this image contains text
.-.//bdh/d38/ / .
1oo / /
9o /
8o yeah well i thought about it... /
7o i know this is a shit ascii but asm does a / /
6o pantload of ascii for all of us so lets do . ./
5o some shit for him.. he deserves it everyone / /
4o send him there life savings, thankyou ./
3o good bye. / /
2o / /
1o // /
--------------opped aneurysm/-----------------------/
btw ph34r the cats
1oo / /
9o /
8o yeah well i thought about it... /
7o i know this is a shit ascii but asm does a / /
6o pantload of ascii for all of us so lets do . ./
5o some shit for him.. he deserves it everyone / /
4o send him there life savings, thankyou ./
3o good bye. / /
2o / /
1o // /
--------------opped aneurysm/-----------------------/
btw ph34r the cats
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