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: , D38
Donut rip it!.. thinks.. wait a sec.. why oi!.. here.. you
would you wanna rip it?.. hmm.. and what exactlycan have my money
would you rip?!@!?.. Idunno.. maybe the guy .. and my food!..
who doesnt have no eyeballs..hmm.. hmm.. that
green bit on the wall maybe?.. anyway.. Madcap did this.. and is now in a
state of wonder on why he did.. maybe it was to prove a point.. that..
epicmegagames really need a new ansi catalog.. ok ok.. Blake Stone:Aliens of
gold is under Apogee.. but yeah.. Imean.. why dont they.. urm.. use something
different in their catalogs, instead of thedraw fonts.. or whatever theyre
using.. theyre nice and presentable Iguess... but theyre phudging boring me
pants off.. Ithought.. that maybe.. just maybe.. with Safari software.. or
whatever their name was.. they might think hey.. lets do something good
lookin.. grr.. sure sure.. maybe they should use better in-game graphics firet
but can ya see where Im coming from?
: , D38
Donut rip it!.. thinks.. wait a sec.. why oi!.. here.. you
would you wanna rip it?.. hmm.. and what exactlycan have my money
would you rip?!@!?.. Idunno.. maybe the guy .. and my food!..
who doesnt have no eyeballs..hmm.. hmm.. that
green bit on the wall maybe?.. anyway.. Madcap did this.. and is now in a
state of wonder on why he did.. maybe it was to prove a point.. that..
epicmegagames really need a new ansi catalog.. ok ok.. Blake Stone:Aliens of
gold is under Apogee.. but yeah.. Imean.. why dont they.. urm.. use something
different in their catalogs, instead of thedraw fonts.. or whatever theyre
using.. theyre nice and presentable Iguess... but theyre phudging boring me
pants off.. Ithought.. that maybe.. just maybe.. with Safari software.. or
whatever their name was.. they might think hey.. lets do something good
lookin.. grr.. sure sure.. maybe they should use better in-game graphics firet
but can ya see where Im coming from?
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