this image contains text
Whiejoew....prrrt blabla ...rrrrrt
bloeblabla.. zoef... .Zow eens ff kijken
tja euhm geniet maar ofzo...
Scroll your way ...zouk zeggen
Status: An orgasm logo with a weird kind of shadin darkgrey-grey-white Req! : Thiz one was requested by Genesis
O r G a S m .. ..
Status: A main menu ofcoz, i think it looks okay
Req! : X X x xam, his old main sucked a bit i gues
Status: I read a comic and i saw this really kewl face.....
Req! : Sort of requested by tA! for his new designed board
Real name:
Ja euh
de rest
mag je
Sn.. doen
Status: Well its really boring to make this kind of logos
Req! : NIobium, just sit back and watch his 3121321 requests 8
Status: Well, it says useless and thats exactly what i think of it
Req! : Zzzoef, by Ald4 our finnish friend 8
U u uselesssS
Status: For niobium, again........yezzzz.... project X
Req! : Duh, just read line 137 and youll find out...
join conference change stats send message
join area other boards Play tetris Sn..
list files page zyzo logoff
leech files ........... ..........
upload files ........... ..........
Status: Ik ben blond, and therefore i didnt know that this one
is completely useless
Req! : For niobium but he couldnt do a lot with it.....
some conferences...
..Art Ansi..
apathy legion lazarus
blend reflex .......
ecolove avenge .......
expose rare!ascii .......
blender fade .......
fuel uprise ....etc
eclipse ice respect goes out 2 u
Still watching? Pfoee bikkel... Guess im not that bad
after all...but who cares..I just hope you enjoyed
yourself a bit ....Most of all i hope i gave you
the strength to start drawing ansis...
When you want to request an ansi...pleazzze DO SO
I will tell you what you have to do in that case:
Mail me at one of the boards listed below.....klaar
The monkeybar-SUmatra-Lost dimension-Evidence-Dream Zone....
SUper duh mega respect go out 2 you guys
: Duh Avenger-Emetic-Com.Plons-Delusion-Niobium
: Kenetic-Douby-ExOcet-Xam-Pambe-Scouzy-Velodrome-
: Tuffguy-TImelesssss-Da prezzzz-Eside-Genesis-
: Dizzy-Mystery man-Exile-l.Zeepsop-The Saint-
: Sepulcrum-Stormtrooper-Dark Angel
bloeblabla.. zoef... .Zow eens ff kijken
tja euhm geniet maar ofzo...
Scroll your way ...zouk zeggen
Status: An orgasm logo with a weird kind of shadin darkgrey-grey-white Req! : Thiz one was requested by Genesis
O r G a S m .. ..
Status: A main menu ofcoz, i think it looks okay
Req! : X X x xam, his old main sucked a bit i gues
Status: I read a comic and i saw this really kewl face.....
Req! : Sort of requested by tA! for his new designed board
Real name:
Ja euh
de rest
mag je
Sn.. doen
Status: Well its really boring to make this kind of logos
Req! : NIobium, just sit back and watch his 3121321 requests 8
Status: Well, it says useless and thats exactly what i think of it
Req! : Zzzoef, by Ald4 our finnish friend 8
U u uselesssS
Status: For niobium, again........yezzzz.... project X
Req! : Duh, just read line 137 and youll find out...
join conference change stats send message
join area other boards Play tetris Sn..
list files page zyzo logoff
leech files ........... ..........
upload files ........... ..........
Status: Ik ben blond, and therefore i didnt know that this one
is completely useless
Req! : For niobium but he couldnt do a lot with it.....
some conferences...
..Art Ansi..
apathy legion lazarus
blend reflex .......
ecolove avenge .......
expose rare!ascii .......
blender fade .......
fuel uprise ....etc
eclipse ice respect goes out 2 u
Still watching? Pfoee bikkel... Guess im not that bad
after all...but who cares..I just hope you enjoyed
yourself a bit ....Most of all i hope i gave you
the strength to start drawing ansis...
When you want to request an ansi...pleazzze DO SO
I will tell you what you have to do in that case:
Mail me at one of the boards listed below.....klaar
The monkeybar-SUmatra-Lost dimension-Evidence-Dream Zone....
SUper duh mega respect go out 2 you guys
: Duh Avenger-Emetic-Com.Plons-Delusion-Niobium
: Kenetic-Douby-ExOcet-Xam-Pambe-Scouzy-Velodrome-
: Tuffguy-TImelesssss-Da prezzzz-Eside-Genesis-
: Dizzy-Mystery man-Exile-l.Zeepsop-The Saint-
: Sepulcrum-Stormtrooper-Dark Angel
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