<neofish9> ok, well first off... why now ? Why after 17 months did amnesia decide to quit?

<_TGK_> Well the group had been around in the scene and certain things happened that made the group suffer... The council decided that it would be better to just retire the group after our 2 months of idleness. Everyone had their own problems... Things just slowly fell apart and people stopped working. I had work, others had their personal problems. Amnesia had been around for a long while by group standards and everyone really slacked off and kicked back for a while. (some did not but for most cases)


< <neofish9> > ok, that makes sense... sounds a bit like most groups. But lots of groups idle for months, razor’s a good example. Why didn't amnesia do likewise?

<_TGK_> Well we had idled for a while and nobody really cared to get things moving again. We had rebuilt amnesia numerous times and it just got old. Amnesia wasn’t like it was in the beginning and Lester and the rest of us decided to pull the plug

<_TGK_> Amnesia was right up there in risc's face for a long time though, don’t forget the amnesia legacy


< <neofish9> > what was the major difference between amnesia and risc?

<_TGK_> Well risc has always had all the "big sites".. We worked from a disadvantage and we kicked some ass anyways.. Many of the people who are in risc today came from Amnesia in the beginning. If you look at the scene today you cant name a single courier group that hasn’t had some kind of influence from Amnesia


< <neofish9> > why did they move from amnesia to risc, besides just the prestige factor of working in a more established group?

<_TGK_> Well there were always factors.. Fights was one of the big problems early on... The maturity factor lacked at times hell I was one of the worst fighters around hehe.. Also a group like risc has their shell boxes and sites to bribe good couriers with.. But we looked past all of this shit and stuck to business and competed on a week to week basis


< <neofish9> > how do you think Amnesia did, overall?

<_TGK_> We were the best bbs couriers in the world, risc could never take that away from us and we had a damn fine net team as well... there are many times where amnesia could have been considered the #1 couriering group through out its existence


< <neofish9> > why did amnesia focus so much on the bbs side of things, and how do you think that focus affected the way the group operated?

<_TGK_> We focused equally on both sides of the trading business.. The net side is a bit more of a pain in the ass from my experience to compete on.. That and our bbs couriers were the best and they stuck with us and never gave up


< <neofish9> > do you think that more bbs courier groups will rise up, or is it just going to keep getting more and more centered on the sites and offer channels?

<_TGK_> The days of the bbs are numbered.. Most groups couriering/games/utils have all dropped the bbs due to inaccessibility. If you think about it where would you rather trade.. to somewhere you have to use calling cards and take unnecessary risks to courier to or to just dialup that isp and telnet trade with your super fast .se shell box


< <neofish9> > what about telnet?

<_TGK_> We had some telnet boards and some dialup boards.. But even telnet boards cant compare to sites with atm or oc3 where couriers get steady 800k/sec file transfers. Somewhere along the line the scene shifted and decided that bbs's were too much a hassle and decided ftps are the solution


< <neofish9> > what will you miss about amnesia?

<_TGK_> Oh man that’s a big one.. gimme a min:)

<_TGK_> I would have to say that I’m going to miss the good times we had and the competition and asskickings we distributed. Amnesia was a true courier legacy. I have a lot of friends from amnesia and we are still going to hang out and screwaround like we always have. I'll miss the name Amnesia because it has come to mean something in my vocabulary like it has the rest of the loyal members who stuck with the group through thick and thin


< <neofish9> > what do you think it takes to be a "legacy" and which groups have it, and which never got it?

<_TGK_> Well, to be a legacy a group has to have accomplished something great. We were the best bbs couriers in the world and one of the best net groups that hit the scene. Amnesia produced some of the best couriers that hit the world and a lot of other groups cant say that for themselves. I’m not going to go into gossiping about other groups because its not my position to rate them for what they are.

<_TGK_> Some people try to be the best.. some succeed and some fail its that simple


< <neofish9> > in what ways did amnesia fail, or did it?

<_TGK_> We failed in becoming an idle group that talks shit and does nothing.. We decided things weren’t working so we canned it and have decided to go our separate ways. I don’t think we failed at meeting any of our goals and I am damn proud to have been part of the team.


< <neofish9> > what did amnesia do to help the scene, and what do you think new kids in the scene will hear about amnesia years from now?

<_TGK_> We were the one of the elite trading groups. Like I said before if you take a look around there is no group in the scene that doesn’t have some kind of roots that originally started from amnesia. Who knows what will come out from the group we called Amnesia… Some day someone may start it back up again.. maybe it will be forgotten who knows, but I do know that I was a part of the original Amnesia and wouldn’t have missed it for anything.


< <neofish9> > any advice to people starting courier groups today?

<_TGK_> Well, a lot of the new groups in the scene today (I’m talking about courier groups) are pretty pathetic when you look back to what groups like amnesia risc and empire a year ago.. New groups lack the talent that was once plentiful a year or 2 ago. My advice would be don’t bite off a piece you cant chew.. If you are going to start a new group make it good or don’t make it at all.


< <neofish9> > are any of the former amnesia leaders going to be moving to leadership positions in other groups?

<_TGK_> Well, Lester is pretty busy being a leader in LND.. Not sure where exactly Davngol stands these days because I don’t see him a whole lot. 1 or 2 members have gone to empire which is kinda funny because they have already died once and are working on number 2. I am pleased where I stand in X-Force.


< <neofish9> > how would you feel about a new amnesia, and what would convince you to join, if anything?

<_TGK_> Well, in the future I don’t see a new group under the name amnesia being able to accomplish what we did so I would have to pass up something like that. The leadership decided that there wouldn’t be a new amnesia and I agree with them.. We want the name Amnesia to be remembered as the group that took on the rest and kicked some ass doing it.

<_TGK_> There have been rumors about there being a new amnesia

<_TGK_> There isn’t going to be a new amnesia.. Lets say if lester started a new group it isn’t a new amnesia.. Amnesia is retired and everyone is moving their separate ways


<_TGK_> Some people should be mentioned for making an outstanding effort to the group.. Lester was the leader and he dealt with everyone’s crap for a really long time gotta toss him some credit.. Prozac Mayhem Snapz Mimage Denial and probably 50 other people I’m not thinking of at the moment never failed to stick with the group when the shit hit the fan and kept on working

<_TGK_> Nappin Netrunner Toast are also good examples of dedication

<_TGK_> I will miss the team and I wish everyone good luck in their future