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Driven Premier Release Newsletter:
Well, here it is... The Driven Premier. Many
thought this pack would never come, but, after
weeks of preparation and group adjustments,
we were finally ready to release. First of
all, Id like to give you a small overview of
the group, the way its run, and what we have
to offer. The whole theory behind Driven was
to have a group that was dedicated to
producing consistently, no matter what happ-
ened. Bashing is very commonplace nowadays,
especially in premiering groups. Although we
hope we are not bashed, we realize the
critical nature of the scene these days. So,
we decided long ago that if bashing occured,
that wed try our best to take it mildly, and
not let it affect the consistent release of
our packs. Weve had a few people ask Why
Driven? Although the name might seem strange,
actually, it captures the very essence of what
we are striving to create. We wanted a group
driven by people who had the drive to produce
regularly and always strive for excellence.
If a group is dedicated, hard working, and
its members loyal, it can surpass the others.
But thats enough about the theory behind
Driven, let me tell you about the different
aspects of the group. As it is now, we have
many people producing in departments from ansi
to couriering. But, due to the fact that we
are a new group, we still need more members in
ALL departments. In addition, well
eventually be in need of a telecommunications
coordinator once we get more members from
other area codes. Driven is run by a council
of three: Psionide, SuiCyco, and WarezBoss.
All three of us share equally in power and
you may contact any of us for information
about the group. Well, this info file is
getting pretty lengthy... Just one more thing
before I finish up. Id like to thank all of
those who helped us work towards this release.
I hope in the following months the packs will
continuously improve. Thank you for reading,
and hope to see ya next month.
Driven Council
Well, here it is... The Driven Premier. Many
thought this pack would never come, but, after
weeks of preparation and group adjustments,
we were finally ready to release. First of
all, Id like to give you a small overview of
the group, the way its run, and what we have
to offer. The whole theory behind Driven was
to have a group that was dedicated to
producing consistently, no matter what happ-
ened. Bashing is very commonplace nowadays,
especially in premiering groups. Although we
hope we are not bashed, we realize the
critical nature of the scene these days. So,
we decided long ago that if bashing occured,
that wed try our best to take it mildly, and
not let it affect the consistent release of
our packs. Weve had a few people ask Why
Driven? Although the name might seem strange,
actually, it captures the very essence of what
we are striving to create. We wanted a group
driven by people who had the drive to produce
regularly and always strive for excellence.
If a group is dedicated, hard working, and
its members loyal, it can surpass the others.
But thats enough about the theory behind
Driven, let me tell you about the different
aspects of the group. As it is now, we have
many people producing in departments from ansi
to couriering. But, due to the fact that we
are a new group, we still need more members in
ALL departments. In addition, well
eventually be in need of a telecommunications
coordinator once we get more members from
other area codes. Driven is run by a council
of three: Psionide, SuiCyco, and WarezBoss.
All three of us share equally in power and
you may contact any of us for information
about the group. Well, this info file is
getting pretty lengthy... Just one more thing
before I finish up. Id like to thank all of
those who helped us work towards this release.
I hope in the following months the packs will
continuously improve. Thank you for reading,
and hope to see ya next month.
Driven Council
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