Triloxy/x promotional by Appel
Triloxy/x promotional by Appel
appel ap - Devil forces
S.ssq dT Tb
, , dT Tb I,: :,
.SS.SS ,: :, .I SS ,
,.,.,sss SS I. IbdI
...,sss b dI .I ....
IP.,sss,s Tb . Tb . I.,,
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Ib Ib dI s dI S..I .SSs..sSS. ......s, .,.,s I.,,,, ,,,,.,: .I .. .s,SS.s..s.: I. IP.,ss ss,.PI
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This is my ascii for TRILOXY/X, a suckin ascii group in Belgium... they used to
be cool when speedfrk was the leader, but now, with doc at the head, it sucks
like no group has ever sucked before!
Want a free ascii? mail me: