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hades main menu neo
M Messages F Filesnstuff C Config
U User List S Stats O Doors Menu
T Todays Callers V Votin Booth P Page da SysOp!
G Usege Graph B Bank W Graffiti Wall
A Chat to Art ! Log Off L Chat to Lisa
d s b neoav
ha e bs
hades email menu neo
neo av
lil nfo bout colly! neo
last ansis done on my lil amiga. whipped up in a few minutes in the
dying days of the uni holidays for a mates BBS by the name of hades.
hopefully youll be seeing some real ansis from me soonish. this aciddraw is a bitch to figure out
M Messages F Filesnstuff C Config
U User List S Stats O Doors Menu
T Todays Callers V Votin Booth P Page da SysOp!
G Usege Graph B Bank W Graffiti Wall
A Chat to Art ! Log Off L Chat to Lisa
d s b neoav
ha e bs
hades email menu neo
neo av
lil nfo bout colly! neo
last ansis done on my lil amiga. whipped up in a few minutes in the
dying days of the uni holidays for a mates BBS by the name of hades.
hopefully youll be seeing some real ansis from me soonish. this aciddraw is a bitch to figure out
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