this image contains text
Blade 94 Presents - The Edge: The Official Bl
ade Information File.
j a n u a r y
The first pak of 1995 is upon us, and with it come a few new
blade regulations.
A left out as a last minute decision
All Blade Ansi requests MUST be made by either filling o
ut a request application, using the r
equest generator in every pak, or by po
sting a message on Speed Network, inluding all stats
and a way to get a hold of you. Paying reque
sts will always be honored. Non-paying
requests will be honored only at the
artists will. 2 Now t
hat we have a few small regulations, i hope that we can
organize blade a lot more. Another major goal for
1995 is to completely reform the courier sta
ff, making it much more efficient. I urge all ou
tsiders, and even blade members, to come to me
with suggestions for the group. I am always open to suggest
ions, and will ALWAYS satisfy a member reques
t. 3 Special thanks to Lo
rd Ash for leaving blade. LA is now comfortably
lying in Shiver, after telling us something to the effect of
i hafta leave the scene for a while, but wh
en i come back, ill join blade again... ya
know, a simple Im leaving blade to join shiv
er would have made me happy, but instead we weasle our way
out of one group and into another.. No hard
feelings, eh? .. Maybe next time he desides to
jump groups, hell have offers from acid, ice,
union, and dark, huh?.. yeah, id pick shiver over union or
ice anyday, too coughnotcough... dont min
d me, im just babbling. 5 The
number 4 has been banished from all blade information files
. 6 New members this month
: Reaper Wildwood joins our ever expanding
and excellent literature department. We welcome his tal
ent and hope to see some great stuff from him in
the future. Also this month, Dark Knigh
t joins our coding department. His first wor
k was a brand new request generator for all you ansi leeches
to use when requesting your very own blade ans
i.. Check it out, DK did a great job on it. A
nd this months addition to our slowly expandi
ng ansi department is Pope John Paul. He showed me s
ome great stuff in his app and hopefully he c
an produce more of the same in the months ahead.
Welcome all of ya to blade! 7
In handle changes this month, the commonly cloned B
ishop has changed his handle to Darkm
an in hopes that he wont have to contend
for handle popularity any longer. Also this month,
Physical Solution changes his handle to Chron
ic Fatigue. 8
There are two files which cant be viewed with BV this
month. They are the two .BIN files
by Force of Nature. We strongly
recommend viewing them with the NEW version
of Acidview tm. This
will provide best viewing, as others viewers cannot view th
ade Information File.
j a n u a r y
The first pak of 1995 is upon us, and with it come a few new
blade regulations.
A left out as a last minute decision
All Blade Ansi requests MUST be made by either filling o
ut a request application, using the r
equest generator in every pak, or by po
sting a message on Speed Network, inluding all stats
and a way to get a hold of you. Paying reque
sts will always be honored. Non-paying
requests will be honored only at the
artists will. 2 Now t
hat we have a few small regulations, i hope that we can
organize blade a lot more. Another major goal for
1995 is to completely reform the courier sta
ff, making it much more efficient. I urge all ou
tsiders, and even blade members, to come to me
with suggestions for the group. I am always open to suggest
ions, and will ALWAYS satisfy a member reques
t. 3 Special thanks to Lo
rd Ash for leaving blade. LA is now comfortably
lying in Shiver, after telling us something to the effect of
i hafta leave the scene for a while, but wh
en i come back, ill join blade again... ya
know, a simple Im leaving blade to join shiv
er would have made me happy, but instead we weasle our way
out of one group and into another.. No hard
feelings, eh? .. Maybe next time he desides to
jump groups, hell have offers from acid, ice,
union, and dark, huh?.. yeah, id pick shiver over union or
ice anyday, too coughnotcough... dont min
d me, im just babbling. 5 The
number 4 has been banished from all blade information files
. 6 New members this month
: Reaper Wildwood joins our ever expanding
and excellent literature department. We welcome his tal
ent and hope to see some great stuff from him in
the future. Also this month, Dark Knigh
t joins our coding department. His first wor
k was a brand new request generator for all you ansi leeches
to use when requesting your very own blade ans
i.. Check it out, DK did a great job on it. A
nd this months addition to our slowly expandi
ng ansi department is Pope John Paul. He showed me s
ome great stuff in his app and hopefully he c
an produce more of the same in the months ahead.
Welcome all of ya to blade! 7
In handle changes this month, the commonly cloned B
ishop has changed his handle to Darkm
an in hopes that he wont have to contend
for handle popularity any longer. Also this month,
Physical Solution changes his handle to Chron
ic Fatigue. 8
There are two files which cant be viewed with BV this
month. They are the two .BIN files
by Force of Nature. We strongly
recommend viewing them with the NEW version
of Acidview tm. This
will provide best viewing, as others viewers cannot view th
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