this image contains text
C R i S i S M U L T I V I E W E R V 1 . 1 R E L E A S E
C O D E D B Y V I P E R C R i S i S
A N S i B Y S L U D G E C R i S i S
R E L E A S E D A T E 2 / 2 8 / 9 4
This is the second version of the CRiSiS Multiviewer. In this
version the following items are supported:
o ANSI : 80x25 - Scrolling - Non-Scrolling
80x50 - Scrolling - Non-Scrolling
320x200 - Single Column Non-Scrolling
o GIF : 320x200x256 Support
640x480x256 Support
800x600x256 Support
1024x768x256 Support
o FLI : 320x200 Mode FLI Support
For future versions the following will be supported:
o ANSI : 320x200 - Single Column Scrolling
o RIP : RIP Viewer - Writing these now, look for them in the next
o MOD : Mod Player - Got some new routines that have a osciloscope
and the routines should be working by the next packet.
If you have any suggestions for the viewer direct them to me Viper
on WiCKED MiNORiTY or call The Atomic Bomb 510/625-7312 and
mail me there.
Viper CRiSiS/REM
C O D E D B Y V I P E R C R i S i S
A N S i B Y S L U D G E C R i S i S
R E L E A S E D A T E 2 / 2 8 / 9 4
This is the second version of the CRiSiS Multiviewer. In this
version the following items are supported:
o ANSI : 80x25 - Scrolling - Non-Scrolling
80x50 - Scrolling - Non-Scrolling
320x200 - Single Column Non-Scrolling
o GIF : 320x200x256 Support
640x480x256 Support
800x600x256 Support
1024x768x256 Support
o FLI : 320x200 Mode FLI Support
For future versions the following will be supported:
o ANSI : 320x200 - Single Column Scrolling
o RIP : RIP Viewer - Writing these now, look for them in the next
o MOD : Mod Player - Got some new routines that have a osciloscope
and the routines should be working by the next packet.
If you have any suggestions for the viewer direct them to me Viper
on WiCKED MiNORiTY or call The Atomic Bomb 510/625-7312 and
mail me there.
Viper CRiSiS/REM
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