upload by velodrome
upload by velodrome
i can not be held responsible for illegal uploads
or shitty stuph that was uploaded by other users!
art: velodromeecl
dbdb gggggg db,gdby,db ggggggggg ,gdby, Tg.****** l,db.l P ,db.gdbl,dgg : l ls : db ,db.,db. llll l l: :l gs llll llll gl ll ll ll l : ss.TP, : g : : l g: l: g.::::,ggPs.::::,.::::,s.T:P,l.TP,sTggPg TggPTggPggPggl*. ,*l l*, l*. ,*ll*. ,*ll*. ,*l*. ,**.
normal upload im a leecher private upload
says : upload
req. : /me :
info : made it for my own board velocity