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ARSiN 1998
p r e s e n t s
e l e c t r i c g r a p e v i n e
Everything was ugly, Leonard thought to himself as he wandered in
and out of consciousness. Topper and himself included. Clumsy bags
of meat, stumbling around on awkward stilts and into each other.
Nothing made sensebut it wouldnt have been so bad if everyone
didnt expect it to. TheMeaning of Life was a wild goose, and God
was a twisted hermit whod been molested as a child. Leonard Kilroy
detached himself as completely as possible... from Ghost Stories
GLiTCH Studios
Electric Grapevine
the Comic Book
A story of two friends in search of something to love,
and the nasty mess they make along the way.
Coming Soon to a Store NearYou
For more Electric Grapevine stuff,
call PyroGenesis BBS: 10pm-10am
209 668-2740
ARSiN 1998
p r e s e n t s
e l e c t r i c g r a p e v i n e
Everything was ugly, Leonard thought to himself as he wandered in
and out of consciousness. Topper and himself included. Clumsy bags
of meat, stumbling around on awkward stilts and into each other.
Nothing made sensebut it wouldnt have been so bad if everyone
didnt expect it to. TheMeaning of Life was a wild goose, and God
was a twisted hermit whod been molested as a child. Leonard Kilroy
detached himself as completely as possible... from Ghost Stories
GLiTCH Studios
Electric Grapevine
the Comic Book
A story of two friends in search of something to love,
and the nasty mess they make along the way.
Coming Soon to a Store NearYou
For more Electric Grapevine stuff,
call PyroGenesis BBS: 10pm-10am
209 668-2740
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