP 6 W95 IRMA v3.2 FBI-FN3.ZIP 5 W95 Fountain IKBABE33.ZIP 33 WIN Babe Interactive MovieBook OEMB2-30.ZIP 30 W95 OEM Service Pack Release 2 Beta 2 PWAB2S36.ZIP 42 WIN Windows NT 4.0 Server PWAB2W40.ZIP 40 WIN Windows NT 4.0 Workstation SM-WC2E1.ZIP 5 DOS WarCraft 2 Expansion : Beyond the Dark Portal TO-CNA23.ZIP 47 DOS Connection Assistant v2.1a SATURDAY MAY 11 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION ATA-CTAL.ZIP 1 W95 Cool Talk CB4JM312.ZIP 1 WIN JetMail Client v4.6 CIAAT-6.ZIP 6 WIN University Atlas COPSJUN.ZIP 1 DOS Juno CS-27.ZIP 27 DOS Comedy Store EVR-I98A.ZIP 12 WIN Install Shield v3.00.098 EVR-ZIPB.ZIP 2 WIN ZIP! Print Manage FRC-FDC4.ZIP 4 DOS Fusion Design Comics IVAN42.ZIP 42 WIN Ivan's Scientific World MDC-MEX3.ZIP 3 DOS Mail Extension v1.52 MTYTWK14.ZIP 14 DOS ToonWorks MTYWM3-3.ZIP 3 W95 WebMedia Publisher Pro NPMT9630.ZIP 35 DOS Tony La Russa Baseball 3 1996 PAPRPRT3.ZIP 3 W95 PaperPort Software POY-4.ZIP 4 DOS Player of the Year PWAFOC13.ZIP 13 WIN Focal Point PWAINOC7.ZIP 9 WNT Inoculan Anti-Virus for WinNT PWASAL02.ZIP 12 W95 Salsa For The Desktop 1.02a RD-HPWIZ.ZIP 1 WIN Homepage Wizard SVA-UTD4.ZIP 4 WNT UniGraphics Converter TPLAYG03.ZIP 50 W95 Triple Play Plus : Learn German TYRIAN4.ZIP 4 DOS Tyrian WC2EXP14.ZIP 14 DOS Warcraft 2 : Beyond The Dark Portal SUNDAY MAY 12 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION AMM-CW2.ZIP 1 OS2 ColorWorks v2.0 ATA-RAU2.ZIP 2 WIN Real Audio Utility Package BTE-VS2.ZIP 2 WIN VistaScan Version v2.24 DJWIN51D.ZIP 4 W95 Data Junction v5.1 DODWMEE7.ZIP 7 DOS Watermark Enterprise Edition v2.1 EWJ2FIX.ZIP 1 DOS Earthworm Jim 2 Fix GPDS28.ZIP 28 W95 Graphics-Pro Design System v4.0 MDC-MFT2.ZIP 2 DOS Mutual Fund Tax Calculator MDC-PFO2.ZIP 2 W95 Portfolio Pages v1.01 MDC-WKR2.ZIP 2 W95 Wav-Maker v2.2 MTY-SD45.ZIP 45 DOS SoftDesk S7 Super Productivity MTYWE232.ZIP 2 W95 Web Edit Pro v2.0 Beta 3 N32E202.ZIP 1 W95 NetScape Navigator v2.0.2 SCUMNPPA.ZIP 10 SYS Nashville PlusPack Build 1072 SM-FCST2.ZIP 2 W95 Foo Castle SWIBUD.ZIP 1 WIN Budweiser Bud Frogs SS UCFMCONV.ZIP 1 DOS Master Converter v1.51 UCFSTIL.ZIP 1 DOS Stilleto 96 UCFWWTCH.ZIP 1 WIN Weight Watch v1.0 WPC435R.ZIP 1 W95 Web Page Creator v4.35 X-LS1732.ZIP 1 WIN Lightning Strike Plug-in v1.7 XF-HBD29.ZIP 29 DOS Horizon Digital Business Directory ZZMCAP-2.ZIP 2 DOS Zicky Zick's MilkCaps v3.0b MONDAY MAY 13 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION 3DSMAX23.ZIP 39 WNT 3DStudio MAX BZR-RB04.ZIP 4 W95 ROSE BUD PRO v6.01K CB4PCX37.ZIP 7 WIN PC-Xware v3.0 FBI-EX1.ZIP 7 DOS Executor v1.99 FIFOTTV2.ZIP 2 WIN Tune in Television LSR-RR39.ZIP 39 DOS Rat Race NPMTSP44.ZIP 44 DOS Tony La Russa Baseball 3 1996 Speech AddOn NRG-AP32.ZIP 2 WIN LabView v4.0 Application BUILDER NRG-AP51.ZIP 2 W95 LabView v4.0 Application BUILDER NRG-AP52.ZIP 2 WNT LabView v4.0 Application BUILDER NRG-SQ16.ZIP 16 DOS Gupta SQL Base v6.0 PSGWAR30.ZIP 30 DOS The War College RL-MPWV5.ZIP 5 DOS MultiPlatform WordView SPIRAW31.ZIP 1 WIN Spira CD-R Software SPIRAW95.ZIP 1 W95 Spira CD-R Software TRD-TANC.ZIP 12 DOS The War College : Tannenberg Scenario TRDWARDA.ZIP 10 DOS The War College : Online Docs TUESDAY MAY 14 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION ATA3DA55.ZIP 55 WIN 3D Atlas v1.1 ATASND08.ZIP 8 WIN 3D Atlas v1.1 Sound AddOn DODCORE3.ZIP 3 W95 Cosession Remote v7.0 DODQFPL5.ZIP 5 W95 Quicken Financial Planner v2.0 DOX-DPT.ZIP 1 DOS DPT Scsi SmartCache DRS-ED10.ZIP 10 DOS ELSATrak SMP System Documentation FBI-EX7.ZIP 7 DOS Executor v1.99 HEATH-3.ZIP 3 W95 Heathkit A+ Certification Review Tests MDMSHRED.ZIP 1 DOS INSYNC v7.0 MTY-SPB2.ZIP 2 WIN Sax Basic Engine Pro MTYSAXCM.ZIP 1 WIN Sax Comm Objects Pro MTYSAXST.ZIP 1 WIN Sax Setup Wizard v2.0 MTYWEB16.ZIP 1 WIN Sax Webster Control MTYWEB32.ZIP 1 W95 Sax Webster Control PTEMPLT2.ZIP 2 DOS Paper Templates PWAMNG08.ZIP 26 DOS Intel ManageWise v2.1 SCUMSRW1.ZIP 2 W95 ShivaRemote Dial-In v4.0 SHKPTS1.ZIP 1 DOS Phoenix Telephone Suite SHKQSE3.ZIP 3 WIN Quicken Special Edition UCFUED32.ZIP 1 W95 UltraEdit-32 v4.00 VGES2A16.ZIP 30 DOS EarthSiege 2 Animations XF-DLS4.ZIP 4 OS2 Lan Service Client ZY-SKAT1.ZIP 5 W95 WinSkat WEDNESDAY MAY 15 FILENAME D# O/S DESCRIPTION CB4PCX32.ZIP 7 WIN PC-Xware v3.0 CH463N-6.ZIP 8 DOS Netmanage Chameleon NFS v4.6.3 DRS-ES33.ZIP 42 DOS ELSATrak SMP System v1.6 LL-ST08.ZIP 8 DOS Strife MTY-CYBS.ZIP 1 DOS CyberSitter v2.01 MTY-TV16.ZIP 1 WIN TeleVox v1.0 Beta MTY-TV32.ZIP 1 W95 TeleVox v1.0 Beta MTYGWEB.ZIP 1 W95 G Web MTYGWIN.ZIP 1 W95 Genesis World Buildier NOVNSH04.ZIP 4 W95 NteShield v2.3.2 PSG-LAB6.ZIP 6 DOS Loony Labyrinth Pinball PSG-TOS9.ZIP 9 DOS Battle Arena : Toshinden RSH-RS02.ZIP 3 WIN ReflectSense v3.0 TDVPAGE9.ZIP 9 W95 Logitech PageScan V1.2 r c n w a r e i q t e s t Test your knowledge of the WAREZ SCENE! The following are TEN mind boggling "YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHIN'" questions! Enter all your answers in, and when you feel you're happy with them, press F10 and the computer will tally up your score and spit it out at you. For every question you missed, the computer will indicate the correct answer. Oh, and if you feel like "You Don't Know Nothin'" midway through the quiz and don't want to embarrass yourself with an incredibly low score, press ESC and you'll be back on the bright side of RCN, the awesome music will calm you down, and all will be well again.. enjoy! *PS* All answers are found in back issues of RCN! The Quiet Riot is also known as : [ ] A. Fallout [ ] B. Kitty Kat [ ] C. Violator [ ] D. Winterhawk The President of Amnesia is : [ ] A. Dorian [ ] B. Lester [ ] C. The Resistance [ ] D. None of the Above ALL of the following bulletin boards have been busted EXCEPT : [ ] A. Assassin's Guild [ ] B. The Ghetto [ ] C. Park Central [ ] D. The Wall The following group specializes in floppy games : [ ] A. Drink or Die [ ] B. Eclipse [ ] C. Pirates with Attitudes [ ] D. Razor 1911 Drapper runs a FTP site from this well known college/university : [ ] A. University of California Berkeley [ ] B. Diablo Valley College [ ] C. Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges [ ] D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology This new release group is named after a japanese cartoon show produced by DIC : [ ] A. The Adventures of Batman & Robin [ ] B. The Gargoyles [ ] C. Sailor Moon [ ] D. The Uncanny X-Men The channel #Exceed was once known as : [ ] A. #Amnesia [ ] B. #Fatefiles [ ] C. #M8leech [ ] D. #Warez10 The following utils group shares its name with a game distributed by Microforum Inc. : [ ] A. Corporation [ ] B. Drink or Die [ ] C. Pirates with Attitudes [ ] D. X-Force Razor 1911 was first grouped in the year : [ ] A. 1983 [ ] B. 1984 [ ] C. 1985 [ ] D. 1986 ALL of the following are/were electronic magazines EXCEPT : [ ] A. 168 Hours [ ] B. Defacto [ ] C. Generation-X [ ] D. Inquisition Please E-Mail all comments to an385786@anon.penet.fi. r c n v o t i n g ! The following is a short survey on the popularity of the major scene groups. Please take the time to fill it out and return it to the following address : Which GAMES group is #1? [ ] Dynamix [ ] Hybrid [ ] Napalm [ ] Razor 1911 [ ] Release on Rampage Which UTILS group is #1? [ ] Drink or Die [ ] Mortality [ ] Pirates with Attitudes [ ] Rebels [ ] X-Force Which TRADE group is #1 in the field of NET couriering? [ ] Empire [ ] Everlast [ ] Fast Action Trading Exchange [ ] Malice [ ] Motiv8 [ ] Request to Send [ ] Rise in Superior Couriering Which TRADE group is #1 in the field of BBS couriering? [ ] Empire [ ] Everlast [ ] Fast Action Trading Exchange [ ] Malice [ ] Motiv8 [ ] Request to Send [ ] Rise in Superior Couriering Please E-Mail all responses to an385786@anon.penet.fi. r c n s u r v e y ! The following is a short readership survey. All information obtained from the survey will be used to help improve RCN in future issues. Please take the time to fill it out and return it to the following address : Age : [ ] 13-18 Years Old [ ] 19-21 Years Old [ ] 22-35 Years Old [ ] 36+65 Years Old [ ] 66+ Years Old Highest level of education completed : [ ] High School [ ] College [ ] Masters Degree [ ] Doctoral Degree Are you a SysOp? [ ] Yes [ ] No Are you affiliated with any scene groups? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you download RCN regularly? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you save back issues of RCN? [ ] Yes [ ] No Magazine coding influences me to download one magazine over another __% of the time : [ ] 100 [ ] 80 [ ] 50 [ ] 30 [ ] 0 Amount of time spent reading RCN each week? [ ] 15-30 Minutes [ ] 31-45 Minutes [ ] 46-60 Minutes [ ] 60+ Minutes Please E-Mail all responses to an385786@anon.penet.fi. Hitex : Editor Rebel Chicken : Editor Celestian : Art Design RATM : WebSite Marbz : NFO's Undinism : Offer Bot Velocity : Offer Bot Xenon : Coder/Musician Krypto : Writer Frost : Writer Lucifers Fear : Writer Road Rebel : Writer/Internet Coordinator Super Hacker : Writer/Courier Coordinator Tuxedo Mask : Writer WebSite : http://www.shu.edu/~importmi/rcn E-Mail : AN385786@ANON.PENET.FI