Interview with Red Demon of Low Profile - -÷---------------------------------------÷- - .X A N S W E R S X. o1. When did you make your first Ascii attempts? 1. My very first attempts to make an aski logo, was somewhere in Januari / Februari 1995.I released my first pack in May the same year (for those who are interested it was called [RDM-GRDY.TXT]. o2. Do you know how many Ascii-productions have you released? 2. Yess actually, i do. o3. What's so damn special with Ascii? 3. Its not specificly aski that is so appealing to me.I did gfx art before I started doing aski art.For me, the expression itself is what is more important.I like to make logos, in aski or plain gfx, or even graf pieces on papper.Perhaps i will started spraying in the future. o4. Have you got any special idols from the Ascii-scene? 4. Desoto, Rapid, Stezotehic, Trivial, Axeblade, H2O, Webster, Dino, Folar, Relief, Mark ryder, U-man, Exocet, Crusader, Gozz, Mortimer Twang, Flite and Stylewars are my favorits.Perhaps there are a few more, but i can't call them to mind this instant. o5. What's your opinion about the Iff2Ascii-Art? 5. I dont see IFF2ASC as an aski art form.In my opinion its more a form of gfx. o6. Are dot's more stylish than 'regular' Ascii? 6. More stylish, perhaps, it just adds a little xtra to the ascii. o7. Do you read every single collection that is released today? 7. I try to read all i can get my hands on, although some packs sometimes seem to be made to bore the viewer.In these cases I just read the intro and outro, and look at the style used in overall. o8. Do you answer requests made to 'All Available Artists' ? 8. Most of the time i don't.I don't see why people ask art from "All Available Artists".They are apperantly not interested in *me* as an artist, cause they would have requested to me personaly.That means they do not spend enough time on the art-scene, the don't deserve art (atleast not mine). o9. How should a request be written to be guarantied a answer from you? 9. There's no perscription to a "good" request.Most of the time i take the requests.If i do not take them, i'm probably too busy with projects. 1o. Are there more Ascii-groups than there has to be? 10. Well, i could live without Wu Trank and Ultimo Emperio if that is what you mean. 11. What do you think of the attitude in the Ascii-scene of today? 11. Pfff.. thats hard.I don't think you can speak of a scene in general.The scene is build up from individuals.They are more important to me than the scene is.Although i must say that some sceners somethese do have a bit of an arrogant attitude.Hopefully i will never be one of them. 12. What do you think about the idea of having special magazines dedicated to the Ascii-scene? 12. Why not, it breaks the day.Perhaps there could be some more mags with interviews, which have questions that are interesting enough to read the reply from. 13. Is there a big difference between Old-skool Ascii and Ascii of today? 13. That depends on which artist you are looking at.Art from some artist still have a taste from the old days in them.Far as i'm conserned thats okay, but i try to move on, make new styles, try different chars.I must add that at the time I became active in the scene the real *oldskool* was already starting to fade a bit. 14. Have you any special projects going on that will be released in a near future? 14. I'm currently working on a coop with Boheme, which will probably be released somewhere in 2013.Besides that i'm working on my own packs, and on LP! as a group, to keep things on track.I was also thinking about creating a group called "High Profits".This group should consist of anyone who wants to release something else, beside aski packs.For instance humoristic stories, poems, comments on the scene, what ever you would want to tell the public, which can't be told in a normal pack. Only thing is, that you must be an aski artist to join.This to keep the connection with the aski scene. 15. What would you be doing instead of Ascii if you suddenly quitted? 15. I would probably spend more time on skool.Besides that i would probably do the same things i do now-a-days, which is playing on my psx, snow- boarding, listening to music, and some skateboarding. 16. Do you have a horny snoop doggy dogg? 16. No i do not.I do however, own a cat.This fact alone makes me an aski artist (hi Wise-k:), since cats and aski are very close.An investigation i did some time ago on this subject showed that almost 90% of the more- known artists have a cat.There are even artists who own more then one cat, for instane Hotwire who has four cats, making him a very good artist. I think that there should be a list, the "100-most-cat-friendly-artists". Perhaps Punk could make this list, it would serve more value then the one is making now. 2. I released fifteen packs (coops included) and i also tried to do some crappy "humoristic" files.