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Bitchin ANSi Design Presents:
The July 1993 BADPack
This month in BAD has been a very INTERESTING one, to say the least.
Many things have happened, and most of them prolonged the compilation
of the pack. BUT, it finally has happened, and we now present you
with this quality piece of artwork.
Before I go too far, be sure to take this chance if youre not
already to load up BAD-0793.EXE. With it, you will see some amazing
ANSi graphics and coding. Also, you will be able to view both this
file and the member and site listings. Special thanks to Number
Cruncher for taking the time to code this. He is, as most of you
know, an ANSi artist, but took time off to do some coding. I know
theres quite a few bugs in this, but I think we did a pretty good job
and the bugs should be out next time. If you havent seen any bugs
yet, wait till you check out the Site Listing...
Ok, now lets get to the nitty gritty of what has been so interesting
this month. First off, after putting the last BADPack together, I
noticed that I left out the highly praised BAD Application Generator.
So, I then tried to distribute it along with the pack. But that was
one of the least of my problems. I also remembered that I forgot to
put Squirrels last ANSi that he did for BAD, anyway into the pack.
So, this month, both are in the pack.
Weve also experienced the merging problems that many groups have when
trying to become larger. After grabbing and looking through the EViL
ANSi Pack, I applied my board for a distribution site. Soon
afterwards, G-MoNeY head honcho at EViL approached me and asked me
what I thought about a merge of two groups. He told me that keeping
the name of BAD was just fine since EViL was thought up quickly and
hastily. Of course, since the quality of EViL was so high and I
expect it still is, I agreed to this idea. Unfortunately, after
trying to contact him to get the final touches and ANSis,
nonetheless, I cannot find out what has happened to the whole idea.
So, maybe next month, EViL and BAD will be as one.
Also, near the end of the month, I was approached by Zodiac, who
wanted to know if BAD wanted to merge with SoLo. Not having heard of
them before, I asked for a sample of their work. In it, I got some
nice ANSis and a huge SVGA loader. Since my moniter is such a piece
of shit, I was not able to view it, but two other members of BAD said
it was amazing. So, I then told Zodiac that it would be great to
merge with SoLo. Again, while trying to finish up the final touches,
it seems as if contact was terminated. So, maybe next month, EViL,
SoLo, and BAD will be as one.
But, not all is BAD in the world of BAD, some of it is actually
bitchin. We have a new member named Jesa. Hes a new and young
artist, but he shows good promise and every new ANSi he does is better
than the last. So, you should be seeing more of him soon.
Now, Id like to remind everyone of what BAD is STILL looking for.
Were looking for new artists be it ANSi, VGA or even poets, coders,
musicians, and couriers. After ripping two songs this month, Id like
it if we could get some original stuff out. If you are in charge of a
large group or are just a member and are interested in joinging BAD,
contact me at the WHQ and Im sure something can be worked out.
BAD is also looking for an 800 VMB. Itd be used as a request line
and to tell everyone the current BAD news no pun intended. Im sure
this would make things much easier for people to contact us.
We would like to welcome The Black Gate as our Western HQ. We also
have SEVERAL more distribution sites. If you wish to become a dist
site or an HQ, fill out the BADAPP and send it to the WHQ and then
check back in a few days. Most all sites are approved unless there is
already a site in the areacode.
Id like to announce the addition of another part of the members list.
Since BAD is a relatively small group, any and all help we get is
always appreciated, and ever since Section 8 has left for iCE, hes
done whatever he can to help out and look out for BAD. So, the
members list will now include a Special Members section where
people, like Section 8, who have helped out BAD time and time again,
will be listed to show that they are a part of BAD and do things for
us, even if they arent represented in the pack.
Well, thats about all I have to say. Sorry again about the delay of
the pack, but at least I could see all the other groups ANSis
beforehand so I could greet them on their quality. At any rate, see
ya around. laTeR...
Black Knight
BAD Senior Member
Greets go out to:
Section 8 Thanks A LOT for the info and advice.
Persecutor Contact me when you want to do an ANSi.
Squirrel Sorry bout the delay, but it kept them on their toes!
G-MoNeY Call me!
Zodiac Ditto.
iCE Great pack. I even have a few file points left!
ACiD Need more ANSiMations. Those things are great.
The July 1993 BADPack
This month in BAD has been a very INTERESTING one, to say the least.
Many things have happened, and most of them prolonged the compilation
of the pack. BUT, it finally has happened, and we now present you
with this quality piece of artwork.
Before I go too far, be sure to take this chance if youre not
already to load up BAD-0793.EXE. With it, you will see some amazing
ANSi graphics and coding. Also, you will be able to view both this
file and the member and site listings. Special thanks to Number
Cruncher for taking the time to code this. He is, as most of you
know, an ANSi artist, but took time off to do some coding. I know
theres quite a few bugs in this, but I think we did a pretty good job
and the bugs should be out next time. If you havent seen any bugs
yet, wait till you check out the Site Listing...
Ok, now lets get to the nitty gritty of what has been so interesting
this month. First off, after putting the last BADPack together, I
noticed that I left out the highly praised BAD Application Generator.
So, I then tried to distribute it along with the pack. But that was
one of the least of my problems. I also remembered that I forgot to
put Squirrels last ANSi that he did for BAD, anyway into the pack.
So, this month, both are in the pack.
Weve also experienced the merging problems that many groups have when
trying to become larger. After grabbing and looking through the EViL
ANSi Pack, I applied my board for a distribution site. Soon
afterwards, G-MoNeY head honcho at EViL approached me and asked me
what I thought about a merge of two groups. He told me that keeping
the name of BAD was just fine since EViL was thought up quickly and
hastily. Of course, since the quality of EViL was so high and I
expect it still is, I agreed to this idea. Unfortunately, after
trying to contact him to get the final touches and ANSis,
nonetheless, I cannot find out what has happened to the whole idea.
So, maybe next month, EViL and BAD will be as one.
Also, near the end of the month, I was approached by Zodiac, who
wanted to know if BAD wanted to merge with SoLo. Not having heard of
them before, I asked for a sample of their work. In it, I got some
nice ANSis and a huge SVGA loader. Since my moniter is such a piece
of shit, I was not able to view it, but two other members of BAD said
it was amazing. So, I then told Zodiac that it would be great to
merge with SoLo. Again, while trying to finish up the final touches,
it seems as if contact was terminated. So, maybe next month, EViL,
SoLo, and BAD will be as one.
But, not all is BAD in the world of BAD, some of it is actually
bitchin. We have a new member named Jesa. Hes a new and young
artist, but he shows good promise and every new ANSi he does is better
than the last. So, you should be seeing more of him soon.
Now, Id like to remind everyone of what BAD is STILL looking for.
Were looking for new artists be it ANSi, VGA or even poets, coders,
musicians, and couriers. After ripping two songs this month, Id like
it if we could get some original stuff out. If you are in charge of a
large group or are just a member and are interested in joinging BAD,
contact me at the WHQ and Im sure something can be worked out.
BAD is also looking for an 800 VMB. Itd be used as a request line
and to tell everyone the current BAD news no pun intended. Im sure
this would make things much easier for people to contact us.
We would like to welcome The Black Gate as our Western HQ. We also
have SEVERAL more distribution sites. If you wish to become a dist
site or an HQ, fill out the BADAPP and send it to the WHQ and then
check back in a few days. Most all sites are approved unless there is
already a site in the areacode.
Id like to announce the addition of another part of the members list.
Since BAD is a relatively small group, any and all help we get is
always appreciated, and ever since Section 8 has left for iCE, hes
done whatever he can to help out and look out for BAD. So, the
members list will now include a Special Members section where
people, like Section 8, who have helped out BAD time and time again,
will be listed to show that they are a part of BAD and do things for
us, even if they arent represented in the pack.
Well, thats about all I have to say. Sorry again about the delay of
the pack, but at least I could see all the other groups ANSis
beforehand so I could greet them on their quality. At any rate, see
ya around. laTeR...
Black Knight
BAD Senior Member
Greets go out to:
Section 8 Thanks A LOT for the info and advice.
Persecutor Contact me when you want to do an ANSi.
Squirrel Sorry bout the delay, but it kept them on their toes!
G-MoNeY Call me!
Zodiac Ditto.
iCE Great pack. I even have a few file points left!
ACiD Need more ANSiMations. Those things are great.
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