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: newsfile ns/atb /..:
:....addicted to beer
hello again
hi there ! here we are again with another atb artpack ! we hope the
quality will be as low as the first artpack ... we got very good
reactions about that pack ... thank you all for supporting us !
i decided to release this pack on 6 decembre 1997 ! why ??? because
today its sinterklaas!! it is something like santa claus in
amerika. so consider this to be your present from atb.
yippie ! this month nobody left who would ever think of quitting a
ultra-3l33t group like addicted to beer ?.
we welcome 2 new members to our art division .. it are :
- turbo-d
- apollygons dad
for more info about apollygons dad, read the next part of the info
file !
apollygons dad
okay, you asked for it : here is more info about apollygons dad.
i was sitting at apollygons place when his dad said : hey, what are
you bozos doing the whole day behind that computer ?. we answered :
drawing and stuff .... then he wanted to see some of our artworks
so we unpacked the novembre atb-pack and showed him our cool vgas.
he then wanted to draw something as well, so we started deluxe paint
and explained him a bit how it works. so he started to draw something
that looked like real shit and we decided to add him as a member
because his art really sucks bigtime ... just take a look at PA-TIE.LBM!
remember: he drawed this believing it was actually GOOD ! hahahahahahah
the suske wiske pack
we have named this pack the suske wiske pack. why ?? suske
wiske is a really good series of albums drawn by willy vandersteen.
he drawed over 200 of them, i guess. they have been translated in many
languages, so maybe you know the albums as well, but maybe they have
another name in your country ! every artist drew something that has to
do with suske wiske. PHEAR !!!!
more lowres 97 news
lowres was a scene party in holland. i went there and handed in some
contributions for the compos and of course atb won !!! read all
about it in the first atb pack ATB-1197.ZIP. back then it wasnt
known where thorax sinaasappelsap ended. now it is ! it ended
.... 4th place thereby beating another belgian dude ... hahahahah
he must be in some lamergroup :
nightstalker atb
:....addicted to beer
hello again
hi there ! here we are again with another atb artpack ! we hope the
quality will be as low as the first artpack ... we got very good
reactions about that pack ... thank you all for supporting us !
i decided to release this pack on 6 decembre 1997 ! why ??? because
today its sinterklaas!! it is something like santa claus in
amerika. so consider this to be your present from atb.
yippie ! this month nobody left who would ever think of quitting a
ultra-3l33t group like addicted to beer ?.
we welcome 2 new members to our art division .. it are :
- turbo-d
- apollygons dad
for more info about apollygons dad, read the next part of the info
file !
apollygons dad
okay, you asked for it : here is more info about apollygons dad.
i was sitting at apollygons place when his dad said : hey, what are
you bozos doing the whole day behind that computer ?. we answered :
drawing and stuff .... then he wanted to see some of our artworks
so we unpacked the novembre atb-pack and showed him our cool vgas.
he then wanted to draw something as well, so we started deluxe paint
and explained him a bit how it works. so he started to draw something
that looked like real shit and we decided to add him as a member
because his art really sucks bigtime ... just take a look at PA-TIE.LBM!
remember: he drawed this believing it was actually GOOD ! hahahahahahah
the suske wiske pack
we have named this pack the suske wiske pack. why ?? suske
wiske is a really good series of albums drawn by willy vandersteen.
he drawed over 200 of them, i guess. they have been translated in many
languages, so maybe you know the albums as well, but maybe they have
another name in your country ! every artist drew something that has to
do with suske wiske. PHEAR !!!!
more lowres 97 news
lowres was a scene party in holland. i went there and handed in some
contributions for the compos and of course atb won !!! read all
about it in the first atb pack ATB-1197.ZIP. back then it wasnt
known where thorax sinaasappelsap ended. now it is ! it ended
.... 4th place thereby beating another belgian dude ... hahahahah
he must be in some lamergroup :
nightstalker atb
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