this image contains text
::::::: s,s,. .s,.,, ascii by misfit o apathy!..::::::,, ss,,.
:::::: , ,sl,l , ,
:::::, ,ll ,.,sb .,ssP f0zzles .,ssP
::::: l,,s,sss .,ssl hEMP. ,sPY
::::l P, dss .,s .,sss b
::::, s s,s b,sl, YP
:::,l,l, YYls.l
::, Sss. P P
,s , s ,SSSSSSs,. ,dl s l mt!
, , . SSSSSSsSS bP Yb. .,sb
,,l, dSSSSSSSSSS . s.
, l lSSSSSSS. ..hOOdlUMs.. P
ll, .,s ,SSSS. ..eMPIRE.. .
,, .,s lSSSSSSP .. saga / apathy / hmp emag ..
,ll, ,s s.SSll .. 954 929 2104 ..
,l lb s
.s. dsP damn, this looks pretty fuckin
l,s.,l keen. it was originally gonna
Y s: be for trank, but i needed shit
: :. ll,b.,. b. for the apathy pack, so bewm..
:: P.::. s .,ss,. sorry wd :. ahwell.. greets
::::mt!: l,.Ys,.s. to mah trank gs wd, chex and khz
:::::: , ,sl,l , ,
:::::, ,ll ,.,sb .,ssP f0zzles .,ssP
::::: l,,s,sss .,ssl hEMP. ,sPY
::::l P, dss .,s .,sss b
::::, s s,s b,sl, YP
:::,l,l, YYls.l
::, Sss. P P
,s , s ,SSSSSSs,. ,dl s l mt!
, , . SSSSSSsSS bP Yb. .,sb
,,l, dSSSSSSSSSS . s.
, l lSSSSSSS. ..hOOdlUMs.. P
ll, .,s ,SSSS. ..eMPIRE.. .
,, .,s lSSSSSSP .. saga / apathy / hmp emag ..
,ll, ,s s.SSll .. 954 929 2104 ..
,l lb s
.s. dsP damn, this looks pretty fuckin
l,s.,l keen. it was originally gonna
Y s: be for trank, but i needed shit
: :. ll,b.,. b. for the apathy pack, so bewm..
:: P.::. s .,ss,. sorry wd :. ahwell.. greets
::::mt!: l,.Ys,.s. to mah trank gs wd, chex and khz
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