this image contains text
.,sSs. . .. .I .
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.ss. I i: Ii i :I .ss.
l ll i : l
i :i iI :l ii
l I . l
: .I : . sI:
. . l .
Ss,. deranged infoage 06 1996 .,sS
Eyh! Vermin writing here! Ass you can probably see, we have
I totally renewed our infofile this month, and hopefully for I
l the better.. : this infofile will also include much more l
i text and bullshit. This month we have even threw in some i
greets! Yes! So see if youre there, and if youre not, youre
: not! :D So onto the actual info........ :
. this time we have a bunch of ansis by joda and a few asciis from .
me, no new members, a whq and a dist. so just hop on the wagon
join us faster than a horny rabbit : i think we even have a jpg
this month.. should have been more, but then again, were not acid
members of deranged -
Vermin - Ascii/Qbasic/VGA/Moozick/++
Joda - Ansi/Tp/dude/crap/shit/yes/++
WE - Fancy stuff!
NEED - Fancy stuff!
MORE - Fancy stuff!
MEMBERS- Even fancier stuff!!
, Deranged Boards ,
Optical Illusion - WHQ - +47 55 12 28 92
i Digital Motion - Dst - +47 22 25 97 84 i
l l
.,sSsSs,. .,sSsSs,. .,sS .,ss,. Ss,. .,sSsSs,. . .,ss,. Ss,.Ss,. Ss,. s ss sthe e is fucking terrible -i know
Well, as you can see, we have survived our first month of
I existance pretty well, and we havent died yet. we guess I
l There arent much news this time, but we can brief about a l
i WHQ, Optical Illusion, and a Dist, Digital Motion. So if i
your board seems to exist outside Norway we would be VERY
: appy to make it a ?HQ for us! So just call Optical Illusion :
, +47 55 12 28 92 and mail Svein-Arne Str0mmen, or Stian ,
. Knudsen, and we will probably maybe take contact. We would be .
Ss,. extremely happy if your board would be a 80-100 art board btw. .,sS
. New members are noone this time, sadly as far as I know..... .
, So all you lamers out there: Wake up! Call Optical Illusion ,
: +47 U-gessed-iT and mail us, darnit! We are also very happy :
to get requests from all you nice people out there, and we
i would probably even get flattered by mailbombs. So get your fati
l ass off dat chair and mail! Darnit! For fuck! Eyh!!!!!!!!! l
SssS ++ - eets
s,. SssS - phontage seem familiur?
.,sSSs,. Vermins geets: IJoda,Pyx,Awry,BC,Rexazy,Fatman,Scanner,Yitzhaq,Intellius,Strepto, lPhobic,MrSelfDestruct,all-in-s0ap-,blackknight,all-else-in-phat-, iLupo,Cyberpunky,Extacy,FrewtGfx,all-at-skool,my-family,Marshie, Orange,Coma,Complex,Bamboosh,all-in-HIV,LiamHowlett,KeithFlint, :AliciaSilverstone,ClaudiaSchiffer,CalvinHobbes,ChristinaApplegate:,MakersOfMMs!,AllAzkiDudesInDaW0l,SpiffDaChunk,BiffDaHunk,Polska- ,.Guten/X,Slassk u da mahn! 4nd 3v3ryb0dy eye ferg0tz! .Ss,. .,sS. ., Jodas pitiful geets: ,: : i Joda,Vermin,Awry,BC,Rexazy,scanner,not fatman,strepto,pyx,jaws, il intellius,pubic,noone-at-school-exept-ronny, .oOo. C.o.m.a. .oOo.lI orange,bamboosh,phat,fuel,fire,stile,complex,me HD,BK,Lupo, I. that surfer guy,malfunction,waft,ice,acid,pyx and last noone! .. Steike meg! .. .
last words no header
.,sSSs,. As you can see, we have changed. We have changed for the I better, i hope. We dont just make a boxy font and say oyh, its l kawl! anymore. We are making more artish type art. So thats i it. Its us, and its final. Yeah. : :, ,. .Ss,. .,sS. w3rd up, 0h g33 sh0t1me m4n! ., ,: : h0meb0y! i il lI I. .. .. .
we have managed to make a 180 lines infoage file!!!!
this infoagefile is 100 designed and written by vermin exept jodas geets
we are the premium of anscii perfectage
4Nd tH3r3 N0tH1n6 u C4n d0 4b0uT 1t!
, I. : I l .
. l l: i
.ss. I i: Ii i :I .ss.
l ll i : l
i :i iI :l ii
l I . l
: .I : . sI:
. . l .
Ss,. deranged infoage 06 1996 .,sS
Eyh! Vermin writing here! Ass you can probably see, we have
I totally renewed our infofile this month, and hopefully for I
l the better.. : this infofile will also include much more l
i text and bullshit. This month we have even threw in some i
greets! Yes! So see if youre there, and if youre not, youre
: not! :D So onto the actual info........ :
. this time we have a bunch of ansis by joda and a few asciis from .
me, no new members, a whq and a dist. so just hop on the wagon
join us faster than a horny rabbit : i think we even have a jpg
this month.. should have been more, but then again, were not acid
members of deranged -
Vermin - Ascii/Qbasic/VGA/Moozick/++
Joda - Ansi/Tp/dude/crap/shit/yes/++
WE - Fancy stuff!
NEED - Fancy stuff!
MORE - Fancy stuff!
MEMBERS- Even fancier stuff!!
, Deranged Boards ,
Optical Illusion - WHQ - +47 55 12 28 92
i Digital Motion - Dst - +47 22 25 97 84 i
l l
.,sSsSs,. .,sSsSs,. .,sS .,ss,. Ss,. .,sSsSs,. . .,ss,. Ss,.Ss,. Ss,. s ss sthe e is fucking terrible -i know
Well, as you can see, we have survived our first month of
I existance pretty well, and we havent died yet. we guess I
l There arent much news this time, but we can brief about a l
i WHQ, Optical Illusion, and a Dist, Digital Motion. So if i
your board seems to exist outside Norway we would be VERY
: appy to make it a ?HQ for us! So just call Optical Illusion :
, +47 55 12 28 92 and mail Svein-Arne Str0mmen, or Stian ,
. Knudsen, and we will probably maybe take contact. We would be .
Ss,. extremely happy if your board would be a 80-100 art board btw. .,sS
. New members are noone this time, sadly as far as I know..... .
, So all you lamers out there: Wake up! Call Optical Illusion ,
: +47 U-gessed-iT and mail us, darnit! We are also very happy :
to get requests from all you nice people out there, and we
i would probably even get flattered by mailbombs. So get your fati
l ass off dat chair and mail! Darnit! For fuck! Eyh!!!!!!!!! l
SssS ++ - eets
s,. SssS - phontage seem familiur?
.,sSSs,. Vermins geets: IJoda,Pyx,Awry,BC,Rexazy,Fatman,Scanner,Yitzhaq,Intellius,Strepto, lPhobic,MrSelfDestruct,all-in-s0ap-,blackknight,all-else-in-phat-, iLupo,Cyberpunky,Extacy,FrewtGfx,all-at-skool,my-family,Marshie, Orange,Coma,Complex,Bamboosh,all-in-HIV,LiamHowlett,KeithFlint, :AliciaSilverstone,ClaudiaSchiffer,CalvinHobbes,ChristinaApplegate:,MakersOfMMs!,AllAzkiDudesInDaW0l,SpiffDaChunk,BiffDaHunk,Polska- ,.Guten/X,Slassk u da mahn! 4nd 3v3ryb0dy eye ferg0tz! .Ss,. .,sS. ., Jodas pitiful geets: ,: : i Joda,Vermin,Awry,BC,Rexazy,scanner,not fatman,strepto,pyx,jaws, il intellius,pubic,noone-at-school-exept-ronny, .oOo. C.o.m.a. .oOo.lI orange,bamboosh,phat,fuel,fire,stile,complex,me HD,BK,Lupo, I. that surfer guy,malfunction,waft,ice,acid,pyx and last noone! .. Steike meg! .. .
last words no header
.,sSSs,. As you can see, we have changed. We have changed for the I better, i hope. We dont just make a boxy font and say oyh, its l kawl! anymore. We are making more artish type art. So thats i it. Its us, and its final. Yeah. : :, ,. .Ss,. .,sS. w3rd up, 0h g33 sh0t1me m4n! ., ,: : h0meb0y! i il lI I. .. .. .
we have managed to make a 180 lines infoage file!!!!
this infoagefile is 100 designed and written by vermin exept jodas geets
we are the premium of anscii perfectage
4Nd tH3r3 N0tH1n6 u C4n d0 4b0uT 1t!
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