this image contains text
21st Century D
igital Boy..By BAD
RELIGION..I CantBelieve it, The way You L
ook Some Times, Like a Tampled Flag on a City St
reet..Oh Yeah..and I dont want it, th
e the things youre offering me, symb
bolized bar code, quick i.d., O
h yeah, Im a 21stcentury dig
italboy,I dont know how to
liveRead, but I g
ot lots of toys, My daddy is
a lazy middle class intelectual, my
mommys on vallum, shes so ineffectual, ain
t life a mystery? I cant explain it, the things
theyre saying to me, its going yayayayayaya
, oh yeah, Itried to tellyou about nocontr
ol, but now I really dont know,and
thenyou told me how bad
youhad to
Suffer, is that really all you have to offer? -Against The Grain-
21st Century D
igital Boy..By BAD
RELIGION..I CantBelieve it, The way You L
ook Some Times, Like a Tampled Flag on a City St
reet..Oh Yeah..and I dont want it, th
e the things youre offering me, symb
bolized bar code, quick i.d., O
h yeah, Im a 21stcentury dig
italboy,I dont know how to
liveRead, but I g
ot lots of toys, My daddy is
a lazy middle class intelectual, my
mommys on vallum, shes so ineffectual, ain
t life a mystery? I cant explain it, the things
theyre saying to me, its going yayayayayaya
, oh yeah, Itried to tellyou about nocontr
ol, but now I really dont know,and
thenyou told me how bad
youhad to
Suffer, is that really all you have to offer? -Against The Grain-
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