this image contains text
iiiGGs, Once upon a time, in a dark mysterious galaxy
GGG filled with encyclopedia salesmen was a man
8 named mindcrum. Mindcrum was a poor child,
,,gGGSm, s,, you see, because he was torn between his deep
,GSSs,,gGss, sexual desires to be a partying gothic, but
sm at the same time, his urges for rocking and
MMMMMMd rolling were too much to bare! It was many
MMMMMMMGii ,g a night that mindcrum would stay home and cry
MMMM ,,,ggiiG aloud GOD! PLEASE GUIDE ME but he was never
MM smm,, heard. Until one day. One marvelous day, he
Gs,, s, got the inspiration to create a conglomeration
sGsm ,,gG gs,, of talented artists in a group called blade.
GGz, ,gSG Blade was a success! Was being the operative
,,giii ,gG term of course, cause now its run by schmucks
Gi ,sGP like grymmjack who think that their music is
,,ggiiG rocking and rolling but of course we all
s,,, , know different. The fact is, in all honesty,
sgg,,,ggGs that everyone loves pissing all over blade,
s piss piss piss is all people do, all over
s,s,,. those flaming quadrasexuals that run the
G, already pissed on did I mention that blade.
G It is really the intent of this fine work of
art to decree that pissing on blade is really,
s,, really, REALLY fucking fun! Let me warn you
g Gs though. Pissing on a group as good as blade
Ss, G *smirk* requires skill and talent. Let me
iiGdG, go over some of these necessities:
88, first off, you must aim for the eyes. Nothing
888M is more enjoyable than watching people run
888MMMM and scream cause theyve got piss in their
eyes. Its just a pissing good time.
888 Secondly, try the chinese piss torture.
88888 Stand over a blade members head while he is
888888 tied down, and let drop after insane drop
drip onto his head. This is an important step.
MMM thirdly, take pictures! I mean come on,
if you think watching someone run and scream
cause theyve got fucking piss in their eyes
is funny, well then so will all your friends.
Come on! Give the gift of laughter to someone
close to you.
SSSd, finally, shake your damn pisser and dry it
sg. by smacking your dick repeatedly against
..G a blade members forehead. Heres the best
.i ascii diagram to date of this action
, .s ,gGg, g, ------ error drew this
g l ig,, he is a fabulous cocksionist artist
sg, dg iGd,
,g, i,ii .
g, ..ggiiG
d,, Now that you are aware of the key to succesful
s,,,g,* blade pissing, I wish you luck, and happy
,gggsSSGg,. l gothic partying while listening to rock and
roll. Have fun, drink pissi.
sgmm,,,,,.g 7s, d
/ :. . .:. : .. ..:. .. .. ...nn. /
all this courtesy of...
: :.. :........:..: : .....:.: :..: : sg :
dont ask me how this ties into the words.. ask dark entity.. where the fuck is
he? he was supposed to tie this all in..
- sagramore,error,dkentity,patchmrc
iiiGGs, Once upon a time, in a dark mysterious galaxy
GGG filled with encyclopedia salesmen was a man
8 named mindcrum. Mindcrum was a poor child,
,,gGGSm, s,, you see, because he was torn between his deep
,GSSs,,gGss, sexual desires to be a partying gothic, but
sm at the same time, his urges for rocking and
MMMMMMd rolling were too much to bare! It was many
MMMMMMMGii ,g a night that mindcrum would stay home and cry
MMMM ,,,ggiiG aloud GOD! PLEASE GUIDE ME but he was never
MM smm,, heard. Until one day. One marvelous day, he
Gs,, s, got the inspiration to create a conglomeration
sGsm ,,gG gs,, of talented artists in a group called blade.
GGz, ,gSG Blade was a success! Was being the operative
,,giii ,gG term of course, cause now its run by schmucks
Gi ,sGP like grymmjack who think that their music is
,,ggiiG rocking and rolling but of course we all
s,,, , know different. The fact is, in all honesty,
sgg,,,ggGs that everyone loves pissing all over blade,
s piss piss piss is all people do, all over
s,s,,. those flaming quadrasexuals that run the
G, already pissed on did I mention that blade.
G It is really the intent of this fine work of
art to decree that pissing on blade is really,
s,, really, REALLY fucking fun! Let me warn you
g Gs though. Pissing on a group as good as blade
Ss, G *smirk* requires skill and talent. Let me
iiGdG, go over some of these necessities:
88, first off, you must aim for the eyes. Nothing
888M is more enjoyable than watching people run
888MMMM and scream cause theyve got piss in their
eyes. Its just a pissing good time.
888 Secondly, try the chinese piss torture.
88888 Stand over a blade members head while he is
888888 tied down, and let drop after insane drop
drip onto his head. This is an important step.
MMM thirdly, take pictures! I mean come on,
if you think watching someone run and scream
cause theyve got fucking piss in their eyes
is funny, well then so will all your friends.
Come on! Give the gift of laughter to someone
close to you.
SSSd, finally, shake your damn pisser and dry it
sg. by smacking your dick repeatedly against
..G a blade members forehead. Heres the best
.i ascii diagram to date of this action
, .s ,gGg, g, ------ error drew this
g l ig,, he is a fabulous cocksionist artist
sg, dg iGd,
,g, i,ii .
g, ..ggiiG
d,, Now that you are aware of the key to succesful
s,,,g,* blade pissing, I wish you luck, and happy
,gggsSSGg,. l gothic partying while listening to rock and
roll. Have fun, drink pissi.
sgmm,,,,,.g 7s, d
/ :. . .:. : .. ..:. .. .. ...nn. /
all this courtesy of...
: :.. :........:..: : .....:.: :..: : sg :
dont ask me how this ties into the words.. ask dark entity.. where the fuck is
he? he was supposed to tie this all in..
- sagramore,error,dkentity,patchmrc
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