this image contains text
start connectin to tha home of tha fUtURE aRt cREAtiOn tEAM tm
,S : ,eSa. ,eSa.
l ., ,e ,e
,e ,e l ,eS,e ,eS,e ,e
- -l-- l-- - -S s,s-l- -S s,s-l- --l -----
g l gg gg gg
-- gy- -ggy- - ggy-S --ggy--ss -pos - s --ggy ee- -ggy- -
tha delirium - we only stop to vormit! l
your gentle host will be pussyloverfACt! . ,+
dial +49-o6196-xxxxxx for a smooth 28.8 connect!
,S : ,eSa. ,eSa.
l ., ,e ,e
,e ,e l ,eS,e ,eS,e ,e
- -l-- l-- - -S s,s-l- -S s,s-l- --l -----
g l gg gg gg
-- gy- -ggy- - ggy-S --ggy--ss -pos - s --ggy ee- -ggy- -
tha delirium - we only stop to vormit! l
your gentle host will be pussyloverfACt! . ,+
dial +49-o6196-xxxxxx for a smooth 28.8 connect!
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