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npu, or Anubis the son
sepulchral chamber, and eventually presided of Osiris or R, some- over the whole funeral mountain. He times by Isis and some- is always regarded
as the messenger times by Nephthys repre of Osiris. sents as a nature god A
nother form of Anubis was the either the darkest part god p-uat or opener of the ways, of the twilight or the who ws also depicted
in the form earliest dawn. He is of a jackal and the two gods are depicted either in are often confound
ed On sepulc- human form with a hral steae and other monu- jackals head, or as ments two jackals are fre
a jackal. In the -quently depicted legend of Osirs and one of these rep
Isis, Anubis played -resents Anubis, the part of and p-uat, and standing guard
they probably have over the dead some connections body of
with the northern and Osiris. He southern parts of the fune- became the ra
l world. According to M. recogni- Maspero the god zed
Anubis led the god of soulsof the the
dead to the Elysian
Field in the
Great Oasis.
-from The Egy
pian Book of the Dead
by E.A. Wallis Budge
ANSi by ANuBiS DoA 12/25/93
sepulchral chamber, and eventually presided of Osiris or R, some- over the whole funeral mountain. He times by Isis and some- is always regarded
as the messenger times by Nephthys repre of Osiris. sents as a nature god A
nother form of Anubis was the either the darkest part god p-uat or opener of the ways, of the twilight or the who ws also depicted
in the form earliest dawn. He is of a jackal and the two gods are depicted either in are often confound
ed On sepulc- human form with a hral steae and other monu- jackals head, or as ments two jackals are fre
a jackal. In the -quently depicted legend of Osirs and one of these rep
Isis, Anubis played -resents Anubis, the part of and p-uat, and standing guard
they probably have over the dead some connections body of
with the northern and Osiris. He southern parts of the fune- became the ra
l world. According to M. recogni- Maspero the god zed
Anubis led the god of soulsof the the
dead to the Elysian
Field in the
Great Oasis.
-from The Egy
pian Book of the Dead
by E.A. Wallis Budge
ANSi by ANuBiS DoA 12/25/93
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