Group Acronyms - -÷--------------÷- - These are the acronyms the groups in the ascii scene uses mostly, some groups acronyms varies, but these are the most common ones; Arclite AL al-abcde.txt Ascii Makers Federation AMF amf-abcd.txt Ascii Norge ASN asn-abcd.txt Art ART art-abcd.txt Arte ARTE! arte!-ab.txt ArtCore AC! ac!-abcd.txt Assault AST ast-abcd.txt Atre AT! at!-abcd.txt Azkiness AZK azk-abcd.txt Contra C! c!-abcde.txt Castle of Illusion COI coi-abcd.txt Caustic Style CS! cs!-abcd.txt Da Hood - abcdefgh.txt Destiny -D! -d!-abcd.txt Dezign DZN dzn-abcd.txt Digital Grafitti DG! dg!-abcd.txt Divine Stylers DS! ds!-abcd.txt DreamPhase DP dp-abcde.txt DoggyStyle DGS dgs-abcd.txt Dzain [D] [d]-abcd.txt Epsilon Design E^D e^d-abcd.txt Fine Arts FA! fa!-abcd.txt Fire & Ice F^I f^i-abcd.txt G^Style G^S g^s-abcd.txt Grand Royal GR! gr!-abcd.txt GroTesticle GRT grt-abcd.txt Head H! h!-abcde.txt Honey Ascii Division HNY hny-abcd.txt House of Style HOS hos-abcd.txt Immortal Art IA! ia!-abcd.txt Inferno Grafitti IG ig-abcde.txt Jedi Arts JA! ja!-abcd.txt Katharsis Ascii KTS kts-abcd.txt Lingo LNG lng-abcd.txt Link 124 L124 l124-abc.txt Looker House LKR lkr-abcd.txt Low Profile LP! lp!-abcd.txt Mad Skillz MS! ms!-abcd.txt MegaStyle MGS mgs-abcd.txt Mindless ML! ml!-abcd.txt Mo'Soul M'S m's-abcd.txt Nettwerk NTW ntw-abcd.txt OffSpring OS! os!-abcd.txt Oops Ascii OPS ops-abcd.txt Org. of M.H. Ascii-Artists OMA oma-abcd.txt Pioneer Design P^D p^d-abcd.txt ProArts P^A p^a-abcd.txt Protest P! p!-abcde.txt Remorse R r-abcdef.txt Save Our Souls SOS sos-abcd.txt SixCrew 6C! 6c!-abcd.txt Style SE se-abcde.txt Sukmas SKS sks-abcd.txt Therapy TRP trp-abcd.txt Trank Ascii TK tk-abcde.txt Twisted -T -t-abcde.txt Tz Design TZD tzd-abcd.txt U'Race U'R u'r-abcd.txt Ultimo Imperio ULT ult-abcd.txt Unique Arts -U! -u!abcde.txt United Ascii Artists UAA uaa-abcd.txt Unreal UNR unr-abcd.txt UpperClass UC uc-abcde.txt Whale WL! wl!-abcd.txt Wild Style W^S w^s-abcd.txt Some groups are known under more than one acronym, when they use other ones in collections or in the filename, groups who could be spotted with other acronyms are; Arclite AL! Azkiness AZK! Contra (! Destiny DSY Digital Grafitti DG Dzain DZAIN Epsilon Design ED Jedi Arts JA Low Profile LP Pioneer Design PD Remorse RMRS Save Our Souls ¸ ¸ '°' Trank Ascii TRK WU Twisted -T!