Goop 94
creators of intense art february 1995 agent listing
senior council
Blurr Dark WolfGrey Hawk Mr. Muff
The WizardVenomWidow Maker
Founder Trident
Ansi Co-ordinator Image
Ascii Co-ordinator Grey Hawk
Courier Co-ordinator Tron
Lit Co-ordinators EdiciusFrost Byte
Music Co-ordinators Cerebral Neurosis Dark Wolf
Vga Co-ordinator Venom
ansi agents
Actraiser America AsylumBlurr
CorruptionDairy ProductDemon Death Diehard
Digital AssassinDr. RadiakiDreamcrusher
DreldragonFenricFlashpointThe Fugitive
Grim Humor The Kidd ImageJazz Kerplunk
Mandor Maximum Overdose Mephitopheles Napalm
Phaser-X Psi-StalkerPsychosisScrappy
Sir DeathSir Psycho SexySkitzoSkypager
Space BoySpoonmanTron Voiz Wiz
rip agents
Diabolos KerplunkLiving DeathPitt
Shaloin SpawnSpawn Vision
vga agents
Blazing Shadow Caught in a Mosh Chaos
CyberdemonCypher CreedDreldragonMatrixx
Nartteik Nightrain Seagull Typhus Phantazma
Raistlin MajereSplat SuperflyTelstar
Thee 3rdVenom Vision Widow Maker
literature agents
Apothecary Archmage The CrowCircuit Breaker
Cyber Quail DalamarDryad Edicius
Educated GuessFrost ByteGrateful Dead
James BondLifetimeLord Steward
Lord ValgamonMaxfactorMister E.
Pip The Angry Youth PsychoskylarkSticks
Terminal VelocityWhite Insanity
coding agents
Crimson Overlord Dark MatterDark Jester
Dragoon Kain DreldragonErrant Angel
Fat SlayerFalcon Flaming PhoenixLynx
NebulaNight Stalker Wizard of Id Zem
demo agents
Frank NSteinStone Vyper
music agents
Beaner Carrion Cerebral Neurosis Cybie
Dark Wolf Doomsday Hollow Point Pizza Dude
Quarex Screwworm
ascii agents
Black Francis Doctor Chug Dreamcrusher
Edicius Grey Hawk Image Insanity Man Napalm
Pliny Suicidal Tendencies The Blunted One
interpol bbs modding
Frank N Stein
Dark Warrior Kaos Rush 2 Stoner
Aarzak Astaroth Dark Apprentice Double 0
Dragon Devestator DJ Quad Fire Shadow
Kreiger Lost One Maligor Polymer Man
Soul Taker Stoner Targa Phantom Unholy Spirit
The Wizard Wolf Lord
..creators of intense art - operation: phase-out..
all members appearing in white are constant contributing members
all members appearing in grey have not contributed the past month
all members appearing in dark grey have not contributed for 2 months
all members beyond that point - hereby dropped from that division and
are welcome to re-apply when they have time for art
..if you feel that we are in error, get in touch with a senior member,
or leave us a message on the voice mail box - 1 800 245 4366..