this image contains text
gygygygygyygygs ,g gyg ,*S@g, yg ,P ygygygygygygygyg
,g@S* ,,g,gS P d,
,S*,gS,, gS*d,P d ecolove!
,, :@S,, ,gSP d,ssssssssss
gd,*S,,*S,P d
*SSg, Tb,T g,*SP d,P*S
Sg, T*S ,Tb,T *@g ,P d YS@g,.
,, @g,.,b,Tb,T,dT d,b,YS,
fb! ,,,gg, bgdP,dSg ,P d,g@Y,
sssss,Tbd ,SS,d dLg@SY,
g@T ,S
ecolove i:kulv 1 a strong feeling of affection for the relations between
living things and their surroundings 2 a morbid impulse to create art and
release it in packs
:: ecolove promo to express my thankfullness to the staff for letting me join.
i also have to thank my girlfriend and my mother, for giving me advise on the shapes: wat is EGL??! zo is hij beter jah
gygygygygyygygs ,g gyg ,*S@g, yg ,P ygygygygygygygyg
,g@S* ,,g,gS P d,
,S*,gS,, gS*d,P d ecolove!
,, :@S,, ,gSP d,ssssssssss
gd,*S,,*S,P d
*SSg, Tb,T g,*SP d,P*S
Sg, T*S ,Tb,T *@g ,P d YS@g,.
,, @g,.,b,Tb,T,dT d,b,YS,
fb! ,,,gg, bgdP,dSg ,P d,g@Y,
sssss,Tbd ,SS,d dLg@SY,
g@T ,S
ecolove i:kulv 1 a strong feeling of affection for the relations between
living things and their surroundings 2 a morbid impulse to create art and
release it in packs
:: ecolove promo to express my thankfullness to the staff for letting me join.
i also have to thank my girlfriend and my mother, for giving me advise on the shapes: wat is EGL??! zo is hij beter jah
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