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aSiA pR0dUcTi0nS iN 95
June, 1995 AsCii Pack!!!
Welcome to our third ascii pack release! Overall,
i think this month was pretty cool! We gained some new members,
around 2-3! Now if they could actually release on time:
This month, i am going to be looking for a president
to help me out w/the group! If you would like to apply for
the position, and are a good ascii artist, willing to put
all the effort you can toward asia to help keep the group
alive, please contact me on irc, or call my board, at
216.834.0085! asia whq
Just a little note about one of our artists,
anselmo .. he also goes by the two letters aN so no one
gives me credit for his work, i am lettting ya know:
However i think he has a ! after his two letter abrv.
Right now, we are currently not excepting
any more distros, or hqs! please do not ask me when you
see me wherever! Thanx ..
If you would like apply for asia, positions open
are like, artists, couriers, and thats it: besides prez.
of course. Just talk to me, and/or any of our seniors on
irc! You can usually find me in ansi, or ice!
June, 1995 AsCii Pack!!!
Welcome to our third ascii pack release! Overall,
i think this month was pretty cool! We gained some new members,
around 2-3! Now if they could actually release on time:
This month, i am going to be looking for a president
to help me out w/the group! If you would like to apply for
the position, and are a good ascii artist, willing to put
all the effort you can toward asia to help keep the group
alive, please contact me on irc, or call my board, at
216.834.0085! asia whq
Just a little note about one of our artists,
anselmo .. he also goes by the two letters aN so no one
gives me credit for his work, i am lettting ya know:
However i think he has a ! after his two letter abrv.
Right now, we are currently not excepting
any more distros, or hqs! please do not ask me when you
see me wherever! Thanx ..
If you would like apply for asia, positions open
are like, artists, couriers, and thats it: besides prez.
of course. Just talk to me, and/or any of our seniors on
irc! You can usually find me in ansi, or ice!
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