this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : June Update July 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0794.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0694 ANS 9234 063094 + June Member/Board Listing
2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
3 ACIDVIEW EXE 132304 060194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.02
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 37495 070194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AK-COR1 EXE 53047 063094 x Corruption Magazine
*5 AN-D2 ANS 40062 070194 + Despair II
*6 AN-HTC1 ANS 23128 070194 + Haunting The Chapel
*7 AN-TG3 ANS 16168 070194 + Thieves Guild
*8 AN-WHAM1 RIP 22465 062594 The Whammy Bar
*9 BK-DI ANS 23609 070194 + The Darkest Illusion
*10 BK-KING ANS 20563 070194 + The Kingdom
*11 FI-MD ANS 27462 070194 + Moral Decay
*N/CFILEID DIZ 443 070194 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*12 FK-EI1 RIP 24062 062894 Evil Intentions
*13 FK-FRNGS RIP 21585 062994 The Fringes
*14 FK-THA RIP 19590 062894 Heretic Asylum
*15 JD-DSOC2 ANS 2390548 070194 x+ The Dark Society
*16 LD-ACID RIP 23396 062994 ACiD Productions
*17 LD-ANF RIP 53154 062994 ACiD Ninety Four
*18 LD-ER2 COM 6049 062894 + Exiled Race
*19 LD-LOF ANS 56036 063094 + Line of Fire
*20 LD-RW ANS 31887 063094 + Robags World
*21 LD-TASB COM 4273 070194 + The Armageddon Support BBS
*22 LD-TF3 RIP 38393 062994 Terra Firma
*23 PC-CH01 ANS 102010 070194 + Channel Zer0
*24 RN-69 RIP 21395 063094 Psalm 69
*25 RN-OBV2 RIP 22039 060494 Oblivion/2
*26 RN-TEH2 RIP 10208 061794 The Eleventh Hour
*27 S2O-69 COM 6673 070194 + Psalm 69
*28 SAUCE PAS 11276 063094 + SAUCE v00 assembly code
*29 SL-HOOD EXE 115975 063094 The Hood
*30 SL-PERV EXE 126317 063094 Pervism
*31 SM-ACID4 RIP 15131 063094 Graffiti should be left to...
*32 SM-COR4 RIP 20264 070194 Corruption Issue 4 Ad
*33 SO-DSUN2 ANS 32241 070194 + Dark Sun World
*34 SPOON EXE 18226 063094 Spoon 1.0
*N/CSPOON INI 82 070194 Spoon 1.0 INItialization File
*35 SW-HELL EXE 201611 070194 South of Hell
*36 SX-CH01 ANS 15049 062994 + Channel Zer0
*37 T2-TEH3 ANS 31603 070194 + The Eleventh Hour
*38 US-ACID1 RIP 9970 062894 Theres Only One...
*39 US-CH01 RIP 33073 063094 Channel Zer0
*40 US-DESP1 RIP 34531 062594 Despair II
*41 US-TRIO RIP 16058 070194 The ACiD Trio
*42 US-TW2 ANS 23585 070194 + The Warp Zone
*43 WM-TRSI EXE 9160 070194 TRSI Intro
*44 ACDU0794 NFO 7061 070194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 47 Average Compression Rate: 70
Total Bytes: 4,056,603 Average Of Bytes/File: 86,310
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,226,323
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : June Update July 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0794.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0694 ANS 9234 063094 + June Member/Board Listing
2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
3 ACIDVIEW EXE 132304 060194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 2.02
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 37495 070194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AK-COR1 EXE 53047 063094 x Corruption Magazine
*5 AN-D2 ANS 40062 070194 + Despair II
*6 AN-HTC1 ANS 23128 070194 + Haunting The Chapel
*7 AN-TG3 ANS 16168 070194 + Thieves Guild
*8 AN-WHAM1 RIP 22465 062594 The Whammy Bar
*9 BK-DI ANS 23609 070194 + The Darkest Illusion
*10 BK-KING ANS 20563 070194 + The Kingdom
*11 FI-MD ANS 27462 070194 + Moral Decay
*N/CFILEID DIZ 443 070194 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*12 FK-EI1 RIP 24062 062894 Evil Intentions
*13 FK-FRNGS RIP 21585 062994 The Fringes
*14 FK-THA RIP 19590 062894 Heretic Asylum
*15 JD-DSOC2 ANS 2390548 070194 x+ The Dark Society
*16 LD-ACID RIP 23396 062994 ACiD Productions
*17 LD-ANF RIP 53154 062994 ACiD Ninety Four
*18 LD-ER2 COM 6049 062894 + Exiled Race
*19 LD-LOF ANS 56036 063094 + Line of Fire
*20 LD-RW ANS 31887 063094 + Robags World
*21 LD-TASB COM 4273 070194 + The Armageddon Support BBS
*22 LD-TF3 RIP 38393 062994 Terra Firma
*23 PC-CH01 ANS 102010 070194 + Channel Zer0
*24 RN-69 RIP 21395 063094 Psalm 69
*25 RN-OBV2 RIP 22039 060494 Oblivion/2
*26 RN-TEH2 RIP 10208 061794 The Eleventh Hour
*27 S2O-69 COM 6673 070194 + Psalm 69
*28 SAUCE PAS 11276 063094 + SAUCE v00 assembly code
*29 SL-HOOD EXE 115975 063094 The Hood
*30 SL-PERV EXE 126317 063094 Pervism
*31 SM-ACID4 RIP 15131 063094 Graffiti should be left to...
*32 SM-COR4 RIP 20264 070194 Corruption Issue 4 Ad
*33 SO-DSUN2 ANS 32241 070194 + Dark Sun World
*34 SPOON EXE 18226 063094 Spoon 1.0
*N/CSPOON INI 82 070194 Spoon 1.0 INItialization File
*35 SW-HELL EXE 201611 070194 South of Hell
*36 SX-CH01 ANS 15049 062994 + Channel Zer0
*37 T2-TEH3 ANS 31603 070194 + The Eleventh Hour
*38 US-ACID1 RIP 9970 062894 Theres Only One...
*39 US-CH01 RIP 33073 063094 Channel Zer0
*40 US-DESP1 RIP 34531 062594 Despair II
*41 US-TRIO RIP 16058 070194 The ACiD Trio
*42 US-TW2 ANS 23585 070194 + The Warp Zone
*43 WM-TRSI EXE 9160 070194 TRSI Intro
*44 ACDU0794 NFO 7061 070194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 47 Average Compression Rate: 70
Total Bytes: 4,056,603 Average Of Bytes/File: 86,310
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,226,323
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