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greets and shit
since this is my first ansi for eden, i wanna
give a big kick to the nuts to
all yall out there who run the scene and keep the shit g
oing. over here in
904 there are a few fuckers i gotta say wuzzup to includi
ng modeus khahn who
makes some of the most killer fonts i ever seen and night
blade who does sum
pretty cool shiznit. uh id like to say thanks to lord j
azz because he , to
me, is the god of ansi. chromatik, you rock ass too. i
cant really say any
thing to the groups out there cuz, well shit, there aren
t any worth talking
about. sorry bout the limited anseez-o-mine but ive bee
n busy as hell. hey
woodstock look at this i actually made one before the dea
dline! i also want
to say good luck to all the groups out there who make it
happen and hope you
put out good shit ! latez
- pushead
cOre - 9042598595 - running obvlivi
on/2 - sysop : shadow - call the shit
greets and shit
since this is my first ansi for eden, i wanna
give a big kick to the nuts to
all yall out there who run the scene and keep the shit g
oing. over here in
904 there are a few fuckers i gotta say wuzzup to includi
ng modeus khahn who
makes some of the most killer fonts i ever seen and night
blade who does sum
pretty cool shiznit. uh id like to say thanks to lord j
azz because he , to
me, is the god of ansi. chromatik, you rock ass too. i
cant really say any
thing to the groups out there cuz, well shit, there aren
t any worth talking
about. sorry bout the limited anseez-o-mine but ive bee
n busy as hell. hey
woodstock look at this i actually made one before the dea
dline! i also want
to say good luck to all the groups out there who make it
happen and hope you
put out good shit ! latez
- pushead
cOre - 9042598595 - running obvlivi
on/2 - sysop : shadow - call the shit
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