this image contains text
.....: /! PN // :...
..:: Welcome to my first EVER attempt at ascii! I am Panther ::
: in case you didnt know so yeah.... If you think my arts ....::
:... lame then dont just tell me about it... Get off your :
: arse and prove it by doing some better What have :
:... you got too lose???? :..
:.......... Now on with the show! ..............::
: PS. Rip Them:::And Ill Kick Ya Arse
/ Of: Opium Raiders... Who For: Who Ever??....
// Comment: Most Kickass And Newest Group In Ak
: // PN / /
oO / - 0PiUM RIdRS.. . ::
/-- WhR D STrS PLY... . . ::
/ Of: Empire Records.. Who For: Casper.......
// Comment: Fastest Cow Milkers In The District..
--------/ / / // --------- / / / / / /--------- --/!-PN-/--------
/ Of: Plague.......... Who For: Dont Ask Me?.
// Comment: I Can Do Azkee As Well ............
d b ss ,s.. .ssss.
d ss. .ssss. .ss ss. d b
.sd .,sSbd bd bd..b
b.. b..d b..db..db..db..d
.s. . PN
/ SP
oO / - D BsT SKiI GR0uP iN b..d
/-- UcKLnD... HmM Th 0nLY
/ 0n T00 M THiNKS...
/ Of: Ascii........... Who For: ??????........
// Comment: No Comment ........................
: oO / - sCII 0f ScII... HmMM....
:: : PN
/ Of: Filter.......... Who For: Filter........
// Comment: Creator of the kick-ass Fuse! Viewer
/ / /!/ / / PN
/ Of: The Colusseum... Who For: Incarnate??...
// Comment: Hope I Spelled It Right ...........
// : tHE cOLLUSEUM : /
: cO-sYSOPS : eNZYME ...: /
: ????????? : ! /
:: 25 hOURZ :... / /
.:: 649 aSK-iNC! : //
---/ Im afraid thats all folks, youre :
// probably getting bored of that style :..
/ anyway Look forward to more ascii :
/ and maybe COLOUR next month And as :
/! a final comment Id like to tell you :.....
/ to get off your arse, do some art and :
help keep the local scene alive..... :
// ! Panther Out..... :
..:: Welcome to my first EVER attempt at ascii! I am Panther ::
: in case you didnt know so yeah.... If you think my arts ....::
:... lame then dont just tell me about it... Get off your :
: arse and prove it by doing some better What have :
:... you got too lose???? :..
:.......... Now on with the show! ..............::
: PS. Rip Them:::And Ill Kick Ya Arse
/ Of: Opium Raiders... Who For: Who Ever??....
// Comment: Most Kickass And Newest Group In Ak
: // PN / /
oO / - 0PiUM RIdRS.. . ::
/-- WhR D STrS PLY... . . ::
/ Of: Empire Records.. Who For: Casper.......
// Comment: Fastest Cow Milkers In The District..
--------/ / / // --------- / / / / / /--------- --/!-PN-/--------
/ Of: Plague.......... Who For: Dont Ask Me?.
// Comment: I Can Do Azkee As Well ............
d b ss ,s.. .ssss.
d ss. .ssss. .ss ss. d b
.sd .,sSbd bd bd..b
b.. b..d b..db..db..db..d
.s. . PN
/ SP
oO / - D BsT SKiI GR0uP iN b..d
/-- UcKLnD... HmM Th 0nLY
/ 0n T00 M THiNKS...
/ Of: Ascii........... Who For: ??????........
// Comment: No Comment ........................
: oO / - sCII 0f ScII... HmMM....
:: : PN
/ Of: Filter.......... Who For: Filter........
// Comment: Creator of the kick-ass Fuse! Viewer
/ / /!/ / / PN
/ Of: The Colusseum... Who For: Incarnate??...
// Comment: Hope I Spelled It Right ...........
// : tHE cOLLUSEUM : /
: cO-sYSOPS : eNZYME ...: /
: ????????? : ! /
:: 25 hOURZ :... / /
.:: 649 aSK-iNC! : //
---/ Im afraid thats all folks, youre :
// probably getting bored of that style :..
/ anyway Look forward to more ascii :
/ and maybe COLOUR next month And as :
/! a final comment Id like to tell you :.....
/ to get off your arse, do some art and :
help keep the local scene alive..... :
// ! Panther Out..... :
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