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Its not often that a single person pisses m e off so much that i h ave to borrow lines fr om ShagyiCE : but t his Lamer dit it and i n less then 30 seconds Who could this dumbfuc k be? WHo else then ou r old Member and Senio r Staf of WiND - SUPE RDAVE to say the least this assfuck fag is a jerk and is ready to r ag on anyone including his own motherwho i b et well deserves it fo giving life to such a shithead, He cant dr aw an ansi if his life depended on it, and is an overall dork from w hat i hear.. I never s poken to him in my lif e untill he joined mo tion on IRC and starte d farting about AiM, a s records may show EVE RY one in the channel got pissed and Kicked his ugly ass outa the re many times, but the moron didnt quit and wa s one of the main reas ons that I Didint join M otion and why the Merge between AiM and Motion didnt happen. People like that sho ld not be allowed to have a modem or even live.. Also while I am at it i wana make it clear that raging on other groups and pp l SUX people like Ca sh and Vog are sad because they know not hing about the p eople they rag on! Stop it and talk w ith your Art lik e we d o : Maybe this is a L ITTLE too much but that REALY P ISSED ME off -Bng SsofAiM
Btw.. This elito Pic was made by luc.AiM.Sc
Btw.. This elito Pic was made by luc.AiM.Sc
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