this image contains text
Hmmm - the logo says yob tvoi maht, which im told means go fuck your
mother in russian... blame psycho in coders, i was bored and we figured
theyd object to a english swearword 8- - btw this was made for oz96
demoparty in sydney, australia..
Just your friendly little thought for today
Morning... learn to read black if you wanna know what it means... this was
for the oz96 demoparty in sydney, australia, between the 17th and 19th of
jan 96... greets to all the guys i met there, esp. those from coders, and
all the vic guys force guys... thanks to random, ozone and squirt for the
setup and running of oz96... adios
Blue Apache / Apocalyptic Visions
mother in russian... blame psycho in coders, i was bored and we figured
theyd object to a english swearword 8- - btw this was made for oz96
demoparty in sydney, australia..
Just your friendly little thought for today
Morning... learn to read black if you wanna know what it means... this was
for the oz96 demoparty in sydney, australia, between the 17th and 19th of
jan 96... greets to all the guys i met there, esp. those from coders, and
all the vic guys force guys... thanks to random, ozone and squirt for the
setup and running of oz96... adios
Blue Apache / Apocalyptic Visions
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