this image contains text
s,s, ,ds, ,s d, ,s, ,s
,ss, ,ss, ds, ,ss, ,ss,
tl stl s P * l sl s
s. s.P s.P .sss s.P s.P
b, sss, ,s. ,s, ,s.,s, .ss. .ss. .s
IIIiiIiiIIIIIiIiiIIII:: .:iiiii::.:IIIIII:::iiiiiiiiIIII:::IIIiiIIii::iI.iPH
:::iii: i::::::.::: ::: ::::::::::iiiii:::::::iiiiii::::::::::::::
::: . d r e a m l a n d b b s .. : : :
: : . .. . s y s o p : f a l l e n a n g e l
- press 4 phun, not status -
Well, as i use to say, a simple font can be wonderfull just with some real kewl
leet fxs, the flowersor the 2 suns could have been bether but the time is
running out, hope it was worth the wait... :
you may remove the phlowerz if ya want...
...this one goes to iph-ascii 6
... inphamilair iPH - dream on! - making art out of nothing
,ss, ,ss, ds, ,ss, ,ss,
tl stl s P * l sl s
s. s.P s.P .sss s.P s.P
b, sss, ,s. ,s, ,s.,s, .ss. .ss. .s
IIIiiIiiIIIIIiIiiIIII:: .:iiiii::.:IIIIII:::iiiiiiiiIIII:::IIIiiIIii::iI.iPH
:::iii: i::::::.::: ::: ::::::::::iiiii:::::::iiiiii::::::::::::::
::: . d r e a m l a n d b b s .. : : :
: : . .. . s y s o p : f a l l e n a n g e l
- press 4 phun, not status -
Well, as i use to say, a simple font can be wonderfull just with some real kewl
leet fxs, the flowersor the 2 suns could have been bether but the time is
running out, hope it was worth the wait... :
you may remove the phlowerz if ya want...
...this one goes to iph-ascii 6
... inphamilair iPH - dream on! - making art out of nothing
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