DRAGON Magazine
One of the best polish diskmagazines is preparing to
conquest international scene. First and ONLY english issue of
Dragon international will be released very soon. In order to release
it faster we would like to request for your support. Mostly needed
are ofcourse articles, also some additional support such as messages,
news, advertisements etc.
We have already completed small editoring team, but we are still
looking for good editors, text-writers, proofreaders english
native speakers, and translators polish-english, if you would
like to join us please mail Szum/Cryogen. If you would like to send
articles or other support then mail one of us, please.
Guys involved in project are:
Spock/Wild Bits - international issue editor - spock@clip.dia.fi.upm.es
Avalanche/CryogenTrinity - intl issue editor - avalanche@chello.nl
Szum/Cryogen - polish issue main editor - szum@amber.bti.pl
also you can almost all 24h/day catch Avalanche on pixel,
sometimes Szum or Spock too! :
Dont miss that chance, contact us, suport us, join us!