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0-3 day WAREZ
this is an ansi for the wolfs den bbs.
its secret number and invite only, but if you find out only call between
the hours of 9:30am-4:30pm - just before the sysops mom comes home otherwise
he gets grounded because of the modem sounds the mom hears on the phone when
she gets home from work
god parents can be assholes sometimes
ansi by awesome man
also fuck mistigris, 67, amish, and those fuckheads at fuel
this is an ansi for the wolfs den bbs.
its secret number and invite only, but if you find out only call between
the hours of 9:30am-4:30pm - just before the sysops mom comes home otherwise
he gets grounded because of the modem sounds the mom hears on the phone when
she gets home from work
god parents can be assholes sometimes
ansi by awesome man
also fuck mistigris, 67, amish, and those fuckheads at fuel
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