this image contains text
BL/DE 94 Presents - The Edge: The Official B
lade Information File.
O c t o b e r
1 Well fo
lks, another month, another pak. Heres the blade info file
for october 1994. Weve g
ot somewhat of a lot to cover this month
so here goes.. First off, a quick note about th
e Whisper virus found in
certain copies of last months blade pak. If you have a
blade 0994 pak which contains the file
BV.EXE, please delete it immediatly an obtai
n a new copy of the pak. The Whisper virus is
contained within the viewer. The virus came to me somehow, a
nd I seem to have infected that file and sent
it with the pak.. So thats that, sorry for any
inconvience it may have caused. 2
This month, the virus free Blade Viewer will be released. We
are rather proud of the viewer, and I congra
tulate morpheus on a job well done. T
he viewer currently supports modes of 80x25 and 80x50,
as well as Sauce tm support, and a nice baud simulator.
In the future the viewer will support RiP Vi
ewing, and possibly VGA ansi viewing modes.
3 If you are interesting in writ
ing articles pertaining to Computer hardware,
please contact StyX on his board Terminal Frost
, 908- 236-2498 or MindCrime on
Eternal Insanity 908.224.8780. Blade
is accepting such articles for a future production to be an
nounced next month. 4
A few great new members this month... Modeus Khahn
comes to us from surge with his great ansi and f
ont capabilities. We welcome him and know hell
be a great addition to the group. Also from Surge this
month comes Silence, blades first RiP arti
st. This marks a new step in blade production
s and we hope to include more rip artists as t
ime passes. Also this month, we picked up a freelance artist
by the name of Kung Lao. His work is
amazing, and when I heard he was groupless, i
jumped on the oppertunity to include his great
work with the rest of blade. In our lit department this mo
nth, Crisis joins us from Eden which
he is still working hard in as lit coordinator
and brings with him some great literature talents.
In blades first mark in the world of ascii, we welcom
e Mass Destruction. His ascii
work is really cool, and we hope hell be ab
le to keep up the good work. Also this month, Bishop joins u
s from Union. We look forward to seeing some
great work on his part. 5 Blade is s
portin a brand new application generator this month.
The layout and idea, as well as partial coding was
done by Morpheus, while the bulk of
the coding was done by Mutated C
hia Pet, a blade trial coder. The app is very original, a
nd includes some great music and ansis... Ch
eck it out, use it, be one with it. It may ru
n really slow with SB, so just turn sound off
if it does, or use the PC Squeeker.
6 I never actually took the time to formally announce the
blade support network, so here goes. Speed N
etwork was concieved as a full blade support
network, but has become much more. The net is
invite only, and is available to all blade hq boards and si
tes. It be kickin some major ass, and will keep
on doing so for quite some time. If you run
a board and are interested in being invited in
to speed net, call ei. 7 In handl
e changes this month, Paendragon changes to Twel
fth Knight, and Silence will change
next month to Chapel.
8 Well folks, so wraps up another month. Hope
ya like the pak, and all the spif
fy things included in it. Next month we hope to have
even more cool things to show off g...
lade Information File.
O c t o b e r
1 Well fo
lks, another month, another pak. Heres the blade info file
for october 1994. Weve g
ot somewhat of a lot to cover this month
so here goes.. First off, a quick note about th
e Whisper virus found in
certain copies of last months blade pak. If you have a
blade 0994 pak which contains the file
BV.EXE, please delete it immediatly an obtai
n a new copy of the pak. The Whisper virus is
contained within the viewer. The virus came to me somehow, a
nd I seem to have infected that file and sent
it with the pak.. So thats that, sorry for any
inconvience it may have caused. 2
This month, the virus free Blade Viewer will be released. We
are rather proud of the viewer, and I congra
tulate morpheus on a job well done. T
he viewer currently supports modes of 80x25 and 80x50,
as well as Sauce tm support, and a nice baud simulator.
In the future the viewer will support RiP Vi
ewing, and possibly VGA ansi viewing modes.
3 If you are interesting in writ
ing articles pertaining to Computer hardware,
please contact StyX on his board Terminal Frost
, 908- 236-2498 or MindCrime on
Eternal Insanity 908.224.8780. Blade
is accepting such articles for a future production to be an
nounced next month. 4
A few great new members this month... Modeus Khahn
comes to us from surge with his great ansi and f
ont capabilities. We welcome him and know hell
be a great addition to the group. Also from Surge this
month comes Silence, blades first RiP arti
st. This marks a new step in blade production
s and we hope to include more rip artists as t
ime passes. Also this month, we picked up a freelance artist
by the name of Kung Lao. His work is
amazing, and when I heard he was groupless, i
jumped on the oppertunity to include his great
work with the rest of blade. In our lit department this mo
nth, Crisis joins us from Eden which
he is still working hard in as lit coordinator
and brings with him some great literature talents.
In blades first mark in the world of ascii, we welcom
e Mass Destruction. His ascii
work is really cool, and we hope hell be ab
le to keep up the good work. Also this month, Bishop joins u
s from Union. We look forward to seeing some
great work on his part. 5 Blade is s
portin a brand new application generator this month.
The layout and idea, as well as partial coding was
done by Morpheus, while the bulk of
the coding was done by Mutated C
hia Pet, a blade trial coder. The app is very original, a
nd includes some great music and ansis... Ch
eck it out, use it, be one with it. It may ru
n really slow with SB, so just turn sound off
if it does, or use the PC Squeeker.
6 I never actually took the time to formally announce the
blade support network, so here goes. Speed N
etwork was concieved as a full blade support
network, but has become much more. The net is
invite only, and is available to all blade hq boards and si
tes. It be kickin some major ass, and will keep
on doing so for quite some time. If you run
a board and are interested in being invited in
to speed net, call ei. 7 In handl
e changes this month, Paendragon changes to Twel
fth Knight, and Silence will change
next month to Chapel.
8 Well folks, so wraps up another month. Hope
ya like the pak, and all the spif
fy things included in it. Next month we hope to have
even more cool things to show off g...
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