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Deep, Deep Trouble Entertainment
NSi by Royal Ghost
NSi by Royal Ghost
at 29.12.96
The best src/dox/mags/music oriented board in Russia.
We are official Deep Deep Trouble Ent. member board.
Digital Sound Studio distro board.
+7095XXXXXXX // 01:00-07:00 // USR Sportster 14,400 bps
Death master : Dark Stranger.
FiDO: 2:5020/720.777, 2:5020/323.33
NSi by Royal Ghost
NSi by Royal Ghost
at 29.12.96
The best src/dox/mags/music oriented board in Russia.
We are official Deep Deep Trouble Ent. member board.
Digital Sound Studio distro board.
+7095XXXXXXX // 01:00-07:00 // USR Sportster 14,400 bps
Death master : Dark Stranger.
FiDO: 2:5020/720.777, 2:5020/323.33
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