- My contribution to the ANSi Compo -
This is my contribution to the ANSi Compo of the Bizarre 1994 Party, held in
Nijmegen, the Netherlands. This is an Animated ANSi of 544469 Bytes. For the
best result you should view the ANSi with ACiDs Ansi Viewer. This viewer is
included in the archive.
Please use the following settings in ACiDViEW:
Scrollback: Off Speed: 38400 Screen: 50 Line Mask: *.ANS
I have made several speed compensations, based on this 38400 Bps simulation
because viewing the ANSi directly from Dos would be far too fast on nowadays
videocards and processors. Since the Bizzare Party info didnt tell me what
kind of hardware will be used for viewing, Ive decided to make my ansi this
way. I hope you can live with that. Ofcourse you could try to view this ANSi
directly from DOS, but with a videocard of over 4500 chrs/ms the ANSi would
be shown much too fast. If you view this demo in 25 line mode it will also
screw up your screen since it writes to lines below your screen..
Contacting me:
Merde HiRES II +31-08352-44366/44185 28800/19200Bps
Merde MANiAX DREAM +31-02979-72019/83175 14400/14400Bps
Merde SiLVERADO +31-08352-XXXXX/XXXXX 16800/14400Bps
Merde Cholera Net 99:999/999.1@CholeraNet
Please mind that I dont do requests to mass people. In fact I rarely do any
requests for any people. Dont forget there is more in life than computers..