undergrown electronic zine - issue twelve
head editor eerie-kun head asshole mogel ascii reviewe
rs econochrist, phlux contributing writers creep, trip contributing artists creep, defiant, diehard, korpse, zempf
internet crew
blatz irc coordinator
shix webmaster
you can contact us or submit stuff by emailing us at
doomed@voicenet.com. eerie-kun mogel can also sometimes
be found on irc - mostly on ansi, zines or samsara.
a www homepage is on the way, thanks to shix! youll know
the address as soon as i know it myself! :
the deadline for undergrown issue thirteen is set on
august 20th. please submit anything before this date!
no, we do not need any sites, thank you.
undergrown - the clever ansi zine - is a trademark of dto productions.