Interview with helter: leader of syndication

[ helter ] we're a new mag.. made up of old rcn people...

[ neofish9 ] how are syn's goals different from what rcn's were?

[ helter ] We aim to be honest, and unbiased.

[ neofish9 ] how is syn going to be similar to rcn?

[ helter ] We will maintain an equal if not better standard of writing, and release on the same regular basis that early issues of rcn were released. However we don't want to be compared to rcn. Some of us are the same people, however this is definitely not rcn part 2.

[ neofish9 ] how often do you plan to release, and how will the code be different from rcn, aft, or rev?

[ helter ] Currently we plan on releasing once a month, the code will be an improvement over other emag code, simply because we have been able to look at other mags and see how the code could be improved. How much of an improvement this code is, remains to be seen. If all goes well then our code will be a quantum leap in scene mag coding.

[ neofish9 ] how important is it to you to release on time? rcn, particularly towards the end of its life, was often criticized for its "don't ask" policy on deadlines. Are you going to set deadlines a month in advance, or will it be "wait and see"?

[ helter ] We really care about meeting deadlines, but we also don't wish to set deadlines and then disappoint people by not being able to meet them. We will do our absolute best to be on time. However we will be honest when we can't make a deadline, unlike previous mags, that have set deadline after deadline, and let them slip by. When we can't make it, we will be honest.

[ neofish9 ] when is your next deadline?

[ helter ] Currently we are waiting on the code, and still busy setting things up, the first issue will arrive as soon as possible.

[ neofish9 ] What do you think is currently the most widely read scene emag?

[ helter ] At one point the most read would have been rcn, and right now, I can say I read defacto2's webpage everyday :)

[ neofish9 ] Why choose the name Syndication?

[ helter ] Syndication is a brotherhood of sorts, and in this we are all friends and very close.

[ neofish9 ] What lessons did you learn from rcn, and how is that affecting the way SYN is published?

[ helter ] Just things about code, and management.

[ neofish9 ] how can people help SYN?

[ helter ] Submit articles.. we always want to hear from our readership

[ neofish9 ] any positions that need filling?

[ helter ] Currently we are doing fine, but writers will be needed soon

[ neofish9 ] ok, and do you have anything to say about the new web page?

[ helter ] The scenelink page, I like it a lot.

[ neofish9 ] thanks :)
[ neofish9 ] but I actually meant YOUR new webpage
[ neofish9 ] you know, the one at[ g ]

[ helter ] hehe I like that one too :)