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running obl ivion/2 version 2.30 .. no bugs at all
the sysops are daze and orpheus, aura imagery co-founders.
aura imagery world headquarters, infinity emag canadian hq..
trank!ascii distro, saga distro, magic distro, turbine suppt
escape net whq, auranet world hub, twingle, black, cip, osn
over eight hundred art files available online!
905-666-2469 node 2 on its way
running obl ivion/2 version 2.30 .. no bugs at all
the sysops are daze and orpheus, aura imagery co-founders.
aura imagery world headquarters, infinity emag canadian hq..
trank!ascii distro, saga distro, magic distro, turbine suppt
escape net whq, auranet world hub, twingle, black, cip, osn
over eight hundred art files available online!
905-666-2469 node 2 on its way
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