this image contains text
. date packed expiry date .
. ingredients : unzipp into some fucking directory, lick out .
. da bbs crap, b-b then cmd.lst fuck.ppe .
. kindly packed by my illegal chinese alien, for the explota .
. tion, and corruption of society . .
. packaged in neato polysteyrene by joe blow me. .
/ i /
i i . / /
/ / / // : FdE
: loads of other bullshit info to attract gaybos Channel 4xx:xxxx :
. ingredients : unzipp into some fucking directory, lick out .
. da bbs crap, b-b then cmd.lst fuck.ppe .
. kindly packed by my illegal chinese alien, for the explota .
. tion, and corruption of society . .
. packaged in neato polysteyrene by joe blow me. .
/ i /
i i . / /
/ / / // : FdE
: loads of other bullshit info to attract gaybos Channel 4xx:xxxx :
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