this image contains text
Blade 94 Presents - The Edge: The Official Bl
ade Information File.
:blade! gh:
d e c e m b e r
1 Here it
is folks.. The Blade December Epic. This pak is by far the
best blade pak ever relea
sed. Excellent ansi, ascii, vga, rip and
lit fill this pak to make it the biggest pak to
date. Chromatik
proved to be one of the best young artists to hit the scene,
and more amazing work comes from
accomplished artists such as Force Of
Nature, Kung Lao, TechnoPhreak, F
acsimile, and Modeus Khahn. VGA w
ork by Phatal and a guest appearence by Flux
mark our VGA departments first real relea
ses. Blades brand new ascii department work
ed overtime this month to bring you some great text
art from accomplished artists and newcomers alike. Overa
ll, we were extremely please with this pak and I
think that I can safely say that this pak sh
ows in full the progress Blade has made since our
first pak 10 months ago. Enjoy the pak!
2 In handle changes this month, Rai change
s to EightBall. 3 New mem
bers this month ... Lord Ash joins us from the land
of the freelancers, where he was left after mi
is died. He didnt show any . work this pak, but
im sure well see some good stuff in the future
Several new members joined our expanding ascii dept. this mo
nth. They include Grey Hawk, Cabl
e, and Digital Remorse. They all put
in some amazing ascii work this pak..
4 Wellll.. I thought a whole lot had gone on this mo
nth and id be writing this infofile forever,
but it seems that not much really happened,
besides the enormous boost in quality and quantity. So
Ill wrap this up here, with a wish that everyone
have a safe and happy holiday season.. Watch f
or blade to come back kickin ass in
the first quarter of nineteen ninety five!
- mindcrime, blade founder.
ade Information File.
:blade! gh:
d e c e m b e r
1 Here it
is folks.. The Blade December Epic. This pak is by far the
best blade pak ever relea
sed. Excellent ansi, ascii, vga, rip and
lit fill this pak to make it the biggest pak to
date. Chromatik
proved to be one of the best young artists to hit the scene,
and more amazing work comes from
accomplished artists such as Force Of
Nature, Kung Lao, TechnoPhreak, F
acsimile, and Modeus Khahn. VGA w
ork by Phatal and a guest appearence by Flux
mark our VGA departments first real relea
ses. Blades brand new ascii department work
ed overtime this month to bring you some great text
art from accomplished artists and newcomers alike. Overa
ll, we were extremely please with this pak and I
think that I can safely say that this pak sh
ows in full the progress Blade has made since our
first pak 10 months ago. Enjoy the pak!
2 In handle changes this month, Rai change
s to EightBall. 3 New mem
bers this month ... Lord Ash joins us from the land
of the freelancers, where he was left after mi
is died. He didnt show any . work this pak, but
im sure well see some good stuff in the future
Several new members joined our expanding ascii dept. this mo
nth. They include Grey Hawk, Cabl
e, and Digital Remorse. They all put
in some amazing ascii work this pak..
4 Wellll.. I thought a whole lot had gone on this mo
nth and id be writing this infofile forever,
but it seems that not much really happened,
besides the enormous boost in quality and quantity. So
Ill wrap this up here, with a wish that everyone
have a safe and happy holiday season.. Watch f
or blade to come back kickin ass in
the first quarter of nineteen ninety five!
- mindcrime, blade founder.
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