this image contains text
l : dyAWE + aAWE b. db ssssssssssssssssssssssss,
l:ll . lb, l.ll l ll l
:l sssssssss ,d sssss :b. lP l ssssy l u sh :
.,sl :Sb,..,dY
.,sS ,sSb, ll .77 l . :
99Sl S : lbs* ,gS: b,.. .,sSSs,. s
,sSl l: SS: : P,d7l P,dPYb,
: :SSWl ll ,7,sSl l P,dP .sSSs,Y.
:l yss :l lP7P7 :,l d ::,sP ,dSSb Y.
llll : l: P,gSSgsS: 7,P.dSSl l
l: I.,YYbYb,.,sSP,dlll
l l S 7S.,dll.l
: Y,X. l: b,...,sS88P d
l: SSb. ,. :SS88 l88P.d
:l l.,sSS@s,.,dP, :l lS88l 8S.,d
.,dP7P,dl l: SW7 :l 7S8S7.,gS
SdP ,db Y.: :P.,sS lSsggsSP:Sl
S ll Y :l.,sS7 : l77
P sss SS l7 l l: * - :l::
l l ::ll P s sy :lsSS l: l
: :ssssssssssssss :: :P mm yy yss P l
. . I
funky outlines by discyple - colors and minimal touchups by absent spinsister
.. . both of awe of course --
l:ll . lb, l.ll l ll l
:l sssssssss ,d sssss :b. lP l ssssy l u sh :
.,sl :Sb,..,dY
.,sS ,sSb, ll .77 l . :
99Sl S : lbs* ,gS: b,.. .,sSSs,. s
,sSl l: SS: : P,d7l P,dPYb,
: :SSWl ll ,7,sSl l P,dP .sSSs,Y.
:l yss :l lP7P7 :,l d ::,sP ,dSSb Y.
llll : l: P,gSSgsS: 7,P.dSSl l
l: I.,YYbYb,.,sSP,dlll
l l S 7S.,dll.l
: Y,X. l: b,...,sS88P d
l: SSb. ,. :SS88 l88P.d
:l l.,sSS@s,.,dP, :l lS88l 8S.,d
.,dP7P,dl l: SW7 :l 7S8S7.,gS
SdP ,db Y.: :P.,sS lSsggsSP:Sl
S ll Y :l.,sS7 : l77
P sss SS l7 l l: * - :l::
l l ::ll P s sy :lsSS l: l
: :ssssssssssssss :: :P mm yy yss P l
. . I
funky outlines by discyple - colors and minimal touchups by absent spinsister
.. . both of awe of course --
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