this image contains text
- A Q U i L O 2 0 0 1 -
AQUILO Most Proudly Present xxxx-Pack2
R l s - I n f o
Release info for Aquilo pack x
N e w s - A U G
News from AQUiLO / august 2001!
blablabla fuck you!
- MrJezus / Seablue / Morf / DocJones -
Welcome To : etc, etc
Goodbye To : etc, etc
M e m b e r s
Beware of fake members!
MrJezus .: LeaderHirez
Morf ....: LeaderCode
DocJones : LeaderLowrez
Seablue .: LeaderMusic
Chilar ..: MemberHirez
G r e e t i n g
We would like to salut the
compotition and friends below!
Personal : etc, etc
Groups ..: etc, etc
C o n t a c t
If you got one of the skills
below then contact us!
Ascii Artists - Block, NS and OS artists
Hirez Artists -
Music Artists -
Code Artists - Delphi, C++, Pascal
Contact us in the infomation below!
Irc, Efnet - Aquilo
World Web - Not availible yet
Email - blabla
AQUILOLoyalty And Friendship Productions 2001
Nfo Layout By d!J/Aquilo-BAFH
Updated On 00-00-0000-Aquilo!
- For King And Country!! -
AQUILO Most Proudly Present xxxx-Pack2
R l s - I n f o
Release info for Aquilo pack x
N e w s - A U G
News from AQUiLO / august 2001!
blablabla fuck you!
- MrJezus / Seablue / Morf / DocJones -
Welcome To : etc, etc
Goodbye To : etc, etc
M e m b e r s
Beware of fake members!
MrJezus .: LeaderHirez
Morf ....: LeaderCode
DocJones : LeaderLowrez
Seablue .: LeaderMusic
Chilar ..: MemberHirez
G r e e t i n g
We would like to salut the
compotition and friends below!
Personal : etc, etc
Groups ..: etc, etc
C o n t a c t
If you got one of the skills
below then contact us!
Ascii Artists - Block, NS and OS artists
Hirez Artists -
Music Artists -
Code Artists - Delphi, C++, Pascal
Contact us in the infomation below!
Irc, Efnet - Aquilo
World Web - Not availible yet
Email - blabla
AQUILOLoyalty And Friendship Productions 2001
Nfo Layout By d!J/Aquilo-BAFH
Updated On 00-00-0000-Aquilo!
- For King And Country!! -
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