this image contains text
Issue 2 An Official ACiD Productionstm Public Updat
e December 1993
Through our quest to produce the best art
around, weve recently picked up a few new tal-
ented members. These are our most recent add-
itions to our developing departments.
11/14 Cisco VGA artist previously of TAG
11/14 Mr. Man previously of TRiBE
11/13 Aphex Twin previously of iMAGE
11/13 Data previously freelancing
11/13 Hannibal Lecter readmitted after
begging and presenting great logos. Enthusiastic about th
e new
11/10 Eight Ball You take the good with
members, artist Alter Ego
the bad. An excellent VGA artist. smiles for the ca
10/23 Beastie, one of ACiDs hottes
t new artist, has recently resigned as
the president of TAG to join the talented ACiD ANSI team.
10/23 Vapor Previously a TAG artis
ts, has settled nicely in ACiD.
10/22 Guile joins ACiD as an ANSI a
10/15 Crewl Blade, a one time iCE a
rtist, joins ACiD.
10/11 The Hit Man of New Age intr
oduces ACiD View and is accepted as
a programmer into the group.
10/10 Tasmaniac from Belgium join
s ACiD.
09/05 Egghead gets promoted to Amer
ican Coordinator.
09/11 Kingpin previously of Nemesi
s re-joins ACiD bringing superior VGA.
09/14 Nemesis merges into ACiD Prod
uctionstm bringing Andrew Nice.
09/20 Due to internal conflicts and
disagreements between Tribe members,
Cyber-X, CyberHack, and Quasar leave Shihear Kallizad and
to ACiD.
09/26 Upon invitation from a third
party, Glenn Danzig leaves his previous
group to join ACiD.
09/29 Eternal Lie joins as Admissio
ns Coordinator.
In news outside of ANSI, ACiD has recruited two new genius
The Hit Man and Tasmaniac. The Hit Man is also a coder for New Age, and
maniac codes demos and loaders. Consequently, a new and improved versi
on of
the ACiD ANSI Viewer has emerged from scratch now, one can view ANSIs in
modes, as well as hirez, and can view RIPScrip graphics. Hence, we bid
well to Tanks large, but lovable TK-AV3xx.EXE which were sure you all
miss dearly. -VS/RM ACiD
Even though we gain
fresh blood every few
months, we also loose some very
talented people
to various unfortunate reasons. On this
list are:
Cyberpsyco VGA a
rtist, removed because of in-
Evolutionary Shadow Left for a 416 associa-
ion of ANSI artists
Liquid Nitro
Released from the group due to
producing far too infrequently
Rautha Feyds away: Th
e ACiD crew finds
Sadly seeing some great art- itself suffering along side
the NAG ANSI team
ists depart, Egghead, the now that Feyd-Rautha, the
brainchild behind
US Coordinator, waves good- NAG, has decided to take an
extended leave of
bye. action. Were sorry to see him go, but glad
we parted without strife. -VS/RM ACiD
Besides members coming and going, ACiDs production rate is s
going. We havent had any major problems with our Acquisitions, neither
our popularity members are constantly applying. In case you havent h
the new ACiD Eastern Agora is The Dark Sun World, a very unique board ope
by Alter Ego so unique, that you may want to give it a call, especial
ly if
you would like to get your hands on
recent ACiD material or if youd
like to apply for membership or
site affiliation -- all artists
are welcome, nevertheless. The
number is 914227-5938 14.4k only
please. Also, our new Australian
Agora, Vanguardium, is keeping our
ties down under. If you would like
to contact it, the number is
In conclusion, wed like to
thank/greet the following people,
and leave you with Kronos exclus-
ive snapshot of Metal Head.
Greets go out to:
new ACiD members
FAiC Artists
Corruption Magazine
Witan Productions
Surprise! Productions
All you supporters of ACiD
Kronos, the ACiD undercover photo man,
captures Metal Head promoting peace
and brotherly love. -KR ACiD
- Newsletter Credits... Gen. Photography: Vision - Editor/Informer: RaD
Man -
Issue 2 An Official ACiD Productionstm Public Updat
e December 1993
Through our quest to produce the best art
around, weve recently picked up a few new tal-
ented members. These are our most recent add-
itions to our developing departments.
11/14 Cisco VGA artist previously of TAG
11/14 Mr. Man previously of TRiBE
11/13 Aphex Twin previously of iMAGE
11/13 Data previously freelancing
11/13 Hannibal Lecter readmitted after
begging and presenting great logos. Enthusiastic about th
e new
11/10 Eight Ball You take the good with
members, artist Alter Ego
the bad. An excellent VGA artist. smiles for the ca
10/23 Beastie, one of ACiDs hottes
t new artist, has recently resigned as
the president of TAG to join the talented ACiD ANSI team.
10/23 Vapor Previously a TAG artis
ts, has settled nicely in ACiD.
10/22 Guile joins ACiD as an ANSI a
10/15 Crewl Blade, a one time iCE a
rtist, joins ACiD.
10/11 The Hit Man of New Age intr
oduces ACiD View and is accepted as
a programmer into the group.
10/10 Tasmaniac from Belgium join
s ACiD.
09/05 Egghead gets promoted to Amer
ican Coordinator.
09/11 Kingpin previously of Nemesi
s re-joins ACiD bringing superior VGA.
09/14 Nemesis merges into ACiD Prod
uctionstm bringing Andrew Nice.
09/20 Due to internal conflicts and
disagreements between Tribe members,
Cyber-X, CyberHack, and Quasar leave Shihear Kallizad and
to ACiD.
09/26 Upon invitation from a third
party, Glenn Danzig leaves his previous
group to join ACiD.
09/29 Eternal Lie joins as Admissio
ns Coordinator.
In news outside of ANSI, ACiD has recruited two new genius
The Hit Man and Tasmaniac. The Hit Man is also a coder for New Age, and
maniac codes demos and loaders. Consequently, a new and improved versi
on of
the ACiD ANSI Viewer has emerged from scratch now, one can view ANSIs in
modes, as well as hirez, and can view RIPScrip graphics. Hence, we bid
well to Tanks large, but lovable TK-AV3xx.EXE which were sure you all
miss dearly. -VS/RM ACiD
Even though we gain
fresh blood every few
months, we also loose some very
talented people
to various unfortunate reasons. On this
list are:
Cyberpsyco VGA a
rtist, removed because of in-
Evolutionary Shadow Left for a 416 associa-
ion of ANSI artists
Liquid Nitro
Released from the group due to
producing far too infrequently
Rautha Feyds away: Th
e ACiD crew finds
Sadly seeing some great art- itself suffering along side
the NAG ANSI team
ists depart, Egghead, the now that Feyd-Rautha, the
brainchild behind
US Coordinator, waves good- NAG, has decided to take an
extended leave of
bye. action. Were sorry to see him go, but glad
we parted without strife. -VS/RM ACiD
Besides members coming and going, ACiDs production rate is s
going. We havent had any major problems with our Acquisitions, neither
our popularity members are constantly applying. In case you havent h
the new ACiD Eastern Agora is The Dark Sun World, a very unique board ope
by Alter Ego so unique, that you may want to give it a call, especial
ly if
you would like to get your hands on
recent ACiD material or if youd
like to apply for membership or
site affiliation -- all artists
are welcome, nevertheless. The
number is 914227-5938 14.4k only
please. Also, our new Australian
Agora, Vanguardium, is keeping our
ties down under. If you would like
to contact it, the number is
In conclusion, wed like to
thank/greet the following people,
and leave you with Kronos exclus-
ive snapshot of Metal Head.
Greets go out to:
new ACiD members
FAiC Artists
Corruption Magazine
Witan Productions
Surprise! Productions
All you supporters of ACiD
Kronos, the ACiD undercover photo man,
captures Metal Head promoting peace
and brotherly love. -KR ACiD
- Newsletter Credits... Gen. Photography: Vision - Editor/Informer: RaD
Man -
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